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Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4776's positional data is printed on a small index card and stored within a High Security Object Vault at Site-49. SCP-4776-1 is recorded in the Site-49 database, and may not be accessed by any personnel with less then Level 4 clearance. MTF Gamma-5 ("Red Herrings") are to be dispatched to any locations suspected of having been damaged by SCP-4776 attacks.
Description: SCP-4776 is a paratechnological weapons satellite currently in Low Earth Orbit. SCP-4776 exhibits antimemetic properties that prevent individuals from sustained knowledge on its exact positional data. SCP-4776 is theorized to be a directed kinetic energy weapon deployed by the United States Department of Defense as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative, a project to form a missile defense system for the continental United States during the Cold War.
SCP-4776-1 is a complex thaumaturgic rune used as a focusing measure for SCP-4776's orbital assaults. SCP-4776-1 can be formed from any material or materials, and will, upon completion, result in SCP-4776 arming itself for a bombardment. The process of firing SCP-4776 takes approximately 10 minutes. SCP-4776 will release a targeted beam of photons, which, upon collision with SCP-4776-1, will result in an explosion.
Discovery Log: SCP-4776 came to the Foundation's attention during a handoff of classified documents from Matthew Shah, a defector from GoI-616 "PENTAGRAM". Records indicated that SCP-4776 had been created as part of Operation ARES FORGE, a concerted effort from the United States government to develop sustainable occult-based weaponry for both Army use and sale to foreign governments. Though ARES FORGE was recorded to have produced at least 57 working prototypes of such weaponry, currently only SCP-4776 has come to Foundation knowledge.
The SCP-4776 dossier also references several package drops to Israeli military sites from 1985 to 1986. From a combination of U.S Army financial reports and the documents acquired from Matthew Shah, it is currently believed that the United States government has been or is currently making sales of eigenweapons to the Office for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts through the Iranian government.
Incident 4776.1: On January 12th 1986, several incidents occurred at Site-49, and have been assigned the collective designation of Incident 4776.1. At 13:43, two UH-60 Black Hawk attack helicopters began an approach to Site-49. After confirming their U.S Government Provisional Veil Clearance, they were allowed to land on the tarmac and refuel, claiming that their fuel tanks were damaged. They departed at 14:55.
At 15:01, Senior Researcher Mathias stepped into the central courtyard for a smoke break. At 15:04, he reentered the building and logged onto his workstation before downloading several files regarding information on the Foundation Informant Protection Program onto an external drive. While Mathias had the sufficient clearance for such an action, he was not assigned to any projects related to the FIPP. At 15:13, he checked out of the Site and entered his vehicle before departing the parking lot. At 15:17, Senior Researcher Mathias's corpse was discovered in the Site-49 central courtyard with an unlit cigarette in his mouth and several locks of hair torn from his scalp.
Site-49 was placed on lockdown for 3 hours while site security attempted to locate the individual who checked out of the site under Mathias' identity. The individual could not be located, security footage in the courtyard was obscured by a large oak tree, and Mathias' car was discovered abandoned two miles away from the site.
Incident 4776.2: On January 14th 1986, 20:32, a gas explosion was reported at the home of Ismail Thompson, formerly known as Matthew Shah. Due to Thompson's connection to the Foundation Informant Protection Program, Foundation agents were dispatched to investigate. The building had been entirely destroyed, and upon prompting, several witnesses reported a shooting star minutes before the explosion.
Addendum 4776.1
Dear Senior Agent Bishop,
The Foundation would like to discuss the events of Jan 12 and Jan 13 of this year, only a few days ago. Shortly after your team's helicopters departed Site-49, a minor security breach occurred that resulted in a dead employee and information on your organization stolen by an unknown entity. Would the PENTAGRAM happen to know anything about that?
Tyler Campbell
Foundation Diplomatic Committee Representative
Representative Campbell,
The Department of Defense has no information involving such an event, if it even occurred. Your site security failures are not our concern, and your lax protocols may have resulted in an information breach for us. Consider this a formal message that we do not know how one of your personnel managed to get himself killed and lose information about other organizations.
Robert Bishop
Dear Senior Agent Bishop,
That's truly a shame. The Foundation was deeply looking forward to maintaining good relations in the coming years, but it appears that the PENTAGRAM is not so optimistic. In the world behind the Veil, many things are binary, including loyalties. If you do not intend to obey the House accord, the Foundation sees no reason to obey it either. We must look out for our own interests, but we will always have a seat at the negotiation table if you wish to talk.
Tyler Campbell
Foundation Diplomatic Committee Representative
Representative Campbell,
PENTAGRAM is, first and foremost, loyal to the United States of America and her peoples. If your actions go against our prime directive, we simply cannot coexist. We will defend our homeland with a force that your organization cannot match. But, we are not evil. We are not hostile. The Pentagram will not be the bringer of your downfall, not until you make the decision to antagonize us. I urge you to consider your next actions very carefully.
Robert Bishop
Addendum 4776.2
Foundation Diplomatic Committee Statement:
Due to the suspicious circumstances surrounding Incidents 4776.2 and 4776.3, the Foundation Diplomatic Committee has deemed it necessary to take retaliatory action against the government of the United States of America for its recent actions, which are in direct defiance of the House Accord. Clause 17, Line i:
- Neither the government of the United States of America nor the SCP Foundation shall take hostile actions against the other.
- Hostile defined as an action taken without provocation in order to cause significant financial, collateral, or political damage.
In line with the Atreus Protocol, the Foundation has provided documents containing sensitive information regarding the United States government to several Middle-Eastern publications. The Committee remains open to cooperating with the United States goverment to reach a reasonable conclusion to this matter.
Document received by the Foundation Diplomatic Committee on 17 November 1986:
In response to the SCP Foundation's
leaking of classified government documents to a Middle-Eastern news outlet, the Department of Defense is willing to negotiate towards ending this unpleasantry. In the interest of fomenting a healthy working relationship, the United States government offers an opportunity for a peaceful resolution of the issue. The SCPF may decide the location of the diplomatic convention.
Notice from the Foundation Diplomatic Committee:
The Office of the Overseers has agreed on a diplomatic summit with the United States Department of Defense at Camp David on January 27th, 1987.
Excerpt from Audio Transcript of SCPF-U.S Diplomatic Summit - Jan 27th 1987:
DATE: JAN 27, 1987
CAMPBELL: Hello, Mr. Bishop.
BISHOP: Evening.
CAMPBELL: How're you feeling?
BISHOP: We both know neither of us care. Let's get down to brass tacks, yes?
CAMPBELL: If you insist.
Campball and Bishop open their folders.
CAMPBELL: Let's see here. It's not looking good for your people, Rob. PENTAGRAM's break in at Site-49 may have irre-
BISHOP: There's no proof that was us.
CAMPBELL: Do you really want to play this game with us?
BISHOP: You've got no evidence, Campbell. That break-in could've been anyone. The gung-ho bastards over at the U.N, the Ruskies, maybe even your own little splinter group.
CAMPBELL: Okay. Fine. Well, someone broke into Site-49 on the same day your team had to make an emergency stop for repairs. And immediately after, one of our researchers was killed and files on your group's activities were stolen.
BISHOP: I fail to see how this involves us.
CAMPBELL: Well, naturally, we'd have to take retaliatory action against such a group, whomever they may be.
BISHOP: And what exactly would such retaliatory action entail?
CAMPBELL: Something that would cripple their power at the global negotiating table. For example, imagine if the information was revealed that their leader was suffering from a degenerative brain disease.
BISHOP: That could be twisted a great ma-
CAMPBELL: That wouldn't be the end of it, of course. Not by a long shot. What if the group's most dangerous enemies were to gain a significant advantage over them? Something like, say, in the form of leaked files demonstrating an extremely powerful destructive artillery weapon that requires nothing more than a man's hand?
BISHOP: Why would their enemies trust you?
CAMPBELL: Well, you know what they say…
Campbell idly traces a pattern onto the table with his finger. Bishop notices this and hastily slides his chair back.
CAMPBELL: Sharing is caring, comrade.
Document received by the Foundation Diplomatic Committee on 27 January 1987:
In the interest of resolving the dispute aired at the diplomatic summit, the United States government offers to willingly remove Clause 14 & Clause 23 in the House Accord, which limit the SCP Foundation from performing military actions on United States soil. In exchange for this, the SCP Foundation will remove any military assets that may be stationed around Camp David, as well as any weaponry that may have a chance of targeting Camp David from orbit.
Notice from the Foundation Diplomatic Committee - 27th Jan 1987:
O5-01 | | |
O5-02 | | |
O5-03 | | |
O5-04 | | |
O5-05 | | |
O5-06 | | |
O5-07 | | |
O5-08 | | |
O5-09 | | |
O5-10 | | |
O5-11 | | |
O5-12 | | |
O5-13 | | |
Proposal accepted. We look forward to resuming a friendly working relationship.
Это слишком много, нужно убрать что-то
Ты для меня и я для тебя не высшие существа. Но в каждом из нас может быть высшее существо, и это может вызвать взаимное почитание. Обратившись сразу к самому общему, мы видим, что в тебе и во мне живет единственный. Но ничто не должно нас занимать, чем мы сами себя не занимаем и у два единственных не будут друг другу врагами. Вместе, но порознь, они не делят собственность между собой – каждому уже принадлежит всё
Знаешь, у тебя в голове «нечисто»: ты рехнулся! Ты сам себе вообразил клетку, из которой нельзя выбраться и в которой на самом деле сидят все остальные. У тебя какая-то навязчивая идея. Ты должен разорвать эту ткань притворства и взглянуть на мир трезвым взглядом, взглядом своим, а не духа. Только так ты увидишь, что реальное это не собственность Бога, а как и воображаемое – твоя.
Хорошо, так я не буду служить никакой идее, никакому «закону мироздания», и тогда само собой выйдет, что я больше не служу никакому «высшему существу», а всегда и всюду – себе. Но я не я рядом с другими я, а я единое: я – (единственный) зацензурь.
Тебе следует воздать большее, чем божественное, человеческое и т. д., - тебе принадлежит твое. Считай себя более могущественным, чем тебя считают и у тебя сразу будет больше мощи; считай себя большим, и ты будешь иметь больше. Но развивай себя не как человека и не развивай человека внутри себя: ты развиваешь себя.
Item #: SCP-2238
Object Class: Safe Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Foundation personnel are to monitor all local television broadcasts at all times. If an SCP-2238-A instance is reported to have occurred, Foundation personnel are to record said instance for the purpose of record keeping. Additionally, all civilians involved will be detained by Foundation personnel and released if they are found to have no involvement with the SCP-2238 phenomenon and are to undergo Class-A amnestics.

Screen shot of SCP-2238-A-14
Description: SCP-2238 is the official designation of an anomalous phenomenon primarily affecting television broadcast stations in the Southern United States, manifesting itself as a series of historical documentaries within the affected area. This phenomenon affects specific time slots within the affected region by 'hijacking' local TV transmitters through a currently unknown method.
The main broadcast intrusion occurs during the airing of historical documentaries. The types of documentary that SCP-2238 affects are primarily made by European or American filmmakers, specifically those that focus on the First and Second World War, although it has been reported that SCP-2238 will affect others that do not fall into this category.
During an intrusion, SCP-2238 will play a similar documentary to the one being interrupted. This documentary, now known as SCP-2238-A, will have several deviations from the original, such as different events, different historians, and actors used in the documentary. The amount of deviations from the original vary between each instances of SCP-2238-A. Currently, there are twenty-two instances of SCP-2238-A.
The first reported SCP-2238 event was on 5-12-1992, when a civilian reported to a local broadcasting service about the inaccuracies of the documentary Napoleon: Man Of Power in [REDACTED], Alabama. The documentary discusses the effects of Napoleon Bonaparte's annexation of Russia and over a majority of the Eurasian continent.
Foundation scientists and analysts have compiled a full timeline of events from all twenty-two instances of SCP-2238-A.
Year | Events |
1812 | Invasion of Russia by Napoleon I, ending in its annexation. The war of 1812 begins. |
1813 | Napoleon III is installed as the new Czar of Russia. Closer diplomatic ties between the US government and the new French Empire occur. The Peninsular War ends one year earlier in a French victory. |
1814 | France becomes involved in a war against Great Britain. A three year famine occurs in Russia due to an early winter, creating more resentment against the French-installed Russian government. In the same year, the formation of the Party of Russian Nationalists occurs. |
1815 | War of 1812 ends with a US/French victory. Most of the former British Empire is split between the US and France. US annexes Canada, causing it to control most of the fur trade. |
1816-1820 | The US government begins encouraging its citizens to settle Canada. Napoleon I begins conquering most of mainland Europe, dismantling their governments in favor of Pro-French ones. The French government start to kill Russian nationalists and those for an independent Russia. |
1821 | The French Empire collapses due to the death of Napoleon I via assassination by nationalists during his first visit to Russia. A revolution, referred to as the 'Russian Upheaval' occurs. Napoleon III is killed and replaced with a descendant of Czar Alexander. |
1822-1850 | Most of Northern and Western Europe experiences a 'dark age' due to significant in-fighting between various factions following the death of Napoleon I. Central and Eastern Europe are divided between pro and anti-French forces, primarily ending in anti-French victory, further deteriorating the already fracturing French Empire. Southern Europe was primarily affected by this, as the lack of major Austrian and French interference in the region allowed radicals and Italian Nationalists to gain power. A new Russian government is created, this time with a system similar to a constitutional democracy. Along the same time, Great Britain experiences great social unrest, with several riots and attempted revolutions. |
1850-1865 | A new government is finally established in France, this time under the control of a Queen known as Abella I, the daughter of an anti-Napoleon general. She re-establishes centralized authority in the mainland of France, creating a dictatorial police state, killing dissenters and radicals. The American Civil War does not change from the original timeline. |
1866-1911 | Abella I regains control over most of the pre-1812 territorial borders, excluding The Duchy of Warsaw, but her state continues to suffer from radicalism and independence movements. The Russian government undergoes another revolution, this time by Russian communists under the control of Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky. Revolution ends in 1910, with a Communist victory. |
1912 | The House of Commons of Great Britain is attacked by radical communists via improvised explosives. Over a hundred Members of Parliament are killed in the explosion, resulting in a temporary suspension of constitutional rights and annual elections. During this time, the new Communist government, now calling itself the Soviet Union, annexes most of the Eastern European states not under French influence. |
1913 | The creation of the Allied Powers, an alliance between The US, Great Britain, Austrian and the French government. Its creation was due to the recent territorial expansion from the Soviet government of most of Eastern Europe. |
1914-1924 | This time period, known as the 'Great War', was a war between the Soviet government and the Allied powers. It began after the assassination of Vladimir Lenin, with Leon Trotsky declaring possible French involvement in Lenin's assassination. By 1914, a small border skirmish between the client state of the Rhine Confederation and the Soviet Union lead to another war. The US, UK and Austria, honoring their agreement with the French, declared war on the Soviets. Following heavy causalities on both sides, the Soviet Union capitulated in 1924 after a victory near what is now modern day Warsaw. The Treaty of Berlin stated that the The Soviet Union would give up most of its territorial gains after 1912, replaced with either French client states or independent countries. In addition, the Soviet Union is forced to pay reparations, either in Gold or Oil. |
1929 | An event known as the 'Great Depression' began, causing an economic crash. Due to this event, Abella II (Then Queen of France), desperate for economic wealth, convenes for an update to the Treaty of Berlin with the Allied Powers, to the exclusion of the Soviet Union. Austria and Great Britain refused to update the Treaty without the inclusion of the Soviet Union, while the US remained officially neutral, still wary over another possible war. Despite repeated claims from the Soviet government that they had sent diplomats to Berlin to discuss updating the Treaty, they never arrived, with evidence suggesting a possible French intervention. Abella II, frustrated with this diplomatic dysfunction, began mobilizing her forces along the Soviet borders, despite objections from her military advisers. |
1930 | Austria and the UK, wishing to avoid another Great War, attempt to persuade the US to intervene, believing that, with a possible four front war, the French Empire would back down from their threats. The US, still wary of war and suffering from the Great Depression, refused, and remained neutral in the conflict. |
1930-1945 | Abella II, citing a belief in the supremacy of the French Empire and the inherent necessity of curtailing further attempts at Soviet expansionism, declares war against the Soviet Union. The Second World War, between 1931 and 1937, is at a constant stalemate. There is no full invasion of either country until the US enters the war against the French. In 1939, a full invasion of France begins with the help of the Soviet Union, Great Britain and Austria. It ends in 1945, with the invasion of Paris, destroying most of the city. |
1946 | Year of the creation of the United Nations, with the Soviet Union, the US, Austria and Great Britain as the major leaders of the Nations. |
Little information is known about this world post 1946.
On 1-23-2000, SCP-2238 affected the city of [REDACTED], Louisiana, broadcasting a documentary entitled How They Hid In The Darkness, which describes a X-Class 'Lift of the Veil' scenario of the Foundation due to increasing tensions between the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition, specifically on an event that occurred 12-21-1991. It also focuses on how the Foundation adapts to a scenario.
Due to an error in the Binah Pattern Recognition System, the Foundation accidentally attacked a GOC base, ending in the death of over 3,000 GOC personnel. This event escalated tensions between the Foundation and the Coalition, causing an event called the 'GOC-Foundation War' that lasted three years.
The contents of the documentary includes footage of Foundation agents locating, capturing, and containing several anomalous objects and entities. It includes interviews with Foundation personnel and sapient entities, including an interview with O5-12. The following is an incomplete list of incidents, objects, personnel, and members of GoIs that appear in the documentary:
- SCP-1892 (Containment)
- SCP-1938 (Containment)
- SCP-044 (Recovery)
- SCP-2453 (Containment)
- [REDACTED] (Interview)
- Dr. Mann (Interview)
- D-2134122 (Interview)
- O5-12 (Interview)
- SCP-2273 (Interview)
- Member of GoI-5869 (Interview)
- Object referred to as 'SCP-████' (Containment)
- Incident 083-D/Kondraki (Footage)
- Footage of O5-1, O5-2, O5-6, O5-7, and O5-12 during their first meeting (Circa 1912)
- SCP-████
Following this incident, the entire county of [REDACTED] was given Class-A amnestics over the course of five days, the elimination of all recordings of SCP-2238-A-23, and the detainment of over ████ staff members involved in the film. All personnel involved with How They Hid In The Darkness deny any involvement with the documentary.
The following is a series of transcripts from the documentary How They Hid In The Darkness.
"It was early in the morning when I first started hearing the artillery shells. I didn't know they were artillery shells at the time, just knew that something loud was going off. Got up and tried looking through the window. In the distance, this building that I had passed by on my way to work was being burned to the ground. I always thought it was a barracks or a laboratory, if only I knew….
"Some men drag me and my daughters out of the house. They say they are with the Coalition, a force trying to keep humanity safe. They tell us to get onto a bus to the nearest civilian safe zone. They take us to one, and they force all the men and women above the age of fifteen but not over fifty to come with them. I never saw my daughters again." — Survivor of Site-43 raid.
"Our job was to get the civilians out to the safe zones. Most didn't know what was going on, and the ones that did knew there was no point in trying to keep themselves safe. The case that always sticks out in my mind was this old man near the border of Paris. He refused to leave his house. Lived in it since the second world war before the Communists and Brits invaded. We couldn't get him to move. When the Coalition attacked, the house was destroyed, and we never found the body." — Civilian Protectorates, Paris, France.
"The reason we used amnestics during the war was because of their tactical usage. Throw in some amnestics in a can into a room filled with enemy combatants and have them all forget who they are for ten or twenty seconds while you mow them down with your M16. Simplistic, really." — Foundation General Kennedy.
"They're murderers, is what I think of 'em. The janitors, all of them, are fuckin' animals. I thought they were just bogey men, used to scare some normies and losers on the internet. No. Moscow [Pauses] Moscow was my home. Moscow was the only safe place left in Eastern Europe. All others were destroyed in the battles, mostly by nukes and other weapons. I didn't think they had the balls to drop that animal onto us. Killing us with its giant scythe, butchering us like insects. [Pauses] Bodies littered the streets. Men, women, [Pauses] children. Of course, the Coalition had no choice. What other choice did they even have?" — Gamers Against Weed member, survivor of Moscow bombing.
"Europe turned into an absolute hell hole during the first few months. The once spotless meadows was now covered with hundreds of large holes were the bombs and shells dropped. And the larger ones were where we dropped the nukes on their sites. You could feel the radiation from up in the air. Made some men so sick that they passed out and crashed their planes." — Private of the Foundation air force.
"There was never enough food for us. The Coalition forced us to work the farms surrounding the safe zones. They had quotas for what we needed to produce in a season. Each group needed to produce ten pounds of food from each of the nine crops they gave us in the span of nine months. If we didn't produce that much, we were expected to spend nine months on the frontlines in Europe or America. We heard the horror stories. [Pauses] The bombings, the killings. This one guy, a bunk mate of mine, was told that his group didn't produce enough food. [Brings tissue paper to his eyes] We found him in the bathroom. He swallowed his shaving knife." — Safe Zone Brazil resident.
"Of course we needed to remove them. They were getting in the way, with all their rules and regulations. We needed those weapons, the Coalition were making their way to Britain and into the Gulf. But no, they said it was too 'unethical'. They were in the way of progress, we had no other choice. We sent in a 'coalition spy' to kill them. Hm? Oh, yes, they knew too much. We couldn't allow a information breach of some sort." — O5-14 on the disbandment of the Ethics Committee.
"We first used D-Class. They were monsters, no one would have missed them. But we started to lose more and more, and so we looked for other sources. Coalition POWs, civilians, things like that. The project was more important than any one life. Hm? Of course! Of course we did! We dropped the infected over their sites and spread it throughout Europe! We had no other choice." — Dr Mann on the use of SCP-008 for biological warfare.
"We killed them. It was for the greater good of the war. I wish we didn't have to do it, but we did it. We rounded up the freaks, greens, blues, reds, anything that looked anomalous and forced them outside. We told them to dig a giant pit. Most of them were no older than forty. After they were done, we threw all of the objects in the site into the pit, and told them to face the pit. [Pauses] I'm…. I'm just glad that it wasn't me who had to pull the trigger." — Coalition Soldier, Veteran of the Raid on Site-19.