Документ 2216-X1999-1
Тип документа: Дополнительный (XC-2216/1999)
Требуемый уровень доступа: 4-2216/1999, Необходимо знать основы.
Аннотация: Примерно с 1940 года, имя "Лёвесс" аномально проявлялось на некоторых объектах найденных в музеях Нью-Йорка и его окрестностях. В 1982, в качестве происходящих операций МОГ-Йота 9, видеокассета, ныне классифицированная как SCP-2216-2-1 была получена в собственность Фонда, Агентом █████, как проявление SCP-1999. Во время обычного теста кассеты, Доктор ██████ начал испытывать аномальные симптомы, связанные с воздействием SCP-2216-1. После открытия SCP-2216-1 SCP-2216-2-1 был переклассифицирован как проявление SCP-2216.
SCP-2216-2-1 является центром перекрестного исследования по двум причинам:
- Он представляет собой проявление SCP-1999, относящимся к девайсу хранения видеоматериалов.
- Он представляет собой главное проявления SCP-2216-2
По этим причинам, SCP-2216-2-1 классифицирован высочайшим уровнем секретности и доступен к ознакомлению лишь исследователями, выбранными единогласным решением О5. Данный документ является базой данных со стабильной информацией для дальнейшего исследования связи между SCP-1999 и SCP-2216. Дополнительная информация будет добавлена в соответствии с дальнейшими исследованиями.
Общие сведения:
Видеокассета помеченная как 'Лёвес'. Видеозапись представляет собой 12 минутное домашний фильм, действие которого происходит в лесном массиве. См. документ 2216-11A для ознакомления с расшифровкой видеозаписи. В настоящее время продолжаются исследования для определения какой-либо связи между SCP-2216-2-1, SCP-1999 и художественным движением "Теперь всё путём?".
В настоящее время предполагается что "Теперь всё путём?" ограничено имитацией SCP-1999 и не имеет отношения к каким-либо аномалиям.
SCP-1999 представляет собой явление, при котором на поверхности объектов неизвестным способом возникает надпись «Лёвес» (иногда «ЛЁВЕС» или реже «лёвес»). [ОТРЕДАКТИРОВАНО ДЛЯ КРАТКОСТИ]. Объекты с написанным на них SCP-1999, обнаруженные до сих пор, не имели никакого сходства друг с другом, кроме того, что они были расположены в музеях, - особенность, играющая важную роль для обнаружения подделок. [ОТРЕДАКТИРОВАНО ДЛЯ КРАТКОСТИ].
Объект, помеченный таким образом, производит эффект, при котором субъекты считают его собственностью другого человека, даже если первоначально он принадлежал им. [ОТРЕДАКТИРОВАНО ДЛЯ КРАТКОСТИ]. Сотрудники музея неоднократно допускали вынос экспонатов без вопросов, позже заявляя, что данный предмет «принадлежит Эльфи». Для возникновения эффекта необязательно видеть имя или знать о его наличии на предмете.
После анализа помеченных объектов было предположено, что надписи проявляются с частотой от одного до трёх месяцев.
SCP-2216-2-1 был обнаружен в доме ██████ Х███, жителя Сиракьюса, Нью-Йорк 17 августа 1983 года. Мистер Х███ был задержан местными органами власти после того как запись с камеры наблюдения в Musée d'Art Moderne (Перевод: Музей Современного Искусства) в Бруклине, Нью-Йорк подтвердила его как преступника проходящего следствия по делу о краже заведенное по инициативе ██████ Д██████, начинающего местного художника и мецената музея. Предполагается что Мистер Х███ во время кражи находился под влиянием аномального эффекта SCP-1999. Внедренные агенты взыскали видеокассету в соответствии с условиями содержания SCP-1999, но были не осведомлены об его аномальных свойствах пока видеозапись не была просмотрена Доктором ██████, у которого наблюдались симптомы соответствующие воздействию SCP-2216-1. В связи со сроками появления симптомов SCP-2216-2-1 был классифицирован как аномальный объект агентами Фонда (действовало до ██/██/19██). После обнаружения дополнительных экземпляров DVD был переклассифицирован как SCP-2216-2-1 (действовало до ██/██/19██).
Test Data:
Испытание: TE-2216-21-1 - Дата: 14 января, 19██
Субъект: D-15117
Foreward: SCP-2216-2-1 is a video cassette labeled 'Loewes'. Video appears to be a 12 minute home movie taking place in a wooded area. Refer to document 2216-11A for transcript of the video. At this time, research is ongoing to determine any connection between SCP-2216-2-1, SCP-1999 and the dadaist collective, "Are We Cool Yet?".
Procedure: Subject D-15117 was placed in secure testing chamber with one (1) folding metal chair, one (1) folding card table, and one (1) Sharp brand LCD television, and one (1) Panasonic VCR connected via component RCA cables to the LCD television and SCP-2216-2-1. All device connections were checked for playback using non-anomalous media. D-15117 was instructed to insert SCP-2216-2-1 into the VCR and begin playback, making note of any figures in the video which appeared abnormal or out of place.
SCP-2216-2-1 это видеокассета с
Results: D-15117 did as instructed without objection. D-15117 watched for approximately seven (7) minutes before noticing a humanoid figure walking behind the group shown in the video. Subject appeared unaffected by the presence of SCP-2216-1. Subject was instructed to cease playback but made no indication of having heard research team. Armed guards entered testing chamber to find D-15117 starting directly at them, suffering from severe epistaxis. Monitoring equipment in the chamber was interrupted for approximately 0.3 seconds by a blinding flash after which the chamber was empty. Carbonization consistent with that demonstrated during SCP-2216-3 events was discovered inside the testing chamber.
Analysis: D-15117 had no known connection to SCP-1999 or Mrs. Loewes prior to TE-2216-2-1 leading researchers to believe there is a significant relationship between SCP-2216-2-1 and SCP-1999 and the group "Are We Cool Yet?" (Dr. █████, ██/██/19██) Following TE-2216-2-1, testing of SCP-2216-2-1 is strictly forbidden by order of O5-█.
Test: - Date: July 17th, 19██
Subject: D-10224
Procedure: Subject D-10224 (previously a court stenographer, convicted of [REDACTED]) was placed in a secure testing chamber identical to the one utilized in TE-2216-2-5. D-10224 was asked to transcribe the video in accordance with New York judicial transcription standards.
Foreword: Video begins with static for approximately twenty two (22) seconds. Over the next eight (8) seconds, video normalizes in a wooded area at night. Camera first depicts two individuals(hereafter A [male] and B [female]) facing the camera waiting to speak. Figures are illuminated by a light source from the operator's (hereafter C [male]) point of view.
<Begin Log, [00:00:30]>
C: Go ahead, we're rolling.
A: Okay, So were out here looking for signs of the witch…
B (to A): Give them some background.
A: Right, So we've been rolling up the east coast for about two weeks now and finding small towns with urban legends. We wanna go ahead and see if there's any truth to them, or at least if we can learn about the history behind them.
B (to camera): Right. Today we're in upstate New York about 15 miles east of Ithaca exploring the Hammond Hill State Forest. We found a small local legend about a witch who lives in these woods. It was a little weird though, no one would tell her exactly what she does, or why they're scared of her. We're really just buying time on the trip to Boston but it should still be fun to explore.
C: Good.
00:01:45: [Camera pans down, C begins walking. Incomprehensible talking can be heard from the three subjects.]
C: Strange they wouldn't even tell us much about where to start looking. [A and B agree]
00:03:01 [Camera pans up, focus on B while still moving forward]
B: Yeah, as you just heard from Francis, it was really hard to get the folks in this town to tell us anything. Not like it was much of a secret, just that they didn't seem to know. We did some digging in the local library and found that she seemed to have a big old house at the end of a road called Red Man Run. The one person we were able to get to say something mentioned that the house will only appear under a full moon, which, lucky for us, was tonight. Couldn't resist…
00:03:47 [Subjects A and B arrive at a sharp embankment, beyond which lies a road.]
A [to B]: This is [indecipherable], right.
B [to A]: yeah, but I [indecipherable] need [indecipherable] south.
00:04:21: [Camera pans right, then downward as C traverses the embankment. A and B can be heard doing the same. Camera remains in this position as C proceeds forward]
00:05:37: [Camera pans up to A and B infront of a metal park services gate. Gate is closed. A jumps the gate and helps B follow. Camera pans down as C does the same.]
00:06:01: [Camera pans up, focus on A while still moving forward, A to camera] So this is Red Man Run. Supposedly the witch lives at a house at the end that will only appear—
B [to A]: They know that, Will!
A [to B]: Right, so we'll head down here, see if we can find the house. Hopefully our witch is home…
A: What is that?
00:07:03: [Camera pans up showing a large victorian style house. House appears in good condition. At this point, per D-15117 during TE-2216-2-1, SCP-2216-1 moves past the left side of the camera, roughly thirty (30) meters from A and B. C makes no indication of its presence.]
A [to B]: This is our house… [Subject A takes his phone from his pocket and proceeds to take several photographs]
00:07:49-00:10:17 [REDACTED]
B: [camera seems to be held by B, taping herself. Background is shrouded in darkness] Where are we? Why did we come here? How do we escape? Let us out. Let us out! [B repeats phrases for approximately 2 minutes until video abruptly cuts (research conjecture suggests a state of parataxis).]
<End Log, [00:12:11]>
Closing Statement: It is unclear whether any of the three subjects in the video had connection to SCP-1999 or GOI-"AWCY?". All three subjects were found at the end of Red Man Run with their hearts removed (Site awaiting classification as an instance of SCP-████) and the camera was discovered on top of a small pile of stones at a point concurrent to the northwest corner of the house in the video. The house mentioned in the video has yet to be located as presently satellite surveillance shows no house at the coordinates described. Until such a time as the nature of the video can be determined, no link between SCP-2216-1 and the events of the video has been established.
Photographic Data:
Records obtained from the German chancellor's office indicate Mrs. Loewes would have been 55 years of age at the time this photograph was taken.
Following TE-2216-21-1, SCP-2216-2-1 was digitally copied to a foundation laptop and broken down by video forensics experts into individual still frames. At the time of TE-2216-21-1, SCP-2216-2-1 displayed the following image where D-15117 had spotted SCP-2216-1. (Image has been confirmed as non-anomalous).
Foundation proprietary facial recognition software has determined a 77% match between the two photographs. In light of this evidence, researchers █████ and ███████ suggest the existence of a link between Ms. Loewes and SCP-2216-1. Research is ongoing and further discoveries will be included as entries in this document.
Final Addendum:
To my successor,
Congratulations on making it this far. The fact that you've managed to reach this final addendum means you're unusually resilient to the temptations that ended your predecessors. While researching 2216, I'd imagine you noticed several inconsistencies in containment procedures; it's time you know the truth.
That truth is, we honestly know next to nothing about 2216, and its containment is more a bad joke than legitimate procedures. SlumberingHourglass does a good job of preventing its spread through connected networks but it's transmission is very poorly understood. It (or they) moves from medium to medium in instances where it should be impossible. One time, Iota-7 found it on a projector reel stored in a basement in Idaho. We just don't know what the extent of it's transmission abilities are; the ones we do know of are worse.
Early on we did tests on SCP-2216-3p individuals to determine what causes SCP-2216-3 While under observation, we performed EEG scans of the subjects' brains and discovered that the ones who didn't die bleeding out their ears and nose had their brains lit up like Christmas. The only explanation we have for this is that somehow 2216 is able to transmit itself through the human retina and cranial nerve and stores itself in the posterior parietal cortex.
If SCP-2216-1 is able to store itself inside a human mind, it means that every person who has ever seen it is a possible transmission vector. It means anyone could be infected without knowing, and simply looking an infected person in the eye could spread it.
As 2216-3 events began to proliferate, we discovered the carbonization in the immediate vicinity of the subject, indicated the presence of particle/anti-particle interactions most commonly found during FK-Class Temporal Misalignments. If our theory is correct, SCP-2216-1 is actually a temporally displaced version of the person watching the video. Somehow, something is creating a Type VI Temporal Paradox, creating an imprint of the subject within the video. When the subject becomes aware of SCP-2216-1, aware of their own figure, the paradox enters their mind and is able to project itself in reality.
The quantity of particle/anti-particle pairs present within such a paradox is worrying. Based on my calculations, SCP-2216-3 events will irreversibly damage the quantum fabric which comprises our reality by the year 19██, spiraling us toward a YK-Class Reality Restructuring Event by the year 20██.
We need to find Loewes. It's my theory that she somehow started all this. Somehow, when SCP-1999 imprinted to a storage device, it's memetic properties were able to expand beyond just the name. It's possible that she's the force causing the paradoxes. We need you to figure out how.
And why.