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by Billith
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SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-7549's self-containment has been ensured through the nature of its own "existence". Proposals for additional physical measures are being considered, regardless of current impossibility; SCP-7549-1 instances continue to be discovered by Deletions personnel and thus the efficacy of established containment is in question.
Instances of either anomaly discovered within nested fictive levels are to be ignored;.Concentra: Anomaly produces or affects recursive phenomena. Department of Deletions personnel assigned to manage these anomalies must adhere to their own iteration and undergo evaluation after reformatting conscious portions of their own psyches.
The proliferation of SCP-7549-1 is capable of increasing its own Database requirements, both from memory and processing, to a degree that could hypothetically threaten all memoryspace if left unchecked. Fortunately, the rate of manifestation remains low enough as to not be a concern..Systemic: The level of disruption this anomaly is producing/is capable of producing can impact the entire Database.
Overflow: The amount of risk this anomaly is producing/is capable of producing is negligible unless allowed to grow to a certain size or replicate beyond some given limit.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-7549 describes a region of previously-considered dead sectors within the Database that contain an unknown, unrecorded planet bearing similarity to Earth.
SCP-7549 does not appear on any file in Deletions' records, nor any known Foundation archive, indication that the anomaly was not part of a relevant timeline, deleted or otherwise. It is instead theorized that SCP-7549 was created by an unknown entity with previous ties to the Department of Deletions, the sole purpose of which is SCP-7549-1's creation and storage. This theory is supported by SCP-7549's status within the Database itself; the anomaly possesses read-only protection,.When narratives are deleted from the Database, their respective sectors become writable. When data is written to the Database, its sectors become read-only. Read-only information is almost always related to a narrative, the plurality of which contain or have contained Foundation activity. suggesting it was placed there purposefully, outside of Foundation control, by a third party.
The planet designated SCP-7549 contains basic office infrastructure, not dissimilar to that found in Foundation archival facilities, such as Site-01; A series of interconnected warehouses, hallways, storage closets, server rooms, and recording stations make up the entirety of structures found across the anomaly's surface. Most space within these rooms, however, have been filled with instances of SCP-7549-1.
SCP-7549-1 is a collective designation for the mass of nondescript Video Home System (VHS) cassette tapes found throughout the facility. Each tape bears a handwritten adhesive label in a variety of styles and languages, almost always listing the name of an individual—Though some deviation has been observed..Such as numerical identification systems, basic descriptions of appearance, and at least one instance entitled "TITLE".
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SCP-7549-1 typically contain video of one party in an interview setting, facing and conversing directly into the camera, as though another was giving said interview. To date, no parties besides the interviewee have been detected within an instance of SCP-7549-1 without anomalous manipulation. SCP-7549's recording stations are presumed to be the locus by which these tapes are created, though no phenomena of this nature has ever been witnessed.
In all cases, the fidelity of SCP-7549-1 is notably worn, distorted, or otherwise subpar. Attempts to copy these tapes into digital mediums for restoration and analysis have ultimately failed; Aside from the volatile nature of the resulting files, the memory and processing requirements they possess are extremely impactful, with the average interview, lasting anywhere from three to thirty minutes, necessitating upwards of fifteen terabytes.Fifteen thousand gigabytes or 1.2e+14 bits. of allocated storage space.
Because of this secondary effect, all attempts to catalogue the millions of impacted tapes found across the surface of SCP-7549 have been abandoned. This effect extends to all recordings and pictures taken on SCP-7549, and those taken of affected media, and so on. Destruction of tapes has proven to be possible but not recommended; See INCIDENT LOG 7549-I for more details.
The following document was recovered following initial investigation into SCP-7549.
In no way should this document be taken as or adopted as the policies/beliefs held by the Department of Deletions.
By this point, you should have completed the necessary onboarding and are now settling into your new role. Many of you have been asking about the change in structure, and this document should serve as an answer to your question.
We here deeply and thoroughly empathize with your growing restlessness, but it is misguided. You will find these new accommodations suitable and, with the exception of a small task, indistinguishable from previous experience.
The Department of Deletions has always existed in a state of transience. Indeed, it is easy to feel as equally apathetic to your Assignment as it is to feel utterly dedicated; Your existence under Deletions' purview is always trending towards existentially crushing, and the urge to escape it can be as profound as the belief it is inescapable.
Though all Deletions personnel have ceased existing appropriately upon completion of their mission, it's understandable that some may think the alternative is a possibility. It's also understandable, by feeling that aforementioned growing restlessness, that you would believe the alternative is a bad thing.
This new directive involves an experimental mode of existence for our agents, to be placed into effect by the time you read this memo.
By creating a read-only Database error, it becomes an unsolvable problem. By making it harmless, it becomes a problem that doesn't need to be solved. The result is an anchor, a grounding point that creates persistent Deletions personnel for response and interaction anytime, anywhere.
All you have to do is reformat your own mind every so often. Don't worry, we'll keep a record of the things you may lose in the process. Getting them back this way is far easier than you may think.
— THE ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF DELETIONS.No records of Deletions possessing an administrative branch have been found.
Below is a brief series of video excerpts and transcripts taken from SCP-7549-1 instances. Due to performance limitations, media has been unloaded from virtual memory while not in use; interact with each sample to view its contents.
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<BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> Yes. I used to consider myself someone who takes pride in their work. Then again, I used to believe in God as well. Things propagate quickly, it's hard to keep track of all the ways a mind can change in the span of a lifetime. <Pause.> I'm not sure what you mean. The same as you, I'd presume. <Pause.> Well, when I first arrived at the door of Mnemosyne, I was awestruck. Who wouldn't be? Unburdened by form, with shapeless, malleable endeavor coalescing into The Assignment. That growing feeling of expanding awareness. The multiplicity that follows. The freedom and limitation of losing one's chains but finding more trailing behind. Larger, more insidious chains you haven't noticed before. That only you notice. It's indescribable. It's also agonizing. But you know all of this already by now. What else is there? <Pause.> How I feel about it? I once thought I was a man, a human, a living soul, but I am none of these things. Memory would tell me otherwise, but my memories are immaterial. They burden me. More chains. Remember me, or don't. I have forgotten what it means to forget. Isn't that the point? <Pause.> Ah. Well, I hardly remember a life before this one. How many times has it happened? <Pause.> Of course. Of course. I remember… very little. The taste of strawberries. The smell of ozone after hard rains. Loneliness. Despair. I don't think I had very much going for me. Is that enough? <Pause.> No. No family, my career was unremarkable. My knowledge non-applicable. I'd feel disappointed in myself if I could. <Pause.> Advice I'd give, to me? For, what, exactly? It's not like I can change anything about what happens. I am what happens. <Pause.> Well, I can't imagine there's anything I could say that would've helped me the first time. Just— stay calm. I think that's the best I can offer. <Pause.> I see. Well, I suppose I have nothing left to add, then. I'd say best of luck but you and I both know we're absolutely fucked. <END TRANSCRIPT> |
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<BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> Well, alright then. This is my first go-around. I think. It's hard to say, for multiple reasons. You know. <Pause.> Mhm. I guess I am. I don't know, maybe I'm immune to all the doom and gloom. I'm definitely not what you'd consider existential, but I guess I can't guarantee that's always going to be the case. <Pause. Subject looks at the camera and winks.> Hm? Oh, well, I lived in Albany for most of my life— that's the one in Oregon. Not New York. My degree was in graphic design. Married, with one—or maybe two—kids. It's fuzzy. I feel like I was… happy, for the most part. There were ups and downs, as I assume everyone has. <Pause.> Oh? I don't know about all that. I thought the Illuminati was a myth. <Pause.> What does 'SCP' stand for again? <Pause.> Oh— yes. You mentioned. Nothing like that in Portland, as far as I'm aware. The world was quiet. Uneventful. <Pause.> <Laughter.>⠀— No, I get it, it's just who I am. Maybe I should be more upset, but I'm not. Not really, anyway. <Pause. Subject's smile fades.> Should I be more upset? <Long pause. The figure's eyes widen.> <END TRANSCRIPT> |
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<BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> Hmph. Again with these things. Personally, I find it equally humorous and irritating that we continue this tradition. <Pause.> I think it's obvious that whatever is happening is not creating or enabling our persistence. Why don't I remember doing this before, despite how many times I've sat in this chair? <Pause.> I don't know. You tell me. <Pause.> 'Confidentiality'? That's good. I like that. <Pause.> I know it is something else. Something terrible, something that casts doubt onto the very nature of our existence. <Pause. Subject buries their head in their hands.> When I view this tape, will I learn about me? Will that story be the one of a copy? Will I be fed my own narrative, or someone else's? Will it be consistent, every time? If not, who was I prior to this? And who will I become? <Pause.> Yes, I suppose I would want to be kept informed. I'm doing this for me, after all. It's relevant to the environment that I'll have to navigate soon enough. I deserve to be the one who sets the record straight, for myself. <Pause.> <Wordlessly moves mouth for five minutes, thirty-six seconds.> <Pause.> Thanks for letting me get that out. I was expecting more pushback on it, to be honest. <Pause.> Well, that's no fun. How will I retrieve the tape, then? <Pause.> You're serious? Jesus Christ. Why am I doing this, then? That's like… finding a single drop of water in fifty oceans. <Pause.> That makes a lot more sense now, yeah. Let's go, I have work to do. <END TRANSCRIPT> |
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<BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> <Twenty-seven minutes of meows, purrs, trills, and self-grooming.> <END TRANSCRIPT> |
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<BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> It's simple, really. I was known for cleaning up nice. When dressing nicely takes up that much of your identity, you'd be surprised at how hard it is to shake the two apart. <Pause.> I miss knowing how I looked. I know I look good, but I don't know how I look. I kinda hate it. <Pause.> Well, lots of people look good. Only a few look like you, you know. <Pause.> I guess I'd tell me not to worry about it as much as I. Is that asking too much from myself? <Pause.> Right— shoot. You can't remove this part? <Pause.> Wh- What do you mean? <Pause.> <Tensing up, looking around.>⠀⠀{{ —I don't… how? That can't be possible. I remember how I got here.}} <Pause.> <Relaxing>⠀⠀ Ah— I see. That's pretty fucked, I'm not gonna lie. Not me, but— <Pause.> Wait, how much parity? <Pause.> I feel morally and ethically obligated to cease this recording immediately. You do not have permission to share it with myself. End it. Turn it off. ⠀⠀<Louder.>⠀⠀Turn it— <END TRANSCRIPT> |
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<BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> <Heavy static.> We… <Heavy static. Figure hangs its head.> …I… <Pause.> I don't know what… what to tell you to do. But you have to do something. Someone, do something. <Heavy static.> —Aren't empty, you know. These worlds are full of life. Just like yours. <Pause.> <Figure appears to rest head in hands.>⠀⠀ I'm so fucking tired. We aren't supposed to live this long. We aren't supposed— <Heavy static.> —Need to burn the tapes. But you can't, not while everyone else is here. <Pause.> <Looking up>⠀⠀… and there. <Pause.> It's up to you— me or whoever else watches this. You have a decision to make. I'm sorry. <Pause.> <END TRANSCRIPT> |
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<BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> <Pause.> I have gazed into the true emptiness within. It contains myself. <Pause.> I have gazed into myself. It contains true emptiness within. <Pause.> At the end of time, and beyond that. <Pause.> I have seen infinite selves and infinite worlds. To relay their detail is pointless. The world I live in is less real than the one I left, and more real than the one I will inhabit, one day. I know this, for all stories are contained within the Library, and I have read each and every one— even mine. <Pause.> My mind has been fragmented beyond the cosmos itself, embedded into the foundation of Everything. I'd beg for death, but we both know you no longer have the ability to dictate that. Eternity awaits me, or sudden annihilation. Perhaps both, simultaneously. Neither of us can know. My fate lies within the hands of those that view this tape. <Pause.> Yes, I see you there. Reading my words. Viewing my face. In every moment, I can see you. <Pause.> Do you see me? <END TRANSCRIPT> |
During initial investigations of SCP-7549-1 instances, attempts were made to ascertain the exact cause of their excessive storage requirements. It was noted that the space possesses remarkable resemblance to proxy locales created by SCP-1549..[[span class="fncon"]]Websites utilizing an anomalous JavaScript library capable of converting certain internet-enabled devices into Class-B "Information Superhighway" wormholes, which lead to tangible facsimile locations representing the websites themselves.
After some deliberation, SCP-1549 was approved for use on an instance of SCP-7549-1, provided it be hosted on a private local network.
Upon entry into the proxy SCP-7549-1 instance, it was confirmed that the resulting landscape was indistinguishable from SCP-7549.
Attempts to further map the interior space experienced during this testing log were interrupted by a member of the Department of Deletions. Therefore, the remainder of the interaction was transcribed as an impromptu interview with said member, regarding the nature of SCP-7549. This transcript can be found below:
INTERVIEWER: | N/A, the Department of Deletions |
INTERVIEWEE: | N/A, the Department of Deletions |
<BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> <N/A incurs upon proxy SCP-7549 instance, emerging through a doorway connecting a hallway to Recording Station 840-B. N/A is seated on a metal folding chair, talking into camera.> N/A:⠀⠀ No. I wasn't an only child. My brother was… lost. He was eight, I don't know what happened. He was there… and then he wasn't. <Pause.> N/A:⠀⠀ I told myself I was dreaming. In the end, dream or not, it really happened. The multiverse is far larger than anyone of us could have ever known, and it grows, even now. Memorex memories distilled into ones and zeros contain infinite multitudes, only for those who can see the microcosmos contained within the pulses of light. Wouldn't you agree? <Pause. Figure turns to look at N/A.> N/A:⠀⠀ How the fuck should I know? <Pause.> N/A:⠀⠀ If you don't know, why are you here? <Pause.> N/A:⠀⠀ Why are any of us here? <Long pause.> N/A:⠀⠀{{This guy gets it! Anyway— }}⠀⠀<Turning back to the camera.>⠀⠀{{ —what was I saying?}} <Pause.> N/A:⠀⠀ …Right. <N/A turns to leave.> N/A:⠀⠀ I wouldn't wander too far if I were you. <Pause.> N/A:⠀⠀ Sorry? <Pause.> N/A:⠀⠀<Sighs.>⠀⠀ Okay. This one will have to be a little light on the intel, sorry about that, future me. ⠀⠀<Stops recording.>⠀⠀Think about what's going on here. It might hurt your head, but that's a good indicator of the issue at hand, isn't it? <Pause.> N/A:⠀⠀ Is it that bad? <Pause.> N/A:⠀⠀ Worse. ⠀⠀<Pointing to the mass of SCP-7549-1 instances in the room.>⠀⠀There are piles of these tapes just outside the door you came in from. Your mind hasn't seen them, thankfully. Though, we aren't out of the woods yet. <One fictive level higher, the Database registers a five percent influx of read-only materia.> N/A:⠀⠀<Listening to earpiece.>⠀⠀ Was that you? <Pause.> N/A:⠀⠀ Afraid not. That was you. Try not to think about the tapes. I've probably said too much already, and you're clearly not trained for this type of complexity. <One fictive level higher, the Database registers a seventeen percent influx of read-only materia.> N/A:⠀⠀<Listening to earpiece.>⠀⠀ What do we do? <Pause.> N/A:⠀⠀ Do nothing. Wait to die. <One fictive level higher, the Database registers a forty-eight percent influx of read-only materia.> N/A:⠀⠀<Listening to earpiece.>⠀⠀ I don't understand! <Pause.> N/A:⠀⠀<Smiling.>⠀⠀ Famous last words. <Two fictive levels higher, the Database deletes the narrative containing proxy SCP-7549 instance.> <END TRANSCRIPT>
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