

Эта страница - компонент, используемый на данной вики. Он предназначен для включения в другие страницы.


[{$previous-url} {$previous-title}]

[{$hub-url} {$hub-title}]


[{$next-url} {$next-title}]

What this is

A visually improved navigator for any series of articles.

Created by Пользователь 'Croquembouche' не существует for the purposes of the 2018 Doomsday contest, though of course anyone is free to use it.


On any wiki:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:earthworm
| first=false | last=false | hub=yes
| previous-url=URL_OF_PREVIOUS | previous-title=TITLE OF PREVIOUS
| next-url=URL_OF_NEXT | next-title=TITLE OF NEXT
| hub-url=URL_OF_HUB | hub-title=TITLE OF HUB

Don't remove any of the pipe symbols! (##blue||##)

You should have 3 articles that you need to link to:

  1. The previous article in the series.
  2. The next article in the series.
  3. The hub page for the series.

Previous article

Replace URL_OF_PREVIOUS with the URL for the previous page in the series. For example, or /scp-001.
Replace TITLE OF PREVIOUS with the name of the previous page.

If the current page is the first page in the series, then there is no previous page. Leave both of the above fields blank by setting them to / (e.g. previous-url=/), and set first to true.

Next article

Replace URL_OF_NEXT with the URL for the next page in the series. For example, or /scp-003.
Replace TITLE OF NEXT with the name of that page.

If the current page is the last page in the series, then there is no next page. Leave both of the above fields blank by setting them to / (e.g. next-url=/), and set last to true.

Hub page

Replace URL_OF_HUB with the URL for the series' hub page. For example, or /scp-series.
Replace TITLE OF HUB with the name of that page.

If your series does not currently have a hub page, then set the parameter named hub to no. Replace TITLE OF HUB with whatever you want your series to be called, and set hub-url to /. If you make a hub page later, just change hub to yes and fill in the URL.

To see what other pages use Earthworm, head to the bottom of the this page, open "+ Options" and then "Backlinks".

Структурные: визуальный_элемент
версия страницы: 12, Последняя правка: 06 Фев. 2023, 16:15 (780 дней назад)
Пока не указано иное, содержимое этой страницы распространяется по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.