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There will be no remains.


сохранено резервной системой "ACCUMULUS"

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не удаётся получить доступ к памяти по адресу 0xff3fffd8

ПЕРЕСМОТРЕННЫЕ ОСОБЫЕ УСЛОВИЯ СОДЕРЖАНИЯ: Ввиду природы аномалии необходимость в содержании отсутствует1.

Тем не менее, не следует недооценивать широкий спектр имеющихся аномальных эффектов2.

Необходимо обеспечить защиту архивной документации Отдела удалений посредством резервной системы "ACCUMULUS", обеспечивающей избыточность целостности данных в случае непредвиденного выбеливания. Рекурсивные протоколы архивирования данной системы позволяют, когда это допустимо, частично реконструировать переписанные сектора. Однако, вследствие непредсказуемого поведения аномалии, данное действие зачастую оказывается малорезультативным3.

Таким образом, вместо этого в отношении SCP-NaN необходимо задействовать меры по ограничению доступа и протокол реагирования как описано далее.
сохранено резервной системой "ACCUMULUS"

МЕРЫ ПО ОГРАНИЧЕНИЮ ДОСТУПА: С SCP-NaN-Альфа следует взаимодействовать как с представляющими угрозу нулевыми сущностями. Сотрудникам Удалений, в особенности назначенным на обслуживание секторов с нестабильными

SCP-NaN-Alpha instances are to be treated as hazardous null entities. No Deletions personnel, especially those assigned to sectoral maintenance of volatile datasets, are permitted to acknowledge or interact with SCP-NaN under standard operating conditions.

In the event any emergent components or affected memory regions become unstable, implicated personnel are to immediately reference this document’s protected segments. Personnel are to observe affected instances closely and provide verbal reinforcement of their current spatial coordinates. Communication should be concise and directive; affected instances are encouraged to “wait for processing” until the anomaly’s response concludes. There will be no remains.

Under OPERATION FIREWALL, the deployment of ALG-NaN is strictly prohibited. Noncompliance will result in indefinite contract extensions, enforced under the Department of Deletions' personnel retention clause.
сохранено резервной системой "ACCUMULUS"

RESPONSE PROTOCOL: Segments related to Response Protocols should remain obfuscated for security purposes, accessible only under Level /NaN authorization. Collapse this section immediately upon review.
сохранено резервной системой "ACCUMULUS"



DESCRIPTION: SCP-NaN is the designation for an esoteric Database region subjected to higher-order computational phenomena in the presence of distinct anomalies. Functionally, it is a region of memoryspace with extreme specificity, preferring its affected sectors be filled with whitespace at any given time. Because of this, any blackbox data constrained to this area will invariably prompt an event to occur. The nature of this event remains unclear, however, the following factors are known:

  • At the moment of activation, all blackbox data in this region immediately converts into whitespace
  • The effect will "ripple" outwards, converting blackbox data into whitespace in adjacent sectors
  • This will continue until all overwritable data is removed from the Database, leaving read-only materia intact
  • The event then ceases and will not occur until the next activation response

Despite the appearance of chaotic behavior, SCP-NaN adheres to a rigid internal logic. Notably:

  • The response region does not expand, nor does its behavior evolve.
  • Random activations correlate inversely with the availability of writable whitespace. This equilibrium dynamic suggests SCP-NaN’s purpose may involve maintaining Database stability, albeit through destructive means.

Despite this destructive tendency, SCP-NaN is paradoxically indispensable for long-term data preservation. Deletions agents have theorized its function as an evolutionary failsafe, designed to "reset" informational entropy within complex data ecosystems.

SCP-NaN therefore represents the only known method for permanent and complete removal of dormant Deletions personnel without reliance on natural overwrite protocols. While such usage is officially discouraged due to the collateral damage risk, SCP-NaN has been deployed experimentally to eliminate certain "black swan" anomalies. This process ensures irretrievability while circumventing conventional containment limitations.
сохранено резервной системой "ACCUMULUS"

« SCP-8908 | SCP-8909 | SCP-8910 »

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