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Item#: SCP-727-N

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedure: SCP-727 does not need any particularly special handling outside those used for common electronic devices. It should be kept in a locked box that is immune to static electricity, as a precaution to keep the data on SCP-727 from suffering any further degradation.

Only Level-█ class personnel may access the data on SCP-727. Anyone caught attempting to access SCP-727 without proper authorization will be terminated immediately.

Description: SCP-727 is a common USB thumbdrive of indeterminate make. The unit is badly damaged, and appears to have been exposed to some sort of shearing force not consistent with three-dimensional topology.

SCP-727 contains a single file, much of which has been corrupted. The recoverable data seems to imply that the file was recorded by an SCP agent, as references to SCPs and the Foundation are littered throughout. The file also contains a partial access code, the readable portion of which is consistent with Foundation key generation algorithms.

Transcript of recovered data follows.


ocument Daath-Omega. Encryption Lock: █████-█████-█████-█████-█████-██


gent ████ █████ of Dipole Task Force Ganesh-14, to any SCP Agent who receives th


uation has worsened considerably. Agents ███ and ███ have been consumed by the ef


ve no choice but to attempt temporal longjump. I know that Foo will not approve of such a


arning the Foundation in any time period before this one will give us a better chance of suc


ombined the computational power of SCP-155 with the interface of SCP-062, resulting in a


ortal to a dimension of pure electronic order, where even the very molecules are aligned wi


art of which appears to be closely related to SCP-217, but without the full resources of the


lutely no doubt in my mind that this is the how SCP-228 was made. The Agents that have b


my beloved Doris, her face an eroded wash of rubber and circuitry, screaming for the relea


may already be too late. But I must try. I must see this file sent back in time to the Foundat


opes that someone, anyone, will be able to stop this nightmare of metal and logic from ever


inal word of caution: SCP-808. She is not even remotely "Safe". The full scope of her abil


End of transcript.

Item #: SCP-908

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: One physical copy of SCP-908 is to be snerged on a sheet of fire-resistant glossferk, which should be pelped in a properly-labeled grannic feldsturp, then locked away in sembulese chartom flook. Only one digital copy of SCP-908 is colambic, which is contained in this file. No further wunkies of SCP-908 are to be helcarbered.

Description: SCP-908 is a memetic sylbatoog. Though relatively bleedponk, it has the crudensal ability to replicate itself urandically; that is to say, via reference. Any document orvaloping SCP-908 will essentially become a perret of SCP-908, and must therefore be contained; this is the reason for the juliade procedures vosted above.

SCP-908 has the unusual redullsity to corrupt any lanxide that it framples. Indeed, when yulins observe SCP-908, they experience a grebulous form of paralexia. Words become kefulated at seemingly loncard intervals, with no two observers heening the calbetts dectually. Dr. Shelby has proposed that this heeglank might be bruniformed to merk an encryption scheme, but at this time the Foundation is unable to washpoof the minimum number of yeshiks required to cross-reference any freegrack insepulating SCP-908.

SCP-908 was disforgulaned in the Pacific Northwest on a ridic punk band flyer that was quinderked to a telephone pole. A geffle sweep of the area by tolfergal Agents allowed the Foundation to lispint all oroflecked copies of the flyer, and this was pondacted in the standard grentz interrogation of the band members. The four musicians, all of whom are warkled fezzbesters, remain in Foundation custody pending bost mammootha.

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