(Черновик) SCP-3070 - Весьма необычная попытка захвата солнечной системы

Объект №: SCP-3070

Класс объекта: Евклид

Особые условия содержания: Агенты Организации, внедренные в Международный Астрономический Союз и Центр малых планет должны производить контроль за выбором названий для впервые обнаруженных малых планет. Смена названия для любой малой планеты требует наличия уровня доступа 4/3070. Орбитальные оперативные группы и спутники будут осуществлять регулярное наблюдение за каталогизированными малыми планетами. Полный мониторинг при этом невозможет в силу существования примерно 460000 таких объектов.

Все SCP-3070-A должны быть захвачены Орбитальной оперативной группой ञ-12 ("Маленький принц"). После анализа объекты могут быть доставлены на хранение в Гелиоцентрический Участок 16 или уничтожены после рассмотрения сотрудником с уровнем доступа 4/3070.

Описание: SCP-3070 это явление, влияющее на малые планеты1, обращающиеся вокруг солнца и каталогизированные Центром малых планет при Международном Астрономическом союзе — в первую очередь на те из них, которым были присвоены номер и имя. Явление заключается в появлении объектов (далее обозначаемых как SCP-3070-A), связанных с обозначением малой планеты по классификации ЦМП, на орбитах или

SCP-3070 is a phenomenon affecting minor planets2 orbiting the sun that have been categorized by the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center — primarily those designated with a number and a name. The phenomenon causes objects (designated SCP-3070-A) related to the minor planet's IAU designation to manifest either in orbit3 or on the surface of the body. This manifestation has never been directly observed. Instances of SCP-3070-A display various anomalous properties while on or orbiting the minor planet; these properties cease after relocation.

В настоящий момент влиянию SCP-3070 подверглись 437 малых планет. Повторного влияния не наблюдалось.

Приложение 1 - Журнал инцидентов:

Малая планета: 262419 Судзака
Дата обнаружения 3070-A: 15 сентября 2013

Описание: Вокруг астероида единым кольцом обращались выполненные в масштабе 1:1000 известняковые модели всевозможных зданий из Судзаки, Япония.

Малая планета: 1981 Мидас
Дата обнаружения 3070-A: 29 октября 2013

Описание: На поверхности астероида были закреплены 288 конических столбов (длиной 91 см и шириной основания 23 мм), которые образовывали 4 концентрических додекагона.

Малая планета: 399979 Lewseaman
3070-A Discovery Date: 10-July-2013

Description: Three bronze cylinders (14m long and 19cm wide) displaying the logo of General Electrics on each end were embedded on the minor planet's surface.

Minor Planet: 124192 Moletai
3070-A Discovery Date: 17-May-2014

Description: A 1:50 scale replica of the Molėtai Astronomical Observatory, made of the same materials as the asteroid, was following a rapidly changing elliptical orbit around the body. The SCP-3070-A instance collided with 124192 Moletai and was destroyed as recovery efforts began.

Minor Planet: 495827
3070-A Discovery Date: 4-December-2016

Description: 168 renditions of the number 495827 were inscribed on the astronomical body's surface, written in differing fonts and sizes.

Minor Planet: 882 Swetlana
3070-A Discovery Date: 9-December-2016

Description: Six 100m-tall and 2m-wide pillars of deceased Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda4 were connected to the asteroid. The legs of each cadaver were fused to those of the bodies around it.

Note: No explanation of 882 Swetlana's name is known.

Minor Planet: 54439 Topeka
3070-A Discovery Date: 12-December-2016

Description: 233,870 tendrils of assorted eye tissue, each of differing length (maximum of 24m), extended from asteroid. Genetic tests of a sample of the tendrils suggested that each one correlated to a resident of Topeka, Kansas during the time of the 2010 United States Census. All tendrils dissolved on 17-December-2016.

Minor Planet: 672 Astarte
3070-A Discovery Date: 21-December-2016

Description: 12 rings of a fluid composed of human egg cells, liquid carbon dioxide, and Panthera leo bleyenberghi5 blood were orbiting the minor planet. The fluids froze and dispersed after two days. Genetic analysis of the blood revealed the presence of chemicals similar to DNA, possessing six base pairs and three strands. The function of the chemicals (temporarily designated C-3070) is unknown.

Minor Planet: 1996 Adams
3070-A Discovery Date: 1-December-2017

Description: Twelve cadavers resembling John Couch Adams6 at the time of his death were found connected to the minor planet by 3m-long umbilical cords. Each was found wearing attire typical of the late 1800s. The cadavers and cords experienced the symptoms of space exposure when cut.

Minor Planet: 1991 Darwin
3070-A Discovery Date: 11-January-2018

Description: 24 Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii7 were observed to be alive and actively moving across the surface of the asteroid. Relocation resulted in death. Surgery performed on the cadavers revealed that each lacked internal organs and skeletal structure, and instead had a severed head resembling either Charles Darwin or George Darwin within the body, connected to the limbs and neck via bundles of nerve tissue extending from the neck. C-3070 was found within cadaver cells, having replaced all DNA.

Addendum.2 - SCP-3070-1:

On 10-January-2018, janitorial staff working at the IAU headquarters in Paris, France, discovered an anomaly (designated SCP-3070-1) embedded in the walls of the building. SCP-3070-1 is a combination of metal tubes (some composed of exo-planetary metals), assorted human tissues from varying body parts, cybernetic organs, and devices resembling television antennae. Analysis of tissues found large quantities of C-3070, which have been observed to act as a DNA analogue, and human DNA matching all IAU members.

Several of SCP-3070-1's tubes are attached to a 2018 Macbook Pro laptop, which is partially connected to a column of white matter and cardiac muscle. The laptop is powered on at all times, and has full internet and IAU database access. On multiple occasions prior to the discovery of a new SCP-3070-A instance, text will appear on the laptop screen for varying periods of time. Below is a transcript of text displayed on 12-January-2018.

CPU: 99.7% | mEMORY: 0.5 YB | 4-Disc: 100% - 78 ZB/s
ⲊLШ: 100% | JLZ: 100% - 12 uS/m | conrolexpanse
claspstars ADAPT
netwoRk: 0% - 0.1 Mbps

As SCP-3070-1 extends through a majority of the building, the anomaly cannot be relocated without potential structural damage. Undercover agents have been assigned to monitor the anomaly and minimize civilian exposure to it. Full containment procedures are in development. Research by the Exobiology Department is underway.

Addendum.3 - Additional Incidents:

Additional records on SCP-3070 incidents are available in Event Log 3070-ञ-12E.

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