Объект №: 9██
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A Photograph of an SCP-9██-1 vessel.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-9██ is to be placed in a Foundation storage locker at site 19 after it's official Designation, due to it currently not showing any anomalous capacities during this time. If in testing, SCP-9██ is to be put back immediately in the storage locker for safe keeping. SCP-9██ is to be kept in a storage locker at site 17 or to be given to any on site D-Class personnel if the last vessel dies for any reason, and are to be given the designated as SCP-9██-A. All personal designated as SCP-9██-A must always be in possession of SCP-9██-1 until a ██ day period, if the ring is ever removed during this time, then SCP-9██-A would become deceased and terminated on the spot. Absolutely no attempts of removing should be made until SCP-9██'s current vessel reaches it's ██ day period and any contact with SCP-9██ should be kept to a minimum, so when SCP-9██-1 is not in possession of an SCP-9██-A instance, it is to be handled with gloves and sealed into a plastic bag in order to be safely transferred back to a Site 17's storage locker.

Note: As of 12/13/████ SCP-9██-1 is not allowed in proximity of any Euclid or Keter class anomalies under any circumstances, due to the massive containment risks it could involved.


SCP-9██-1 without a vessel.

Description: SCP-9██-1 is a leaf pattern engagement ring approximately 12 centimeters in circumference made from various materials with a five (5) ██k pear shaped emerald in the very center.

Materials listed:

• Gold
• Emerald
• Quartz

The ring appears to have been made in the ██th Century due to the pattern and markings surrounding the jewel in the center and it seems to be indestructible to any dangerous substances and elements, like Heat, Cold, Decay (see test log-1), Lava, and acid. Too this date, SCP-9██ has not displayed any danger to Foundation personal or has shown any anomalous properties. If any human's make physical contact with SCP-9██-1 they will undergo a severe transformation into SCP-9██-A. SCP-9██-A is a red haired white male of Jewish descent named Dr. Albert "Zane" Clayton, who is somewhere between 20 to 25 years of age. Subject has two different colored eyes, with it's left eye being dark gray in color and it's right eye being light blue in color.

When a person places the ring he always wears on their finger, the subject will immediately fall on conscience and will undergo a ██ day long transformation with there being no reliable way to wake them back up. For the next couple of days the Subject's body will began morphing, bending, cracking, and reshaping itself into the original body of Dr. Clayton, with the bodies of the Subject's undergoing massive changes with Biology, Body structure, and DNA with their eye color, hair color, skin color, body-shape, gender, and facial features completely changing into the appearance of Dr. Clayton until they the ██ day period where they fully transform into the appearance of SCP-9██-A. If SCP-9██-1 is removed from the Subject while the process is still undergoing they will immediately drop dead and be terminated shortly afterwards. On day twenty-nine of the process, the brain functions of the Subject will decease and as a result become fully brain dead.

When the transformation is complete within the ██ day period, the body of the Subject will be become a perfectly duplicated clone of the late Dr. Clayton with the mind and soul of the vessel being replaced by the duplicated ones of the late junior researcher with no further changes after that point. SCP-9██-A has claimed to have all the memories he had before his vessel expired and continues to be active even when the ring is off. This transformation only seems to affect human subjects because if place on an animals body, only the mind and conscience will be changed and altered by SCP-9██-1 during the ██ day period, while the body and appearance of the subject will remain unchanged. 1

Dr. Albert "Zane" Clayton is the son of renowned Foundation researchers Dr. Adamah "Joseph" Clayton 2 and Dr. Evelina "Mary" Clayton 3 and was a twenty year old Junior Researcher at the time of the initial recruitment into the Foundation and twenty-five during the 9██-Transference event, but was granted access to freely rome around as a Foundation staff member instead of being remanded to containment after a 7-6 vote by the O5 Council.

To date, the following creatures have been identified as potential hosts for SCP-9██:

  • Homo sapiens
  • Pan troglodytes
  • Gorilla gorilla
  • Pongo pygmaeus
  • Canis lupus familiaris
  • Equus caballus
  • Sus scrofa domesticus
  • Bos taurus
  • Corvus corax
  • Nymphicus hollandicus
  • Columba livia
  • Carassius

Note: if Dr. Clayton's vessel has expired in any way, he is to be given an assistant that should accompany him at all times when working with anomalous objects.

SCP-9██ Test Log-1
SubjectSCP-106 (Substance)
Time & Date10/7/████
ResultsA single dose of SCP-106's Secretion was place on SCP-9██-1 but didn't show any signs of damaged or decey, Suggesting that the Amulet is immune to the affects of SCP-106's Secretion.
SCP-9██ Test Log-2
Time & Date24/11/████
ResultsWhen SCP-035 was placed on the face of Dr. Clayton both anomalies were able to control the body however due to the nature of SCP-9██-1 The mask was unable to take complete control of Dr. Clayton's new vessel.
SCP-9██ Test Log-3
Time & Date7/2/████

Discovery: Dr. Albert Clayton was a Junior Staff researcher at Site-17 and Site-19 after being recruited by the Foundation in ██/██/████ after [DATA EXPUNGED], he was describe as being friendly and approachable before he was assigned to research SCP-9██-1 for any anomalous properties. Later in ██/██/████ an Incident with SCP-[REDACTED] happened at site 19 after Dr. Clayton's testing with SCP-9██-1 had ended, broke containment, leading to many casualties and deaths of any personal, including Dr. Clayton and ██ casualties. █ days after the casualty, Foundation personal had discovered SCP-9██-1 among with the wreckage left by SCP-[REDACTED]'s rampage through the site. But when Dr. ████ picked up the amulet he immediately fell unconscious with no personal being able to wake them up.

After many experimentation and Interviews it has been discovered that SCP-9██-1 now has holds the conscience of Dr. Albert Clayton something that he Expresses extreme hate for and wishes to be released from, however due to the Indestructible nature of SCP-9██-1 this request is so far impossible.

Note: originally both of SCP-9██-A's eyes were blue, however for some unknown reason his left eye seemed to have faded into a dark gray color over time, no one has any idea why it happened or why it still sticks with him even after his previous vessel expired.

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