SCP improvement according to SCP-1
The list of forbidden actions in Zone 14.
To review and be subject to execution IMMEDIATELY
Item #: SCP-1

Object Class: Explained Maintaining heedfully Thaumiel Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures:
Plantation of SCP-1 should be patrolled by A-class staff members on shift basis. Each member should be supervised by another member during this procedure also. All staff members working with object must wear mechanical gears for blocking the opening of the oral cavity more than 2-3 mm. Mr. O6 keeps key for these gears only. Any attempt to get gears off should be treated as such as assailing on SCP-1.
SCP-1 must be contained in boxes in a heat-assisted area (18-25 degrees above zero inside) during 3-4 days, until the SCP-1-A event occurence. After that (according to the Instruction) object must be emplaced to especially prepared soil. For further contain terms look at the Instruction O6-1-E/2019.
Zone 14 is proclaimed a contain territory for SCP-1 only. All anomalous objects which are not being currently used for containment or water/energy supply must be written off. All staff is duty-bound to underpin security of SCP-1.
Following actions are forbidden in Zone 14 for the purpose of successful containment of SCP-1:
1) Any attempts to eat SCP-1 without permission by Mr. O6 or over established limits and equally with violation of Statute about accurate consumption (punishable by reduction to D-class);
2) Strikes in work with SCP-1 or consuming it, opposition to any orders by Mr. O6, sabotage, culpable negligence, disrespectful attitude to SCP-1 and misleading slander about another antecedent duty position of Mr. O6(punishable by reduction to D-class);
3) A food intake of D-class corpses and equally assailing on higher class staff with the same purpose (punishable by reduction to D-class);
4) Any attempts to get out of Zone 14 (except planned maintenance work) and equally attempts to establish a radio-contact with non-existing «survivors»(punishable by reduction to D-class);
5) A dissemination of falsified data about “there is warm outside”, “the blizzard abates”, “all over here is a lie”, “this is just an experiment”, “Mr. O6 has grabbed the power”, “Mr. O6 is embezzling food and eats more than others”, “there are another Zones”, “the Foundation is eminently bigger”, “we have an SCP making food/ opening portals to another worlds”, “Mr. O5-13 will arrive and bring food for everyone”, “there is an emergency ration enough for 3000 people during 30 years deep inside tunnels” and so on (punishable by reduction to D-class);
6) Running, fast walk (faster than 3.5 km/h), jumping and any other energy intense action if it isn’t ruled by SCP-1 containment procedures (punishable by reduction to D-class);
7) High-turnover rate, wounds and illnesses causing ineffective use of SCP-1 (punishable by reduction to D-class);
8) Creating cults or religious groups (except professing a salvation by Mr. O6 leading) and equally any other opposition against existing Zone 14 community system and personally against Mr. O6, including withholding of information about such circumstances and actions (punishable by reduction to D-class).
According to Order by O6 the D-class staff isn’t provided for in Zone 14. It means that every reduced to D-class staff violator must be immediately (not later than 5 minutes after reduction for saving calories) executed by method preventing waste of body tissues and fluids (electrical shock is recommended).A body of violator should be delivered to dr. Witzleben laboratory for [DELETED].
Additional terms to Zone 14 Internal Service Regulations added by O6 for containing of SCP-1:
1) Safe keeping of information about object one is no matter ex nunc. Paper data
might beshould be used as a fertilizer material for SCP-1;
2) All other expensive containing or dangerous objects should be immediately written off (exterminated) by low-cost methods (displacement to the surface out of Zone 14 is preferred). Current point doesn’t be forced on objects are binded by points 3 or 4 below;
3) Objects with below abilities should be used immediately for cultivation SCP-1 and supplying Zone 14:
- generation of light, warm, electricity or any other energy;
- generation of water or any other nutriments;
- ionizing radiation.
4) All edible objects should be delivered to dr. Witzleben in case of they aren’t fit for point 3;
5) All staff members with obesigenic metabolism should be discharged from employment. All those adipose should be delivered to dr. Witzleben;
Staff member appointed by Mr. O6 has to maintain radio contact with another recovered in the air survivors. Data transfer in exchange for food and all-important equipment supply is recommended. Meantime, the location of Zone 14 may be disclosed to subjects only who might deliver this food or equipment. The succeeding fate of all such arrived subjects should be dictated by Mr. O6 directly. In case of them aren’t fit for points of established terms they must be reduced to D-class with forfeiture of all stuff to the Zone 14.—“Any other “survivors” don’t exist. This is a lie and misinformation by “O5 Witnesses” or “oldfoundationeers”, that must be purged away from all data files according to SCP-1 immediately. All offenders will be punished.” – O6;
7) The irreparable loss of all SCP-1 will be treated as NF-K (No Food Keter) Event Scenario. Prevention of this doomsday event is the highest priority in relation to another Scenarios (go to the Classification of Special Scenarios as in force in 2018 for more details).
Description: SCP-1 is a [DELETED] not anomalous potato tubers (Solánum tuberósum). Preservation and accumulation of SCP-1 is the highest priority purpose at the present moment for Zone 14 Foundation at all Zone 14 is the Foundation and the Foundation is Zone 14 Secure, Contain, Protect the SCP-1.