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Revision 5.1. Electronic copy.


Submitted to Foundation Records Database. File Modifiable by Board of Ethics.

All field personnel and Foundation staff have been issued a clearance/site-specific copy of this manual as of 15/03/96. You are currently viewing an electronic copy of Humanitarian Ethics Subcommittee document ECD01265. Do not copy or re-distribute.



All sites that require Class-D housing are to read this document and ensure all standards outlined within are followed, or budgetary reductions and further punishment may be enacted. Changes to this document are unlikely due to the difficulty that comes with altering Class-D housing areas.

I: Class-D Housing General Areas

This section will detail required areas that must be present inside of Class-D containment areas, regardless of subclass with the exception of Class IV, as well as restrictions and regulations on what areas can and cannot be included. These areas include:

  • Class-D cells, complete with small tables bound to wall, a bed with one pillow nailed to the ground, a sink and toilet
  • Bathrooms, including showers and water of hot and cold temperature

For Class-D above Class IV, they will be provided with:

  • Cafeteria
  • Library
  • Recreational area, indoors or outdoors

For Class-D personnel of Class II value or above, they may have access to:

  • Extended amenities of site’s choice
  • Larger cell, with one to three bunks as well as being kept with other Class-D.

II: Class-D Subclasses

Certain Class-D personnel, based on previous behavior and research value, are assigned subclasses. The classes are listed in the below chart:
It should be noted that classifications can and are commonly changed as research value increases and decreases. Usually, Level I and Level II classes are only temporary.

ClassificationValueQualifying ParametersRequirements/Permissions
IExtremely high-valueThe Class-D exhibits anomalous properties, is required for the continued testing1, containment, or neutralization of an SCP object, or has extremely valuable physical and mental qualities.Class-D are permitted to have access to many extended luxuries, and only must sleep in their bunks area with other Class-D during night hours. During day hours, Class-I are allowed continued access to supervised luxury areas such as recreational areas and libraries. Class-I should not come into contact with Class-III Class-D or below.
IIHigh-valueThe Class-D possesses rare physical or mental qualities valuable for research, or have shown constant and continued compliance and helpfulness to the Foundation's research.Class-II are permitted to have extended access to luxuries such as libraries and recreational areas.
IIIStandardThe Class-D does not possess any extranormal properties, and does not possess a record of non-compliance or risk.Class-III are permitted to have access to limited luxuries, and are subject to standard on-site routines and guidelines. Class-III can be substituted for high-risk testing or recontainment of anomalies should no suitable Class-IV D-Class be present.
IVHigh-riskThe Class-D is highly dangerous, and has a history of continued non-compliance and danger.Class-IV are not permitted access to any luxuries or exposure to other personnel, and are only removed from containment for testing on or recontainment of high-risk SCP subjects2.

III: Class-D Containment Upkeep

Generally, Class-D containment areas will need to be repaired and cleaned in a timely manner. Class-D may be assigned janitorial duties in exchange for extended luxuries, to a limited extent. In the event repair of a Class-D containment area is important, maintenance personnel may enter with an escort of no less than two armed security personnel.

IV: Class-D Non-Compliance Punishment Limits

In the event Class-D personnel refuses testing, they should not be physically forced as a first option. Instead, D-Class should receive 5 seconds to comply before termination. Repeated non-compliant D-Class can be moved down to Class-IV.

V: Class-D Treatment

Class-D should not be spoken to as being inferior, non-human, objects, 'guinea pigs', or other dehumanizing terms. Personnel should be reminded that Class-D are not subhuman or inferior, but essential to the Foundation's goal of research. Class-D personnel should not be verbally abused in any other way.

Class-D above Class IV are allowed to speak to on-site Ethics Committee members, personnel enforcing the Code of Ethics, or make reports about personnel they believe to be violating the Code of Ethics.

Class-D should not be beaten, injured or physically restrained unless they are posing a threat to other personnel, or are refusing to comply despite warnings. Torture and purposeful attempts at mental damage are absolutely forbidden unless necessary for containment3.

Class-D should not be used recklessly in tests, especially if said tests have a large chance of the death or severe injury of a D-Class4.

VI: Site Specific Regulations

In the event a facility requires modifications to these guidelines for proper containment of Class-D, a request can be submitted to the Board of Ethics. The request will be reviewed and given a verdict by the Board of Ethics within 7 days.

  • Sites should follow standard protocols.
  • Areas should follow standard protocols in most cases.
  • Outposts and Observation posts should not house Class-D unless absolutely required.


Below are guidelines for various types of sites.

  • Armed facilities should have increased security standards.
  • Dimensional facilities should not generally house Class-D personnel.
  • Extrasolar facilities will not contain Class-D personnel.
  • Lunar facilities will not contain Class-D personnel due to the difficulty of transport.
  • Protected facilities will not contain Class-D personnel.
  • Provisional facilities may contain Class-D personnel if needed.
  • Storage facilities may contain Class-D personnel if needed.
  • Xenobiological facilities may contain Class-D personnel.

VII Security Standards

Class-D personnel should never have knowledge of any contained SCPs unless required for testing. Class-D containment areas should always be monitored for potential info breaches. No personnel are allowed in, except for authorized security personnel. For mental health evaluations, D-Class can be escorted to designated areas. All personnel entering should be checked for unauthorized equipment to ensure D-Class do not obtain contraband.

VIII Recruiting D-Class

Class-D personnel can be recruited from the following situations, should they be completely compliant in joining. Class-D recruits should not be told about the Foundation or anything pertaining to the anomalous until they have agreed to join.

  • Homeless shelters/hotspots, where they will be offered ~$80,000 for each year of work. The money will be granted after being released.
  • Prisons, where they will be offered time reduced from their sentence (Each year of work as Class-D removes 2 years from sentence.)
  • Death row prisons, where they will be offered the possibility of reduction to ~15 year sentence depending on crimes, in exchange for 5-10 years of work with the Foundation.
  • Low-income cities. Same procedure as with homeless.
  • Prisoners of war. Locations heavily dependent on Foundation relations with holding country. Holding country will be paid in exchange for the prisoner for 1-5 years of work, then released.
  • Captured members of hostile GOIs5. Should be considered Class-IV on a case-by-case basis. Said members will not be considered for anything above Class-III unless they have significant anomalous properties.

Recruiters within correctional facilities should be under constant escort, or in a safe area where prisoners can come speak. For a D-Class to begin registration, they must sign a contract that details how long they will be working with the Foundation, and the time that will be removed at the end of their service. Prisoners expressing interest should be informed that the work is dangerous, and nothing more.

Recruiters in low income areas and homeless shelters should do the same.

Recruiters are not needed for hostile captured GOI members, and will be used as D-Class without a choice.

Recruiters for Prisoners of War should be similar to in correctional facilities, but less guarded.

Recruiters in Death Row areas should be under heavy guard and walk to each cell, handing out small papers that detail how prisoners can get their sentences reduced. This is the same as in normal correctional facilities, but is a method to reduce recruiter contact with inmates.

IX Lockdowns & Emergencies

In the event of a lockdown, all D-Class are to be immediately returned to their cells. Class-D that refuse to enter may be terminated without warning. D-Class containment area is placed on lockdown until the emergency is concluded. In the event of Code White or Gray,6 D-Class containment area is to be placed under guard of several security personnel to ensure no D-Class are extracted or questioned by hostiles.


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