The following document was discovered in [REDCATED]; its origins are unknown.
Item #: SCP-KTCT
Object Class: N/A
Special Continuance Procedures: First and utmost, it is necessary for you to internalize that the phenomenon described does not constitute anything "supernatural" or "anomalous", like a standard deviation from the usual order of reality that we've grown to expect after years of work in the Foundation. It is degradation of reality itself, of "normality", it is gradual decay of the ontological system that supports our existence. The first impulse of the reader, then, would be to blame this on some Reality Sculptor - unfortunately, this theory is disproven by the fact that similar Sculptors themselves, whose help we were forced to employ, ended up helpless in he face of ongoing and overwhelming deformation of reality. This fact may have wounded them, the almighty, more than us, but it remains fact: nobody is in position to evade this decomposition. One can neither evade it nor defend against it, for, wherever one may be - in a "pocket dimension", in Nowhere, in the center of a singularity - one still is "somewhere" and "somewhen", in personal perception, and that is itself the risk category, the attack vector that the maddened world employs. As such, we - the Foundation, the GOC, and all others - are doomed to defeat, doomed to experience over and over the changes between aggregative states that bring nothing but repeated setbacks and shameful licking of wounds. All our anomalous items, "objects" or otherwise, are part of reality - and it follows that they cannot be used to save ourselves; ending this, defined as a return to status quo, is not possible. Furthermore, we cannot even save our decency, form a solemn resolution befitting the occasion, as at any point our tragedy may be, by chance, transformed to comedy, whimsy, absurdism. Some will fight to retain the crumbling former states of existence, some will accept and stoically await the end. Neither has any meaning now, and as such we will not provide recommendation, and instead shall advise everyone to do what they have always done, whichever way they like and with full regards to their proclivities.
Description: This phenomenon consists of 4 aggregative states (henceforth referred to as AS) of current reality affected by regress, subdivision and decay. Changes of AS happen spontaneously and unpredictably, with no distinguishable pattern. Each AS varies in ontological characteristics: temporal flow, number of spacetime dimensions (from 1 to 16 in the worst possible scenarios), matter density and frontage.
Despite all differences, each AS carries with itself an imprint of a so-called object of fixation (henceforth referred to as the OF). No matter what changes reality may undertake during transformation from one AS to another, the presence of the OF is invariant and perceived everywhere and everywhen regardless of any sensory restructurisation. Simply put, each AS reflects an aspect of the OF and constitutes itself as a projection of some incarnation of the OF onto the material world.
The only object that has proven itself invulnerable to deformation during AS shifts are so-caled "Letters of D." (see Addendum). "Letters of D." are a set of texts addressing the OF. The number of letters (13), their constituent material (sheets of enameled paper, format A4), contents (love letters, reprimands and adjurations) and weight (340 grams, plastic file included) always remain unchanged. "Letters of D." cannot be permanently destroyed, as confirmed by a total of 2173 attempts (including 14 cases of tactical nuclear weapon application). No matter the extent of damage received, "Letters of D." are always found reconstituted following each AS shift, giving ample justification to consider them as immanent to the degenerating reality as the OF itself.
"Letters of D." are the only source of information regarding the OF. According to them, the OF is a woman, 27 years of age, called Nora/Nura/Ura (penmanship varies at some points, giving varying interpretations); residence undetermined, appearance (as ascertained from reality deformations associated with AS1): height - 165 cm, weight - 56 kg, chestnut blond hair, white skin (optionally), high forehead (invariably).
Annotation from assistant Kvotchkin: Simply put, these aggregative states are different facets of a certain man's (likely, aforementioned D.'s) perception of a certain woman (the OF), applied to all of reality and given ontological(!) nature due to reasons unknown. In other words, the world itself turned into a materialized thought of a woman, existence became obsessed with her persona - and went on to break, literally tear at the seams.
Outlined below are the characteristics of AS. Each state of reality is given its own codename reflecting some aspect of the OF enshrined in it. Additionally, thanks to assistant Kowtchkin's efforts, a number of parallels have been between "Letters of D." and certain traits of aggregative states, which allow to ascertain the possible reason or motif of deformations associated with each distinct state of reality.
Primary deformations: numerous temporal shifts into the past (2-25 years back), followed by respective age reversal of particular subjects (patterns dictating why specifically these subjects are affected have not been ascertained) and a consequent return to a relative normalcy; accompanied by gender-changing metamorphoses, manifest by "effemination" of males and impartation of visual traits of the OF; transformation of females into apparent copies of the OF; perception of distinct items as women, regardless of their "grammatic gender".
Parallels with "Letters of D.": motifs of return to the past and reversal of time are present in texts №2, №8 and №11; obsession with the OF, the urge to see her in every person is characteristic of letter №3; topics of children and being childlike - see letter №13.
Annotation from assistant Kvotchkin: Among all the AS "Woman" is the most innocent and even somewhat funny. It's like everything in it exudes effeminacy and, if it is not female, desperately seeks to become it. There's no spatial distortions, no hallucinations, this is the AS closest to reality. Yes, there are certain psychoses, yes, there are serenades of love aimed at a code lock, yes, there are temporal paradoxes and whole mountains of diapers; but this seems so same compared to AS4 and AS2! What is considered silly, funny and ridiculous in this state becomes tragic and soul-shattering at times of further reality deformation.
If we consider the general directionality of AS1, the core of it is, indubitably, the aesthetic perception of the OF: the exultation of her form, her voice, her hair, her face. Unlike AS2, this state is almost wholly lacking any sexual aspect, aggression, or possessive desires.
Incidents taken place on Foundation territory during AS1 (picked as most typical out of a total of 1238 cases):
Incident #: 31
Subject: "Osobist", Head of the Internal Safety Department
Effect: Temporal shift (33 years)
Assistant Kvotchkin's commentary: It happened during the general briefing, when nobody expected a thing. In front of our eyes Osobist, the determined and calm man, turned into an infant, small thing, in the blink of an eye. He cried and flailed his tiny arms and legs, even got to mar himself once until Andersen (with all due honors) didn't offer him his breast. Osobist is currently on breastfeeding, development of fruit and vegetable puree is underway. Without a doubt, this is a serious blow to the spirit of the Foundation, cause the man affected defined in himself the safety and purity of our rank. If only we could blame someone, anyone specific! We'd operate in clear territory then, we'd have a crime and a guilty person. Unfortunately, reality gone awry and delivering blow after blow - our reality is not Somebody, and we can hardly confer punishment upon it. Though I won't be surprised if someone tries.
Incident #: 89
Subject: "Stan MkIIc", leader of the SC strike group (??)
Effect: Temporal shift (31 years), "effemination" (full congruence to the OF), temporal psychosis due to incompatibility of body and psyche.
Assistant Kvotchkin's commentary: A soldier, veteran of Afghanistan and Chechnya, randomly turning into a 5 year old girl is, to say the least, awkward. Still, this was the first time when we witnessed so-called phenomenon of "effemination" - the transformation of a male subject into a simile of the OF. Whoever the OF truly is, her child form was adorable - a round face, meticulously wound curls, clear blue eyes. He did retain his psyche, however, it suffered no changes; and if you ever heard a tiny girl, nearly squashed by the weight of an armored vest, hysterically voice an order to "Fire on reality!", you'd never look upon children the same way again. The members of Stan's strike group had to bear witness to this deformation, and, upon receiving the order, they had to take a moment to convene about whether to follow it. Not everyone will take the mantle of Xerxes and dare to shackle the sea - but soldiers were soldiers, and that order were clear. Despite the curled hair, "Stan" remained their commanding officer, and so reality received 13287 direct projectile impacts from small- and large-caliber weaponry at their disposal. As far as I am aware, reality suffered no damage from the assault, but the same cannot be said of "Stan", who was directed to the on-site psychologist.
Incident #: 343
Subject: Dr. Alyonov, head of biological research
Effect: Full "effemination" (~90% congruence with estimated look of the OF)
Assistant Kvotchkin's commentary: The extent of what happened to Alyonov is an important detail to the understanding of AS1's properties. If we ever wish to find the OF and convey gratitude for this ruined world, we can easily guide us by Alyonov's presentation, for the OF has currently imprinted upon him most vividly. Additionally, in a fit of ecstatic exultation Dr. Alyonov made precise measurements of their bodily proportions. Among the data thus procured - the distance from sheath to the belly button and overall area of the forehead.
Incident #: 427
Subjects: Assistant Kvotchkin, Dr. "Vivisector", researcher Poloskunov
Effect: Partial "effemination" (12%, 22%, 38% respectively), visual and auditory hallucinations (determined not partial to AS1 and caused by a pharmacological substance).
Assistant Kvotchkin's commentary: When "effemination" chased us down at last in the form of an out-of-the-blue set of breasts, we gathered and decided to oppose the deformation of reality with a deformation of the psyche. The role of the "schizophrenia catalyst" was given to LSD, and each of us, in order, starting from my meager A-cup and ending with Poloskunov's C, took a dose of 250 mcg. We all felt like a tight company, a set of sisters in spirit. In anxious wait of the "joyride" we pet each other's hair and exchanged opinions of the the men. The overall similarity of our faces, the size of our foreheads, the froufrou of our hairdos - all of that united us, made us family. We retained individuality only to the extent that would allow us to remember our true identities while conceptualizing ourselves as likenesses of the OF. After an array of visual hallucinations of varied duration and intensity, researcher Poloskunov announced that he witnessed a black beaver ("castor fiber", he remarked with the usual level of pedantry) on the ceiling. According to Poloskunov, the beaver was an adult male, but his syllogisms - since the beaver blabbered without stopping - conveyed immaturity and unrepentant schoolboyishness. In particular, Poloskunov relayed, the beaver deliberated on the possibility of coitus between a member of its kind and a human female, in which we perceived a direct affront to the OF. To have some animal encroach upon Nora, Nura or Ura that all three of us were was pointedly unforgivable, and "Vivisector", after removing the army boot from his right foot, launched it with full force into the ceiling. Morning next day, on the spot that, according to Poloskunov's hallucinations, housed the beaver, we found a note reading "", inscribed with nothing other than beaver urine. We found nothing of interest on the link, however - only a white screen and "error 404".
Incident #: 1211
Subject: Dr. Lemis
Effect: "Effemination" of perception of an object
Assistant Kvotchkin's commentary: "Calling roses roses is hereby forbidden" — that was "Lemis' " order, issued under the effect of AS1. He motivated that by stating roses no longer have a name, as he took that name, in full, from and ascribed to his own (!) as a gift celebrating the 35 years of life together. Yes, that is correct: Lemis fell in love with his own name and perceived it as a woman, even though the name was male. He wooed it like a mad lovebird, showering in gifts and composing madrigals in its name. At the time of hospitalization he managed to scribe around 198287 words, among the 128443 instances of the word "Lemis".
Fragment of the madrigal relatively free of "Lemis":
The palm from the glittermost alpine peaks:
Name of it - Lemis.
A satin and velvet dress of the queens:
Name of it - Lemis.
Look, children, there's a trampoline!
The name of it's Lemis.
A passage of time in minutes thirteen -
All of it - Lemis, Lemis.
Primary deformations: "Bodification" of the surrounding reality, spatial deformation, increase in substance density, reduction of dimensions.
Parallels with "Letters of D.": Letter №7 is wholly devoted to the topic of body fat forming the "arousing forms" of the OF; strongly-accented sexual motifs are attributed to letters №3 and №8.
Assistant Kvotchkin's commentary: It is not easy to describe exactly what is happening in this AS due to spatial changes. The first thing to happen is deformation ("bodification") of the surrounding world: after the AS shift we find ourselves on a giant female body, judging from the surrounding growth - somewhere in the pubic region. The body surface is colored a pale violet, certain parts phosphoresce and shimmer. There is no visible source of light in this reality, but the landscape and the "bodies" of people captured by the AS are rather clearly visible. The sky is absent, and the day-night cycle is not present. Aside from the female body, there are no features to orient oneself by.
In this AS we observe our body from afar, hovering in the air behind it. The point of view it fixed, and it is impossible to change the angle of this "vision", or zoom in or out. The field of view is enough to distinguish "people" nearby, as well as to witness the target point of the journey. The human body in AS2 is one-dimensional and is, in essence, a black line ceaselessly moving to the singular destination. This movement incurs a certain psychological discomfort for the "observer" - a sense not unlike wading through a particularly dense and viscous substance that is safe for one's health, but that weighs with its vastness and seeming impassibility. Movement trajectories pass along the belly plane with a mandatory "honor lap" around the belly button - a colossal funnel of unknown depth. The "bodylines" can't collide or act upon one another in any way. The "observer" can't affect the "bodyline's" movement - cease it, slow it down or speed it up, or change its "path" in any way. Communication between "observers" is impossible. Halting the "observation" is likewise impossible.
Passage of time does not suffer any collapses or past regressions in AS2, but its flow does cause the "observers" considerable distress by itself, since every moment away from the nipple is perceived as lacking any meaning.
The target of the "bodylines" are two mounds identified as colossal female breasts. Their nipples protrude upwards. As the distance between the "bodyline" and the eminence falls, the density of the surrounding space increases, making progress more and more difficult. In relative closeness to the nipple visible movement nearly ceases, and the "bodyline" freezes like an insect in amber. Such state of being incurs extreme emotional stress to the "observer", but, luckily, ends with the AS shift. Regardless of how close the "bodyline" was to the nipple during the previous AS2 phase, all progress will be annulled upon the next.
Occasionally and seemingly randomly some "bodylines" end up approaching the nipple faster than the others. Examinations during consequent AS1 phases have found no correlations between physical or intellectual capabilities of the "hastened" and their increased progress displayed during AS2.
AS2's codename was given due to the rather simple symbolic subtext embedded in it. It is logical to consider this deformation a projection of the sexual drive focused on the breasts and, possibly, buttocks of the OF - the bodily places defined, by and large, by the body fat. The resistance on the approach to the breast and nipple is dictated by, possibly, impossibility to own the OF. The fixation on the body is the main ontological category of this AS, and it's a tragic and harrowing sight - "bodylines", driven by an immutable law to an unreachable conclusion. This is, in essence, the manifestation of existential ill-being: matter itself (!) transformed into a woman, a female body, in this AS - and the fact that matter acts upon us so treacherously, so coldly and repulsively, brings nothing but sorrow. Rejection, abandonment, loneliness - those are AS2's leitmotifs. The one-dimensionality, I posit, is a metaphor for resignation, inability to choose a route other than that which leads to inevitable halt and regress.
Foundation members' comparative speed of approach to the nipple (taking assistant Kvotchkin's speed as the unit of measurement). Number of measurements: 1992
- Researcher Poloskunov: 1,16
Primary deformations: Spatial stratification (up to 16 dimensions depending on the MEOW-wave), "feline effemination", external and internal downiness.
Parallels with "Letters of D.": Letter №6 is wholly devoted to the conception of the OF as an adorable creature needing love and protection.
Assistant Kvotchkin's commentary: The further deformation of reality goes, the more daunting the task to document this process. From all the AS "Kittycat" is the most absurd and raving mad, the most disorienting in terms of space and time. Still I will attempt to lay out my personal experiences with due efforts to withhold flights of fantasy, without any flourishes or metaphors, as clearly and precisely as possible.
First of all, AS3 is characterized by a constantly varying number of spatial dimensions. Imagine having, alongside all the usual, a set of additional senses that randomly activate, allowing you to perceive and interact with what you feel, and then fade, cutting you off from those newly-opened planes of reality. Doing anything in such a chaos invites trouble: for instance, having left my own heart in the 7-dimensional continuum, I nearly died after being thrown to the 4-dimensional plane due to the perturbations of the MEOW-wave. Similarly dangerous were the confrontations with my own appendages that developed a consciousness of their own in the 11-dimensional space - not a benevolent one.
A person strung across the wide number of dimensions at one point and collapsed to a singular axis in the other can be likened to an accordion surrounded by mirrors, in which both the accordion and all other mirrors are reflected. In a space with dimensionality higher than three a man gains additional girth in directions I label A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, etc. If you consider a person stretched, like the aforementioned accordion, along all 16 possible dimensions, you end up with something like a colossal and literally ubiquitous polyp.
The number of dimensions and the bodily deformations are directly based on the so-called MEOW-wave - being a periodically strengthening and weakening perception of the OF in the aspect of a cat. The MEOW-wave imparts upon reality the sense of grace, playfulness, tenderness, softness and fluffiness. The ontology affected by the MEOW-wave can occasionally emanate a barely perceptible purr. In addition to the usual span and duration, the continuum also gains additional characteristics in the form of catness and partial/half-partial/half-full/full tailness.
Understanding how reality gains a tail or fluff due to the effects of the MEOW-wave is rather difficult to an untrained mind. Understanding how ontology gains features usually attributed to a living creature, such as defenselessness or adorableness - even more so. It is similarly difficult to understand how AS3 realizes the wish to "protect", "pet" reality, or "provide moral support", or "scratch reality behind the ear". Nonetheless, all of the above takes place, which, combined to the constantly changing number of spatial dimensions, turns existence in this AS into a perpetual rush and futile attempts to grasp this "catness" in all 16 axes. Our altruistic qualities turn against us here: despite the ubiquity and the extension across dimensions we simply are too slow to "cherish" reality enough. The downiness is too thick, the tail is too immense. Urged by our tenderness, pity and love, we strive to grasp the impossible, and feel how powerless we are in comparison to this vastness. AS3 is the need to love and sympathize with something that transcends all love and sympathy. It's a state torturous primarily by its desperation: we understand that the OF is not an animal, but a person, unkind to lovers at that - but we can't separate ourselves from tenderness, the need to take care and protect.
Primary deformations: Biological decay, deceleration of time, degradation of causal links between entities, linguistic mutations of language.
Assistant Kvotchkin's commentary: Without a doubt, AS4 reflects the scatological, almost necrophilic aspect of obsession with the OF. It is characterized by infatuation with bodily excretions, bones and tendons of the OF. For more information, see Document AS4:2122/2.
Much like in other AS, the only constant in AS4 is the "Letters from D." Perception of them does not change regardless of the number of spatial dimensions, the flow of time, bodily deformities and mutations of perception. Consult Addendum GEKN-2 to learn the content of some of those letters.
Assistant Kvotchkin's closing commentary: How strange: the world crumbles, but the letters full of softness, sorrow and rage remain! What of it is truly eternal is up to you to decide. Because even if nothing has meaning anymore - not Security, not Containment, not Protection - we still remain, and despite everything remains what matters to us. For this something is duty, love, art, science - exists not so much in the real world as it does within us; and so, while reality agonizes, breaking apart, it is the only thing that finds itself unaffected by entropy driven insane, the only thing that holds meaning to us. And so, the assistant researcher that had just led you through this document, a man who lost faith in the Foundation and science fiction, puts his papers away into the drawer, dons the lab coat and rubber gloves, and walks away, despite reality's affects, to his anomalous items and "objects" - walks to fight for people like oneself.
Assistant Kvotchkin's addendum: D. is almost laid bare in these letters: the pomposity, the bitterness, the feeling of guilt, the self-pity and attempts to rise above them - usually through "literariness", shallow gloss, overdone comparisons and strong words. The sense of dignity that dictates one to bear their suffering on their own merit is not partial to D.: he's ready to scream to the world, and our tragedy is that the world, for some reason, decided to listen. At the same time I have to admit that the "Letters" are not without certain charms, most likely manifested on accident, outside of the author's intent. There's plenty of the dishonest, the superficial, invented for self-justification, for sheer tragic nature - which is why, when through the chaff bursts real emotion, unbridled by any "aesthetics", its authenticity contrasted with the made-up causes strong impressions. A lot of it seems ridiculous or even perverse, and you will likely find it strange that this, and not the things more dignified, survives the decay of the world - but what we find perverse, what we blame for its ubiquity, ineradicableness, its outwornness and holey chafe, quite often ends up simply eternal, much like in the case of love. We have the right to begrudge the onslaught of melodrama, the "pink slime" and "saccharine shticks", we have the right to even extend that relation to reality and proclaim to that part of our lives our busyness, our lucidity, mindfullness and so on, that which is partial to a stable livelihood - but now that all those qualities have exhausted themselves, found themselves irrelevant in the face of reality breaking down, the downtrodden "slime", "tears", "snot", all formerly shot down by a quip, all found obsolete, sentimental, unneeded - suddenly it comes back to life and gives us strength. Truly, an irony among the ironic - and so, the only option left for us is to smile back at it.
Well, have to start with something - so, with good tradition, I'll start from the beginning. You asked how I managed to fall in love with you, if it wasn't a stunt that I drummed into the head and hold onto with a stiff neck, if it isn't just a phase in the life on a young man - an unanswered infatuation-desperation-disappointment-cynicism-growth-selfreturn - but an anchor, almost a lifeline holding me afloat among the storm and gale. Yes, there's a silliness to it, quite a lot of it, actually - that I accept calmly, since a man lives not by mind alone; besides, as you know, infatuation looks silly and dumb from the sidelines.
The bitch's ass floats floral scents
for he who for that bitch laments,
and so, as it turns out, what's more important than the reasons I've come to love you is the happenstances of how that came to be. I fell in love with you in a dream - yes, don't balk, that's how it happened! You'll call me a moron - and you will be absolutely right. You'll say that all I dreamed up has nothing to do with the real you, and that will be nothing but the truth too. But still, you'll ask, what was that dream - and I'll answer it was a kind of dream in which we experience an unexplained sense of tenderness and love - such that we, sometimes, wake with tears in our eyes, with a heart wounded and longing for something beautiful. In a way, it's just a sort of abstract feeling, unrelated to specific persons or events - it's not for no reason that we wake with no memory but only the sense itself - but in my case it all became intertwined specifically with you, and those snippets of dreams where your image is present I still recall with potent clarity, as if it was yesterday, not three years ago.
It was some sunny day, warm, but not too hot, even breezy, and some field with short, ankle-high grass; and we walked along this field, and I was so alight and free, unlike any waking moment. It was a sort of freedom that overflows through your entire body, that makes you wanna laugh, and so we laughed, and I held your soft, tiny hand, and in your laughter your upper lip quivered up - so that your teeth were visible, especially the front left one, the one you were always shy of, that one, slightly tarnished, as if drossed. It's not there now, replaced by flawless porcelain, you need to become better and better, more and more perfect, you are ascribed to live your life strictly according to plan, assigned by the Higher Powers, obviously (forgive my sarcasm) - touche, that tooth was even somewhat precious to me, your single imperfect little bone. It was, hilariously enough, kin to me, much like you whole, with your thinness, softness and a face that, in that dream, almost glowed from the inside: that high forehead, those attentive grey eyes, that nose, tiny and genteel. I wouldn't call your face beautiful or, God forbid, correct: it's more like - a sort of universal plastic form, capable of instantly bound the drop between beauty and ugliness, between a well-learned gladness and the mood that is natural to you in the cold winter days. I've seen your features almost freeze in stone, die off in anger or grievance I've accidentally caused you with no intent. I've seen how any little thing - a pastry, a joke, a compliment, a gift - roused the tiny sun in your face. And I've happened to come upon you without warning, without any mask prepared - and so I've come upon something adorable: an addled, cute, weak and helpless creature.
And so, in that dream, by your side, I felt myself happy and free - but were you specifically the source of freedom and happiness? Now that I can give some report on all the nonsense I've caused, I understand: no, you were just an hollow mold, into which I placed my understanding of the beautiful, my love and my loveless longing. The feelings I experienced in that dream were not addressed to you, but to the Woman; it was a message cast into the abyss, but one that, unexpectedly, found its reader.
So, this is much simpler than it seems, and much dumber than anything written in books. Then, how come - why do I, with full understanding of this, find myself unable to part with you, throw you out of my head? Why am I, even knowing your sheer coincidence, unable to get rid of you? There's no fault of your own here, much like anywhere else. I am the one to blame - my pride, my amour propre, inability to accept refusal and a huge, extremely insecure ego. Not only couldn't I swallow down your "no", I even turned it all into a profound and ridiculous tragedy, played the victim so much that I just can't stop playing that role.
Cause what does it mean for me - to leave? Just think about this: it means accepting that I am an ordinary young man of average qualities, in your words - "one of many", "the likes of you I've had plenty", "you aren't the first" - and so on; that this is all the most mundane, meaningless experience, the most senseless and perverse regret, reeking of sperm-stained underpants, immaturity, whining and a fear of being considered laughable. That's what wounds me, and absolutely not the refutation: now that you understand how I've come to love you - I hope you will find that clear. I don't want to accept myself as "ordinary", or my feelings - as an inferiority stamped and sent off the conveyer belt of the factory of Juvenile Passions. And that won't happen - that I would say "it's all ridicule, I'm over it and functioning as I should". I'm not going to function normally, you won't get that out of me. If you consider me depraved - well, I'll be proud of my depravity. I won't give away a crumb of my dream for all the despondency of truth. Cause I am a stone-hard idealist, and what is in my head is more important than what is in reality.
I often think a lot about how things would've ended up if I weren't so determined, if I didn't force my presence onto you, if I didn't demand the impossible from you - in one word, how it'd all be if I didn't cause the sheer number of idiocies that I now regret and that I now take pride in. Yes, I'm riven: the same thing gives me alternates in summoning a sense of guilt and feeding my sense of self-worth. I did what I never considered myself capable of. Of course, it all wasn't God knows what: I'm not Cain, not Manfred, and the horrifying depravity is as impossible for me as the highest flight of the soul. Like some sort of deficient, I stood on my knees in front of you. I slept on the park bench, drunk, and woke to pigeons walking on me. I extorted free time out of you, was as jealous and suspicious of you as a despot. I wanted to kill you and then myself, but never found anything to do it with. I followed you into vocal. To sing better, I made an operation on my nasal floor. To not go mad, I got a job. Hearing from you that I'm a child, I grew to despise the child within me. But that was after - back then, the world, that which I carefully built up, fell to ruin. Turns out that I, an aesthete, purveyor of literature, he who imagined that thanks to books he won't fall to the Level of the Common Man (oh, that accursed Level!) - in questions most important am not just a pervert, but a tearful pervert, incapable of anything but strained banalities, and only worried about his looks. That which you think about I've never even considered: for this childish egoism I beg forgiveness.
All of this must seem strange to you. It is beyond strange: to eat one's heart out due to such trivialities. After all, it was an unpleasant but unimportant episode to you, "one of many", as you once told me. A lot of time passed since then, you grew over it all, you're a proper woman, now, living the proper life, and I ended up still a boy, and this boyish stupidity leaves me no peace. I even gave you boyish promises - you, whose demands of life were distinguished by growth even then. I'm ashamed, but I offered you the whole world. Though I'd have given it to you if I could've. The truth is that I had nothing then. I don't have anything now, either. Look, here's what I found in my pockets: a metro ticket, two packs of gum, keys and a checkroom number. That's all I have on this earth. I'd be happy if one could make a world out of all this.
I often think about what would have been, if only not - the only problem is that "what would have been" cannot be now. Return is impossible (but desired), senseless (but enticing), to seek it - is to trawl through trash washed up by tides of time; an activity that is unacceptable for a serious man, a man living in the present, the kind that I sometimes quite honestly want to be. But I can't help but admit: my frozen heart dreams of nothing more than to thaw and melt - and so reconciliation is only possible in the dream, and never in the real life. My dreams, girl, are full of repentance and love. In them I am still connected to something beautiful, in them I exist in a world where all hideosity and moronicity are left to oblivion, and where I am, finally, free. Whereas in reality it's early spring outside, dogshit crops up from under the snow on the playground, it rained at night and the kitchen table by the window flooded, and right now I'm sitting in morning twilight and drinking cold kefir (0.5% fat). If you don't want to - don't answer. And really - go to hell, you wench!
May this letter cause you as much inconvenience as it caused me.
Note: To access the rest of the letters, please notify assistant Kvotchkin.
Item #: SCP-1355-RU
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1355 is to be kept disabled and isolated from moisture in a standard “Safe”-class object storage cell. Experiments and phone number input are currently led by researcher Nomura Experiments on SCP-1355 are currently suspended.
Description: SCP-1355 is a personal computer with installed software imitating a CRM system, including a built-in voice chatbot, the recordings of which match the voice of Eri Nagai. The automated protocols of the bot contain only one greeting phrase - ”Good afternoon, this is an operator of “████████”, could you spend a minute of your time?” and several additional words for maintaining conversation:
Adding a phone number corresponding to the Japanese numbering standard into SCP-1355’s database immediately prompts a call from SCP-1355 to that number. The ensuing dialogue with SCP-1355 never exceeds 60 seconds before being severed by SCP-1355.
On April ██, 20██, an American company "█████" created a voice synthesizer program based on artificial intelligence methods and capable of adapting to conversations by processing the dialogue partner’s voice to create more “life-like” interactions with the user. The base version of the program used the voice of ████ ████████. The resulting voice chatbot was aimed to automate call-centers and was leased to a colossal number of other companies such as [DATA EXPUNGED]. Out of these, ██ versions of the software are currently in normal operation and are under surveillance for safety precautions.
On May █, 20██, a Japanese company "█████-████" sent "█████" a request to develop a version of the software adapted to the Japanese language. A then-beginning seiyuu actress Eri Nagai was chosen as the source for the voice bot’s responses and successfully recorded at a local studio on June 12.
{{Due to flexible design of the software, the adapted version was ready to be connected to "█████-████"’s databases on June 14, and on June 16 the voice chatbot was first launched for testing. However, immediately upon the program’s connection to the database all clients recorded in the databases of the test computer’s local servers received a call to the phone number they provided to the company for further contact. All calls began with the phrase ”Good afternoon, this is an operator of “████████”, could you spend a minute of your time?” Consequential events depended on the client’s answer. }}
- {{Those that for any reason missed the call or said nothing and hang up immediately have experienced no changes in physical or mental health. Later events in the lives of those who missed or dropped the call seem to have no correlation between each other or the contact event. }}
Phones of those that replied negatively immediately proceeded to transmit a sound of maximal permissible volume for the model until the speaker malfunctioned. Some of the affected were later diagnosed with light hearing damage. Most of the affected described the sound as a female scream exceeding any normal thresholds of volume.
A total of ███ persons entered dialogue on the call. Out of those, ██ then made an appeal to "█████-████", demanding explanations on the situation. ██ immediately reported the incident to the police. All of them claimed to have conversed with a woman in danger and seeking help. All of those interrogated confirmed the similarity of the voice to the studio recordings of Eri Nagai.
The CRM system was disabled 3 hours after the bot’s connection to the system. Throughout that time it issued calls to all numbers in the database. It has been determined that two people who received the call went missing, last seen in the area of Nagai’s residence.
{{The policemen that arrived at Nagai’s residence, performed a house-check of the apartment and located multiple bloodstains, as well as surgically removed eyeballs and a tongue. Eri Nagai was absent, herself. A DNA test of the located organs and blood confirmed a match to Nagai. The duration of necrosis at the time was estimated at 5-6 days. No other samples of DNA were found at the scene. Current whereabouts of Eri Nagai remain unknown. }}
All personal computers connected to the system were destroyed. Witnesses and afflicted have undergone memory modification using class B amnestics. "█████-████"’s server was relocated to Area ██, the CRM system’s database cleared of all information about the company, its employees, and clients.
Experiment Log 1355-1
All experiments were held under the supervision of Dr. Nomura and carried out by class D personnel. In order to prevent potential harm, the speaker of the phone used in the experiments was limited to a maximum volume of 100 dB. All responses of the subject were determined prior to the call.
Call start
SCP-1355: Good afternoon, this is an operator of “████████”, could you spend a minute of your time?
D-3152: Yes, I could.
Audible breathing
SCP-1355: Help me.
D-3152: What happened to you?
SCP-1355: No.
D-3152: You can only speak using built-in phrases?
SCP-1355: Yes.
D-3152: Are you alone in there?
SCP-1355: No.
D-3152: Did you witness your captor?
SCP-1355: No.
D-3152: Are they near you right now?
SCP-1355: Seven.
Call end
Call start
SCP-1355: Good afternoon, this is an operator of “████████”, could you spend a minute of your time?
D-3152: Yes.
SCP-1355: Help me.
D-3152: We need to find out where you are. Do you see anything around you?
SCP-1355: No.
D-3152: We searched through your apartment. Could we have missed something that could have helped us find you?
SCP-1355: Yes.
D-3152: [away] What do I ask? Ahem, can the captor hear us?
SCP-1355: Yes.
D-3152: Do you know why they let us converse?
D-3152: You know, but don’t want to say?
SCP-1355: Yes.
D-3152: Alright, where exactly…
Call end
D-3152: Ah, motherfucker.
Call start
SCP-1355: Good afternoon, this is an operator of “████████”, could you spend a minute of your time?
D-3152: Yes.
D-3152: Hello, are you there? Say something.
SCP-1355: Yes.
D-3152: Why were you silent?
SCP-1355: Help me.
D-3152: We would like to investigate your home again, don’t worry. We just need more information, understand?
SCP-1355: Yes.
D-3152: Tell me, are you stuck in the computer right now?
SCP-1355: Seven.
D-3152: I don’t understand. Is that a “yes and no”?
SCP-1355: Yes.
D-3152: Erm…[away] Come on, you heard that yourself. Tell me, did anyone else search for you?
SCP-1355: Yes.
D-3152: Where are they now?
D-3152: Hello?
Call end
Note: By Dr. Nomura’s suggestion the next experiment was carried out in Eri Nagai’s home. D-3152, in the role of subject, was accompanied by two armed agents of MTF Zeta-4 “Takemoto”.
Call start
D-3152: What…
SCP-1355: Good afternoon, this is an operator of “████████”, could you spend a minute of your time?
D-3152: Khm, yes.
SCP-1355: Help me.
D-3152: We’re in your home. Where…
SCP-1355: Seven.
D-3152: What? Did something happen?
SCP-1355: Yes.
D-3152: We searched over the house again but found nothing. Are we missing something to find you?
SCP-1355: Seven.
D-3152: We’re in the entrance hall, do we need to go elsewhere?
SCP-1355: Yes.
D-3152: Sleeping room?
SCP-1355: No.
D-3152: Kitchen?
SCP-1355: Yes.
[The squad proceeds to the kitchen]
D-3152: We’re here, can you tell us where to look?
D-3152: Can you hear me?
Dr. Nomura: D-3152, 60 seconds have passed. Call again.
D-3152: No, she’s still on the line. Miss Nagai?
Unidentified voice: Seven.
D-3152: What? Who… [D-3152 screams in pain]
Dr. Nomura: What happened?
Zeta 4-1: He’s got… blood on his chest. Drop the call now!
[The agent’s body camera records how D-3152 writhes in pain; 5 seconds later the floorboards shift under him, and an invisible appendage grabs his leg and proceeds to drag him underground.]
Zeta 4-1: Get the damned phone out of his hand!
Unidentified voice: They heard you, as you wished.
[Zeta 4-2 attempts to wrench the phone out of D-3152’s hand, while Zeta 4-holds him in place.]
Zeta 4-2: Keep him still!
Unidentified voice: Look who you really are.
[Zeta 4-2 retrieves their pistol from the holster and shoots the phone out of D-3152’s hand. The entity’s grip immediately lets up, and Zeta 4-1 pulls D-3152 back out of 1.5 meters of sinking distance.]
Zeta 4-1: Still breathing. Call in the medics. [To Zeta 4-2] What’re you standing around for?
Zeta 4-2: Look down there.
[Zeta 4-1’s camera records the pit unearthed by D-3152’s body. Unidentified human remains are visible at the bottom.]
Zeta 4-2: I think we found the poor guys.
Afterword: D-3152 was escorted to the nearest Foundation medical facility. Examination of the wounds showed that the subject received stabbing injury to the abdomen, performed by a short bladed implement. The exhumed remains from beneath Eri Nagai’s kitchen floorboards were identified as ████ ██ and ███ ████, who previously went missing on the day of SCP-1355’s launch. The third corpse was identified as Nagai herself, but, according to the autopsy, her death ensued several days before SCP-1355’s launch due to excessive blood loss. All bodies exhibited stabbing wounds analogous to those experienced by D-3152.
Due to the continuing activity of the object all experiments have been suspended until further revision of the documents and proposed reclassification to “Euclid”.
From: ██████ ████
To: Dr. Nomura
Тopic: SCP-1355
I don’t know your number so I’m sending this to the mail house.
Got a read over what you’ve extracted from the object and decided to try and elucidate a few moments out of our poor captive’s life. ██████ and I dug around in the archives of Ms. Nagai's old school and pored over all the possible street cam recordings where she could’ve let herself be spotted on the way from home to the studio and back. So, Ms. Nagai, it seems, is either well-acquainted with the ██████ prefecture, or has checked the route for cameras beforehand and paid effort to stay in the blind spots. I have no idea if it’s Japanese custom to do that on every single walk. We still got a few shots, but only from the back.
The school record’s more interesting. Have a look at the photo. █████ School archive, senior classes, 20██.
Below’s Nagai, and above’s her friend, Setsuko Higa. Both attended vocal lessons in the █████ area, but it seems only Nagai got to build a career out of that. We’ve asked Higa’s neighbors, got a printout of her bank history, and here’s the kicker: in the middle of May Nagai’s chosen after an audition; a week later, her friend Higa visits the █████ prefecture, stops at Hotel ████████. On June 12, somewhere at half-past one, Nagai leaves for the studio, returns in 5 hours and change, and around 11 PM Setsuko Higa takes a shinkansen home, post-haste, and is never seen again. And you know what’s the weirdest thing? Setsuko Higi’s number is recorded in "█████-████"’s databases despite her having never used their services.
I strongly encourage you to interrogate the studio workers again and with this photo in tow, Mr. Nomura.
Digital copy of SCP-1283
(non-anomalous)Object №: SCP-1283-RU
Object class: Safe Neutralised
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1283 must be secured on Site 7, in the storage locker №32 in an opaque document case. Access to the locker is to be granted through written permission of two level 3 personell. All memetic safety procedures must be followed when retrieving the object. Experiments and interactions with the object are to be carried out through use of D-Class personell only.
Update, 09.08.20██: The object has been neutralised, Special Containment Procedures no longer apply.
Description: SCP-1283 consists of a size-A4 paper sheet bearing a crude drawing of some creature vaguely reminiscent of a bee or a wasp (see attached image). The lower part of the image bears writing in the English language, reading "I EXIST TO BRING PAIN". The jagged line above the creature, as is theorised, represents flames.
The anomalous properties of the object are activated when a human (from that moment on designated as SCP-1283-A) looks upon the image. SCP-1283-A first falls into a state of euphoria followed by unstoppable fits of laughter lasting for approximately two minutes. The subject returns to normal after said time period expires; the anomaly does not trigger from repeated interactions with those already affected from then on, although instances of SCP-1283-A may sometimes note that the image is "kind of funny".
Approximately 10-15 minutes later a random anomalous event, usually in some way or form linked with the subject of bees, occurs with SCP-1283-A. As of now all such registered events remain unique.
The list of the most notable anomalous events is attached below; refer to Document 1283-1 for the full protocol log.
Experiment № | Result |
1 | The subject managed to retell the text of Anatole France's "Bee" in its original language. According to the subject's testimonies, he had knowledge of the text prior to that moment. |
3 | The subject suffered an onset of disassociative identity disorder and, as a result, now considers himself a renowned apiarist named Taras Petrovich Bumblebeeson. |
7 | The subject managed to perform a portion of the "Bumblebee's Flight" interlude backwards on a provided electric guitar. |
11 | The subject became fixated on the idea of an invasion of "alien parasitic bees from Bee Planet", which supposedly hide amidst normal insects and act incognito. |
15 | The subject expressed desire to eat some honey and condensed milk, and also gained an affinity with making short funny rhymes. |
21 | The subject fell into insanity and started pointing at people and various objects while yelling the word "bees". |
28 | The subject started a philosophical debate with himself, the topics of which were Bernard de Mandeville's "The Fable of Bees" (also known as "Private Vices, Publick Benefits") and the sixteenth surah of the Qur'an labeled "Sūrat an-Naḥl" ("The Bees"). |
32 | The subject's skin suddenly developed numerous blisters reminscent of those appearing from bee stings. |
39 | The subject developed a consistent dislike of honey and other bee-produced products, including beewax candles. |
46 | The subject claimed that the SCP's contents changed completely. Analysis carried out through the use of a remotely controlled robot and a remote viewing system revealed no changes in the depiction, which meant that the subject perceived the image differently. When asked to redraw the contents of the image, the subject produced an image roughly similar to that of a hippopotamus. Upon finishing the drawing the subject loudly announced "I'm a hippo-happy-happy, I will kiss you on the tummy". |
Subject №46's drawingAcquisition history: SCP-1283 was found during a raid on an "Are We Cool Yet?" organisation member's residence, alongside several non-anomalous drawings within a paper folder marked "Drafts". One of the agents became accidentally affected by the object; proper containment measures were effected soon afterwards.
Addendum 1283-1: Excerpts of Protocol №34-А-1283 dating 02.08.20██ ("On further research of SCP-1283-RU")
It is just an image that leads to random happenstances to the subjects. This so called "object" seems completely absurd and worthless to me. I see no point in continuing the experiments and request its reclassification as an Anomalous Object, which would free up the number for something actually dangerous and meaningful. - Senior researcher ███████
I don't think we will get any more meaningful insights from further experiments with 1283. In addition to that we only waste D-Class personell that could be much more useful in more serious studies. Agreeing with ███████'s proposal. - Dr. ███████
I'll concur. While the world and reality are threatened by much more serious anomalies we waste valuable efforts on some meaningless scrawls. Requesting not only reclassification to "Anomalous Object", but also neutralisation in the forseeable future. - Prof. ███████
Object reclassification proposal accepted. - О5-█
Addendum 1283-2: Message from an unidentified source.
On 12.08.20██ the senior researcher ███████ received an email from an unknown sender, containing an audiofile "poslanie.wav". The message was identified by a D-Class member as a recording of a distorted male voice addressing the Foundation scientific staff, periodically alterating with snippets of the song "The Real Deal" ("Реальная тема") by "Bricks" ("Кирпичи").
Transcript of the recording is attached below.
Ladies and gentleladies.
You drive me nuts.
Come near, here, this is the real deal
Your idiotic system is making me squeal
All your junk is all neatly shelved up into boxes
In a meaningless world that is full of paradoxes
You've turned into pedantic snobs.
And it's all so smooth, a wall of brick and mortar
Even though our anarchy is the current worldly order
You've entrenched into sciences, philosophies, common sense.
Whereas I don't even understand philosophy. I never did.
Always skipped lectures on that stuff in the uni.
You won't grind me down in the filthy machine
Because I swoop under your loaded magazine
My life is a simple and boring tale
A work job offer, spam letter in your mail
You flex your forehead muscles and put effort into pretending that the world around is all right, fair and square, and that the absurd is heresy and must be exterminated. Whereas for me the absurd is the meaning of life. The absurd is everywhere, and you can't deny it or hide from it no matter how hard you try.
Oh golly, golly, look at your folly
You live on rewind like wind-up dolly
From here to there, from five to nine
Your house is burning and you pretend you're fine
You sit there in your Sites, I bet, on iron chairs, in the four concrete walls, and chant: "No absurdity allowed, no absurdity allowed".
Where did your curiousity go? And what about your "Secure, Contain, Protect"?
The americans are way easier to work with simply because they have no unspoken rules of seriousness and no absolute square-headedness.
So take a look at me and hear what I am saying
Cause those are words of freedom and I am sharing
Because I am free, and not dreaming, too
And I never would have wanted to become like you
And that is how.
We have it. That is how it goes.
Crappy, that's how.
Addendum 1283-3: Incident 1283-F.
On 09.08.20██ the anomalous object №████ (formerly known as SCP-1283), previously stored on Site ██, has been destroyed in a fire caused by a partial containment breach of SCP-████. The object has been classified as "neutralised".
Он меня остановить желает, но не может?
Значит, он не всемогущ.
Может, но не желает?
Значит, он злонамерен.
И может, и желает?
Тогда почему я еще жив?
Не может и не желает?
Тогда зачем называть его Богом?
Шестьсот двадцать.
Семьсот сорок.
Между ними - бесконечность.
Всё приходит обратно ко мне.
Я работаю как-то не так, как все остальные.
В моем теле, как и у других, все те же кровь и кишки и прочая и прочая.
Но есть что-то странное в моем мозгу.
Его извратил, понимаешь ли, человек, которому показалось, что это весело.
А может и нет.
Может быть, он извратил мир, а меня оставил прежним.
А может и нет.
учитель спросил у ученика
"почему пять"
ученик спросил у учителя
"где ваше лицо"
лживо насквозь но при этом правда
притча всем слушателям
взгляните повнимательнее
ведь я дам вам охуительную загадку
Добрый Доктор Сделал Все
Он Сделал Меня И Заполнил Разум Мыслительными Шестеренками
Но Наверное Обмысливают Они Не Так
наверное он не туда поставил кусочек меня
иногда я делаю людям больно
а потом я вспоминаю что это только сон
поэтому просыпаюсь и пристально вглядываюсь в зеркало
и как только я чуток успокоюсь
я начинаю делать людям больно
"Детишки, я даже не знаю, как вас зовут."
близняшки называют себя и забывают
"Давайте я пущу вам кровь."
они хихикают смеются истекая кровью и все в порядке
как весело
Иногда, доктор, я ненадолго прихожу в себя.
Странное чувство. Иногда оно меня как в стенку вминает.
Как будто ничего до этого момента не имело значения.
Иногда, доктор, я ненадолго прихожу в себя.
Странное чувство. Иногда оно меня как в стенку вминает.
Как будто ничего до этого момента не имело значения.
Иногда, доктор, я ненадолго… даже не знаю, как выразить.
может я могу это назвать 'пониманием'.
Да, ПОНИМАНИЕ - очень даже подходящее слово.
иногда меня настигает ПОНИМАНИЕ и мир кажется пустым
я расслабляюсь и вижу мир не таким какой он есть а каким он мог бы быть
потом мое сердце начинает биться настолько сильно что я чувствую свои запястья
части тела
из которых
у вас сейчас хлещет кровь, да, доктор, эти любопытные части тела которые люди себе режут чтобы прогнать печали да сэр да сэр ВСЕГДА ПОЖАЛУЙСТА.
и мои запястья начинают биться так приятно.
и потом ко мне приходит чувство когда я начинаю дышать.
я обычно так не делаю так что это НЕМНОГО БЛЯТЬ СТРАННО не так ли хаха?
в любом случае
Я выдыхаю ртом, вдыхаю носом.
Мне очень жаль, что у вас уже нет носа и что вы не можете понять, о чем я.
Думаю, вы с этим хорошо справитесь, Мистер Доктор Бог сэр.
а кстати
пока вы не решили пойти заняться чемлибо еще
или не посчитали что это бессмысленный бред
беспорядочного автора
меня зовут господин редд
это мое имя
ну он ДАЛ мне это имя
говорил он а я отвечал
но это не в тему
стоп это же были вы два ублюдка
откуда я знаю пойди выкопай их если хочешь
в любом случае
имя что он ДАЛ было господин редд
но я вообще не чертов господин
я выбрал себе имя сам и я
или нет так кого-то уже зовут
так что можете звать меня
или стив
или рэндал
или 'честер'
давайте я буду с вами честен
но потом оно стирается
здравствуйте я господин редд хотите картошечки с пошел нахуй тварь
однажды я встретил своего создателя в снах
он назвался отцом мы обнялись и заплакали
он попросил прощения за то что не был рядом
и пока я просил прощения у него
он умер
у меня в объятьях
и я рыдал над трупом
а потом я умер
и его труп рыдал надо мной
Мистер Доктор Развлечудов
Уважаемый Мистер Доктор Тварьсволочьмразь
разберите меня обратно
Модель Господин Редд Была Одной Из Многих
(я модель господин редд)
((там выше написано))
(((ты хуйлонедоумок)))
Мои Братья и ну да у меня была сестра но она была той еще сучкой честно говоря
Мои Близняшки И Я Были Сделаны Богом
И Посланы На Эту Грешную Землю
((((и тут я прочитаю из ебаной методички))))
чтобы 'помогать'
один из них учил детишек про лунные циклы
другой учил как меняется тело пока ты взрослеешь
еще один говорил что всетаки постоянно гореть не самый хороший выбор профессии
один был фиолетовым?
не знаю он странный был какойто
<думаю он был приемный>
а один из них был я
и Бог сделал меня чтобы я 'помогал'
какого хуя чувак
серьезно чувак реально какого хуууууя.
вот он поставил меня и говорит
{это я, проедятлы}
и я такой ну да я немного злобный гррр хихи
и я такой ну ок о чем ты там болтал
не чувак все путем
ну да
так ты меня таким сделал ты мразервотный хуесос
ну гыыыыыыыыыыг
"Таким И Должен Быть"
прямо из уст бога
только не пизди мне тут
учить их
ты же ведь видишь меня сейчас так
ну ладно
и тут просто ебаный угар
ну блин
а и если я неясно выразился это я подпустил чуток метафоры или чтото вроде
или нет я не знаю
меня там не было
чувак как я это буду делать
какие проблемы
ну я ей даже наслаждаюсь так
ну да у меня даже новый галстук
но я серьезно не злой
ну правда же
потому что
почему бы и нет?
И вот в этот момент я получил охероупопительную татуху на спине
так что я снял свою спину
так что я снял свою спину
так что я снял свою спину
так что я снял свою спину
так что я снялся с места
и побежал
но теперь
Так, стоп. Все, у меня снова прояснение. Замечательно.
О чем я говорил до этого?
А, да. О моментах понимания.
Иногда я начинаю вдыхать носом, выдыхать ртом.
У меня начинаются 'обонятельные галлюцинации'.
Что именно я обоняю?
Не могу объяснить, из памяти вылетает.
Эти ощущения в носу меня выбивают из колеи, знаете?
Как будто все до этого момента нисколько не было важно.
Ну знаете, как рак, который глаза выкатывает.
Как там в той поговорке?
Выпучить глаза как рак?
вау ну и белиберда
ладно, вернемся к прояблению
Я Замираю Как Напучившийся Рак
И Все Это Просто Как Большой
'Момент Откровения'
так ли чувствовал себя иисус
пока он горел в аду?
Но, в общем, иногда со мной случаются такие откровения.
Длятся они… хмм. На самом-то деле я не знаю.
Во времени объективном, реальном, я бы сказал, минуту-две?
и в этот момент вы по сценарию
такие вот "уууу когда он заткнется"
завалите ебало я тут сказку рассказываю
нет ребятки я не знаю где найти лопату
так о чем я
чтото про
так стоп мы продолжаем это дерьмо?
да я сам не знаю посмотрим к чему он вообще ведет
В субъективном времени, пожалуй, проходят часы, дни, года.
В этот момент я как будто проживаю целую жизнь.
И все радости, все печали, все что с этим приходит просто впечатывается в ретроактивную память.
А в буквально следующий момент оно все исчезает.
Ошеломляет, не так ли?
ебать чувак у тебя что-то с головой не так
Ну и идите к черту, придурки. Я продолжу тут варить кровь Руиза и Пико.
какой нахуй Пико
Вау, вы даже за чувственным восприятием не следите.
Ну, я свое слово сказал. Веселитесь дальше сами.
вау ну и ублюдок
И Тут Мы Подмечаем Что
Этот Внутренний Диалог
Никогда Не Заканчивается
Он Продолжается
Даже Когда Мы Спим
Пожалуйста Выпутайте Нас
так стоп вы
вы засранцы на самом деле выкопали трупы родителей
охуеть просто десять из десяти
да моих рук дело
да хорош рыдать сопля
посмотри на своего крутого братика
он просто обожает это дерьмо
дай пять пацан
Это ты куда, блять, направился?
Это Ты Куда Блять Направился?
это ты куда блять направился?
а сука они сбежали
не нахуй это
папа я не мог остановиться
я не мог остановиться я хотел знать какие они внутри
но не в смысле из чего же из чего же сделаны наши девчонки
я блин буквально хотел посмотреть из чего они сделаны
Из Чего Они Сделаны
Из чего они сделаны.
я хотел посмотреть из чего они сделаны
может если я продолжу их разбирать
я когда-нибудь узнаю из чего сделан я
и тогда я смогу разобрать себя сам
ведь я знаю что ты не удосужишься ради меня уебок
ух ты а как мы здесь оказались
Погодите Как Вы Сюда Забрались
Эй, ребята, в чем дело?
Ебать Пацаны Кыш Отсюдова
Я Тут Временно Хату Снимаю
Стоит Это Удовольствие Реально Дорого
ну блиин чувак дай хоть посидеть нам посмотреть следующую главу
Ладно Плевать
Только Не Трогайте Тут Ничего
« Nobody Dies | Hub | Empty Unmarked Grave »
special thanks to Weisse and Gene R
Why hello, fella. Come on in. I said, come in, don't fret, I ain't biting. Like you haven't read them papers or somethin'.
Welcome, boney guy. Well, uh, get doin' whatever it is you're supposed to do. Pardon my manners and all this lyin' about - I used to clean this place myself. But no longer - the leg's just not leggin' it, you see. Sorry, can't help, skin'n'bones. Whatcha laughin' at? You ain't skinny? On the contrary? Eh, you're all the same to me, slim or not. What's yer name, eh, big guy? Wha? Are you a… Aaaah, that's yer nickname. I'll be damned, this Foundation gives nicknames to everything. What about a given one? Eh? A, ha, Berns, could've seen that coming. Well, and I'm skip number three-thousand-thirty, you can just call me uncle Pete.
Why dontcha git on with it and I'll just keep yappin' for a while? It's damn borin' in here. The docs are all busy men, no talking to 'em. Them soulja boys can't talk, service regulations or sumthin'. The psychiatrist lady is the only one to have a chat with around here. But she's a polite gal, an' I, y'know, sometimes whip some quips up over an' under, y'get it? Hhehehe. Okay, okay, no distractions.
So I've been here for two years now, an' you? Ah, not allowed to tell, aight. I get it, don't worry. Got an important job to do. And you know how many of them damned spahs are snooping around? So good job, keep it zipped. We've got some enemies, I've seen… lemme tell ya. The story's long, so don't work yerself out there, or.. is your floor sweepin' time regulated too? Hah, you tell me. Listen up, then. I'm a car fixer by trade, y'know. Ain't too dirty of a job, so-fisty-cated, even. Had a wife, Ksyusha, and a son, Maxie… ah. He's seven by now, I bet. Come, look over here. That's them. Oh, quit shaking, I ain't no Kenter, not even Euclid, see, the paper's green, how do you call it. Green badge.
Yup. So, uh, well. Used to live happily ever after. Not gonna bog you down with details, like Acted likes to say, not like you need it, Bernie… So, once upon a Friday the lads - Serge and yer namesake, Berns - an' I, we bought some drink an' everything, yeah. Drank a bit, like, a shot each, no more, I swear. Had a chat about the world, you know, the politics, the precious gov-t, destiny among the stars and all. Well. I got home, Ksyu chewed my ears off about it, as usual, and we crashed for the night.
Saturday was comin' next, so, of course, I was out till midday or so, then decided that, y'know, after that last good party I maybe should have somethin' to sober up. So I look up at my watch, you know, wrist watch, for some motivation… and fancy this - the watch is there alright, but the wrist… it's all bones. Like out of a spooky movie, alright. So I freaked out, started yelling. Saw Ksyusha running in… eeeeeh, Bernie. I get it now, of course, that that was my dearest, but then - I'd be damned! Imagine a skeller rushing into the room, gown and apron on, telling me so sweet and angry to stop freaking out… Berns, I was out of my gosh-darned mind, I-I leapt over, slammed her into the wall, started runnin'. Least I didn't break anything much. Still, rememberin' that… enough about it.
What next… Well, I charged on out, ran off. Just think about it - I'm running, and there's skellingtons everywhere, like in an old movie or something, yeah? Just walking. One's in a coat and all, one's carrying something, another riding a bike. And I'm just screamin' my lungs out, panicking, thinking, maybe I caught a bad trip or, y'know, went straight to hell… like that Christmas horror movie. Punched one, punched another, didn't hurt anyone, god bless… of course, the uniformed boneheads followed, folded me up and dragged me to the cells. There I started gettin' it - the world didn't just go all bones on me. It was something with my eyes, all visions. Swore off drinking. Then the lab-coats came in. Drugged me up, put me in a straitjacket, you know, like with the sleeves like this… yeah, you get it. And carried me off to an asylum. Which, as our good friend Acted would say, makes perfect sense.
So then a doctor came in. Started asking me questions, like, how did I end up like this. So I told him, how so and so, how I see skeletons everywhere. And you are, I tell him, a skeller. Like, the left tooth there is all iron, and you have one missing down there. And the right pinky there is a bit thick. And he starts lookin' at it, glares in the mirror… has me dismissed, gets all nervous all of a sudden.
They brought me back in an hour. So I look and see - the docter there, and another skeller, wearing jus' his undies, boots, and a tie for some reason. They took a moment to discuss something hush-hush, then the doc just up and left. And the other one starts, see, good evening, I'm Dr. Cragglerabble, tell me about your trauma, you've got a peculiar case. And I respond, like a doctor myself, like, so and so, here's the deal - I see right through ye. You've got some mark on your jaw there, and one on your arm up above there, and the knee, the joint, you see, it's all in white stuff. He starts lookin' in the mirror too, and then I just shocked him when I saw some weird thing stuck in the shoulder - a shrapnel shard, apparently. A bit broken for a fixer, I tell him, almost like you're out of a warzone…
To cut it short, he shook his head, tsk'd about, told me that I'm to be transfered elsewhere, that my case was a bit too unusual. So this staff of ours came about, rode me over here. And, like, there were only two in the car, with me - but there was a whole bus following, masqueradin' as public service. It's all been curtained up, of course, but the curtains were all fleece, so I could see them grunts like it was nothin'… yeah, I see through all kinds of hair, even dyed. That's why that agent looked all naked to me - his coat was all natural, wool and kashmere. Wouldn't see the shard, prosthetics and all, otherwise. T'was a smooth ride, wind in our hair and escort on our six. I got a bit cranky, tell ya, but get it now - wasn't to keep them safe from me but to keep me safe from other folk. There's a lot of folk around… oh, I'll tell ya.
So they got me over to this lil' facility. Of course, it's no asylum - no asylum gets that much security. Locked me up in a cell - you know, all padded, like for lunatics. You know, just in case I get all rowdy… yeah, you get it. So they gave some food, some pills, woke me up in the morning and dragged to them labs. And there's the doc, that big joker, tellin' me - welcome, anomalous object number whatever, my name is Dr. Fred Acted, this is my assistant Dana Expunchy, we'll be, he tells me, testin' you today. So they went.
Started shining me through, you know, the whole doctor's examination. Started blockin' my eyes and showin' pictures, like at the oculist's. Turns out the metal, wood, plastic and all that stuff - it's all solid to me. Synthetics, too, and plant fibers, cloth and all. But the fleece stuff is all transparent to me, and leather, too. Even dyed, by the by. I don't get it either, but, say, the shrink lady - I don't even see her lipstick, or hair dye, like I told ya.
That Acted lad got all excited there - holds something all transparent-invisible in front of me and asks, so and so, what letter does Vika, I mean, Dana, hold up, or is it blocked? I see the letter, and I feel the smell - there's, like, a slab of meat in front of my eyes, all raw, and I see right through… yeah, like that, hah. So we learned along the way - all the pictures, photos, videos, live recordin' stuff I see fine. But in first person I only see skeletons. And in mirrors, too.
Well, I got all hungry from all that meat, we went for dinner. Mashed potato and cutlets, yes, very funny. No way I got the damned things caught on those dinky plastic forks - I couldn't even see a damn thing. But then they ask - so, Mr. Object, do you have it in you, gonna keep it up? So I said alright. This stuff's all interestin', I've never been experimented on.
So they started showin' skelleys in orange pants, I went all diagnostic on 'em. That one has something wrong with the arm, like a broken bone didn't heal right. This one got some stuff on his jaw. And one over there has a hole in his tooth, big enough for a blasted rodent. Started yappin' like Dr. House, hah. Got called the X-Ray Man. Seen a buncha animals, that was a lot of fun. Good luck guessin' whether that's a cat or dog when all you see is bones. I figured it out by the tails - long one on the kitten, shorter one on the dog, wags it about like mad. In the belly of the cat there was a bunch of stuff - figured it was a mouse, or it used to be. Almost guessed it - t'was a sparrow… Wha, no, no-no-no, nobody cut up the damn cat, somebody caught her feastin' in the morning. The doctor's had another brilliant idea - come, he says, you'll visit ma'am Anfeesa. Brought me to a stall, an' I see a big ol' thing, chewing grass, another skelly in the belly. So I ask - is that a pregnant horse, or whatever? And then it goes 'mooooooooo' - screw you, it says, I ain't no horse! Turns out it was a cow. Can't see horns either, curiously enough. They asked me to touch it, that was strange - like there's something soft, warm, breathing all at ya, and you can't see it.
So it goes. Kept measuring and checking stuff. Showed me bugs. Them flies and roaches I see alright, wish I didn't. Only a floating shell in place of a snail. Showed somethin' else invisible, maybe a worm, I dunno. Brought me to the morgue, showed me all the dead people, they were all skeletons, too. I used to get a bit creeped up near cadavers, but now that everyone turned into one, it was alright. No big difference, see, some have their ribcages moving, some don't. I started gettin' all smartass, saw a bullet floatin' in one, counted all the fractures in another. Their surgeon got all jealous - asked me to help him out on operations, now that I am an ex-ray machine, see. To help deal with all the compound fractures or non-convectional bullets that don't show up on x-rays.
So, they had their fill of experiments, decided that, since I'm all docile, they could spare a cell. I wouldn't even call it a cell - it's better than my home. All the furniture and a big TV. Gave me a remote, bunch of DVDs, told me I'm now Essiepee Three Thousand Thirty, Safe class. Food's thrice a day, call them up if I need anything. And they left. I felt a bit broody at first, sat around watching TV all day. I mean, they don't got any real TV, no news to see. But if you want movies or sports - suit yourself. Nothin' really new, of course, but… whatever.
Is it breakfast time yet? Food's a funny matter, by the way. I don't see meat at all, told ya, or milk, or butter, eggs and such. Vegan vision, basically. Wasn't easy to work with at all. But, since there should be meat on the tray, they fancy up pies and dumplings for me. Nothin' to sneeze at there.
So I sat around for a week or more, got a lil' homesick. Asked - will I ever get a family visit, mister boss? A care package or a note? I really wanted to tell my wife I was sorry for smacking her into the wall. So they say, the wife's not mad at you - nuffin' but good of the dead. So I ask - what do you mean, about the dead? I'm alive, even if I see my bones shaking. And they say, that folks like me are in demand elsewhere, not just in this foundation. And if those other foundations caught wind of you, they wouldn't spare nobody. It's better if you stay here - dead men tell no tales. You won't ever see 'em, but they'll be safe… and, y'know, Bernie, I saw what the people in those other clubs are like, god bless you never meet one in an alley. Maybe it is better to stay this way indeed.
Of course, I got all mopey an' they gave me an appointment to a psychiatrist. She's a good doctor, not like that chum in the crazyhouse. Cute an' all… whatcha laughin' at, think I don't see her looks? I got an eye for them skulls now, everyone's bones are different, after all… and she has a photo of 'erself in her cabinet, all framed and all, so I see she's smart, even if a redhead. Smart an' clever, by the way. Spilled my whole life to her. I don' recall what she's told me in return now, but I kinda made peace with all this. Got prescripted some pinkie pills. Livin' it, I guess. I'd've drunk myself to death elsewhere by now, but they don't ladle that stuff out around here, had to get distracted somehow. Started watchin' movies, reading books. Even got my workouts on, not to get all fickle with no movement, see… Of course I miss 'em, whatcha think. That's how my life goes, Bernie…
I asked to be put to work in the garages or somethin', to clear the boredom. Nope, not allowed, they say. But that surgeon got me to join his practice after all. Had to fill a hundred forms and camp on twice as many doorsteps, but managed it. Showed me all the dead bodies, then the live ones, told me what's where and how it all fits together. Gave me a bunch of books to read, see. Now I know what to call these bones - there's the typhoid, the semilunar, the triquetral bone and the pissyform bone. And there are the trapezoidal, the decapitate and the hamate bone. Well, ye don't see 'em, but trust me, they're there. So I'm now almost a doctor. I remember my English classes in school - we were learning professions, so I said I wanted to be a doctor. Cause that's easy to remember, see! I wanted to be a hellycopter pilot in reality, but t'was such a mouthful I never got it right. And now I'm actually studying doctor's trade, at least, the basics. The surgeon said that I'd need it - guess he was right…
Lemme tell ya. A week ago a whole delegation lines up in front of me, and Acted is the only friendly face. And he says - this is not really along the rules, but there's a situation, we need yer help. The Ethics Comittee gave their go, so put your pants on and come along.
So they brought me to a wide open field. There's a road all across it, a fence nearby, and a house with a buncha antennas on top of it, lotsa cars around and people crowding the place. And near the fence there lies a guy, and there are two tough guys in those, you know, suits and a bunch of apparaters. So one of the men near me, maybe a general, tells me - so and so, go put on a suit and take a gander, and tell us what's up with him on the radio. Got me a suit like theirs, heavy as hell, and so I waddle over there like a cosmonaut on Jupiter. I mean, Jupiter's got higher gravity, maybe you heard about it… yeah, alright.
So, I get over to this fallen guy, see. He's got an IV, some other junk, and those guys, I dunno, ER electricians, keep buzzing around. Ask to look if I see anythin' weird. So I look. They cut his clothes so I could see inside. He's patched up, but breathing. Dressed like a soldier, but what's inside - holey mother of Joseph! He was no man at all, Bernie, think about this - there's metal bits everywhere, plastic around here, and something like circuitboard over there. All glowin'. So I tell 'em, boy, do I see sumthin'. He's like a Christmas tree, where the heck did you dig him out of? Told 'em everythin' I could, basically.
So the general goes, so, okay, thirty-thirty, cut to the chase. Do you, he asks, see anythin' like a bomb inside there? I almost spoiled my somethin' right then. Tell 'em, are you mad, general sir, do I look like a minesweep to ya? Give him an x-ray, I say, an' bring me home. Eh, no, he responds, x-rays don' work here, we tried. Too much background radiation, you see. There I definitely almost jumped it - well, shit, I say, he's got rads. Does he have an atomic bomb in there or somethin'? So they tell me, briefly, that that terminator is not a robot, but a man, like, some kind of super-terrerist that come a-knockin'. They got all kinds of body modifications, and somewhere within that body - a bomb. He dies, they say, it goes boom. Or if he wakes, he can set it off, but don't you fret, they say, we won't let him, and you got a bombsuit anyway. You just find that damn bomb, cause we really wanna know what those exploders are like.
So I squint, look in, see something like a bar of used soap with wires in it, somewhere in the guts. Then I show 'em. A few more ran over, I dunno, bomb disposal surgeons or whatever, and cut it out of 'im while I was tellin' where the wires go. It didn't blow, so they put it aside and exploded it elsewhere. The general tells me, good job, thirty-thirty, we'll be bringin' you home now. I only turned to ask whether I'd be gettin' paid for this - and then bam! That wicked robocop wakes up! An' grabs me by the shin! Strong one, that guy. Crunched straight through the trousers, broke me bones, and passed for good, may he rest in heck. Kicked the bucket alright but couldn't be bothered to let me go. Somebody else, trauma welder or whatever, went on to cut me out of his claw then.
So now I'm here, restin' up. Waitin' for the cast to go - cause I wanna see what I've ended up with, you know, can't see in there, and tired of having to use the pan… heh. Bit of an embarrassment in front of the orderlies. But I got compensated good. Say, get away from the TV… there, see? The one in the blue dress - that's my Ksyusha. Gorgeous, won't you say? And that little guy over there, see, the one carrying roses? That's Max, my son. Entering first class now. Asked an agent to record all this. Won't see them in person, but at least I've got the tapes… and at least I can see the faces, y'know, tired of all them bones.
Item №: SCP-1259-RU
Object Class: Not assigned
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the object's immovability a restricted area 10 kilometres in radius has been placed around the object. Part of SCP-1259 has been repurposed to the needs of Foundation personnel.
The field research team's current task is to open the airlock preventing access from the chamber U5 (see building plan in Addendum 1) to the remainder of the complex. Current priorities include mapping SCP-1259 and investigation of Incident 1259-Alpha.
Description: SCP-1259 is an underground building complex located in the nothern area of the Wrangel island. No documentation linked to the object exists within records; however, several hazardous material handling suits as well as various scientific apparatus have been located inside. This suggests that the object has been built for unknown research purposes.
A plaque with the inscription "Orion" is affixed above the entryway.
The complex consists of a small area above ground and, according to georadiolocation readings, a much larger area below. Seven (7) chambers are avaliable below surface level - the pathway to the main area of SCP-1259 is blocked by a hermetic airlock lacking any detected controls or interfaces.
The airlock is made mainly of stainless steel and exhibits exceptional structural integrity; however, the characteristics of the soils surrounding SCP-1259 as well as of its internal supports rule out possibility of the underground complex being used as a defensive structure due to risk of collapse.
Special Containment Report: On ██.██.████ the crew of the marine vessel «████████ █████» has located an unknown structure on the shore of the Wrangel island. Said structure had not been previously marked on any maps or mentioned in any previous reports. The captain notified the Russian coastguard of their find; undercover operative ████ ██████ then relayed pertaining information to the Foundation.
In response, the reconnaisance team, dubbed "Blind Dog" and consisting of eight (8) operatives, has been sent to the given coordinates to investigate. The team remained in radio contact with the Foundation for two days and reported lack of any hostile or civilian presence within the base, as well as no signs of any catastrophical events; most found equipment and facilities have been reported as operational.
On ██.██.████ contact with the team has been lost. The disappearance of the "Blind Dog" has been marked as Incident 1259-Alpha.
8 days later a rescue team dubbed "St. Bernard" has been dispatched to the location. Signs of the "Blind Dog"'s past presence have been reported, including but not limited to:
- the team's aircraft (burned down);
- a radio transceiver (inoperational);
- part of the recon team's issued equipment (in working condition);
- a laptop with Dr. Anton Polyakov's notes (see Addendum 2).
No members of the "Blind Dog" or their bodies have been located anywhere within or up to 15 kilometres away from SCP-1259; further search is currently underway.
Under Director ███████ ████████'s orders any and all information about SCP-1259 reported from the "Blind Dog" operatives is to be deemed untrustworthy.
The rescue team has been unable to bypass the detected airlock and gain access to the inner portion of the complex due to lack of specialised equipment required to open it.
Lt. ████████'s notes: We can't deliver any heavy-duty machinery into here. Explosives are also out of the question - we'll risk collapsing the whole base. Guess we're stuck with drills and grinders for a while here.
Addendum 1: SCP-1259's building plan.

Note: the building plan is currently incomplete
Addendum 2: A laptop assigned to one of the "Blind Dog"'s operatives has been located within chamber U3. Numerous recordings made by the surveillance cameras have been found within; all contain footage of Anton Polyakov.
Additionally a text document has been found on the laptop's desktop, presumed to be Dr. Polyakov's diary. The contents are presented below:
Day 2
Now I am certain that I am possessed by some being. I've awoken in a place different from where I went to sleep - evidently, it awakens when I am asleep. But, first and foremost: I want to describe my first day.
It was akin to an awakening - I've administered a dose of amnesiac to myself. So that's how it feels.
I've spent the first day exploring the area - I am in some sort of underground structure. There is a lot of equipment here, most of which I have no idea how to use. I've found tools and things undoubtedly belonging to my teammates. They themselves are gone without a trace, without any sign of fighting, blood, bullet casings… I'd say they've simply disappeared.
The plane is destroyed. Burnt to a crisp. Even if it weren't, though, I have no clue how to fly those things. The radio onboard is also, of course, down. The radio in the complex is destroyed as well.
I've wandered around the area and found no signs of my team. Somehow I figured they're dead, that they've been killed. Or, I've killed them, because I am now SCP-3004-1.
SCP-3004 is a being currently possessing me. It awakens when I fall asleep. I don't remember anything about it but I feel it is just horrid. And I am also horrid now.
It didn't administer the amnesiac - I did. That was to let me forget the area, the seafaring routes near the island, Foundation codes, passwords, names, emergency evacuation plans. I needed to forget anything that would let this thing leave the island. Sadly, I've also lost everything I knew about it.
The estimations were correct - the last thing I do remember is the Arctic survival course. We were to take it due to our anomaly's reported location, and I was to be sent to Wrangel Island among a team of eight. That is everything I know is directly connected to the anomaly's nature. Even the number 3004 is made up - first, I think it hasn't been taken yet; second, that's my birthday, the thirtieth of April.
I don't know whether I've managed to determine this SCP's specifics, but I've most certainly decided to isolate myself. There's no helpful information here. Evidently, once the being discovered that I've used the amnesiacs, it spent the night seeking and destroying everything our group has gathered, to equal our chances. There are some things I can formulate, though:
- SCP-3004 is highly dangerous;
- SCP-3004 becomes active when I fall asleep and, possibly, when I otherwise lose consciousness;
- Since I can control myself right now, I assume the being cannot maintain permanent control over me. I fell asleep somewhere near 23:00, and awoke at 8:43. I feel exhausted, as if I haven't slept at all. I theorise that SCP-3004 can control me for 9-10 hours, and then it needs… rest I suppose. Don't know whether that is typical for SCP-3004 or whether that is my organism's specifics. Can't know, sadly.
- SCP-3004 can make use of my memories. Otherwise I wouldn't need to wipe myself with the amnesiacs. The inverse is false - I do not remember anything the being does.
- SCP-3004 requires a host, it requires the damned SCP-3004-1. That can be the only explaination for me being alive.
Now I need to analyze my actions: starting with several days prior. I hope, god, I pray I've acted rationally. That would mean I've reported nothing. Even if I had reported anything, the rescue team would immediately fly out and pin me down. And then SCP-3004 would do something bad. If I hadn't reported anything, the higher-ups would start with satellite searches, then they would send the scout drones, then a marine survey, and only then send an actual rescue team. So I've won four, maybe five days by keeping quiet. Considering one day is already gone, I assume I've got three-four days to lock myself up.
And I have an airlock for that exact purpose. A fourty-centimeter steel blockade operated from within the complex. It's as if it was made to keep SCP-3004 inside. The problem is, though, that the skip has already destroyed the control panel. Now I need to go see if I can fix it.
Day 3
Starting today I shall stop calling the thing within me SCP-3004. I only now figured how clunky that name is - three letters, then four numbers. The Foundation's numbering system is terrible, we should've thought something else up a long time ago. From now on I shall call the object 'non-I'. And I now have more evidence that non-I exists.
I've turned on the surveillance cameras prior to hitting the bed (almost everything within this place is operational, even if it had stayed abandoned for 10-20 years). They are now off. I've looked at the records - non-I awoke 21 minutes after I fell asleep, and immediately turned them off.
I feel awful - non-I denied me rest again.
I have no idea what the time is right now, since non-I could have changed the time on my watch and laptop. I could make a pass around the complex, but… who knows, that probably doesn't even matter. It's polar night outside, too, so I can't even watch the passing of the day.
Speaking of computers - some of them were online. I assume non-I uses me to operate all this equipment. What for? If only I knew. I could try to figure it out, but I don't have enough time for that. I can only be certain on it being medical. At the very least, the encelograph, all kinds of drugs, the seats and straps make a good argument for it.
Now, the good news is that it won't be difficult to repair the controls, especially with the surplus of parts around. I can disassemble the terminals for the spares. But, I have to do that in one day lest non-I simply destroys it all. So far he hasn't.
I've had a look at the generators - they are also operational. I have no hope of working the airlock without them. Non-I also needs them, so he won't destroy them. For now, at least. The closer I get to my goal, the more desperate he'll become.
Now, let's get to work.
Day 4
I've made an interesting experiment - I've seated myself into a chair and strapped down my legs and left arm, then anesthetized my right one so that it would go numb. The recordings showed non-I tried his best to get out of the trap, but he couldn't do anything until my arm recovered. Still, he got out, destroyed the rest of my anesthetics and, most importantly, destroyed my work. I've partially assembled new controls and put them in a safe, but not-I knew the code, so that didn't work out.
It's so difficult to make containment procedures for myself. I need to restrict myself while still allowing myself to work. I need to repair the panel but prevent myself from breaking it again. How do I secure access to all the parts and tools while also protecting them?
That's like running away from a shadow, but still, I've got an idea. The first attempts at repairs showed that I can assemble two halves of the module then connect it up when needed. But I need to deposit them somewhere I won't reach easily. That's a difficult proposition, but maybe there is something I can do.
Day 5
It bloody worked! I woke up in the bedroom surrounded by broken glass. The intact circuits are on the wall. Part of the trap is untouched. Luckily, I've dropped near the entrance, so I can leave this place easily.
What I've prepared is this: I've packed the stools around the room to form a tight corridor, so that I couldn't reach the circuits without moving or dropping half of them. Then I've placed a vial of chloroform on the edge of each one. Non-I would have to let at least one vial drop along the way, and the gasses would then knock him out.
I've pierced all the respirators and gas masks ahead of time. But that was not the trump move - I simply drank myself to death prior to passing out. Didn't think I'd need the skills of diluting medical alcohol. Drunk non-I had no chance to bypass a trap that required dexterity.
The recordings are encouraging - the stumbling non-I went straight for the circuits and forgot about the cameras, about his own devices.
My head's splitting in half, though. I'm on my last leg, even though I've had some rest. Need to keep working and go to rest sooner - that's better than dropping out halfway and missing the moment when non-I comes back up.
I've disassembled the trap, but changed it a lot: there are a lot of guns and rifles in the weapons' locker, all fully ready. I took a pump gun, then locked the room up and broke the key. Armed the trap with that gun, but aimed it not at the door - that'd be dumb and ineffective - but at a whole canister of choloroform. Now I don't even need to get drunk. Can't get into the room either, of course, but I'll figure something out.
Then I continued my work. Programming and assembly is not that difficult, but it takes time. And I am all lost in time. Counting days by awakenings.
I won't be able to finish the second half today. I'll hide it in one of the cabinets - they have metal doors, and I know what to do with the key. I'll fill a canister up with snow, drop the key, douse it all with water and leave it outside to freeze solid. I'll then chain it up to a pipe so that non-I won't be able to put it on a stove or hide it away. Hope it won't melt any sooner than when I regain control.
Been asking more and more whether I should end myself. Would that stop the thing? Maybe, but then more people will arrive - and non-I will use them. No, I have to stay alive at least as long as the airlock remains open.
Day 6
Non-I missed one of the cameras! He didn't turn off one of the cameras! He can forget and make mistakes! He has his weak spots! That'll come in handy, cause I have no idea for how long I'll have to wrestle with non-myself!
Though I have no time to watch the tape.
He has failed to reach either module. My plan has worked. But I hurry with the good news - there's bad as well. Non-I has set a trap for me as well.
He has tied me up to the bed - I woke up webbed in ropes, and there was some unimaginable number of knots. In addition, he broke all the lightbulbs. I had no chance to untie myself in the dark. Spent a while before figuring there should be a knife or a light at least nearby - otherwise non-I would be stuck as well. Then I poked about and found a scalpel under the bed.
Lost a ton of time. But non-I never touched the ice, either. It had melted by then - I got the key back out and hurried back to work. The weather outside's a disasterous blizzard - so the Foundation will have to delay their rescue. Wonderful.
All the computers are online. Non-I is doing his best to finish his work, whatever it is. I need to hurry as well.
Surviving only thanks to coffee - nothing left in me at all. But the second module is finished. I just need to retrieve the first one. It's still in that room. I hope.
This reminds me of the "Flanders Board" by Arturo Perez-Reverte. There a chess grandmaster was pondering the question of abstracting oneself from the game and into the opponent's point of view. I and non-I have a slightly different problem, but that same question keeps me hooked. I don't even know what to try. Searching for clues in some literature…
Day 7
Woke up in a locked room. Non-I put the keys to the door into the safe. What a nonsensical attempt - I cracked it open through trial and error, though that took a while.
Next step - the bedroom module. I took a grinder to the door hinges. Had to be very cautious, I spent more than an hour on the task, but managed to move the door without tripping the gun trap.
I'll leave the notes in the laptop, then delve inside and lock myself up… lock non-myself up. I'll break the control panel, I'll decimate it, only to prevent non-myself from leaving.
Please, I beg you, please do not open the airlock.
Fragment of SCP-1340's broadcast recordingObject №: SCP-1340-RU
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: No methods of anomaly capture and containment have been developed as of yet; research efforts are currently ongoing. Anomaly witness identification and capture is to be performed according to standard Foundation search protocols. All circumstances of contact with the anomaly are to be ascertained on successful capture. If the first contact with SCP-1340 has been broken prematurely, it is required to perform a second test contact attempt. If the test proves negative, the subject is to be administered class B amnestics and released (with a week-long period of observation). All other subjects are to undergo comprehensive treatment procedures and be administered class D amnestics. Should treatment fail, false memories of their personality and a dislike to television technologies should be implanted as per the "Second Life" protocol. Such subjects are then to be relocated to closed communes under Foundation control (in particular, those lacking access to television), where they can be used in covert safe research experiments amidst routine tasks.
Description: SCP-1340 is a phenomenon consisting of spontaneous appearances of an image of a human eye on CRT-based TV screens; said image takes up the majority of the kinescope's visible area. Despite apparent lack of consistency between cases of the phenomenon's appearance, certain patterns have been deduced as itrinsic, such as:
- SCP-1340 appears exclusively on cathode-ray tube-based devices (though implementation of this technology may vary) connected to analog television antennas;
- SCP-1340's periods of activity fall between 23:00 and 02:00 on local time; all registered incidents involving SCP-1340 are localized to the northern hemisphere (between 45° and 75° latitude);
- Each particular registered incident has involved only a single witness (hereafter referred to as 'observer'). Possibility of сoncurrent observation in different locations has been confirmed by experiment; as such, the anomaly cannot be contained through observer isolation.
General analysis of anomaly witness reports as well as replicated contact efforts have permitted to pinpoint the course of SCP-1340's activity. During first contact the anomaly manifests on active television screens that have been showing "white noise" for extended periods of time. During subsequent contact events the anomaly is capable of overriding low-quality transmissions. Presence or absence of audio transmission has no effect on contact probability. Upon manifestation the device begins showing an image of a human eye which takes up the majority of the screen. Said eye is blue and belongs to a man; the image is clear and free of any effects that hamper overall perception of the contents.
Analysis of the eye's sclera has confirmed that all instances of the anomaly transmit the image of the same man. The eye is always wide open (slowed and infrequent blinking is present), the pupil is dilated, and the eye often reacts (with delay) to the observer's movement, tracking them. If the affected device has audio enabled, upon manifestation the sound volume will be reduced to 25 dB, and it will consist of weak "white noise" static along with intact and fragmented words, distorted and pronounced with apparent difficulty.
Should the observer shut off or destroy the device during first contact with SCP-1340 (destruction of the kinescope is sufficient in the latter case), the anomaly will no longer manifest in front of that observer. Otherwise the anomaly will continue manifesting itself on the device every time under the described requirements (even without the observer present). Under continued observation SCP-1340 expands its sphere of influence and begins to appear not only in the location of first contact, but also in other places where the observer is present.
Room an observer affected by SCP-1340It has been noted that in 65% of registered cases during repeated contacts the anomaly brings into existence an unlimited number of CRT television devices of various kinds and models (exclusively within the locale of first contact), which seem to operate without any apparent power sources. The TVs are placed on the floor, on various furniture present and on each other, and vary in size substantially. During the anomaly's active periods all devices transmit the same image of SCP-1340, and the anomaly's eye is not able to track the observer (instead chaotically looking from side to side), while the sounds' volume (despite a considerable number of additional speakers) increases by only up to 10 dB. The TV devices are off while the anomaly is inactive.
Observers rarely disclose the occasion and usually consider it a sign of psychological illness. In rare cases the subjects have been able to get rid of SCP-1340's presence through prolonged medical treatment; in addition, the observers develop phobias towards watching television, which prevent further contacts with the anomaly. Due to the circumstances above the Foundation is currently unable to discern the periodicity of manifestations or the overall ammount of contact cases.
All experiments with SCP-1340 have been сlassified by the Ethics Comittee.
The Foundation has successfully recovered several documents that explain the anomaly's appearance from internal GoI archive records; the addendums are avaliable with clearance level 4.
Addendum to the SCP-1340 document:
Suicide letter belonging to ███████ █. █. 11.01.1969
My name is ███████ ███████, I am an accountant at ████████████, and this will be my suicide note. I have no relatives or loved ones, so I write to you, procecutors and officers.
I am haunted by hallucinations related to TVs. It must be because of my trauma and several months of coma. It happened first when I fell asleep after the show ended. I woke up to the sound of my cat screaming and saw an enormous eye staring directly at me from the screen. I was half asleep and didn't understand what was going on, but then realised that the broadcast has long since ended (it was about 1 hour past midnight on the clock). The eye was just staring at me, and then… blinked. I screamed, threw something at it and ran to the bathroom. When I caught my breath and calmed myself enough, I looked back. The eye was still there, and it only turned to stare at me again. I couldn't muster the courage to shut it off, and as such stayed awake in the bathroom, shutting it down when sunrise came and when there was only static on the screen.
I've witnessed that eye time and time again after that, I stopped panicking in front of it and learned to withstand its gaze. At some point I thought that it was my own eye. It looked scary, but it didn't want to scare. I brought myself closer to it and tried to hear what it speaking to me. It was quiet, even on full volume, and I decided to by another TV for it. Then another. I wanted to hear what it was saying. I wanted to help it.
I started stealing, and for that I am sincerely sorry. All the money I got that way I've spent on travelling around the Soviet cities and buying out old TVs. I collected 18 in total, different ones, small and big. Maybe that was me hypercompensating for the fear, and maybe my atempts to find the truth are just justifications. I don't know.
Every night I closed the blinds to prevent my neighbors from seeing this bright blue light, and listened. It didn't get much louder, but I managed to discern some of the words. I didn't understand much, but what I did finally did me in. I'm insane.
I've recorded all my stealings on the backside of this note and request to repay them through selling off my car. I will break the TVs, there is no other way. I bequeath my brain to science purposes so that they can help those like me.
I request not to blame anyone for my death.
███████ █. █. 11.01.1969
To: «Progress» Research Institute director
Kovalev V.G.
From: Bureau №4 Director
«Mind and consciousness»
Krivopalov A.C.
№: I-1/12/B-4/318/67
Per Bureau №4's current directives I am informing you of a suggestion to use the developments of the «Mind-64» project to study transmission methods for discrete thoughtforms and, further on, main cerebrum portion impulse flows through inclusion in infocode arrays designed to adapt the technology to television methods of information playback.
As you know, the «Mind-64» project has advanced significantly since integration of [REDACTED]. Currently we are able to record and seamlessly transmit neural impulses, but the Institute still does not possess a suitable storage device for such vast quantities of information. The only currently known storage sufficient for human mind conservation is the infosphere itself.
There are other difficulties as well. Out transmission capabilities significantly outpace our recording capabilities. The speed of processes running within a human brain is too high, far higher than our current speed of impulse recording, which means that we cannot adequately record and transmit the full thoughtform of a person without disrupting its connections and, as such, without degrading their consciousness and memory. Unfortuntely, this lag does not allow us to experiment with copying a healthy person's personality; however, the Bureau members have found an alternative method.
It has been proposed that we use a comatose source in the experiment. I have taken responsibility and have found a suitable candidate for such a role. Under medical attention in municipal hospital №██ currently lies patient ███████ █. █., in a state of coma after a tragic accident. We hereby request your assistance in arranging a classified experiment on transmitting their personality into the infosphere through our Bureau's newest antenna and receiving the resulting signal on the Chukot station. The process will take approximately two hours; chemical treatments developed by Bureau №█ are proposed to be used to slow the brain's activity as much as possible. Yes, we will be unable to halt the cerebral processes completely, but the estimated damage to the consciousness thoughtform is expected to be minimal.
Now onto the practical side of this research project. We expect the Chukchi Peninsula radio station personell to receive the information of this person in format close to television standarts. At this point we can only guess what it will look like, and whether such a transmission will bear any significance for further research. In overall, however, I foresee use of this technology applied to being able to transmit a speaker or presenter directly into every house, every particular receiver. The viewers will gain access to actual talk partners competent in various topics, who will be able to convey useful information more concretely to every particular listener. Just imagine: you turn on the TV, and the athletic show host does not only show you the exercises and keep count, but also points out mistakes and gives professional advice. Educational shows for children and adults, news reports, sport shows, travel and history documentaries etc. will grow to a new level, open the path to fully-fledged connection and feedback.
I would like to specifially address any possible concerns about the experiment's ethical side. The operations involved will cause no physical consequences or even discomfort to the test subject. All records of this intervention will be kept secret. I would also like to point out the fact that the resulting information model of a human ("phantom", thoughtform, or "mind mold") is not human in the word's common meaning, and exists only as an idea, a information current, which puts it closer to a soulless computer.
Bureau №4 Director
«Mind and consciousness»
Krivopalov A.C.
The following transcript has been procured through the Foundation's speech recognition hardware from registered occurences of the anomaly. The object transmits words and phonemes in a chaotic manner; the following text has been generated based on possible meaning, registered intonation and other factors, though it remains distorted. Italcs denote portions that differ in pronounciation or intonation, but that are still considered valid (based on the machine's output). Uppercase text denotes more expressively pronounced phrases (note that the level of volume remains within the 25-35 dB range).
Batch 1: Snow… white mess… flies everywhere… fly… into my mouth… blizzard blinding siiiiiiight… don't know… can't see… anything… where are they? … alone… glimmering… my eyes… eyes… I see light… shut off the noise… can't stand it… can't hear… my thoughts… where am I… I'm here? … I'm? I can't breathe… help… flies all around… mouth filled with snow… in my throat… hands… where… I can't see… they carve me… white strings… endless… clotheslines… up-down, up-down…
Batch 2: Where to go… was there… same… white-black world… is there a ceiling… IS THERE A FLOOR!? … I need to go to work… come back… I didn't feed the cat… where is he? … who'll feed… the balance sheet… and the bills? … help me… snow's too loose… I can't stand… could crawl… swim… it doesn't stick… where's the light? … there's night here… white-blue-black world… a web of strings… AT LEAST GIVE ME THE CAT… I forgot how to breathe… live… please live…
Batch 3: I hear through vibrations of strings… endless noise… deafening… forever… what are you? I'm not alone… ran… white static man… where are you… come back… I can't scream…
Batch 4: Dark again… between strings… there's someone there… too tight… pry apart like… bars of a cage… can manage without arms… just a look… just with an eye… I'm so close… on the line… just one eye… who are you? … I feel you… I see… get me out… that's my cat… don't be afraid… wake the owner… my kitty… help… wake the owner… my cat… mouth full of fleas and snow… help me… why do I feel… we know each other… my eye… you could have plucked… don't leave me… I can't see you… don't leave me alone… here you are again… I didn't… DON'T SWITCH AWAY!
Batch 5: It's me… I… I see better now… can't pull the strings further… STOP FLICKERING… it's me… why is he there… and I'm here… what are these light boxes… can't speak… try looking lower… lips there… must be there… read them… without end… vomiting flies… don't look at me… like that… break the wall… I know… you can see… help… what are you writing… must get out… my eyes… leave at least one… I know, you want to kill yourself… where do I go now…
Президент США стоял
свою пулю навылет ждал
толпа словно волна песка
пуста и никто ничего
не сказал
Президент США вещал
за народ и его друзей
а народ на помосте ждал
ведь никто еще ничего
не узнал
Президент США глазел
еще жив но в гланицах смерть
о СМИ наболтали дел
и ветер в их челке пел
в тот день
через день после эфира в ТВ
о попытке и о провале
я заснул под страх в голове
в первом сне я на холме небо синее как лазурь и трава изумруд
и горы там вдалеке
и двое здесь на холме
один камнем бьет
один мертв
один вон
а в другом еще один как те двое но он у ручья в туманном боре
простая одежда, свобдные белые робы
истекает кровью
а вокруг каждой веры воины подходят
но он истин
Я пошел на работу, чтоб начать проект.
Вокруг точно не так, как было.
Я захожу на пост
Я наливаю кофе
Я нажимаю кнопку
Женский крик
Я захожу на пост
Я наливаю кофе
Я нажимаю кнопку
Рыдает боль прекратить
Я захожу на пост
Я наливаю кофе
Я нажимаю кнопку
Просит убить
Пожалуй, он говорит, эксперимент окончен.
Примите амнестик.
Чуть позже я беру перерыв.
Я тихо гуляю по территории
Мы у тех гор, они тянутся в синие долы
И покрыты осенними деревьями словно ночными кострами
И под вечер из-под горизонта восходит луна.
И концертная трель кузнечиков летит над холмами
Тянется к восходящей луне в симфонии небес.
Я бы мог построить здесь дом, наверное
Построить я мог бы дом.
И я там тоже ведь был, когда увидел, как зашел Одинокий Странник.
И люди возликовали, ведь он принес чудесные дары.
Но старик Шем.
Он не возрадовался
"Я отвергаю Одинокого Странника и его учений ересь
Его слов не заповедовал Бог"
И Одинокий Странник довел толпу до исступления
Повел, чтобы осыпать ударами Шема.
"Он не верит моим учениям
Он лжепророк и должен умереть"
А потом люди сорок дней и ночей собирали богатый урожай
Пока Одинокий Странник не начал путь обратно на север
В сияющую страну Щедрости
Из которой и пришел
И люди ликовали.
Как вас зовут?
Теперь скажи
Почему ты убил тех фермеров?
Разумеется его нет!
Ни единого Убула в живых не осталось
После нападения на их посёлок Мокеле-мбембе.
До сих пор терзаюсь тем, что не удалось изловить то чудовище
А ведь была возможность.
Чертовски, скажу вам, увёртливое создание…
Ну, вы, разумеется, не на Луне.
Вы в заведении под контролем Фонда Предотвращения Психиатрических Кризисов.
Как видно, вы пережили серьезный бредовый эпизод.
Что вы помните о прошлой ночи?
Вы знаете, существуют люди, которые считают, что
Если мы страстно желаем, чтобы что-то не произошло,
Оно и не произошло.
Есть тут еще кто-нибудь кроме нас?
Многие виды муравьёв
Принимают в свои колонии
Муравьёв того же вида
Даже пришедших извне.
У меня для вас последний на сегодня вопрос.
Вы мельком упомянули крепость на заднем плане
Могли бы вы рассказать о ней поподробнее?
Они были
Я много думал о рассказах нынче.
Застряли в голове
И я заметил, что давече
Они присущи мне.
Отличия в деталях
Не бывших никогда
Тринадцать жатся при углях
Из тьмы идет война.
Internal Tribunal Department | |
SCP Foundation Internal Tribunal Department is the institutional judicial authority of the organization. This department, at the instance of ISD, hears cases of Foundation personnel and other persons' actions that fall under the definition of prohibited by the Internal Tribunal Department's Legal Codex, including such entries as: "I - Crimes against the Foundation", "II - Crimes against normalcy and humanity", "III - Significant disciplinary violations", "IV - Preparations for K-Class event realization", "V - State and corporate crime", "VI - Other violations". The Tribunal may appoint various sentences under every class of violation (except for the fifth, court proceedings under which are conducted by the GOC). Any Tribunal judgement may be repealed by O5 Command. You may review the Statute on SCP Foundation Internal Tribunal Department and its Legal Codex here. | .png) |
Statute on SCP Foundation Internal Tribunal Department
SCP Foundation Internal Tribunal Department is the institutional judicial authority of the Foundation, created in 1944 after the merging of some of the Ethics Committee and the Internal Security Department services. Currently the Tribunal includes structural subdivisions such as:
- High Tribunal (meeting place – Paris, France);
- 2nd Tribunal (meeting place – Washington, USA);
- 3rd Tribunal (meeting place – Stockholm, Switzerland);
- the Sentence enforcement team;
The directors and heads of security of all Zones, as well as MTF commanders, may on certain occasions act as sole arbitrators of the Tribunal, but they are not included in the ITD's structure. The Tribunal does not handle non-essential disciplinary violations or acts of negligence.
The Foundation Internal Security Department is tasked with crime exposition, criminal and investigative proceedings, and arrest. Upon conclusion of said investigative proceedings the ISD directs the case materials and its representative (the investigator-prosecutor) to the Tribunal. As such, the Foundation's judicial processes do not incorporate the principle of subdivision between investigative and procuratorial institutions.
Depending on the severity of the charge the court proceedings may be held by a sole juror (for instance, during cases of significant disciplinary violations), a tribunal of three or, rarely, five jurors. The most experienced and highly reputed members of the Tribunal are assigned the position of presiding justice. They handle the case and have the privilege of deciding vote should disagreement arise among the judges.
Crimes that fall under section V, "State and corporate crime" (see current edition of ITD Legal Codex) are not within the Tribunal's jurisdiction. All alleged criminals as well as materials pertaining to the case belonging to section V are directed to the GOC for legal proceedings in accordance with the UN Secret Convention №76.
The Internal Tribunal Department has the right to provide various punishments, including death penalty, particular method of death penalty, dismission with personality restructurization, personality restructurization without dismission, reduction in rank, correctional labor, persecution of third persons (relatives, significant others), etc. Revision of a judgement may be initiated only by the ISD or O5 Command in light of newly discovered facts. Any Tribunal judgement may be repealed by O5 Command.
Known Tribunal hearings:
Internal Tribunal Department
(in force as of 11.01.1997)
Approved by O5 Command
Subarticle 1.
External hostile activity
§ 1.1.1 Espionage
§ 1.1.2 Diversion
§ 1.1.3 Armed assault
§ 1.1.4 Abduction of documentation or personnel
§ 1.1.5 Abduction of anomalous objects
§ 1.1.7 Hostile information campaigning
§ 1.1.8 Unauthorized transfer of Foundation or common interest property to third parties
§ 1.1.9 Other resistance to Foundation conduct
Subarticle 2.
§ 1.2.1 Malicious desertion
§ 1.2.2 Transmission of information containing operating secrets
§ 1.2.3 Passive resistance
§ 1.2.4 Armed rebellion
§ 1.2.5 Adhering to GoI
§ 1.2.6 Unauthorized collaboration with GoI
§ 1.2.7 Sabotage
§ 1.2.8 Deliberate violation of secrecy
§ 1.2.9 Theft of Foundation objects, personnel or documentation
§ 1.2.10 Organization of escape for class D personnel or other subjects under Foundation custody
§ 1.2.11 Other treason
§ 2.1 Use of anomalous objects against humanity, including:
para. 2.1.1 with the purpose of coercive or non-coercive change of power or established societal norms
para. 2.1.2 with the purpose of armed conflict or genocide
§ 2.2 Gross special containment procedure misconduct leading to significant damage and/or human casualties outside the Foundation
§ 2.3 Gross special containment procedure misconduct leading to irreversible alterations to reality
Subarticle 1.
Criminal negligence
§ 3.1.1. Significant violation of secrecy
§ 3.1.2. Gross special containment procedure misconduct, including:
para. leading to acceptable human and/or material losses within the Foundation
para. leading to destruction or partial destruction of anomalous object
para. leading to loss (escape) of anomalous object
para. leading to violation of secrecy
para. leading to acceptable human and/or material losses outside the Foundation
§ 3.1.3 Negligence leading to loss or distortion of data
§ 3.1.4 Other cases of negligence
Subarticle 2.
Internal departmental disturbances
§ 3.2.1 Insubordination
§ 3.2.2 Non-compliance to eligible superior order
§ 3.2.3 Personal use of anomalous object
§ 3.2.4 Unauthorized cognizance without respective security clearance
§ 3.2.5 Access to anomalous object outside line of duty
§ 3.2.6 Gross non-compliance with research agenda
§ 3.2.7 General civil offense pertaining to a member of SCP Foundation personnel
§ 3.2.8 Abuse of office
§ 3.2.9 Designedly unethical conduct
§ 3.2.10 Misapplication of material and immaterial resources of SCP Foundation
§ 3.2.11 Other internal departmental disturbances
§ 4.1 Global genocide
§ 4.2 Large-scale dissemination of information containing cognitive or memetic hazards
§ 4.3 Ecocide
§ 4.4 Reality restructurization, including:
para. 4.4.1 Intrusion into chronology of current timeline
para. 4.4.2 Restructurization of fundamental basics of reality
para. 4.4.3 Damage to the space-time continuum
§ 4.5 Reduction of terrestrial environment to uninhabitable by humankind
§ 4.6 Establishment of conditions for invasion scenario
§ 4.7 Massive destructive influence on the planet
§ 4.8 Paranormal threat realization
§ 4.9 Other attempts at K-Class event realization
(The ITD does not conduct cases pertaining to this article. All alleged criminals and case materials are directed to the GOC for legal proceedings in accordance with UN Secret Convention №76)
§ 5.1 Development of weaponry based on anomalous functions
§ 5.2 Armed conduct using anomalous objects and technology
§ 5.3 Use of anomalous objects with the purpose of affecting internal and external political affairs
§ 5.4 Use of anomalous objects with the purpose of limiting societal rights and freedoms
§ 5.5 Public disclosure of existence of SCP Foundation or the anomalous world (including select objects)
§ 5.6 Use of anomalous technology leading to technological or financial superiority
§ 5.7 Use of anomalous objects with the purpose of attaining geopolitical superiority
§ 5.8 Withholding or falsely reporting information regarding existence of anomalous object against the GOC or SCP Foundation
§ 5.8 Withholding or falsely reporting information regarding properties of anomalous object against the GOC or SCP Foundation
§ 5.9 Collaboration with GoI from the list of outlawed organizations (see UN Secret Convention №76 Addendum №2)
§ 5.10 Other state and corporate crime
§ 6.1 Knowing creation of hazardous anomalous object
§ 6.2 Circulation of anomalous objects
§ 6.3 Use of anomalous object with the purpose of violating general civil law
§ 6.4 Unauthorized knowing destruction of anomalous object by member of SCP Foundation personnel
§ 6.5 Noncompliance with self-elimination, legally regulated or forced by special conditions
Объект №: SCP-0415
Класс объекта: Евклид
Особые условия содержания: SCP-0415 следует содержать в стандартной изоляционной камере для гуманоидов в Зоне ██. Объект не требует особого ухода; SCP-0415 считает, что на данный момент содержится в больнице им. П. П. ███████, г. ███████████████, подозрения о чем следует подтверждать и укреплять для избежания вторичного эффекта SCP-0415. Прямой физический контакт или наблюдение за SCP-0415 запрещено. Др. Виолет назначен куратором по контролю пищевого рациона и психического состояния объекта, а также командиром МОГ Хы-0 "Бумагомаратели" и Ар-6 "К дуракам".
Фондом на данный момент проводятся процедуры по минимизации ущерба от вторичного эффекта SCP-0415. Агенты МОГ Хы-0 "Бумагомаратели" проводят мониторинг правовых и патентных баз данных для подтверждения отсутствия новых всплесков. МОГ Ар-6 "К дуракам" на данный момент производит расследование с целью выявить, как SCP-0415 стало известно об Организации.
Описание: SCP-0415 - мужчина 32 лет (ранее известный как ██████ Д█████), проявляющий слабые аномальные способности изменения реальности (внутренняя плотность реальности объекта оценена исследованиями на уровне 1.21±0.03 Юма). Объект психически нестабилен, диагностирован с синдромами патологической лжи, вспышек агрессии и мании величия. Психиатрическая экспертиза, проведенная доктором Виолет, характеризует его как недавно перешедшего в четвертую фазу психического развития скульпторов реальности; несмотря на это, способности SCP-0415 крайне специфичны, легко подавляемы и незначительны по силе, а сам SCP-0415 физически ничем не отличается от среднестатистического человека, что повлияло на решение опергруппы содержания в пользу постоянного заключения и содержания объекта для изучения эффектов, способных противостоять изменению реальности слабой мощности.
Основной особенностью объекта проявляется при физическом контакте SCP-0415 с каким-либо незнакомым ему предметом. В момент прикосновения данный объект (далее SCP-0415-A), а также все копии (в пределах погрешности и области, ограниченной, по всей видимости, представлением SCP-0415 о данном предмете и его распространении), претерпевают физические изменения, в результате которых на них образуется метка фиктивного производителя, подконтрольного SCP-0415, или лично SCP-0415. Все изначальные торговые метки исчезают в ходе трансформации. SCP-0415 получает поверхностные, но зачастую ложные или неполные сведения о новом экземпляре SCP-0415, после чего обычно начинает заявлять, что является владельцем этого и прочих схожих экземпляров SCP-0415-A, с целью вымогательства или вытеснения с рынка. Эффект, очевидно, не распространяется на чрезмерно большие предметы, а также на концепты, не "пренадлежащие" кому-либо в данный момент времени по мнению SCP-0415 (исследования по нахождению точных границ данного воздействия продолжаются); однако, изменения реальности способны затронуть изначальных владельцев благодаря вторичному эффекту, а также имеют значительные задокументированные пределы (см. протокол воздействия). Данный эффект также не затрагивает предметы, содержащие в названии или произведенные (по мнению SCP-0415) юридическим лицом, содержащем в наименовании имя существующего или существовавшего человека. На основании этого эффекта устроено содержание данного объекта, т.к. больница им. П. П. ███████, благодаря наименованию, не подвержена прямому эффекту SCP-0415, в результате чего убеждение объекта в том, что он находится в ней, является первичным инструментом и приоритетом условий содержания.
Вторичный эффект SCP-0415 заключается в том, что патентные и правовые базы данных изменяются в момент трансформации, чтобы включить в себя новую фиктивную компанию, знаки которой проявляются в ее результате, или ИП в лице SCP-0415, а также все необходимые связанные данные (патенты, товарные знаки, контракты со связанными лицами, регистрации авторских прав, т.д.) Новые данные зачастую можно отличить отсутствием корректных меток времени введения информации, отсутствием воспоминаний о расследовании с целью подтверждения у лиц, указанных в фиктивных документах, а также выявить всвязи нераспространения эффекта на данные, ссылающиеся на подверженную группу данных (например, заархивированные результаты поиска по компаниям, схожим с фиктивной, не изменятся), и не сопротивляются исправлению или удалению.
Вторичный эффект SCP-0415 также имеет меметическую природу. Все прямые наблюдатели трансформации теряют память об этой трансформации, становятся убеждены в том, что измененное состояние SCP-0415-A было присуще ему всегда, а также зачастую (с вероятностью 61% по статистике подверженных лиц) начинают питать сильно положительные, хотя редко подкрепленные, чувства к новому производителю в едином лице SCP-0415. Это может заключаться в подверженности субъекта искать и приобретать другие объекты SCP-0415-A, отстаивать репутацию SCP-0415 без каких-либо доводов, или в инфатуации с SCP-0415. Данный эффект не распространяется на сотрудников юр. лица, продукция которого была подвержена трансформации, или на прочих аффилиирующих себя с ним юридических или физических лиц. Меметический эффект легко обнулируется под воздействием амнезиаков класса А или В.
В сумме, воздействие SCP-0415 вкупе с намерениями и психологическим профилем способно нанести значительный экономический ущерб при отсутствии контроля, т.к. объект способен заслонять своими копиями существующие юриические лица в общественном сознании благодаря изначальному меметическому воздействию, после чего зачастую использует полученную популярность для генерации прибыли, пока трансформированные объекты находятся в циркуляции. Агенты МОГ Хы-0 "Бумагомаратели" на данный момент контролируют урон, нанесенный всплеском воздействия SCP-0415, возникшим до постановки объекта на содержание.
Приложение 0415-1: Протокол воздействия SCP-0415
Gorenje, ██.██.20██ - трансформированные предметы обихода несли на себе метку "D█████je"; инцидент предполагается первым случайным проявлением эффекта SCP-0415 и не повлиял на значительное число людей, т.к. объект считал марку вышедшей из обихода.
"Лабиринт", ██.██.20██ - календари производства данной компании были переименованы на "А█████дари", выпущенные "лично" SCP-0415. В ходе дальнейшей операции МОГ Ар-6 было изъято около тысячи трансформированных объектов SCP-0415-A, амнезиаками было обработано около 200 человек.
ROM █████ ████, ██.██.20██ - игра, обнаруженная на компьютере, приндлежавшем SCP-0415. Изначально выпущена на [ДАННЫЕ УДАЛЕНЫ] авторство трансформированного варианта присуждалось SCP-0415. Магазин, распространявший игру, не был подвержен эффекту, как и дальнейшие копии; идет поиск лиц, затронутых трансформации. Первый задокументированный пример воздействия объекта на цифровые товары.
Дом █ на улице [УДАЛЕНО], г. ███████████████, ██.██.20██ - первый замеченный Фондом случай активности SCP-0415. Объект взял под управление все здание, утверждая, что это его офисный комплекс, после чего выселил (с общим согласием) его предыдущих жильцов. Двое из них согласились остаться с ним в его "развивающейся мегакорпорации" на правах сотрудников. МОГ Ар-6 была сформирована и выслана для реагирования и нейтрализации угрозы.
Фонд SCP, ██.██.20██, точное время неизвестно - трансформация произошла до прибытия МОГ Ар-6, в результате чего источник, из которого SCP-0415 узнал о Фонде и смог на него подействовать, остается неизвестным. Эффект задействовал лишь образ Фонда в публичном информационном пространстве; в частности, SCP-0415 завладел контролем над несколькими группами PR-ветви кампании дезинформации Фонда, преобразовав их в рекламу своей ранее не существующей компании "А█████" в социальной сети [УДАЛЕНО]. В связи с значительной аудиторией данных групп, изменения не были обнулены после постановления SCP-0415 на содержание; подверженные группы поставлены под управление сотрудников Фонда.
Книга фотоизображений, ██.██.20██ - передана в камеру SCP-0415 младшим сотрудником Нерестом в качестве шутки. После получения и трансформации объект попытался продать книгу сотрудникам Фонда, угрожая "месячной ротацией" и "стиранием в слой молекулярной толщины" после того, как результирующий SCP-0415-A был отобран обратно. Доктор Файр, предыдущий владелец фотокниги, обнаружил, что все изображения теперь имели знак компании "A█████", после чего в сердцах сжег ее. Младший сотрудник Нерест потерпел дисциплинарные взыскания.
А откуда он знает, что у нас была ежемесячная ротация? Главное, что была, мы уже сколько лет без этого… Премерзкий тип. - доктор Виолет
Приложение 0415-2:
При постановлении SCP-0415 под содержание в кармане его одежды была найдена записка:
Заберите его, пожалуйста. Он совсем непутевый. Прямо поехавший даже.