

Эта страница - компонент, используемый на данной вики. Он предназначен для включения в другие страницы.



This template is somewhat experimental and may act unusually on a small number of browsers.

If you discover a bug, please report it in the comments along with the Browser, Browser Version, and Operating System.

As of Mar. 4, 2021 there is a single known bug:

If used with a theme that colors the sidebar background, it will color the background of the pseudo-elements as well. This causes the sidebar to appear as just colored vertical blocks prior to hovering.

Template for making the sidebar collapsible.
Works on both Black Highlighter and Sigma-9.
>Click here to see it with Black Highlighter<
>Click here to see it with Sigma-9<

Add this include AFTER any theme include:
[[include component:collapsible-sidebar]]
Структурные: визуальный_элемент
версия страницы: 15, Последняя правка: 28 Дек. 2023, 13:44 (132 дня назад)
Пока не указано иное, содержимое этой страницы распространяется по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.