Blacklight Box


Эта страница - компонент, используемый на данной вики. Он предназначен для включения в другие страницы.

рейтинг: 5.0

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[[include component:blacklight-box-source |inc-source= --]]]

This step is OPTIONAL.

Only include if you want to change the default colors.

[[include component:blacklight-box-source |inc-colors= --]


  • If you want all boxes to share the same colors, only include this ONCE and give every box the SAME Color Family. [See Example 2]
  • The box DOES have default colors if you do not use this Include [See Example 1.] They change to match either Black Highlighter or Sigma-9
  • It's generally best to keep the border and the label bg color the same.
  • Always put this BEFORE the box you wish to change the color of.
  • All colors accept hex, rgb, rgba, and hsl.

Beginning of include ↦

Unique Color Family LOWERCASE & NO SPACES

Background Color for Content Box ↦

Text Color for Content Box ↦

Border Color for Content Box ↦

Background Color for Label ↦

Text Color for Label ↦

End of include ↦

[[include component:blacklight-box-source |inc-colors= --]








You will need one of these per content box.

[[include component:blacklight-box-source |inc-section-start= --]
|display-name=text in label
Insert content of box here.
[[include component:blacklight-box-source |inc-section-end= --]]]


  • If you are using custom colors from step 2, make sure to always put it BEFORE this set of includes.
    • Remember, if you want the same custom colors in all boxes, use the same color family per box
    • If you want individual colors for each box, you will need to give each a unique color family and have multiple optional color includes.
  • Content within the box can be any Wikidot syntax.
  • Try to not make the labels too long. They do not wrap. The text does scale down for mobile devices, though.

Beginning of content box start include ↦

OPTIONAL: Color Family if using Part 2 ↦


Display Name in Label ↦

End of content box start include ↦

Insert Content Here ↦

Content box end include ↦

[[include component:blacklight-box-source |inc-section-start= --]



|display-name=text in label


Insert content of box here.

[[include component:blacklight-box-source |inc-section-end= --]]]


Example 1

Simple Default Color Boxes

These change depending on whether you are using Black Highlighter or Sigma-9.

You do not need to include a color-family.

Example 2

Boxes with identical custom color schemes

All of these boxes will have the same color.

Even though they have different labels,
and different unique-names

They are in the same Color Family,
Which is |color-family=same-color in this case.

Example 3

Boxes with unique custom color schemes

You can really go nuts, if you want.

Full technicolor nightmare, really.

Or maybe this is a dream.

Maybe you are just going mad.

Структурные: визуальный_элемент
Филиал: en
версия страницы: 83, Последняя правка: 19 Март 2025, 05:39 (6 дней назад)
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