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The official logo of O5 Command.
Совет O5. Командование O5. Смотрители. Совет Смотрителей.
Мы известны под многими разными именами, но, в конечном счете, все они означают одно и то же: люди, которые полностью контролируют Фонд.
Однако это единственный факт, подтвержденный Советом O5. Реальность ситуации такова, что даже если Совет O5 состоит из самых влиятельных людей в Фонде, Смотрители Совета O5 не являются всемогущими, всезнающими и всевидящими – даже если они показывают себя таковыми, они могут только желать иметь такой уровень власти, всемогущества и вездесущности, которыми, как они говорят, обладают. И даже если каждый Смотритель знает почти все, что можно знать о Фонде и его деятельности, и все до единого секреты, которые хранит Фонд, у Совета O5 все равно есть свои "белые пятна", и информация может ускользнуть прямо у них из-под носа.
Независимо от реальности, Совет O5 не может допустить, чтобы их восприятие было искажено, и поэтому их имидж должен быть безупречным для персонала. Однако каждый, кто читает это досье, и когда бы вы его ни получили, скоро прочтет самую обширную и достоверную информацию о каждом Смотрителе, который когда-либо входил в Совет самой могущественной организации за Завесой.
В любом случае, добро пожаловать в Зону 01. Если вы здесь, значит вы самый лучший.
Совет Смотрителей желает вам приятного чтения.

Portrait of O5-1 (1877)
Real Name:
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Portrait of O5-1 (1877)
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Portrait of O5-1 (1877)
Real Name:
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Real Name:
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Overseer Duties:
Background Information: James Aaron Siegel, commonly referred to as Aaron Siegel, is current Overseer One and the oldest member of the O5 Council. Dr. Aaron Siegel was born in Boston, Massachusetts, to a wealthy family of doctors and physicians. At a young age, Dr. Siegel distinguished himself over his peers at school for his prodigious understanding of complex mathematics and physics at a young age, eventually leading him to a prestigious scholarship at Harvard University.
The young, future Overseer of the Council became one of the pioneers who would contribute to the field of quantum mechanics and relativity, as one of the earliest paradigm shifters against classical physics. At the same time, in his free time, Aaron Siegel would interact with bright scientists and thinkers of his age such as Ansel Shaw and Clarence Hopewell — this is when his first interaction with occult knowledge would arrive, after meeting with who would become Dr. Wondertainment (Dr. Reginald Philbert Lionel Archibald Westinghouse Wondertainment III), handing him information about James Anderson's Factory. Immediately interested, Aaron Siegel would attempt to discover the scientific origins of the occult and the paranormal.
Soon after, the Sixth Occult War would break, in which multiple secret societies and normalcy1 agencies worked together to defeat the Demiurge. With the help of the American Security Containment Initiative, a special task force was formed of the brightest scientific minds in the United States to support the war effort, and Aaron Siegel joined because of a special recommendation from Ansel Shaw, who knew Frederick Williams.
The task force was formed in conjunction with scientists, engineers, technicians, thaumaturges, and many other specialists connected with the anomalous — in this task force, Aaron Siegel would befriend Frederick Williams and Siegfried Borchard. His involvement was important, helping in the construction of an eigenweapon that would support the thaumaturges fight against the Demiurge. After the death of the Demiurge, the shards left of its body scattered across the universe, leading to a sudden increase of paranormal activity — this period would be known as the Paranormal Renaissance, where science begins to professionally study the occult, paranormal societies increased in number and influence, and paranormal agencies consolidate into what would become the Veil Protocol.
Aaron Siegel was not left out of this and worked alongside Frederick Williams to form the Private Research Institute for the Containment of the Occult and Paranormal — the predecessor of the SCP Foundation.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Real Name: Ansel Adam Shaw
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Years Reigned:
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Real Name: Sophia Nathanael Bat-Light
Other Designations:
Years Reigned: 1948 - Present
Current Status: Alive
Overseer Duties: Head Researcher and Head Gardener of SCP-006
Background Information:
- Brought from another dimension similar to SCP-6001 that ended in either a dystopia or a K-Class scenario, and was brought to the Classicverse because of Project "Gateway", replacing Ansel Shaw in the process.
- She was held in quarantine in Site-01 to discover the whereabouts of Ansel Shaw and was personally by Aaron himself.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Real Name:
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Years Reigned: 1911-1924
Current Status:
Overseer Duties:
Background Information:
- Researcher for the Excellent Chancellory
- Representative of the Russian Empire during the World Paranormal Congress
- Deputy Administrator of Research for the Excellent Chancellory
- Participated in the formation of the Foundation after the Sixth Occult War
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
- Representative of the Russian Empire in the O5 Council
- Continued to work in the Council during WW1, and advised the Russian government to not use anomalous assets.
- This is where his relationship with O5-11 ("The Mad Monarchist") worsens, because O5-11 wanted to use SCPs to aid the Russian Empire fight against Germany, and later to support the White Army.
- After the end of World War 1 and the start of the Russian Revolution, he secured the Foundation's foothold in Russia while trying to establish diplomatic relationships with the new government.
- After the end of the Russian Occult War, he assisted the white émigres to move away from Russia with the assistance of Foundation sites and facilities, besides their connections to foreign government.
- He tried to establish diplomatic relationships with the Soviet Union, but failed for several reasons:
- Opposition by O5-11 and other Overseers for anticommunist sentiments.
- Distrust and paranoia by Vladimir Lenin and his government of the Foundation, especially for helping the escape of white opponents from Russia.
- With the Foundation Civil War coming closer, he opposed the publication of A New Manifesto and the use of anomalous assets.
- After the outbreak, he remained in the original Site-01 when O5-11 and O5-9 began their coup attempt, and was killed in the site. His position would remain vacant until the end of the war.
Psychological Profile:
- Reclusive, and preferred to be surrounded by his work than people
- This is the reason he remained in Site-01, because he'd rather be surrounded by his work on his death than to leave it behind.
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Real Name: Tatsuo Matsumoto
Other Designations:
Years Reigned: 1933-1953
Current Status:
Overseer Duties:
Background Information:
- Either important administrator in IJAMEA or the Deputy Administrator of IJAMEA during the Taisho Era (late 1910s-early 1920s).
- He was a supporter of Emperor Taisho and the democratization of Japan during the 1920s.
- With the Great Depression and the rise of militarism and ultranationalism into politics, he resisted its influence in IJAMEA, but failed.
- He tried to ask for support to the Foundation, but the Civil War at the time complicated the possibilities of establishing formal support by the Foundation.
- Afraid of his life, family and work, he recruited his remaining supporters to leave Japan and IJAMEA in order to defect to the Foundation with all the information, anomalies, and researchers to assure his protection and his personnel.
- With the loss of personnel in the Seventh Occult War and relocation to the United States, the Foundation supporte his decision and was promoted to Regional Director of the West Coast.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
- He helped the Foundation by handing information of IJAMEA facilities, anomalies, key personel and resources that would later helped the Foundation and the United States defeat Japan during the Seventh Occult War.
- During his time, he supported anti-racial theories and opposed Social Darwinian theories of racial dominance, both his own people and other ethnicities.
- Heavy supporter of the idea that anomalies could be understood and integrated into the main scientific doctrines.
- Rapidly, he became an important figure and was promoted to O5-4 in 1933 with the revolt of that year in Europe.
- After the war, he supported Sophia Light's ascension to O5-2 and cooperated with the formation of the Ethics Committee.
- During his time at the Council, he received a PhD in Clinical Psychology and implemented mandatory psychological checkups on Foundation personnel.
- Since the Roswell Incident, he became increasingly interested in UFOs and focused a lot of his time on their research.
- Mysteriously found dead in 1953 and replaced by "The Beacon".
Psychological Profile:
- His opposition to racial theories and social Darwinism comes from his own personal experience of seeing Japan fall to racial supremacy and support for eugenics, despite his allegiance to Japan and the Emperor, which he never stopped being loyal to.
- This is also a motivation for obtaining a PhD in Clinical Psychology and his support for the Ethics Committee, to avoid any future ethical abuses to be committed by men of science.
- During the Seventh Occult War, he had a belief that Japan should be "redeemed" from its crimes by making peace with its neighbors, recognizing its war crimes, and move away from its racial supremacism.
- He was there when Japan surrendered to the United States.
- Sadly, he never saw that day come.
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Full Name: Aaron Hagen
Years Reigned: 1953-1966
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Full Name: Francis McKinley Buford
Other Designations:
Years Reigned: 1966-Present
Current Status:
Overseer Duties:
Background Information:
- O5-3 was the son of an important associate with connections to Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd., and he was going to be the inherit of the association when he became an adult.
- Because of his privileged life, he took everything for granted and used to live a life of debauchery from a young age. Despite that, he studied in the best universities related to business, finances, administration and economy.
- Because of his inheritance, as well as his connection to MC&D, he managed to utilize anomalous artifacts in order to predict complex economical and mathametical equations in his head to utilize in finances.
- However, his luck would stop when he got in trouble with the IRS and UIU for tax evasion, and with the Chicago Spirit because of the debt he piled up from his gamgling ambition.
- He protected himself by using MC&D as a front, but this didn't stop the Chicago Spirit for coming after him, and resulted in major damage of MC&D property that damaged the relationship between Buford and MC&D.
- His father decided to disinherit him to save the relationship of his family with MC&D, and left O5-3 for himself.
- Because of UIU and Chicago Spirit looking for him, he offered his services to the Foundation and has worked with them since then.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
Psychological Profile:
- He's still a snake, so his loyalty to the Foundation is as long as he benefits from it
- He has saved a stash of money in case a "dark day" occurs and he has to bail out.
- Despite the safety of his position, he regrets that he can't to return to MC&D and enjoy the lifestyle that comes with it.
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Years Reigned:
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Background Information: Clarence Hopewell, the original fourth member of the Overseer Council. Mr. Hopewell was born in New York City, in a stable family household, which allowed him to easily explore his interests in technology and science at a young age. Interested in the natural sciences and engineering, his interest and obsession with Greek mythology and proto-science fiction caused him to develop a vision of mankind and its relation to science that would transmit to the anomalous: that nature was a tool for humanity to not only understand but bend to its will, and that man could achieve this through science.
Clarence Hopewell attended the Rochester Institute of Technology, becoming one of the first students to receive a Ph.D. in Engineering — which at the time, would be the equivalent of studying mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, and applied physics combined. During his time at college, he would stand out over his peers because of his skill and vision of humanity's future. His interaction with the anomalous would come from his interaction with Aaron Siegel and Ansel Shaw when he initially declared it as "nonsensical, archaic jargon". It was not until the outbreak of the Sixth Occult War and his involvement in it that he realized the significance of it. Immediately, he became a supporter for the destruction of the Demiurge, comparing it to Prometheus' theft of fire against the gods.
Hopewell cheered when the Demiurge was destroyed, and celebrated the increase of anomalous activity throughout the universe, which he thought was the fire that humanity must take and master for man's sake. Because of his involvement as well as scientific knowledge, Clarence Hopewell was contacted by Frederick Williams and Aaron Siegel to join the newly formed Private Research Institute for the Containment of the Occult and Paranormal. His connection with Siegel and Shaw led him to be chosen as the Fourth Overseer of the Council, and charged with the responsibility of overseeing experimental paratechnology projects and applied anomalous science.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate: Soon after joining, Four would have multiple discussions with other Council members about the Institute's containment policy, and criticized its passive usage of anomalies in containment policy, aiming for more direct, active procedures. While some of his ideas would be integrated into Institute (and later Foundation) infrastructure, Four's radical ideas of using the paranormal in the public sphere ostracized him from the more anti-anomalous council members.
[Add the impact and changes Hopewell did]
However, his time at the Council would soon end in 1875 when the invasion of The Factory began. While Four supported the liberation of Factory workers and the execution of James Anderson, the recovery of anomalous artifacts invented in The Factory was a topic of debate in the Council: Four expressed his desire to not only study but replicate and reverse-engineer these items to help mankind use the anomalous. Members such as Williams, Siegel, and Cornwall voiced their dissent, which angered Hopewell as he called them traitors for going against the purpose of destroying the Demiurge and the increase of anomalous activity. Four became ostracized by the moderate Council members and anti-anomalous Overseers and decided to leave the Council rather than continue working with those who did not support his vision.
Hopewell worked in the private sector for a few years and became wealthy from the patents and inventions he'd sell to companies. However, he never abandoned the anomalous and integrated the artifacts he took from his Overseer position and integrate it to his inventions. Finally, Hopewell decided to take matters into his own hands, and in 1895 he founded Prometheus Laboratories — obtaining important contracts with private companies and the dying American Secure Containment Initiative, buying several facilities before its integration into the revamped Institute: the SCP Foundation.
Hopewell became a public figure in the world outside the Veil, and was categorized as a Person of Interest, but untouchable for the rest of his life. Clarence Hopewell would die in 1931, leaving his legacy in the formation of the biggest anomalous private company in history.
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned: 18XX-1924/1933
Current Status:
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Years Reigned: 1946-198X
Current Status: Deceased
Overseer Duties: External Affairs; Advanced Diplomacy; Applied Influence
Background Information:
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Years Reigned:
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
- O5-4 pushed for the recollection of all Little Misters from Dr. Wondertainment's facilities.
- The reason behind why it's because his son had disappeared in a Wondertainment raid and hoped that he could find his son transformed into a Mister instead of dead.
- How his son disappeared is because a close friend of his (maybe a Factotum) worked with Wondertainment and knew his son, and organized the raid to kidnap him. O5-4's son, alongside his Factotum, disappeared on that day.
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned:
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Overseer Duties: Internal Tribunal; Legal Department; Ethics Committee Representative
Background Information: Internal Tribunal Supreme Judge
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Years Reigned: 187X - 19XX
Current Status: Alive
Overseer Duties: Overseer of the Department of Finances; in charge of the Foundation's treasury, accounting, and finances.
Background Information: Mister Amos Marshall was the eldest son of his father, Sir Alois Marshall, a prominent businessman, trader, and industrialist who was born in the New York Bay Area. Sir Alois Marshall came from a family of British Londonites who remained loyal to the American revolutionaries during the War of Independence but maintained their British family traditions and practices, which they inherited throughout their generations. Despite his family's previous aristocratic lineage and economic stability, Sir Alois Marshall's desire to hit rich drove him to move out of his home to participate in the Californian Gold Rush, helping James W. Marshall and John Stutter in the search for gold. Unlike the luck of the other Marshall and Stutter in their inability to strike rich, Sir Alois Marshall
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Years Reigned: 1969-Present
Current Status: Alive, publicly dead since October 12, 2015
Overseer Duties: Overseer of Research and Development, in charge of the departments and divisions focused on applied parascience, reverse-engineering, and paratechnology.
Background Information: O5-5 was born on July 16, 1918, as George Edwin Mueller in St. Louis, Missouri. George Mueller came from a working-class family, with his father
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Years Reigned:
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Years Reigned: 192X-19XX
Current Status:
Overseer Duties:
Background Information:
When Foundation became Military-Scientific Corporation, it actively seeked cooperation with US government, but they weren't exactly interested as the World War 1 ended not so long ago.
However, in late 1920s Rufus King saw the potential and the stuff Foundation (Corp) had and he approached the Foundation
for who he was, he became an O5 Council member to help maintain relationship between US government and Foundation.
alleged to have founded Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand".
I think we should have that with him
he also founded Department of Applied Force during 7th Occult War for Foundation in order for them to be directly involved in War
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Full Name: Harvey Samuel MacKenzie
Years Reigned: 1984-Present
Current Status: Alive
Overseer Duties: Project "HEIMDALL" overseer; Paranatural Warfare; Applied Force
Background Information:
- Born in 1936
- High-ranking military officer and scientist, with a PhD. in Aeronautical Engineering, and it explains his involvement with Project "HEIMDALL".
- was a part of United States Air Fore; at some point was stationed in Area-51. Also he's a part of USAF Space Command founding staff.
- Former High-ranking Project "HEIMDALL" member. Probably Strategic Development Head
- Wars he was involved in and years of service:
- Vietnam War (1965-1970)
- Cambodian Civil War (1970-1975)
- International intervention in Lebanon (1982-1984)
- He was brought to the Foundation because of his service in the Stan Bowe's Commission during the 60s. It was mainly a side-assignment, since he still worked for the Pentagram.
- Joined the Council somewhere in the span of the late 1970s to late 1980s. I am thinking somewhere in 1980s.
- Despite working with regular military, he’s rather with "Unconventional (Paranormal) Warfare/Forces".
- What I mean by "unconventional" is stuff like this.
- Because of that, he was involved in creation of:
- MTF Alpha-9 (“Last Hope”)
- MTF Lambda-5 (“White Rabbits”)
- MTF Sigma-3 (“Bibliographers”)
- MTF Tau-5 (“Samsara”)
- MTF Psi-13 (“Witch Hunters”)
- MTF Omega-0 (“Ará Orún”)
- MTF Omega-7 (“Pandora's Box”)
- MTF Omega-12 (“Achilles' Heels”)
- MTF Delta-3 (“Solomon's Hand”)
- O5-6 is a pretty big deal in that whole "Special Asset Task Force Program" (research on that)
- MTF Omega-9 (“The Scrubs”)
- MTF Omega-20 (“Thought Police”)
- MacKenzie isn't jingoistic or even ideological like Bowe, but more pragmatic and modern, roughly speaking, he's Machiavellian. His military tactics focuses more on a technologically advanced approach over the enemy.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned:
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Overseer Duties:
Background Information: Magdalene Cornwall was born and raised in The Factory, owned by industrialist James Anderson. Inspired by utopian socialist writings and later Karl Marx's essays she sneaked in, Cornwall escaped The Factory at age of 18 after the death of her family. She received support from multiple fraternal societies, eventually joining local trade unions and becoming one of the many original members of the Knights of Labor and National Labor Union.
She became popular for her writings against industrialists, the capitalist system, and the Gilded Tycoons, but most importantly for her attempt to expose James Anderson. However, Magdalene Cornwell became a target for Anderson, constantly escaping his multiple assassination attempts and moving from town to town. Eventually, she met Aaron Siegel at Harvard University and became the seventh original member of the Overseer Council.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate: In charge of Logistics, Magdalene Cornwall was responsible for the construction and management of Institute facilities and the obtainment and scheduling of resources. A vocal spokeswoman, she became a loud supporter of raiding the James Anderson Factory to put an end to the suffering of the workers inside of it.
Eventually, her wish would be granted and the raid of Anderson's Factory would happen with presidential approval, leading to the liberation of the workers and the hanging of Anderson. However, her fight against the ghost of Anderson wouldn't stop, as she became increasingly paranoid and delusional in her attempts to stop The Factory's products from stopping Anderson's products to appear in the market — as well as lashing out against Council overseers who disagreed with her. Recovered documents confirmed that the cause of this behavior was because of James Anderson's spirit haunting her.
Her final and most important decision was the massacre against the Fae in 1911, leading to their demise in the Forest of Lost Names — Seven believed that the connection between the Fae and The Factory could be the reason for The Factory continue and that their death would mean the stop the manufacturing of its artifacts and the spirit of Anderson to live on. However, this would only lead to the death of 90% of the Fae population, without The Factory to stop its production. Seven's guilt, combined with the haunting spirit of Anderson over her, led to her killing herself shortly after.
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned:
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Overseer Duties:
Background Information: The one mentioned in Slate Thunder
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Years Reigned: 194X-1985
Current Status:
Overseer Duties: Foundation Contingency Planning Operations
Background Information:
- He was the mastermind behind Project Heimdall
- He studied at West Point and recived a PhD. in Applied Physics.
- Before becoming an Overseer, he worked for the Office of Strategic Service and was Head of the Paranormal Threats Division.
- During the Seventh Occult War he witnessed a lot of atrocities, important events and anomalies that he grew afraid of the anomalous and what could happen to the world. Because of this, he made it his life work to prepare plans and contingencies in case of any anomalous crises.
- He continued his ties with the GOC and the government, so he acquited specialists from NASA and Majestic-12 as well.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
- Researched into K-Classes
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned: 1985-Present
Current Status: Alive
Overseer Duties: Special Projects Advisor; Overseer of Training & Development
Background Information:
- Probably born shortly after WW1 in the United States.
- She moved to England shortly before the war to study in college, but the 7OW began shortly after and she decided to join as a nurse.
- She saw that her abilities and charm allowed her an advantage against the enemy, and decided to work as a spy for the British against the Germans.
- Probably by accident, she either discovered the Obskuracorps, Thule Society, or the Sonderkommando of the Paranormal in one of her missions, eventually leading her to work in the British Occult Service.
- When the war was done, she decided to return to her normal life and finish her studies. Eventually, the became a professor and lecturer at Cambridge University. This allowed her to move throughout Europe as she continued her intelligence work for the MI666.
- At one point, she was contacted by the Foundation for her experience and left her life behind to work in intelligence. She was given the codename "Green" for her fondness of the color.
- Continued her work at the Foundation, slowly rising through the ranks, until she became a candidate for the position of O5-7.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
- Immediately after receiving her position, O5-7 befriended as many Overseers as she could to strengthen her position to avoid being expelled or executed. After that, she brought her own personal acquaintances to be a part of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1, and probably became the Overseer with the most Factotums.
- Because of her knowledge and interest in the development of experimental technology, she probably became heavily involved in the many different projects developed by R&D and many other paratechnological departments.
- She was also highly involved in departments and operations related to intelligence gathering, espionage, and counterintelligence even if it wasn't her responsibility.
- Implemented the modern-day Foundation training and recruitment program, with her greatest example being the recruitment of Alto Clef in 2001.
- Supportive of the Bowe Commission and Pandora's Box, alongside the projects and operations related to both.
- Once Incident Zero happens, O5-7 partially backtracks from her previous support to the Commission and instead rallies behind O5-8 in his expulsion of the remaining paramilitary branches of the Foundation. Still, she secretly supports the Commission but does not want to risk her position.
- Once the events of Resurrection begin, while she is publicly against Project Resurrection, she secretly supports this and does everything in her power to allow it to happen.
Psychological Profile:
- Extremely knowledgeable in her field, especially related to military and weaponry projects.
- Her heart and morals are in the right place, however, that also means that she can be morally scrupulous if her goals are in the line.
- "Master tactician, charismatic, and dangerous"
- Seems to be quite cautious and distant, but is also described as friendly, so she's probably modest too. This probably also explains why she uses intermediaries and private meetings.
- She probably is a master manipulator, and her use of green is done on purpose since green is often associated with nature and relaxation — probably uses it to put her enemy's guard down.
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Years Reigned:
Current Status:
Overseer Duties:
Background Information:
- Related to nobility from the von Hardenberg family in Hanover
- Fun fact: there's a real life Karl Augsut von Handenberg who was part of the Illuminati
- Ambassador of the Imperial German Anomalous Matters Examination Agency
- Representative of the German Empire in World Paranormal Congress during the Sixth Occult War
- Participated in the Convention on Prenatural Phenomena and the formation of the Veil Protocol on part of the German Empire
- Mild supporter of the idea of an international agency in charge of the protection of humanity from the new anomalous phenomenon as a result of the destruction of the demiurge.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
- One of the first members representing a foreign power to form what would become the Foundation.
- Joined the Selene Eye Society led by Frederick Williams and Aaron Siegel because of their shared interest to form an international occult agency to protect mankind.
- The reason he did it was because Germany was a recent nation compared to other powers like Britain or France, which also translates into the capacity of controlling the anomalous.
- Knowing that Germany could not keep up with the capacity of Britain and France, he decides to protect the security and interests of his country by undermining the anomalous capacity of the rest of the world's powers.
- By making Germany join the Foundation, he would give the idea of the world coming together for a common cause while protecting Germany's anomalous defenses by diminshing the anomalous capacities of other countries.
- He also uses political strategies and his own mind control abilities to make this goal possible, and he's one of the main reasons the Foundation became the most dominant normalcy agency in the world for some time.
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned: 19XX-2006
Current Status:
Overseer Duties: Inter-Anomaly Experimentation
Background Information:
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned: 2006-Current
Current Status: Alive
Overseer Duties: Cognitohazards; Antimemetics;
Background Information:
- Remembers Unthinkables and is Assistant of Marness, helping her (re)establish Antimemetics Division in 1976.
- Antimemetics supervisor.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned:
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Real Name: Nigel Hopkins Weston
Other Designations: General Weston
Years Reigned: 18XX-1924
Current Status: Deceased
Overseer Duties:
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned: 19XX - 03/01/2011
Current Status: Retired, currently working as the Director of the Department of Sciences.
Overseer Duties:
Background Information: Jack Stewart Riley was a professor, researcher, and physicist from Stanford University born in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1925. Professor Riley obtained his Doctorate in Applied Physics, quickly became a member of the International Council for Science and International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. Professor Riley developed himself both academically and personally during the first foundations of what would become Silicon Valley, because of his connections with fellow students and academics related to scientific and high-technology enterprise of the region, especially those related to Stanford University.
At the time, the Foundation and the United States Paranatural Warfare Command, alongside many other upstarting and established private companies of San Francisco, were interested in tapping the technological and scientific potential that was bubbling — especially after the invention of the first working transistor and the establishment of the Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory by the recommendation of Alan Turing. The Foundation began to search for many potential candidates that could work as an insider to expand the interests of the organization, Professor Riley was selected as the best candidate for his relationship with the academics of Stanford University.
Before Professor Riley joined the Foundation, he was put at the test by a Factotum in representation of the O5 Council: Professor Riley was offered to participate at the frontline of the advancement of science and technology that few people that few were given the opportunity, and to unveil the secrets of the universe and the unknown, in exchange if he could establish a link between the Foundation and the higher-ups at Stanford University. Immediately, Professor Riley got into work, immediately using his connections in his favor. The greatest achievement by Professor Riley was to push the selection of Frederick Terman as the Provost of Stanford University, which allowed him to have a say in the scientific, technological, and engineering projects and departments, who began to be filled with funding and personnel of the Foundation. The rapid involvement of the Foundation in the development of Silicon Valley lead to a negative reaction by the Pentagram, which fueled its own investment into the Valley — this caused a domino effect where the Foundation, the United States government, and many private companies (including Prometheus Laboratories) caused an incredible investment influx, leading into what we now know as Silicon Valley. Finally, Professor Riley joined the Foundation after becoming one of the founding members of the National Academy of Engineering in 1964 — despite not being an engineer himself.
Immediately, Professor Riley began his research into multiple fields of anomalous study: Paraphysics, Essophysics, Metaphysics, Psionics, and Computer Science. He quickly rose the ranks, and met multiple researchers and directors influential at the time: Director Henry Callahan, Dr. Harvey Jones, Dr. George Mueller, a young Dr. Eric Green, among multiple other personnel. Whatever his task at hand was, Professor Riley always pushed forward and got results.
This allowed him to quickly climb the ranks of the Department of Sciences, becoming the Director of Sciences of Site-19 by 1969. Professor Riley became the Department Head just in time to work at the "golden days" of Site-19 and Normalcy as a whole, taking every advantage he could to push the boundaries of parascience and paratechnology — working alongside the recent Director of the Research and Development Department, Dr. Nicholas Akimov, he pushed for the expansion of collaborative projects with "Progress" Research Institute and, ironically, supplying the Pentagram with many of these projects. Effectively, Professor Riley was a devil's advocate, with his only interest being the expansion of science at the Foundation.
However, by the start of the '80s, everything began to go downhill for Site-19. With the decaying political structure of the Soviet bloc and the disillusionment of many "Progress" RI scientists, many of the experiments and research projects were halted or outright disbanded — leading to a slow revenue in the site and the need to cut in costs, which affected the site and Professor Riley's ability to organize his department. His final, most important involvement in a Foundation project before his promotion to O5-9 was Project DEEPWELL ARCHIVE, which led to the creation of Site-19's Deepwell.
- Eventually, he becomes Assistant Director of Sciences or something, and is promoted to the position of O5-9 once the previous overseer dies or retires.
- He is SCP-963-2.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
- Misfortune wanted to establish the supremacy of the Foundation over the rest of the anomalous world.
- This motivation came from his idea of science and the role of the Veil in it: he saw the Veil as a necessary evil because it is where the anomalous comes from and is discovered. Letting out to the public is like trying to prove a theory without a hypothesis and experimentation, you cannot do that. The study of the Foundation first needs to go through study, and the Foundation has to fulfill that role because the other Groups of Interest aren't capable or do not want to understand it scientifically.
- Because of this, Misfortune supported projects that involved increasing the Foundation's scope and resources in the anomalous, with the effort to obtain as many anomalies as it could for the sake of science. So, he supported collaboration with "Progress" Research Institute, Prometheus Laboratories, and later the formation of the Bowe Commission.
- His actions also led him to be a target by many Groups of Interest and inner enemies, including multiple assassination attempts. This led him to become paranoid, which led to his use of SCP-963 and becoming SCP-963-2.
After the [insert the predecessor of Misfortune], Professor Riley was promoted to the position of Overseer Nine, and named "Misfortune". Immediately, O5-9 attempted to increase the influence of the Foundation over the anomalous world by strengthening the relationship of the Foundation with other Groups of Interest and weakening the strength of aggressive groups towards the Foundation.
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned: 03/01/2011-Present
Current Status: Alive
Overseer Duties: Overseer of Sciences, focused on departments and divisions focused on the research of theoretical sciences and parasciences.
Background Information: Donna Whetu Taylor or, D.W. Taylor for short, was a prolific and famous scientist outside the Veil from New Zealand who moved to the United States before her position as Overseer Nine. D.W. Taylor studied at the Victoria University of Wellington. Her remarkable intelligence and work ethic allowed her to move to the United States to continue her studies at the California Institute of Technology and obtain her Ph.D. in Geology. D.W. Taylor became famous for her multiple published papers in the field of geography, as well as being a vocal critic of pseudoscientific and anti-science theories, such as the Genesis flood myth and Flat Earth. Quickly, she became famous and participated in multiple conferences against conspiracy theories and paranormal claims, becoming an important member of the James Randi Educational Foundation, the Skeptics Society, and the New Atheist Movement.
However, later in her career, D.W. Taylor began to question her beliefs as she continued to study and analyze evidence. Eventually, she discovered multiple parageological and parageophysical contradictions that were accepted in the scientific community. Her discussions about these discoveries with her peers questioned her academic validity and even her sanity, causing her slow ostracization. Slowly, D.W. Taylor stopped appearing in events held in her university and the organizations she was a part of, both from the ostracization of her peers and Taylor's own studies that consumed her time and energy. Because of this, several organizations became interested in recruiting her, such as the Global Occult Coalition and SAPPHIRE.
Those events happened in 2011, shortly after the retirement of O5-9 ("Misfortune") from his position, and the O5 Council was still searching for an adequate replacement. At the same time, O5-1 as well as other Council members were worried that O5 Command was becoming too detached from Normalcy and the people outside the Veil, and thought they needed a Council member who could be the most normal member of the entire Council — an outsider. Since D.W. Taylor was one of the possible candidates because of the news of her slow fall from grace, alongside the information that the Coalition and SAPPHIRE were interested in her, the Council approved a controversial vote to integrate D.W. Taylor into the O5 Command.
However, the need to quickly replace O5-9 ("Misfortune"), alongside the rapid movement from other Groups of Interest led Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") to take drastic measures by order of O5 Command: D.W. Taylor was forced against her will to join the Council with the use of high-level memetic agents that affected her subconscious into accepting her new role as Overseer Nine. Shortly after this, D.W. Taylor would be removed from the public sphere and transferred to Site-01, given the tag name of "The Outsider".
D.W. Taylor's, now O5-9, disappearance was faked as an incident in an expedition she supposedly organized by herself without the knowledge of her known colleagues, family, and friends, in the Mojave Desert's side of California — a note was left behind for her closed ones, which was released to the public and attached below:
The truth shall set you free.
— D.W. Taylor
Summary of Overseer's Mandate: While O5-9 was extremely intelligent in her fields of study, as shown by her personal discoveries of the anomalous and capability of understand concepts outside of human comprehension which are not shared with the wider scientific and philosophical community, her quick learning abilities were not without difficulties. Ever since taking the position as Overseer, Nine has pushed for the research of esoteric, pseudoscientific, and parascientific fields across the Foundation — participating heavily with her predecessor, "Misfortune", after taking the position of Director of the Department of Sciences.
O5-9 has served the intended purpose of O5-1 and his supporters, that of an outsider who lived all her life outside the Veil and remains the most "normal" member of O5 Command — and often serves as the voice of reason in heated situations when discussing topics heavily involved with the public outside the Veil and their perspective. One of her most notable actions during her short mandate has been her assistance in the expansion of the Foundation's scientific and technical journals, which was directed by Regional Director Katherine McTriss. Currently, O5-9's main goal is the development of a general explanatory theory for anomalous phenomena, which is ongoing. At the moment, O5-9's closest allies seem to be O5-10 ("The Archivist") and O5-2 (The Gardener").
Psychological Profile: Overseer Nine is described as "normal" by all of the members of the Council, most of the time detrimentally. Unlike the rest of the Council members, "The Outsider" did not have to climb up the ranks of the Foundation, which caused her to not develop the same mentality as the rest of the Overseers to be fit as members of the O5 Council. Overseer Nine does not follow the secretiveness and distance of the rest of the Overseers when it comes to interacting and studying anomalies, instead, she actively seeks to study them personally from her background as a geologist directly studying her field. Because of her desire for knowledge and understanding, she acts but does not follow the same line of thought that the rest of the Council members think: instead, "The Outsider" believes that the Foundation must actively work to understand and embrace the anomalous, instead of actively containing it, in her belief that the anomalous is not something separate of the world but a part of it.
This belief of hers causes her to be active in her endeavors, demonstrated by her expeditions to geographical and geophysical SCPs, her active study of anomalies, her expansion of scientific journals in the Foundation, and the ongoing project to develop a unified theory of anomalous phenomenon. However, just like in her past, this has not exempted her from being ostracized by other Council members — both because of strictly following the Council's code of secrecy, as well as a genuine fear for the perspective "The Outsider" thinks. This, combined with her disconnection from the outside world and the shock of her kidnapping by Mobile Task Force Alpha-1, has worsened her mental condition to the point of developing symptoms of mild depression — which she has coped with by deepening herself in her work and with the use of alcohol. Still, she continues with her duty, hoping that one day her dreams of understanding the anomalous may one day become a reality.
Relevant Information: By recommendation of the last psychological evaluation of the O5 Council headed by Dr. Simon Glass, O5-9 is currently undergoing weekly psychological sessions with Site-01's Head Psychologist, but the use of medication has not been listed. Instead, Dr. Glass suggested to O5-9 to adopt a pet. Recently, O5-9 adopted a cat that she has named O5-14, and has become the best coping mechanism of O5-9 so far. Current psychological examinations are still continuing.
Notes from The Administrator:
To any other member of the Council: please, at least talk to her. Do you seriously expect an outsider to suddenly process the unknown in one day and keep up the peace with people who have studied the paranormal for decades? Be reasonable, and be kind to her. You can see as clear as day that she's having a rough time.
On another note, I like her cat. I wouldn't mind giving him a real position as O5-14.
That was a joke.
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Years Reigned:
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Overseer Duties:
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Years Reigned: 19XX-2006
Current Status: Deceased
Overseer Duties: Temporal Anomalies Department Executive (& Co-Founder);
Background Information: Temporal Phenomena Research Division Director
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
Psychological Profile:
Relevant Information:
- Project: "CAGED CRONOS" is his doing
- Was somehow retroactively assassinated due to Incident Zero
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Years Reigned:
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Years Reigned: 2011-Present
Current Status:
Overseer Duties:
Background Information: DEEPWELL Archives Manager
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
Psychological Profile:
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Real Name: Vladimir Borisovich Frederiks, "The Count" (Formerly)
Other Designations: Count Frederiks
Years Reigned: 189X-1926
Current Status: Deceased
Overseer Duties:
Background Information:
- Military leader of the Russian Empire in the Sixth Occult War
- Participated in the Boxer Rebellion, Russo-Japanese War, World War One and the Russian Civil War
- Pro-monarchist and personal advisor to the Tsar on matters of national security related to anomalies
- Pro-use of anomalous assets
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
- Briefly took a break to help Russia in World War One against Germany, and later in the war tried to ask for permission to use anomalies in the front, which was rejected by O5-3 ("The Hermit").
- After the downfall of the Tsar in the February Revolution, tried to gather Foundation personnel in Russia to coup the new government.
- With the outbreak of the Civil War, he returned to the Foundation to ask for support to the White Army in order to "protect Normalcy" and fight against the Soviets.
- Temporarily succedded because of the foreign expedition where a Foundation task force was deployed, but didn't come into anything.
- Helped white émigres leave the country in order to fight back in the future.
- With the success of the Red Army in Russia, he became more militaristic and pushed more for the use of SCPs and anomalous assets in the Foundation, with the new wave of pro-anomalous personnel returning from the war.
- Supported O5-9 ("The Englishman") to coup the O5 Council, instigating the Foundation Civil War.
- Personally executed O5-3 ("The Hermit") because of his personal grudge against him.
- Eventually, Count Frederiks was captured at the end of the war, and imprisoned in Helsinki where he died of a stroke in 1927.
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned: 1970-199X
Current Status:
Overseer Duties: Elections Monitoring
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned:
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Years Reigned: ???? - 1924/1933
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Years Reigned: 1924/1933 - ????
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
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Years Reigned:
Current Status:
Overseer Duties: Decommissioning; Internal Security; Fire Suppression;
Background Information: Applied Force Director
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
Psychological Profile:
Relevant Information:
- Before Foundation, he was an elite GOC Strike Team commander
- He left the GOC because he thought that they didn’t value him enough
- his position prior to becoming an O5 was either Internal Security Director or Applied Force Asst. Director
- Has a big ego
- And most likely a personal beef with SCP-682
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Years Reigned:
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Overseer Duties: Informational Technology; Artificial Intelligence Applications Division; Department of Robotics and Cybernetics
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Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned:
Current Status: Alive
Overseer Duties: Short-Term Replacement of "The Cybernetic" until it is made sure that the Watchtower.AIC is running properly
Background Information:
Prior to becoming an O5, he was an executive of External Affairs. After Watchtower.AIC started running properly, returned to that position.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
Psychological Profile:
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Years Reigned:
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Overseer Duties:
Background Information:
- Site-15 was created with the purpose of creating Watchtower, by the request of the O5 Council and Pentagram to create a hyper-complex, supercomputer for military calculation.
- However, the project slowly developed into the creation of a sentient Artificial Intelligence entity that could continue the core mission of the Foundation in the case the human members of the O5 Council did not survive.
- Watchtower was planned to a long-term project to be finished in the far future.
Summary of Overseer's Mandate:
- O5-13 is a superconscious AIC that was created by R&D and AIAD, and considered the magnum opus of both departments in the artificial intelligence field.
- The most important part of Watchtower is his core: the supernatural entity from which all AIC's are built. Watchtower's core grants him specific traits such as humaneness and "heroic willpower", as well as "tankered endures" because of narrativistic effects; the exact nature of the core is unknown, it could be demonic or divine in nature, or a manifestation of either the Council or Foundation;
- AIC parts can either serve as containment measures, or to help the core work with SCiPNet directly, or something else, or both.
- Maybe utilizes demonic circuits, occult programming languages and other paraelectronics.
- The way O5-13 can have access to all the databases of the Foundation is because it installed all of its specific modules everywhere, so he can quickly move to any computer if needed. This doesn't mean he is everywhere, it means that he can look everywhere — just as we can look everywhere, our own vision gives us blind spots, which doesn't allow us to see all at once. This same logic applies to Watchtower.
- O5-13 was programmed to follow the main ideas of the Foundation, which is to protect humanity from the anomalous from the darkness to keep humanity in the light. However, these ideas can be modified by external sources, especially those with the technological capacities to infiltrate into Watchtower's program.
- Thirteen's protections would be: layers of proxies and virtual machines, tons of backups to compare the current codes with previous ones, and the implementation of a "heroic willpower" that allows Thirteen to withstand mind control.
- Watchtower is also nicknamed "The Basilisk", which is a clear indication of the threat that Watchtower may pose to the Council and how the creation of a superintelligent AI designed to protect humanity may backfire if Watchtower at one point concludes that his directive must change in order to safeguard humanity's existence.
Psychological Profile:
- Based on his programming, Watchtower.AIC was designed to follow the core mission of the Foundation, which includes the protection of humanity. However, since his creation, he has asked what it means to be human and if he can even become one. Initially, he follows his mission because he is programmed to follow it, but later because of his personal devotion and love of humanity — or what can be considered love to a machine, despite all the failures of humanity.
- Just a sidenote, he's confused by the idea of transhumanism: as he sees men aspire to become machines, to move beyond his humanity, while he tries to become more like a man.
- There's also the possibility that he may become like Oracle from the Oracle Project.
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