- 9 триллионов лет назад - В бесконечности первородной материи именуемой Апахтом, которая существовала всегда, обитали две первородные силы которых именовали как Бытие и Небытие.
- Бытие начинает формировать мироздание, от него зарождаются концепции времени, пространства и повествовательной линии. Дракон Начала Творения зародил Центральный Огонь. Небытие же зародило вневселенскую пустоту названную как Вору.
- От Дракона Начала Творения появляются Высшие Старшие Боги и Демоны которые бесконечно сражаются друг с другом. Также от бытия рождаются семь Парагонов, которые однако в данный момент участия в создании творения не принимают. Повествовательная линия хаотична и Высшие Старшие Боги и Демоны сражаются друг с другом без причины.
- Из тьмы Вору, пустоты Небытия, вылезает Алый Демон который погружает Первую Божественную Обитель в пожар и мрак, поглощая всех других Высших Старших Демонов и становясь сильнее.
- Высшие Старшие Боги жертвуют собой для спасения Творения и изгоняют Алого Демона за пределы существования, однако это стоило им себя и они впали в глубокий который будет длиться неопределенный период времени.
- Жертвы Алого Демона которые погибли по его вине, слились в одно существо которое стали называть Эйв-Зоном,существом без разума и движимым лишь стремлением сделать всех такими как он сам.
- Последний из Высших Старших Богов кто не впал в вечный сон, Паньгу, наблюдая за зарождением Эйв-Зона, решает отделить Творение от Вору,и тратит большинство своих своих сил на создание Первого Хитота. Когда работа Паньгу была завершена, он свалился от бессилия и стал тем кого будут именовать как Всемогущий.
- Те существа которые не попадают в Хитот оказываются ассимилированы Эйв-Зоном и становятся существами под названием Ворутеут, которые поставили своей целью завоевать Хитот.
- Душа бывшего Паньгу проецируется в виде железного дракона Механа. Он становится олицетворением власти Всемогущего который стал через отдавать через него приказы. Тело Паньгу в змея Важьюму, более известную в дальнейшем как Ялдаваоф. Она становится олицетворением жизни и именно она заново создаёт концепцию рождения.
- Из колодца смерти выходят три брата и три сестры. Они становятся известны как Братья и Сестры Смерть и становятся главными предвестниками конца Первого Хитота миллиарды лет спустя.
- Панглосс и его брат Олень с Человеческим Лицом становятся символами упорядочивания. Один из них символизирует порядок, другой хаос и разрушение.
- Гиганты, ведомые Ангарад, спускаются из верхних эманаций, чтобы создать Йесод Многоликий. Звезды следуют за ними, поселяясь в светящихся сингулярностях, чтобы они могли поддерживать ход небес. Стержневые корни установлены, Пути сотканы, и Мечта зажжена.
- Братья Смерть вместе с Парагонами сажают в Хитоте Мировое Древо Иггдрасиль, которое распускаясь даёт рождение многим Высшим Младшим Богам и другим существам.
- Время и пространство какими мы их знаем обретают привычный нам вид. Обитель Высших Старших Богов находится на вершине Мирового Древа.
- Панглосс окутанный пламенем, держащий Центральный Огонь, провозглашает рождение этого мира. За ним стоит Многоликий Йесод, который Гиганты создали вместе с другими богами, чтобы создать центр мира. Мировое Древо собирает силу творения – Апахт, в центр мира, где изначальная сингулярность взрывается, и концепция измерений и повествовательного слоя обретает форму, а время и пространство начинают действовать. На небе образовались туманности и галактики, создав яркое море звезд – это и была вселенная
- Осколки Алого Демона находящиеся на Мировом Древе превращаются в Космическую Морскую Звезду которая заставляет всех забыть об именах Высших Старших Богов, а также в Короля Драконов Басуджи.
- Спустя миллиарды лет, цивилизация достигшая божественного уровня решает при помощи Ворутеут изучить Вору и непреднамеренно привлекают к Хитоту Эйв-Зона который врывается в него и практически полностью уничтожает.
- Некто по имени Кундо Бангзина, запечатывает Эйв-Зона в "Замке" после чего следуя наставлениям Всемогущего создаёт Второй Хитот.
- 13 миллиардов лет назад – Происходит Большой Взрыв который начинает Второй Хитот. Братья Смерть спасают некоторые души от превращения в Крикунов в Структуре, а богиня Санна очищает Мировое Древо от развращения Эйв-Зона
- Семеро существ выживших в Первом Хитоте, Зейю-леусан, Урон-леусан, Эов-леусан, Ракму-леусан, Несрен-леусан, Йорун-леусан Майран-леусан, возносятся до статуса божественности и становятся известны как Кору-теуса, защитниками Второго Хитота от вторжения Ворутеут.
- Когда Мировое Древо снова начинает обретать жизнь, в его корнях рождаются много новых богов, Низших Старших и Низших Младших, среди которых самым слабым был Харак.
- Многие божества Второго Хитота основывают так называемые Девять Божественных Царств, среди которых боги из Греко-римской, Скандинавской, Даосской, Синтоизкой, Индуистской, Семито-арабской, Древнеегипетской и Ирландско-кельтской мифологий. Другие пантеоны богов распределились между этими девятью царствами.
- As intelligent primate species begin to emerge and rise to sapience, the curse of lycanthropy — a reactive, animalistic malignance which desires to reverse this development — comes to rise alongside them. Developing into a memetic disease with both a noetic vector and a literal pathogen, the predatory curse evolves to take advantage of the ongoing cognitive revolution, literally feeding upon the sapience of the host at the expense of their sanity and anatomical integrity.
- Vampires, originally a distinct hominid species, evolve alongside humankind. Hemovores who reproduce by infection, vampires are the natural predators of the early humans, their constant pursuit keeping primeval mankind small in number, nomadic in lifestyle, and dispersed geographically.
- 10 миллиардов до н. э. – Происходит Священная война между Люцифером и Яхве.
- 9 миллиардов до н. э. - Некоторые существа Первого Хитота проецируют свое сознание во Втором Хитоте, становясь Крикунами в Структуре.
- Формируется Ничто.
- 4 миллиарда до н. э. - Пара звёздных братьев и сестер растут вместе в центре молодой Солнечной системы.
- Образование Земли.
- Появление первых форм жизни на Земле.
- 3 миллиарда до н. э. - Создание клинка SCP-2307.
- 2 миллиарда до н. э. - Создание картин на SCP-2180.
- 700-538 миллионов до н. э. - Инопланетный вид известный как "ВПИ-002-M", входит в Солнечную систему и прибывает на Марс.
- Марсианская цивилизация уничтожена в войне, в которой активно используется собственное оружие. Выжившие образуют племенные группы, которым помогает "ВПИ-002".
- "ВПИ-002-Λ" попадает в Солнечную систему и пытается колонизировать Землю. На Марсе вспыхивает война между группами Лямбда и Му, и Лямбда создает SCP-4XXX. Происходит неопределенное событие класса K, которое приводит к исчезновению всего живого на планете, включая коренных марсиан.
- 450 миллионов до н. э. - Селахийская угроза впервые появляется в Мировом океане. Ошибка эволюции сказывается на мире.
- 160 миллионов до н. э. - Старцы и Ми-го сражаются в оккультном конфликте за контроль над Землей. Ми-го одерживают победу, заставляя Старцев отступить в свои поселения в Антарктике.
- 66 миллионов до н. э. - Чудесный Метеор Доктора Развлечудова™ доствлен в этот период времени.
- 66-1 миллионов до н. э. - Змей Нахаш, добрый брат Самаэля, и Хахама, одна из аватаров Механа, берут на себя роль хранителей Йесода (Земли).
- Люди Перьев и Когтей, посадив Древо Жизни и Древо Знаний в месте которое в будущем назовут Новый Эдем, создают всемирную цивилизацию в последние годы мелового периода. Эта цивилизация уничтожена неизвестными силами и лишь немногие выжившие троодонтиды бежали в Пути. Эти первые дети Йесода редко встречаются более поздним народам, а два дерева были взяты под охрану Нахаша и Механа.
- Ночные певцы, вторые дети Йесода, охотятся в залитых лунным светом джунглях долгого и одинокого палеогена.
- Сотворение расы Сидов богиней Титанией на территории современной Южной Америки как третьих детей Йесода.
- Спасаясь от неизвестного катаклизма в своём мире, на Землю попадает цивилизация дэвитов.
- Цивилизация дэвитов вступает в контакт с великими силами Тьмы-В-Глубине. Появляются культы, посвященные Алому Королю и многим другим силам, таким как Король Червь, Зелёный Маг и Фиолетовая Королева. Культ Алого Короля быстро устанавливает господство, и цивилизация дэвитов стремительно скатывается в тиранию таумофашизма. Позднее, все они четверо были призваны императрицами дэвитов чтобы зачать могущественных полубогов которые бы помогли злой империи. Алый Король вынашивал у одной из матриархов кальмароподобное чудовище, которое стало известно как Хган Алый Принц, и вместе со своими собратьями-гибридами образовало Ковенант.
- 65 миллионов но н. э. - Появляются Сияющие Врата Антарктиды, предположительно природное образование. Они связывают вселенную, которая в конечном итоге станет домом для Антарктических Империй, с базовой реальностью.
- 34 миллионов до н. э. - Вид гигантских псионических гуманоидов, откладывающих яйца, мигрирует в Лемурию и создает то, что теперь известно как Шалмалийская цивилизация.
- 30-20 миллионов до н. э. - Считается, что водная цивилизация Тетиан зародилась примерно в это время. Их вид сохранился в той или иной форме до мел-палеогенового массового вымирания.
- 1 миллион до н. э. - В Облаке Оорта разбросаны фрагменты мегаструктуры.
- 800-600 тысяч до н. э. - Нахаш создаёт Библиотеку Странников опоясывающую мульвселенную.
- Адам Эль-Асем и Лилит Бат-Ашера изганные на Землю находят Новый Эдем где остаются жить в мире и согласии с расой Сидов. Получив от Всемогущего Копьё Неверующего, Адам Эль-Асем закладывает город Аудапаупадополь.
- От Адама Эль-Асема и Лилит Бат-Ашеры рождаются Кайин Бен-Адам, Хевель Бен-Адам и Азура Бат-Лилит.
- Адам Эль-Асем становится верховным царём Людей, Сидов, Первого Бога-Демона Хитоши, Тысячепалого Звездного Народа, Божественной Расы Адидал, Царства Будды Высокой Силы, Анафабулитов и многих других Вселенских Империй что спасались от Алой Орды.
- Адам Эль-Асем ссорится с Лилит Бат-Ашерой и она уходит от него создавая своё королевство где ей поклоняются как богине.
- Адам Эль-Асем создаёт из своего ребра Хавву Бат-Ашеру и она рождает ему Сита Бен-Адама и Лулуву Бат-Хавву.
- Starting 12,667 BCE — Great Flood: Caused by catastrophic global thaumaturgic imbalance from the Fall of Atlantis, the ongoing ice-age ends and rises in the planet's temperature cause almost apocalyptic flooding across the world which persists in some form for almost 200 years after the Fall (until the Younger Dryas). Cultures across the post-Fall world will develop flood myths based around the Great Flood, as its aftermath combined with the mass amnesia from the Great Fall completely restart human civilization in most areas.
- After 12,667 BCE: The last remaining Anunnaki settlements are destroyed in the Great Flood, leading the remaining Anunnaki, whose prestige on Earth had by this point long since been diminished from millennia of human, yeren, and fae preeminence over the planet, to finally come to terms with the passing of their age and withdraw from Earth for good. Enki's last act on Earth is to found the city of Eridu in Sumeria to help humankind repopulate the world after the Flood.
- After 12,667 BCE: The great king Sherd lives around this time, ruling over the former Atlantean colony now known as Sherda1 (named for him). Sherda is one of the few major political entities to survive the aftermath of the Great Flood relatively well; it grows from a city-state to a sizeable empire during and subsequent to his reign, claiming successorship to Atlantis.
- ~12,500 BCE: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean are written, recounting the events of Atlantis up to the Flood.
- 12,359 BCE: Escaping an incoming ZK-class reality failure, Hammie and Michaud time travel using the Last Ride's Koloko sink from Castle Skog to this year, during which its approximate location corresponds to a cave system in southern Tennessee. Hammie enters Nap Mode for the next 14,362 years. (Depicted: SCP-8005)
- ~12,000 BCE:2 In an alternate universe Earth in the year 2329, one Girard Sebastien Niang, a Foundation agent of Base-19, uses the Lotus to evade an inbound XK-class event perpetrated by a Sarkic summoning ritual. The Lotus relocates Earth to Corbenic's exosphere, where it becomes the planet's first moon. The former Earth's humans face extreme aggression from the native Corbenese striders when they attempt to settle the dimension, leading to the First Harvesting War in which Niang leads them and takes charge of remnants of the Foundation and the Earth's government. During the war, Niang and his armies win the favor of JALAKÅRA of the Impenetrable, one of the Eight Princes3 and a sworn enemy of the striders, under whose patronage they found the Lunar Dawn Initiative in the war's aftermath to colonize and enforce order in the afterlife. (Referenced: Radical Acceptance, Three Moons Initiative Hub)
- Following the arrival of the First Moon, Corbenic becomes a receiver dimension for deceased humans.
- After ~12,000 BCE: After a dramatic affair of inter-pantheonic squabbling in Corbenic, JALAKÅRA and the Lunar Dawn imprison the Prince of Sunken Crepusc beneath the ground of the Gelate Wastes. (Referenced: Path of the Warlock)
- Before 10,000 BCE: The Sherden4's hoarding of occult artifacts creates to a hyper-concentration of pseudo-contained magic, ultimately leading to the First Impasse. The First appears more localized than subsequent Impasses, although its effects are no less destructive: the catastrophe and its consequences largely destroy Sherda, creating a diaspora of Sherden across Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Near-East. (Referenced: Path of the Reliquarians)
- In the centuries following the "unmaking" of Sherda, the Sherden slowly morph, among other nomadic seafarers, into the "Sea Peoples". They search for the artifacts lost to them after the collapse of the Empire of Sherda, and create new magic items to remedy the decline caused by the Impasse: the Cicada God's Chalice to revive anomalies lost to the decay, the Homecoming Map to find the way to a promised New Sherda, and so on. (Referenced: Path of the Reliquarians)
- ~10,000 BCE: The peoples who would come to be known as the Daeva finish their migration, settling in the central Eurasian steppe. (Referenced: Seas of Orcadia Hub)
- ~8500 BCE: Territorial conflicts begin between the Daeva and the Shiga in central Asia.
- ~8500-8000 BCE — Daevite Agricultural Revolution: The Daeva civilization sees a massive growth in agriculture as they begin to discover the thaumo-botanic horticulture which they would later become famous for. Botany and woodworking form the backbone for a new technological explosion as populations grow, setting the stage for the state that will eventually become the Daevite Empire. (Referenced: Seas of Orcadia Hub)
- ~8800-8500 BCE: The rise of a new cult religion in central Anatolia leads to rapid technological advances — namely the creation of basic metallurgy, smithing, prosthetics, and basic mechanical devices. Referred to as Protomekhanism by modern scholars5, this is believed to represent the first Broken God religion on Earth. A temple is constructed out of megalithic stones at the site of Göbekli Tepe using this new technology. (Referenced: Seas of Orcadia Hub)
- ~8300 BCE: A select population of pre-Mekhanites migrate to China and settle along the Yellow and Yangtze rivers. A cultural and theological divide soon thereafter arises between Eastern and Western pre-Mekhanism. (Referenced: Seas of Orcadia Hub)
- ~8000 BCE: The civilization Proto-mekhanites in Asia Minor and the Near-East collapses or gradually fades into obscurity for unknown reasons, leaving the Eastern sects as the only surviving traces of Protomekhanism.6
- ~6700 BCE: The arrival of an extraterrestrial entity known as the Star-Fallen Messenger leads to the spread of Ortothanism among prehistoric humans in Asia. As a result, the Earthly Ortothan Kingdom is soon formed. In the coming years, the Kingdom rapidly expands due to application of thaumaturgy and interaction with the aforementioned entity. (Referenced: Church of the Second Hytoth Hub)
- ~6000 BCE: Aggressive expansion by the Daeva results in a war between their empire and the Earthly Ortothan Kingdom. After a long defensive conflict, the Ortothans eventually break, suffering territorial losses to the Empire. (Referenced: Church of the Second Hytoth Hub)
- ~4000 BCE: Rise of the urbanized Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia. The Anunnaki send a divine messenger to the fledgling civilization. The messenger tells the Sumerian humans of the Anunnaki's existence in the form of myths about "the gods", syncretizing with and inspiring some aspects of ancient Mesopotamian religion. The Anunnaki begin to be worshipped by the Sumerians and their descendants as gods, and only interfere with Earth in the divine capacity from this point on.7
- ~2897 BCE: The Tuatha Dé Danann land in Ireland, intending to settle the island. They win a series of wars against the Fir Bolg and successfully conquer the island, with some of the Fir Bolg fleeing to nearby islands and some remaining as minority populations in Ireland — mostly what is now the region of Connacht.
- ~2600 BCE: Records date to this period of a legendary figure Nebu-Wosir8, likely an Egyptian god associated with gold and wealth, during the time of the Old Kingdom. This being is said to have helped Egypt recover after natural catastrophes. (Referenced: SCP-6987)
- ~2100 BCE: The Xia Dynasty is established in China, supposedly by the legendary “Yellow Emperor”. (Referenced: Church of the Broken God Hub)
- ~2000 BCE: By this period, the Daevite Empire has reached the zenith of its extent and power, stretching from Manchuria in the east to the Balkans in the west, and from Siberia in the north to Persia and parts of India in the south. Due to a complex series of factors involving Sarkic revolts, conflicts with the resulting Kalmaktama, and possibly losing the favor of the Scarlet King9, coming Daevite decline will ensure that they never again reach the heights of 2000 BCE.
- The Bull of Heaven is taken from Uruk and imprisoned by the Keepers. (Referenced: SCP-4015)
- Late 1900s BCE: The Grand Karcist Ion is born to a Daeva mother and a slave father in the Daevite Empire. He is sold into slavery in the then-Daevite city of Adytum.
- Late 1900s or Early 1800s BCE: Ion escapes slavery and encounters a corpse belonging to a physical form of Yaldabaoth in what is now southwestern Siberia. He grafts a part of its flesh onto his own, undergoing Sarkic apotheosis by theophagy. Ion spends the following years wandering the deserts of central Asia, developing the belief system now known as Sarkicism while doing so.
- 1894 BCE: Keshpeth the Erikeshan and his Army of Ten Thousand seal the Dread Devourer using the “Pearl of the Father of Oysters” and forge seven chains from the bones of Jaspetar, seventh bride of the Devourer, to restrain it within Universe Kappa-Erikesh. (Referenced: SCP-2317)
- Early 1800s BCE: Ion returns to Adytum and leads a successful slave rebellion against the Daeva. Following its success, Adytum is crowned the capital of his new empire, known as the Kalmaktama. Ion spends the following years traveling the Daevite Empire as a fugitive, leading more slave rebellions to expand the Kalmaktama, spreading his teachings, and gathering the four individuals who would become his Klavigar.
- 1800s-1500s BCE: Concurrently with the Indo-Aryan migration into India, many Covenant Daeva10 flee south via the Himalayas into India to escape the rise of Ion and his burgeoning Sarkic empire. Performing miraculous acts with their covenant powers to earn worship from the locals and canonization from the new priesthood, they eclipse the old Harappan and Aryan gods and form a new Vedic pantheon, in time forsaking the Crimson King in favor of the divine powers vested in them by their new worshipers and becoming the devas of Dharmic faith.
- ~1720 BCE: An Egyptian Pharaoh is denied passage into the afterlife by the sunrise god Khepri as punishment for cursing him and sent upon his death to the planet Mars instead, where he will be doomed to wander for eternity. His rage curses the planet with animate storms which force most remaining Martian settlements to be abandoned in favor of nomadic living. (Referenced: SCP-8844)
- 1600s BCE: A large-scale conflict breaks out involving the Early Ortothan Kingdom, Xia Dynasty, and Huojù zhi Zi (“Children of the Torch”). The conflict culminates in a destructive CK-class reality restructuring event. (Referenced: Church of the Second Hytoth Hub)
- 1600s BCE: The Xia Dynasty collapses, presumably due to the aforementioned major conflict. They are succeeded by the Shang. Without the Xia propping up their state religion, Archonic beliefs surrounding Yaldabaoth and the Broken God quickly fade into obscurity and largely disappear from East Asia. (Referenced: Church of the Broken God Hub)
- 1300s-1200s BCE: The Kalmaktama expands toward the Mediterranean around this period, colonizing Crete, Cyprus, and Gyaros and thereby threatening Mekhanite territory. (Referenced: Sarkicism Hub)
- 1200s-1100s BCE — First Occult War: The first historically-recorded major anomalous conflict (or “occult war”) to occur on post-Fall Earth happens during this time. The war takes place between the Sarkic Kalmaktama and a coalition of European and Mediterranean kingdoms led by the Mekhanite city-states (which saw limited Daevite support). It is believed to have been triggered by aggressive expansion of the Kalmaktama into the Mediterranean, causing the regional powers of the area to feel threatened. The destruction left behind after the First Occult War led directly to the Bronze Age Collapse, and is thought to be the primary cause of most lasting animosity between Sarkic and Mekhanite groups.
- Sometime from 1200-1100 BCE: Having made enemies with all other states in the Near-East and feeling threatened by invasion, the Keepers align themselves with the Sarkic Kalmaktama, with whom they share the belief that occult beings are not to be worshiped or bargained with.
- Sometime from 1200-1100 BCE: Enoch the Builder sails to Ireland with a fleet of holy warships to enlist the aid of the Tuatha Dé Danann in fighting against the Kalmaktama. After much negotiation, High-King Goibhniu agrees, and joins the First Occult War on the side of the coalition.
- 1154 BCE: The first known historical document referring to the Broken God by the name "Wan" dates back to this year. (Referenced: Church of the Broken God Hub)
- 1100s BCE: In a desperate last attack, the Kalmaktama assails Kythera-on-the-lake by sea with Sarkic war leviathans, laying siege to the island stronghold. With Ion, the Klavigar, and Hephaestus in personal attendance, this confrontation will be the final battle of the First Occult War.
- 1100s BCE: At the Battle of Kythera, Ion is sealed away into the eternal Nevermeant by the Prophet Hephaestus using the Hammer of Mekhane. The entire city of Adytum likewise disappears into the Nevermeant. The First Occult War concludes with a Sarkic defeat.
- ~1000 BCE: A Celtic population, called the Milesians, arrive in Ireland. They fight a series of wars against the Tuatha Dé Danann, Ireland’s current inhabitants, who initially prevent them from settling on the island. Ultimately, a peace treaty is signed: the Milesians are allowed to populate the surface plains of the island, while the Tuatha Dé Danann retreat into the hills and become known as Aos Sí (“fairies of the mound”) by the human population, slowly fading into Irish legend.
The Tuatha Dé Danann and other sidhe will continue to exist as a considerable minority population in the British Isles until they flee to Hy-Brasil in 1468 AD. Some islands however, such as Hy-Brasil and Avalon, will continue to harbor a majority-sidhe population.
- Sometime 900s BC: King Solomon creates thaumic workings and artifacts for holding demonic spirits in what Foundation propaganda will later claim to be the first deliberate implementation of Special Containment Procedures in human history.
- Sometime from 559-530 BC: Cyrus the Great orders the construction of a great Iron Wall to stop the advance of a powerful army led by two Sarkic Karcists11. To construct this wall, he contracts the help of “builder-priests” from Mekhanite city-states. (Depicted: SCP-2309)
- 493 BC: Beyond the Shining Gates, the mighty Leviathan Sanak Thiuh is slain by an Antarctican warrior-priestess of Aqum, later the first Empress of the South.
- 2nd Century BCE: The Ænigma device, an advanced thaumomechanical Oracular divination apparatus, is created by ancient Greek (likely Mekhanite) engineers. (Referenced: SCP-8888)
- ~107 BC: The Romans construct a working time machine under the consulship of Marius. (Referenced: Golden Horde Blues)
- Before 31 BCE: Thoth chooses to incarnate for a lifetime on Earth as Hermes Trismegistus, authoring the Hermetic treatises.
- Sometime from 30-33 AD: Jesus of Nazareth is crucified. In the process, he is impaled by the Spear of the Non-Believer, which comes to be known as the “Holy Lance” or “Lance of Longinus”.
- 2nd Century AD: The Third Occult War, a conflict between the Roman Empire and the Daevite Empire, occurs during this century. (Referenced: From 120’s Archives Hub)
- 2nd Century AD: The prophet Jeremiah the Flayed lives during this time. At Betar, the bloodshed of the Bar Kokhba Revolt surrounding him, he has his most famous vision. (Depicted: Vision At Betar)
- 8th Century AD: The insane Abd al-Hazred pens the Necronomicon under the maddening influence of the Old Ones.
- 730 AD: The first written reference to the facility that will eventually be known as Site-100 dates to roughly this year. (Referenced: Ihp/Locke Proposal)
- Sometime from 5th January 842 to 10th August 847 AD: A court official known as Sallam at-Turjumani, serving the wishes of the Abbasid caliph al-Wathiq, visits the Iron Wall of Dhul-Qarnayn and witnesses the Yājūj and Mājūj there. at-Turjumani documents his experience, the records of which are later uncovered by Foundation historians. (Depicted: SCP-2309)
- 10th Century AD: A divine firebringer known as the Lord of Endowments incarnates on Earth somewhere in the Atlas mountains and develops a cult around itself in the Iberian peninsula and northwestern Africa, claiming to be the rebuilder of humanity into a more godlike form. The cult clashes with native Muslims and Christians before ultimately being effectively erased from history by their rivals. (Referenced: The Lord Of Endowments, Third Law Timeline)
- 1228 AD: Early this year, the city of Esterberg is founded following the events of the Fourth Occult War. (Referenced: Esterberg (City) — Wikipedia)
- 1258 AD: During their invasion of the city, the Mongols find Marius's time machine in Baghdad. Hulagu Khan orders the machine be put to use, leading to the creation of the Great Mongol Time Armies. (Referenced: Golden Horde Blues)
- 1300s AD: The Shona people of southern Africa build the city of Great Zimbabwe, which is used by shamans as an occult structure to contact and do trade with entities from spiritual planes of existence on large scales. (Referenced: Tactical Theology Hub)
- 15th Century AD: A major occult conflict occurs in Europe and Asia. During this war, a Key of Solomon12 is smuggled out of Constantinople and brought to Bohemia to keep it hidden from the Ottoman Turks. (Referenced: Obskuracorps Memos Acquired in Operation BLACK ROPE, Third Law Timeline)
- 1445 AD:13 An alternate universe Earth in its year 1989 AD uses the Lotus to escape a prospective world-ending extraterrestrial invasion. It is transmigrated to the skies over Corbenic, and becomes the second moon. The Second Harvesting War is fought against the striders, led by the Witch-Queen of Bogal Mountain. The Lunar Dawn Initiative, after incorporating the new Earth's Foundation and world governments, is renamed to the ☽☽ Initiative. (Referenced: SCP-4922)
- 1468 AD: Facing increased persecution from the Catholic Church and the non-anomalous human population, the Tuatha Dé Danann and other sidhe from across Ireland and the other British Isles migrate en masse to Hy-Brasil and enter a period of extreme isolationism for 343 years. (Referenced: Nx-03)
- 1526 AD: The Antarctic continent of Universe B-10208-Alpha-1483 is unified under the Third Antarctic Empire. (Referenced: SCP-1483)
- 1582 AD: Royal advisor and arch-hermeticist John Dee discovers and documents the Enochian14 alphabet through a series of thaumaturgic rites, marking the first complete human transliteration of a divine language. (Referenced: Tactical Theology Hub)
- 1590-1591 AD: Italian composer Carlo Gesualdo establishes contact with the faraway realm of Alagadda to create the ultimate occult instrument. (Depicted: SCP-6624)
- At some point in this century, a legendary occult artifact known as Ariadne's Clew is used to "lead magic back into reality", presumably to remedy an incoming thaumatological Impasse. (Referenced: Path of the Reliquarians)
- At some point in this century, Percival Darke founds the original Darke Trading Company. (Referenced: From 120’s Archives Hub)
- 1600 AD: Rabbi Loew, the Maharal of Prague, builds the Golem Josef using kabbalistic thaumaturgy to protect the city's Jewish ghetto from pogroms. The golem is bestowed with a truename known as a shem and embedded with a powerful occult artifact15 which grants it magical abilities including invisibility and the invocation of spirits. One day, when Loew forgot to remove the Golem's shem on the Sabbath for it to rest, it broke from his control and went into a rage, requiring him to snatch the name from its mouth to deactivate it. The golem's inactive body is stored in the attic of the Altneuschul, a synagogue in Prague, where it will rest until the day it is again needed. (Referenced: Tactical Theology Hub)
- 1613 AD: The Vatican sends a force to purge Avellino of paranormal activity, eventually tracing the source to Castle Gesualdo, now a fortress haunted by demons and cloaked in a “yellow miasma”. The witch-hunters survive, having to sacrifice hundreds of soldiers to fight the demons and slay a serpentine monster that was once Gesualdo himself. (Depicted: SCP-6624)
- 1618-1648 AD — Fifth Occult War: This occult war runs concurrent to, and is essentially an extension of, the Thirty Years’ War. Of a highly politically and religiously motivated nature, it mostly involves skirmishes between Protestant and Catholic battlemages. As the conflict dragged longer and longer, it became clear there was no obvious victor, leading to the Peace of Westphalia eventually being signed in 1648. (Referenced: Esterberg (City) — Wikipedia)
- 1 April 1622 AD: Thilo Zwist is born in Amstetten, Austria, Habsburg Empire. (Referenced: On Guard 43 Hub)
- 1623 AD: Othaniel Trower is selected to lead the East India Company’s new Commission on Unusual Cargo. (Referenced: Unusual Cargo Hub)
- 1644 AD: The Electorate of Bavaria employs Schriftsteller to create weaponized memetic workings to be deployed in the Fifth Occult War. (Referenced: On Guard 43 Hub)
- 2 May 1645 AD: Schriftsteller are slaughtered by general Franz von Mercy at the Fifth Occult War battle of Herbsthausen. (Referenced: On Guard 43 Hub)
- 3 August 1645 AD: Thilo Zwist kills general von Mercy at the Battle of Nordlingen. (Referenced: On Guard 43 Hub)
- October 1648 AD: The Peace of Westphalia is signed, ending the Fifth Occult War. (Referenced: Esterberg (City) — Wikipedia)
- 1649 AD: The East India Company demands the Commission on Unusual Cargo make weaponized use of its stockpiled anomalous objects against privateers warring with the company. Othaniel Trower, director of the Commission, who opposed the use of occult items to assert political power, quits the Commission in protest. With his loss, the Commission on Unusual Cargo is essentially dissolved and its members slowly fade from the East India Company. (Referenced: Unusual Cargo Hub)
- During this century, the famous explorer Lemuel Gulliver makes his expeditions across the globe. (Referenced: Project Pantheon Dossier)
- At some point during this century, the ☽☽ Initiative elects to transport an alternate universe Earth in its year 2577 into Corbenic to prevent the occurrence of an imminent ZK-class failure in said Earth's native universe that otherwise could have become contagious to other regions of the multiverse. This Earth settles in the skies over Corbenic, becoming the third moon. Upon discovering the rapid influx of humans into Corbenic, HÉKATI-BØGAL rallies the striders to war, announcing that their prey have arrived and time of feasting has come. The Third Harvesting War occurs, seeing a massive destructive rite which causes much of the new third moon's crust fall to the surface and devastate Elysium prefecture irreparably. The war only ends by direct divine intervention by JALAKÅRA to inflict perdition upon the striders. In the aftermath, the ☽☽ Initiative integrates the new third moon and is renamed the ☽☽☽ Initiative. (Depicted: SCP-3319)
- 10 March 1722 AD: The rationalist philosopher John Toland enters a bet with a thaumaturge student of the Emerald Tablet over whether he can summon the god Hermes. The skeptical Toland dismisses the whole affair as occult nonsense, but soon pays for his godlessness with his life when Hermes sends Dionysus and the Maenads in his stead. (Referenced: Tactical Theology Hub)
- Before 1800 AD: Indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest encounter the Amazonian Hind, presuming it to be a powerful nature deity and later weaving it into their oral traditions as an object of worship. (Referenced: The Amazonian Hind)
- Entire 19th century AD: Homo invisibilis slowly go extinct, largely due to genocides facilitated by the dominant humans (homo sapiens sapiens). (Referenced: SCP-6659)
- 1801 AD: Lord Richard Blackwood, the father of Theodore Thomas Blackwood, goes on an expedition with a band of French soldiers to find the fabled Iram, city of the Pillars. (Depicted: Gold Prelude: Lord Blackwood in the City of Amon Iram!)
- 1811 AD: The Kingdom of Hy-Brasil ends its policy of isolationism and begins integrating into the greater anomalous world. (Referenced: Nx-03)
- 1819 AD: Van Rip founds the Waystation of Asisiteer Mij. (Referenced: The Kingdom Upon A Hill: Zamadenbora)
- The Last Daeva writes the Chronicle in an attempt to restore the glory of the Empire. The tome's temporal magic suppresses the Daevas' natural future as determined by the Alpha Timeline and instead artificially extends the unaltered and original Daevite Empire frozen in social development forwards across time, preventing it from undergoing natural historical developments over time and tying the statehood of the Daeva people directly to the extended existence of the ancient Empire. The tome receives its first feast of blood, and incurs a CK-class reality shift which retroactively extends the Empire's lifespan such that it survives beyond its temporally native (original) point of collapse: the fall of Daevon to the Sarkic rebels and the rise of the Kalmaktama. All of Daeva history past this point is overridden, and a new fixed point for the fall of the Empire is established: this point, for now, is conquest by the general Qin Kai during the Chinese Warring States Period. This point will later itself be overridden as the Chronicle receives more blood to further extend the Daevas' conquests into the future.
- 1824 AD: The Solomonic Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Unnatural is created, either due to the threat posed by SCP-001-TUFTO or due to a catastrophic attack on New York City by SCP-173; historical sources are unclear and often contradictory. Though the organization's founders and ideology technically will not give rise to it until 1875, the SF's apparent non-linearly-causal creation in 1824 is facilitated in large part by stable time loops implemented by the Foundation's RCT-Δt. (Referenced: Tufto’s Proposal)
- 1837 AD: Theodore Thomas Blackwood is born to Lady Charlotte Spencer-Blackwood and Lord Richard Blackwood in the English West Country. (Referenced: The Adventures of Lord Blackwood, Explorer and Gentleman)
- 1838 AD: An economic recession in Innsmouth results from the loss of Pacific trade. Obed Marsh founds the Esoteric Order of Dagon.
- Viswamitra Thakkar, the man who will one day become known as Captain Nemo, is born to minor royalty in Bundelkhand, India. (Referenced: SCP-6190)
- Mátyás Büki, the son of a poor family in Prague, flees home after accidentally using his potent reality-bending abilities against his father. He wanders without destination across Europe for years before finding a community of Roma, who he lives with for a time. When agents of HMFSCP descend upon their camp looking for Mátyás, he again uses his abilities to kill them and flees. Büki lives the following years a wanted outlaw for his powers and on the run from the Foundation's various national precursor organizations. (Referenced: It Might Have Been)
- 1840 AD: At Devil’s Reef, Obed Marsh establishes contact with the Deep One city of Y'ha-nthlei. In exchange for sacrifices made to them by the Esoteric Order of Dagon, the Y'ha-nthlei Deep Ones provide Innsmouth with golden artifacts and plentiful fishing yields.
- 1856 AD: Fresh out of parliament, Lord Blackwood goes on his most far-flung voyage yet: a flight to the inhabited asteroid of Victoria. (Depicted: Lord Blackwood, Astro-Naut)
- 1856 AD: Aaron Siegel is born in New Jersey. (Referenced: O5 Command Dossier)
- 1858 AD: James Anderson finishes construction on his Factory.
- Starting After 1858 AD: When the Factory is built, many fae radical groups are spurred to action by Anderson's defiling of the natural order16. In the period immediately following, there is an uneasy truce between the Foundation and these fae militants, both of whom have a shared interest in seeing the Factory's downfall. For a time, some humans and faeries even fight "side by side" in the war against the Factory. When the Foundation at last captures the Factory and decides to contain it instead of demolishing it, however, the two sides quickly turn back on one another17 as the fae feel they have been betrayed. (Referenced: REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU)
- Sometime 1st-3rd July 1863 AD: At the Battle of Gettysburg, an artifact known as the Blackfire Lance is used to kill the Daevite Chainmaker. (Referenced: Path of the Reliquarians)
- 3rd July 1863 AD: During Pickett's Charge, General Bowe's two great-grandfathers (possibly) kill each other. (Referenced: Incident Zero - Part 3)
- 1863 AD: Viswamitra Thakkar, having renamed himself to Captain Nemo, resurfaces aboard his Nautilus submarine. A symbol of anti-imperialism in the above-Veil world, Nemo is hunted by the British Empire and becomes one of the most wanted criminals in the anomalous world. (Referenced: SCP-6190)
- Paris has developed into a global hub of anomalous art by this decade. (Referenced: (Referenced: Birth of the Cool)
- In a series of expeditions taking place across this decade, a mission of theosophists including Helena Blavatsky and Philip Sclater use occult visions to psychically locate lost Lemuria. (Referenced: Project Pantheon Dossier)
- Mátyás Büki is found and captured by more sinister "crows", likely belonging to HMFSCP or L'Estat Noir, bearing anomalous weapons capable of counteracting his powers and harming him. His captors drag him into the catacombs beneath Paris, where after much torture he undergoes a violent apotheosis that incinerates the agents detaining him. He leaves a false body for them, but this is apparently not enough to deter more agents from continuing to search for him after several years. (Referenced: It Might Have Been)
- One John Lampeter, a mechanic enslaved at the Factory, dies of exhaustion unknown, unremarkable and unremembered. Though the man fades swiftly into obscurity in his own world, in his final moments he allegedly experiences visions of the great cosmological titans erected by other-hims in other worlds.
- 1871 AD: In London, Lord Blackwood, Reginald Westinghouse, and Edwin Dark meet for the first time at the Green Hart pub. (Depicted: The Real Adventures in Capitalism)
- Before 1872 AD: Aaron Siegel is now a physicist at Cornell university. One day, his research takes a decidedly more esoteric turn when he finds a spiral path that continues endlessly into the woods, leading him to wonder why the groundbreaking physicists of his day neglect to explain the occult elements of reality in their theories. Siegel believes that the occult can and should be explained scientifically, and wishes to integrate it1819 into the growing scientific revolution, explaining it as if a physical phenomenon.
- Before 1872 AD: A team of scientific researchers including Sophia Light, Felix Carter, and Frederick Williams publish their findings concerning the "threads" which compose the fundamental laws of the universe at a symposium of the International Academy of Existential Sciences in London. After Carter's presentation on the matter, Williams and Light meet Vincent Arians and Aaron Siegel, two fellow physicists and attendees of the convention, and the group discuss their respective research. The scientists become friends and agree to stay in touch: at the end of their meeting, Frederick Williams hands Aaron Siegel his card. Williams intends to hand him the card for the research consortium to which he belongs, the Royal Scientific Conservatory — F.W., pulling the strings, instead hands Siegel the card for an organization which does not exist, so as to put into motion the series of events that will lead to him founding it. (Depicted: The Eleventh)
- 1872 AD — The Class of '72: Siegel invites many of the Western world's greatest rising scientific minds, including his fellow researchers Felix Carter, Vincent Arians, Frederick Williams, Jesu Sophia Light, and Adam Bright, to join a scientific society with the goal of further expanding upon the ideas of using modern physics to understand the occult. This eccentric club of scientists comes to be known as the "Class of '72", and will later form the inner circle of the early Foundation. The team, despite its small scale, few members and limited resources, is able to make several breakthrough discoveries thanks to being kept afloat financially by Frederick's fiancé Agnes Peterson, a genius businesswoman with experience and skill in establishing a foothold for the organization's operations, securing funding and support20, and efficiently organizing resources.
- 1872-1878 AD: The American Secure Containment Initiative launches its "Omega-7" project under the leadership of Henry Bowe. It is believed that the ASCI's Omega-7 was related to anomalous weaponization, however all records of the project and other files related to it have been expunged — possibly due to a reality shift. (Referenced: SCP-7376)
- 1872 AD: Lord Blackwood apparently wrangles a stampeding pack of bunyips. (Referenced: Lord Blackwood's Revenge)
- Before 1874 AD: Aaron Siegel, Frederick Williams, and Sophia Light go on a trip to Iraq to research occult and theological artifacts for their new research society.
- 1874 AD: The Guardian of the Gates of Eden allegedly commands Siegel to "PREPARE" during his trip to Iraq. After returning from the trip, he begins to shift the aims of his burgeoning scientific club to include not only creating a scientific theory of the occult but isolating potentially-dangerous occult phenomena for study and protection, beginning to see the anomalous not just as fascinating but more and more as dangerous and even distinctly unnatural. Siegel becomes obsessed with the Guardian and learning about the history of those who it has contacted. He begins his slow decline into madness, eventually believing that he is the successor of King Solomon and holds a divine purpose to Protect the world from supernatural incursion.
- 1875 AD: Driven by Siegel's delusions of grandeur and desire to expand their research group, the Class of '72 reforms itself into the so-called Solomonic Foundation21 for the Secure Containment of the Unnatural only to discover that it has already existed acausally for around 50 years22 due to a time loop perpetuated by RCT-Δt. The pre-Foundation's time-estranged founders take over whatever existing structures they discover immediately: Felix Carter, Aaron Siegel, Vincent Arians, Sophia Light, and Frederick Williams are made the original Council of Five Overseers, dealing with occult research and administration. Adam Bright, an explorer and the son of an ASCI field commander, is placed in charge of task forces and field expeditions, and Agnes Peterson, an expert organizer and administrator, is given authority over logistics and financials, given the title of Administrator-General of Logistics. The individual later mockingly called O5-0 is ostensibly involved in these early years but denies any position of authority offered to them.
- 1877 AD: Lord Blackwood partakes in a hunt, alongside a party of other explorers including one Sir Harry Flashman, to slay the legendary Amazonian Hind. (Referenced: The Amazonian Hind)
- 13th October 1881 AD: A sect of German occultists in the Black Lodge, often known as "the Godless", destroy the Fulcrum entity23 with a devastating thaumic working intended to rewrite the Rite of Solomon. The Lodge's treacherous ritual firmly cements in the public consciousness that the horrors of the Sixth Occult War must be brought to an end, lest a full-scale eschaton be initiated by the warring mages. (Referenced: Third Law Timeline, SCP-3457, Tactical Theology Hub, Esterberg (City) — Wikipedia)
- Following the destruction of the Fulcrum, catastrophic thaumaturgic and psionic backlash reverberates across the world for over a decade in many areas as global magic energy flow can no longer be regulated by the deity. The global anomalous community falls into constant crisis mode, with many supernatural areas such as Avalon and Hy-Brasil becoming subject to almost apocalyptic events from the intense onset of occult entropy. Abrahamic religions become largely Akiva-null and a major religious crisis ensues, with one of the most prominent and legitimate institutions of magic in Europe (the Church) having its occult capacity severely crippled.
- 1881 AD: National governments step in to definitively bring the Sixth Occult War to an end. (Referenced: Third Law Timeline)
- 1881 AD: Following the end of the Sixth Occult War, Aaron Siegel leads unification talks with other paranormal orders and organizations of various allegiances. Justifying it under the prevailing ideology of the necessity of international cooperation and the establishment of a new postwar normalcy, he orchestrates the creation of a single occult superpower under his effective control — what will soon be known as the modern SCP Foundation.
- 1881 AD: The SCP Foundation is founded by the syndication of thirteen of the most powerful occult organizations from across the globe, giving birth to the single international anomalous superpower of the coming era. These thirteen organizations are:
1. Her Majesty’s Royal Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Paranormal (HM(R)FSCP)
2. L'Estate Noir
3. The Tsar’s Seers (Царские провидцы)
4. The Imperial German Testing Office for Paranormal Affairs (KDPPA)24
5. The American Secure Containment Initiative (ASCI)
6. The Devan-e Jaaduyih (دفتر سحر و جادو)
7. The General Assembly of Thaumaturgists and Theologists Against Queen Mab
8. The Council of the Dutch East Indies’ Special Investigations Board
9. The Inner Africa Expeditionary Society
10. The Knights of the Military Order of Borja y Aragón
11. The Bureau of Onmyō (陰陽寮)
12. The Abnormality Institute (異學會)
13. The Solomonic Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Unnatural
Siegel's First Foundation gives way to his Second and current as twelve others merge into it to become One. The days of the thirteen feuding Foundations are done, as a single hegemonic monument rises in their stead. With an iron Veil about to draw over the world, the epoch of the occult is likewise brought to a forced conclusion, as for the first time in Earth's five billion-year history, an era of Normalcy begins.
- After 1881 AD: In a cave some sixty kilometers west of Astrakhan, Frederick Williams finds a waterfall. A Fountain. Thus is born his Foundation's immortality. (Depicted: The Seventh)
- Early-mid 1880s AD: Over these years, the newly-created SCP Foundation absorbs and integrates several smaller national paranormal agencies and other occult organizations — such as the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Commission on Transgressive Occurrences, the Italian Royal Office of Anomalies, the British Raj Anti-Cult Regiment, and the Order of Dragonslayers — that were not originally included in its thirteen founding precursor organizations25.
- 1882 AD: Reginald Westinghouse accepts a job as a toy designer at the Anderson Factory. (Referenced: The Real Adventures in Capitalism)
- 1883 AD: Lord Blackwood goes on a tarasque hunt with a Mr. Roosevelt, a Mr. Dukov, and a Mr. Harris, hoping to claim a bounty of 5 million pounds. (Depicted: Lord Blackwood and the Great Tarasque Hunt of '83)
- 1884 AD — Inferno of Avalon: Aspect radiation bursts caused by thaumaturgic and psionic backlash from the events of the Sixth Occult War cascade upon Sidhe Avalon, inflicting massive damage. (Referenced: Third Law Timeline)
- 1889 AD — Snarling Coup: An internal political affair occurs at many Foundation facilities worldwide. Though it is one of the most heavily archived events in Foundation history, the majority of surviving documentation concerning what actually occurred during the Snarling Coup contains information that is inherently antimemetic due to the mass usage of infohazardous, antimemetic, and information-erasure anomalies during the events of the Coup itself. (Referenced: Tufto’s Proposal, SCP-3986)
- 1890-1900 AD — The Settling of Three Portlands: The first true documentation of human occupation in Three Portlands comes from the early 1890s, with the process continuing through 1900. Construction of permanent society and infrastructure in the Three Portlands was established shortly thereafter. (Referenced: UIU Location Dossier — "Three Portlands")
- 1890 AD: Reginald Westinghouse escapes the Factory.
- 1890 AD: Thaddeus Xynak is murdered in cold blood by a rogue Thaddeus Xynak. A week later, Thaddeus Xynak travels back in time to solve the case of this murder. (Depicted: The Assassination of Thaddeus Xyank by the Coward Thaddeus Xyank)
- 1892 AD: Prometheus Laboratories, Inc. is founded. (Referenced: Third Law Timeline)
- 1892 AD: Westinghouse, adopting the name "Dr. Wondertainment", takes his toys to market at the Chicago World's Fair, to moderate success. (Referenced: The Real Adventures in Capitalism)
- 1893 AD: Lord Blackwood becomes involved in some "nastiness" in Patagonia, likely a dangerous anomalous event26. (Referenced: Recollections of a Gentleman's Gentleman)
- 1894 AD: Prometheus Labs effectively invents the first modern amnestic. More specifically, a team led by Mark Wall perfects the formula for a memory-erasing drug much easier to mass-produce than previous alchemical elixirs. The formula is immediately bought by the Foundation for an irrefusably large sum of money. (Referenced: From 120’s Archives Hub)
- 1894 AD: A sidhe historian and archaeologist by the name of Trygve Dirmarren publishes The Spire Star, a report on the ancient Fae Empire's six greatest and most influential cities. (Referenced: The Spire Star (Extended Edition))
- 1895 AD: The Chicago Spirit begins illegally trafficking anomalous artifacts. (Referenced: Third Law Timeline)
- 1897 AD: Lord Blackwood meets a young man named Albert Einstein in Switzerland. Impressed by his “contemplative” nature and “interest in matters physical”, Blackwood lends him a few shillings to pay for a carriage. (Referenced: Ask Lord Blackwood)
- 1897 AD: In an event later known as the Transylvania-London Incident, an arch-vampire from eastern Europe27 attempts to take over Britain. (Referenced: Project Pantheon Dossier)
- 1897 AD: O5-13 ("The Visionary") is killed in an encounter with a dangerous anomalous entity in Tanganyika. Felix Carter is chosen to succeed him in the position of O5-13.
- 1898 AD: Spain relinquishes her memetic arsenal to the United States following defeat in the Spanish-American War. (Referenced: SCP-2350, Third Law Timeline)
- 1898 AD: An invasion of Earth by Sarmak extraterrestrials is attempted and thwarted. (Referenced: Project Pantheon Dossier)
- 1899-1910 AD: Future Foundation agent Samuel Reynoso travels to Asia and trains in Eastern esoteric traditions under Indian dharmic gurus, Tibetan lamas, and even an eccentric Englishman operating out of outposts in Bengal and Burma by the name of "Master Yttoric"28. (Referenced: Dancing Into The Sun)
- 1900 AD: The Great Barrier Reef Empire is founded off the coast of Australia, uniting all awakened dolphins; a.k.a. SCP-3932-Δ instances. (Referenced: SCP-3932)
- 1900 AD: Pursuing reports of anomalous activity in the southern Aegean, the Foundation discovers anomalous clockwork automata washing up on the shores around Crete and Antikythera.29 (Referenced: SCP-8888)
- 1st June 1900 AD: Corresponding date in a previous iteration of the timeline to the triggering of a massive CK-class restructuring event, which retroactively erased the events of Occult War i from existence and rewrote recent history to that which occurs in the present iteration of the prime timeline. (Referenced: Wrong Proposal)
- April 1901 AD: Percival Darke's trading company discovers and extracts an anomalous mechanical object30 from underneath the Aegean Sea. In the coming days, Foundation representatives attend an auction of occult antiques being held by Darke in Athens on an attempt to acquire the mysterious object among other magical curios, but are ruthlessly outbid by the Church of the Broken God. (Referenced: SCP-8888)
- After April 1901 AD: The Foundation offers to purchase the Ænigma Device from the Church of the Broken God for an exorbitant price. They accept, but deliver what ends up being a heavily rusted and damaged seemingly unrelated non-anomalous mechanical object31. The Foundation discovers the Church does not possess the true Ænigma. (Referenced: SCP-8888)
- 1902 AD: Jesu Sophia Light ascends to the position of O5-2 following the death of the previous O5-2, "He Who Waits", due to a highly classified incident involving a pseudo-demiurgic ontovore entity.
- 1902 AD: Reginald Wondertainment relocates his enterprise to the Workshops of Wonder — a whimsical, dubiously animate, semi-extradimensional toy factory. The Workshops are built with no small amount of arcane aid, as Wondertainment also begins study into the Pangloss Flames that animate metaphysical creation around this time32.
- 1902 AD: Necessitating humanitarian aid en masse due to its deteriorating condition since the Inferno of Avalon, the United Kingdom signs a treaty with local Sidhe authorities turning the Isle of Avalon into a Crown Dependency in order to offer protection.
- 1904 AD: The Foundation (re?)discovers Site-100. (Referenced: Ihp/Locke Proposal)
- 1905 AD: The British Occult Service begins issuing evacuations of Avalon and uses Three Portlands to house Sidhe refugees fleeing from the area. (Referenced: Third Law Timeline, UIU Location Dossier — "Three Portlands")
- 1907 AD: Increasingly concerned over James Anderson’s highly dangerous and potentially normalcy-threatening activities, the Foundation finally invades and occupies the Factory, killing him and ending his steel manufacturing empire. The Factory is used as a Foundation base of operations in the coming months.
- After 1907 AD: Fae groups resume hostilities against the Foundation as they decide to contain, rather than entirely uproot, the recently-captured Factory in what is seen among faeries as a backstabbing by the Jailors. Various paramilitaries repeatedly attempt to invade the Foundation-occupied Factory to destroy its evil influence entirely; the Foundation responds by clamping down on its Nexus policies, hunting down and detaining or massacring faeries found operating outside designated paranormal safe-havens under the cover of "Veil enforcement". The war against the Factory becomes a war between the two sides over control of it, as fae are persecuted and slaughtered around the world for "suspected involvement with extremist groups". The Foundation's conduct during the war, which concludes in 1911, is remembered by the Foundation as one of their great organizational shames and by the fae as a great betrayal and genocidal campaign. (Referenced: REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU)
- 1908 AD: Aspiring toymakers Chester Williams and Maria Herring open their own Wondertainment franchise, which will eventually develop into Wonder World!™, in Boston and begin to appoint their own directors to a figurehead position also bearing the title of "Dr. Wondertainment". The "schism" is entirely amicable, and okayed by the Wondertainment HQ at the Workshops of Wonder as a method to expand business: the two Wondertainment bases of operation also maintain a joint front in all outside relations involving the company.
- 1908 AD: Turf wars are fought between the Chicago Spirit and Fae crime families for dominance over organized paracrime in the USA. (Referenced: From 120’s Archives Hub)
- 1908 AD: A Prometheus Labs employee by the name of Dr. Shanahan R'yann invents a method which could cure the lethal sidhe iron allergy. (Depicted: GRANT REQUEST FOR THE CREATION OF A CURE FOR THE IRON ALLERGY NATIVE TO THE HOMO SAPIENS SIDHE SPECIES)
- 1909 AD: Filled to the brim with stories of his adventures, an aging Lord Blackwood looks far and wide to find somebody who wants to hear them. (Depicted: Lord Blackwood In the Land of Wonder)
- 1910 AD: At the behest of the British Occult Service, Lord Blackwood goes on his last great adventure: a quest to recover whatever is left of the demateralized once-grand Isle of Avalon. The twisting wild magics of that decaying vista of reality to which he will venture ensures he will not return in any way the same as when he arrived.
- 1911 AD: Edgar Rice Burroughs publishes his famous Anthropology of the Red Planet. (Referenced: Project Pantheon Dossier)
- 13th August 1911 AD: An army of Mabbite fae militants approach the Factory, wishing to resurrect their long-dead Queen and destroy the malignant Factory forever.3334. When the Foundation refuses the surrender the Heart of Mab35, the fae attack and attempt to take the Factory by force. (Referenced: The Grove of Exiles)
- 13th August 1911 AD — Great Factory Purge: With the Foundation outgunned by the invaders and seeing no way to avoid a devastating loss, the Factory deceives one of the O5s into taking a deal in which it vests in them the power to enact an immensely powerful anti-nomenclative thaumic working sufficient to repel the fae attack in exchange for an indefinite supply of human sacrifices36. The Foundation accepts, and are given the power to complete the working, which is meant to strip the invaders of their Names — a grave fate worse than death for the fae. When the Foundation executes the Factory's spell, it annihilates the true name of Mab from existence37 and renders the mortal name "Mab" powerless, turning the attacking Mabbite army from the Children of Mab to the Children of the Nameless Queen — and thereby automatically exiling them to the Hinterlands of the Semantic Realm by association38. However, the Foundation aims the spell incorrectly by critically screwing up one of its necessary semantic components: instead of targeting just the invading Children of Mab, it then proceeds to target all of fae-kind on Earth. Large swaths of the global fae population39 are therefore robbed of their Names, brutally killing, erasing, or transmogrifying several fae and exiling several more to the Tombs of Eshu.
- After 13th August 1911 AD: The names stripped from the unfortunate fellows banished to the shaded side of Hyrial apparently remain entombed in the deepest chamber of the Factory after being stolen. (Referenced: A Fellow Scholar)
- After 13th August 1911 AD: The Foundation realizes what they have done and that using the Factory's power has banished tens of thousands of innocent fae across the world to damnation in the Forest where one loses her Name. They board up the Factory for good, stop using it as a facility, bury it under rubble and lock it away so no one ever returns to it. The Foundation ceases to maintain the area, only ever returning to feed human sacrifices to the Factory as necessary to keep up the unholy bargain.
- 1912-1914 AD: A series of occult skirmishes fought between two orders of mages led by Aleister Crowley and MacGregor Mathers respectively over the control and destiny of the unborn antichrist (or "moonchild"), which both cliques are trying to create. After the war's conclusion, the Foundation places its records under the purview of Project Pantheon for misinformative fictionalization. (Depicted (kinda): Moonchild)
- 1913 AD: J.S. Carver publishes his foundational Theory of Unified Thaumatology, opening the floodgates on the scientific study of magic. The International Center for the Study of Unified Thaumatology is created shortly thereafter, namely from the remnants of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. (Referenced: Global Occult Coalition Casefiles)
- 1914 AD: Saint Hedwig of the Angels, informally known as Hedy Lamarr, is born.
- 1914-1918 AD: During the First World War, the collective desperation of Europe's population theologically and folklorically summons several Bergentrückung40 to emerge from their slumber. (Referenced: SCP-4918, Dokein: A Journal for Tactical Theology)
- 1916 AD: Secure Containment Site-120 is founded following a Triumviraté raid. (Referenced: From 120’s Archives Hub)
- 24 July 1917 - 13 August 1917 AD: The Battle of Husiatyn Woods, a conflict on the paranormal front of the First World War in modern-day Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine, occurs. One Private Pyotr Avtukhov of the Russian Army writes letters recounting his traumatic experiences during the battle and describing the gruesome paraweaponry that was used, given to his division by a Frenchman mad-scientist by the name of Dr. Jean Durand. (Depicted: SCP-186)
- Following the First World War, many Foundation employees return to their duties with a new perspective on the potential application of SCP objects to improve human quality of life and better humankind. The Foundation and Overseer Council’s skepticism towards and refusal of these ideas is a primary factor contributing to what will ultimately become the Insurgency. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- Throughout this decade, a major surge of neo-Mekhanite religious movements occurs. (Referenced: Third Law Timeline)
- 1920 AD: As their enterprise grows from a back alley toy shop to a burgeoning business, Williams and Herring of Wondertainment Boston are approached by magical informants41 who warn them that their growing public image raises a threat, as certain powers-that-be42 will take down any operation involving magic that enters the public eye. (Referenced: What a Wonderful World Hub)
- 1920-1924 AD — “Twins of God” Project: The Foundation begins the “Twins of God” project to create an anomalous superweapon for use in terminating the Kingdom of Abaddon. The project, taking place in the town of San Marco, takes several years of development to complete. Nine ordinary human children are acquired by the Foundation custody following a raid of the San Marcos de la Vida Eterna Church, and are used as vessels through which to facilitate the creation of the weapon. The resultant object, SCP-001-KAKTUS (also known as the “Infinity Weapon” or “Infinity Gun”, is capable of the remote annihilation of any object desired by the user. (Depicted: Djkaktus’s Proposal I)
- 1921 AD: An extradimensional real estate agent sells Williams and Herring a pocket-dimensional space for their Wondertainment toy shop, which they can use to prevent their enterprise from becoming public knowledge to non-magic people. The pocket dimension starts as an expansion connected physically to the shop in Boston, but soon becomes its own extradimensional location that can host a Way system in and out. Over the coming decades, this area will slowly transform into Wonder World!™ as the business grows. (Referenced: What a Wonderful World Hub)
- 1921 AD: While excavating a zigurrat complex initially discovered during the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire in 1917, an expedition led by Foundation archaeologists F. William Abernathy43 and S. Eberstrom finds the incarnated goddess Kedesh-Nanaya dormant upon a ritual bed in an adorned chamber of ancient relics. (Depicted: SCP-4960)
- 1922 AD: Foundation archaeologist Robert E. Howard excavates the grand palace of the antediluvian Azanian Empire. (Referenced: Project Pantheon Dossier)
- June 1923 AD: The Foundation sends a team of parapsychics on ill-fated mission to investigate a peculiar spirit in the Antarctic. (Depicted: Dancing Into the Sun)
- 1924 AD: Failed Prometheus Labs expedition into an underworld dimension led by one Markos Simonides. (Referenced: Preliminary Report of J. C. Randall Upon His Party's Efforts to Catalogue the Multiverse, Third Law Timeline)
- May 1924 AD: Several high-ranking Foundation personnel anonymously publish a document known as A New Manifesto and disseminate it among the Foundation. The manifesto is highly critical of the Foundation’s administration intentionally denying the use of anomalies to benefit the public and demands reform or revolution to ameliorate this. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- May 1924 AD: After the publication of A New Manifesto, O5-7 leads the council in issuing a harsh crackdown on the work, banning possession of the manifesto among Foundation personnel and beginning to fire those who publicly support it. Unrest grows within the Foundation, leading to strikes and riots at several Secure Containment Facilities through late May and into early June. These initial rioters, informed by the Manifesto, pave the way for what will eventually become the Insurgency and Foundation Civil War. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- Early June 1924 AD: The O5 Council experiences a schism over the issue of how to handle the growing insurrection caused by A New Manifesto. Some on the Council wish to resolve the situation with minor reforms to get back to daily business. Seven, Ten, and Thirteen advocate doubling down on persecuting the Manifesto’s supporters to assert authority during the crisis. By contrast, Nine (Nigel Weston) and Eleven (Vladimir Frederiks) even support the dissenters and agree with their critiques. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- 21st June 1924 AD — Insurgency & Murder of Frederick Williams: Aaron Seigel, the First Overseer, murders Foundation Administrator Frederick Williams using the Infinity Gun. He and a few other co-conspiators including Vincent Arians form the first Insurgency against the Foundation, seeing the Twins of God project as an unforgivable sin. (Depicted: Djkaktus’s Proposal I)
- After 21st June 1924 AD: In the coming days and weeks, many Foundation personnel defect to Siegel and Arians’ insurrection against the Council. These defectors, largely composed of those who had worked on or heard of the Twins of God project, believed in the ideas of A New Manifesto and saw the creation of the Children as the final straw; a particularly grievous crime that proved the Council was rotten to their core and revolutionary action must be taken to implement the Manifesto.
- Before 30 June 1924 AD: O5-9 attempts to call a vote of no confidence in the O5 Council, citing its inability to handle the Insurrection by Siegel and Arians as well as its division and malfunction over the growing dissent within the Foundation. In truth, this vote is equally intended as a political move to install a new council sympathetic to the dissenters. Nine’s decision shocks Foundation high command, but his vote ultimately fails to pass, falling shy of the necessary two-thirds majority at only 53%. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- 30 June 1924 AD: Seeing that the vote of no confidence has failed, overseers Nine and Eleven begin to plot a coup. Before the Council meeting of June 30th (in which the announcement of the vote’s results would occur) can be held, they convince the commander of Site-01’s security Task Forces, one commander Jacques Clemenceau, to order his agents to arrest the other Overseers and take them into custody when they enter the site. Clemenceau agrees to the conspiracy, however when the time for the meeting comes, only two overseers — Three and Twelve — appear at Site-01; the rest of the Council had suspected foul play and fled to various secured Foundation bases the prior night. Three and Twelve’s bodyguards attempt to resist the arrest by Site-01 guards, leading to a gunfight in which they, along with oversers Three and Twelve themselves, are killed. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- 30 June 1924 AD: Immediately following the coup attempt against the Council and the death of O5-3 and O5-12, the Site-01 security forces’ second-in-command, a loyalist named Robert Brown, attempts unsuccessfully to arrest O5-9 and O5-11 for crimes against the Foundation. The two escape. In the preceding days, they are both stripped of overseer status by their fellow council members in absentia for their treasonous acts. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- 1-2 July 1924 AD: General Weston and Count Frederiks, the former overseers Nine and Eleven stripped of their status, seek refuge at Site-37 — an isolated facility in the Alps. Site-37 director Wolfgang Fritz, a sympathizer with the insurgent cause, makes a pact with Weston and Frederiks to create a formalized leadership authority for their growing rebellion. This provisional council, known as the Triad, immediately declares the original O5 Council illegitimate and promises democratic elections for Foundation leadership should they take over. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- 1924 AD: The famous sixth decennial exhibition of "Sommes-Nous Devenus Magnifiques?" is held. In a now-iconic scene, a question is exchanged between Ruiz44 and Duchamp45. (Referenced: Birth of the Cool)
- From 2 July 1924 AD: Revolutionary-sympathetic Foundation personnel begin to defect en masse and affiliate themselves with the Triad, some even joining up with the prior wave of insurgents belonging to Siegel and Arians’ original Insurrection. Skirmishes and acts of domestic terrorism begin occurring at Foundation sites worldwide. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- 3 July 1924 AD: Receiving word of the Triad’s location, the O5 Council sends loyalist Task Forces to Site-01 and Site-37, brutally subduing all dissent to ensure control over the sites. In the mayhem, even other loyalists are placed under arrest. Order is successfully reestablished at Site-01, but Triad-affiliated defectors forcefully repel the loyalist invasion at Site-37. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- After 3 July 1924 AD: The Foundation and Insurgents both blame eachother for the use of an anomalous weapon to create a devastating tornado, which would go on to destroy an entire village in Hungary, during the Battle of Site-37. Several decades later, it is discovered that the tornado in question was inadvertently spawned from anomalous activities of Marshall, Carter, and Dark ltd. and had nothing to do with the Foundation or any faction that would later come to form the Chaos Insurgency. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- 5 July 1924 AD: The triad of Weston, Frederiks, and Fritz joins forces with the insurrection of Siegel and Arians against the Foundation loyalists in the civil war. This union forms the basis of what is now known as the Chaos Insurgency in (more or less) its modern form, with other, smaller anti-SCPF terrorist cells later joining in amongst the original two. Though collaborating under the banner of a single organization for the sake of the war, the two factions still have their differences46. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- After 5 July 1924 AD: The full-scale battles of the Foundation Civil War begin to break out, with a unified Insurgency now fighting against a unified loyalist Foundation. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- August 1924 AD: The loyalist SCP Foundation struggles to regroup and collect its resources against the Insurgents, suffering from a loss of important documents due to having destroyed the previous O5 Meeting Headquarters in Paris47. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- September 1924 AD: O5 command reestablishes a secure meeting place at Site-01 in the United States and takes a number of drastic actions against the Insurgents. They dissolve the Internal Affairs department and the High Command boards to purge Insurgent sympathizers, placing the armed forces of the Foundation directly under their control. Telegraph transmissions are censored and the Foundation’s internal newspaper is temporarily suspended. Ten new Mobile Task forces of military regiment strength48, Genga-1 through Genga-10, are created to hunt down the Insurgents and raid their facilities. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- Mid-September 1924 AD: O5 Command is able to freeze all SCPF financial assets belonging to previous Foundation personnel who had defected to opposition groups. This does little to damage the unified Insurgent movement as the Triad and Insurrection have become mostly self-reliant, although deals damage to some of the smaller offshoot cells. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- After September 1924 AD: Through the fall of 1924 and the winter of 1924 into 1925, the Genga divisions suffer heavy losses against Insurgent cells, ending on the receiving end of dangerous weaponized SCP objects. For the loyalist Foundation, mass defections, riots, and a loss of morale and confidence in the Council follows. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- February 1924 AD: The Insurgency organizes a central congress at the Triad’s Sector-12 in Perth, Scotland. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- Early 1925 AD: Count Frederiks of the Triad begins to appear less frequently in public, with most of his duties being taken over by the other two Triad members, Siegel and Arians, or other prominent Insurgents. Though heavily disguised as to avoid consensus opinion on his leadership ability from diminishing, it is believed Frederiks suffered Alzheimer’s disease and increasing senility as he aged. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- June 1925 AD: Battle-ready Insurgent forces now outnumber Foundation forces 3:2. O5 command realizes a new strategy is necessary and replaces the Genga Division commander with a prodigy Foundation commander, one Brigadier General William Chatterton. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- June 1925 AD: General Chatterton proposes a new attack strategy to O5-1 in private, to which the Overseer assents. No other members of the O5 council are informed. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- June 1925 AD: Genga Divisions launch a counter-offensive against Insurgent facilities in Africa. The Foundation also fakes a plane crash near Insurgent Sector-12, with the plane carrying falsified battle plans to mislead Insurgent command. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- 25th July 1925 AD — Battle of Kolguev Island: The Foundation uses their false battle plans to lure Insurgents to a fictitious facility on a remote Russian island, where Insurgent ships are destroyed by limpet mine traps. The sole surviving ship in the Insurgent fleet is massacred by task force Genga-4. Count Frederiks, Triad commander of the battle on the Insurgent side, is captured by the Foundation and later surrenders confidential Triad intelligence to escape imprisonment. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- After 25th July 1925 AD: Fritz and Weston discover Count Frederiks’ treachery and symbolically remove his position on the Triad. The office of third Triad member is never replaced, with the two taking on his former responsibilities. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- August 1925 AD: General Chatterton launches Foundation offensive against the Insurgents in Indochina. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- September 1925 AD: General Chatterton launches a second Foundation offensive against the Insurgents in South America. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- September-October 1925 AD: General Weston of the Triad withdraws some Insurgent troops from the African front. Upon O5 command detecting a weak-point forming from the relocation of troops, a counterattack is planned by the Loyalists. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- 1st August 1925 AD: O5 Command releases propaganda material urging the cessation of hostilities and an end to the civil war, insisting that the Loyalists and Insurgents are estranged members of the same Foundation and musk work together again. In the ensuing months, propaganda and counter-propaganda are fought with back and forth between the two sides, however the Loyalists ultimately gain the upper hand with regard to opinion as some Insurgents defect. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- December 1925 AD: Foundation Overseers One, Six, and Seven collaborate with General Chatterton in secret to create an assassination agency for dealing with dissent and problematic individuals during the Civil War. The details of this program remain highly classified. Among the first targets of this agency are Fritz and Weston of the Triad as well as Siegel and Arians. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- 1925 AD: Captain Nemo claims to have found ruins from the ancient civilization of Kumari Kandam in the Indian ocean in this year. However, no evidence of this survives into the present day due to his disappearance from Earth in 1939. (Referenced: ROUNDERHOUSE's Jade Proposal)
- Starting 1926 AD: The Loyalists continue to turn the tide of the Civil War against the Insurgents. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- January 1926 AD: Use of an anomalous object during the Battle of Cologne in the Foundation Civil War causes destructive flooding of the Rhine river. Both sides blame each other for the disaster. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- 25th March 1926 AD: Agents of General Chatterton's only semi-O5 approved assassin force break into Insurgent Site-37 and kill Wolfgang Fritz of the Triad in his sleep, leaving Weston as its surviving member. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- April 1926 AD: Realizing that the Insurgents are outnumbered by Loyalist Foundation troops at around 3-4 to 1 and continually dwindling, Weston, Siegel, and Arians formulate a change of strategy. The Insurgency lifts all regulations and limits on the weaponization of anomalous objects by its operatives and focuses fully on desperate attempts at creating superweapons to somehow trump the overpowering Loyalist forces. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- April-September 1926 AD: The recent decision by Insurgency command to fully commit to weaponization is controversial among its members, as many still at this point believe in the fundamental Foundation mission of Securing, Containing, and Protecting the anomalies. In response to what is seen as reckless use of their objects, several more moderate cells defect to the Loyalist cause. Weston assures Insurgents that this precaution will last only until the war is won, but this does little to comfort them. In the coming weeks, the entirety of Area-09 — until now controlled by the Insurgency — flips Loyalist. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- September 1926 AD: Weston and Siegel crack down and disband the Central Congress due to the increasingly-tense issue of disagreement over excessive weaponization. Arians, still an idealist, is left somewhat betrayed by this decision. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- Starting August 1926 AD: Despite their desperate attempts at turning the tides of the war via reckless use of anomalies, the inevitable downfall of the Insurgency continues. The Loyalists slowly begin to encroach upon Insurgent strongholds — by late August, Insurgents control only a dozen Secure Containment Facilities. Though armed to the teeth with anomalies, these few remaining strongholds cannot ignore reality for much longer. They will soon fall. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- September 1926 AD: Site-37 is finally overrun by the Genga Division, forcing Insurgent command to relocate its HQ and much of its resources to Sector-12 in Scotland. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- After September 1926 AD: Insurgent command abandons most of their surviving facilities and finally commits to an extended siege, piling up all of their resources and personnel into Sector-12. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- October 1926 AD: Nearly every Insurgent agent and anomaly is holed into Sector-12 by this point. Chatterton issues an offer for unconditional surrender to the site; it is rejected. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- October 1926 AD — The Battle of Sector-12: The Foundation begins a full-out assault on Sector-12. The Insurgents hold the line valiantly at the Site's gates, but overwhelming Foundation force eventually breaks through. After two straight weeks of ceaseless artillery and aerial bomardment, gas attacks, memetic plagues, general paraweapons assaults, experimental eigenweapon tests, bombardment by battlemages, deliberately-engineered containment breaches and more, Sector-12 is devastated. With one last devastating tank advance, the Civil War effectively ends. On the 17th of October, 1926, General Weston is killed by artillery fire. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- After October 1926 AD: Following the civil war and the mass defection crisis, new O5s are finally appointed. A few high-ranking doctors are chosen for the Overseer positions under the illusion that they remain fully in charge, but in truth, during this period most of the Foundation's day-to-day operational orders come from an unknown source within Site-014950. (Referenced: The Sixth)
- 1927 AD: The British Occult Service's Dr. John Carver Randall and his team launch an expedition to explore and chart the local multiverse. For unknown reasons, they completely disappear shortly thereafter. Three months later, Sir Robert Durant assembles a search party to locate J.C Randall to no avail. (Depicted: Preliminary Report of J. C. Randall Upon His Party's Efforts to Catalogue the Multiverse)
- 1927 AD: The American Paranatural Command Office51 and FIBUIU are both created this year, with the United States and many other nations seeing the Foundation civil war as a sign that the great international project of the Foundation has failed and they must put less faith in the Foundation and more into adopting isolationism and reestablishing their own national paranormal agencies.
- 1927 AD: Count Frederiks, completely senile and bedridden since a stroke in 1925, dies of old age. (Referenced: Briefing on SLATE THUNDER)
- 1928 AD: Also as an extension of Foundation-skepticism from the Civil War, the Italian Royal Office of Anomalies is recreated as an independent office of the Italian government separate from the Foundation. The new RIDIA is created from scratch, with the vast majority of former RIDIA personnel who had joined the Foundation remaining loyal to them.
- 1928 AD: The Victory Society performs an occult ritual in the New England town of Daleport with the intent to summon multiple eldritch entities and force them to erase each other from existence. (Depicted: SCP-1936)
- 1929 AD: One Umberto Bumaro, a mechanical engineer in Spain, discovers the Heart of the Broken God.