

Только для персонала с Уровнем допуска A17-3.

Упоминается SCP: SCP-860


SCP-860 вырос приблизительно на 0.2 метра за ночь. Тест запланирован идти вперед согласно плану.
В настоящее время Д-р Сандерс и Д-р Лион сопровождают D-1882947 и D-2004832 на сегодняшний тест, все четверо оборудованы PPS-2700s, Счетчиком Гейгера, и Colt M1911 .45 ACP пистолетами для самообороны.
Д-р Лион также оборудован видеокамерой Sony для визуальной помощи.
Сегодняшний тест призывает команду для входа SCP-860. Мы хотим увидеть, что такое есть явление ██████████. Персонал, который не уполномочен на сегодняшний тест должны оставаться в комнате оборудование или в Корпусе-3 для соображения безопасности.
Сегодняшний тест был одобрен O5-█ и
Документ был разорван, продолжение в следующим разборчивым участке.
Установка для обеспечения безопасности Д-р Сандерса и Д-р Лиона. Постоянный контакт необходим для документации каждой части SCP-860 в попытке для лучшего понимания как оно работает.

Начало записи.
07:15 – Д-р Лион и Д-р Сандерс приближаются к полю с обоими сотрудниками класса D рядом с ними. Даны инструкции для обеспечения постоянной связи и безопасности.
07:30 – Инструкции завершены, первичная проверка оборудования и систем, для гарантии, что они работают правильно.
07:31 – Проверка вторичного оборудования.
07:34 – Проверка третичного оборудования, подготовка █████████.
07:36 – All four members of Research Team Gamma begin to enter the field.
Документ был порван, сожжен и разорван в нескольких местах на нескольких страницах. Переведено как можно лучше.
08[ПОВРЕЖДЕНО] Д-р Лион сообщает что entry was successful. Д-р Сандерс сообщил что все системы [ПОВРЕЖДЕНО]
09:42 - Experiment being terminated unforseen circumstances involving the death of [ПОВРЕЖДЕНО] without any current possible explanation. It is [ПОВРЕЖДЕНО]
burnt, mutilated corpse right before the radio was filled with screams. At this time we are currently unable to determine how exactly Research Team Gamma was able to contact us through the radio, considering their current state. O5-█ called to survey area and start official report. Recommended to be ready to call Jericho-25 in the event of a [ПОВРЕЖДЕНО]
Clearing out building while O5-█ arrives with Task Force Sigma-22-Del[ПОВРЕЖДЕНО] O5-█ reports that Task Force Sigma-22-Delta has discovered that the field has surged, causing a Level 2 Catastr[ПОВРЕЖДЕНО]
Observations must now be made from the outside of SCP-860 to prevent a Level 2 Catastrophic ████ Scenario from ever happening again. O5-█ warns that the potential for another incident has increased significantly due to today's events, and SCP-860 must be treated under Jericho-25 Class D-14 from now forward. All personnel at Area 61 are to immediately review their handbooks to adopt this new policy flawlessly, and several drills will take place to simulate the event of this scenario to further educate personnel on the policy. O5-█ has personally requested revision of all previous experiment logs and has permitted access of [ПОВРЕЖДЕНО]
Документ перестал быть читаемым, прерывание записи.
Конец записи.


Restricted to personnel with Level A17-3 Clearance only.

SCPs referenced: SCP-860

Experiment Log 860-A17-1:

SCP-860 has grown approximately 0.2 meters overnight. Test scheduled to go ahead as planned.
Currently have D-1882947 and D-2004832 accompanying Dr. Sanders and Dr. Lyon with today's test, all four equipped with PPS2700s, Inspector Geiger counters, and Colt M1911 .45 ACP pistols for self defense.
Dr. Lyon is also equipped with a Sony Camcorder for visual aid.
Today's test calls for a team to enter SCP-860. We want to see what the ██████████ of the phenomenon is. Any personnel who are not authorized for today's test have been asked to stay in the Equipment room or Building-3 for safety concerns.
Today's test has been authorized by O5-█ and
The document has been torn, continuing at next legible area.
setting to ensure the safety of Dr. Sanders and Dr. Lyon. Constant communication is necessary to document every part of SCP-860 in an attempt to better understand the way it works.

Begin log.
07:15 – Dr. Lyon and Dr. Sanders approach the field with both D-Class personnel beside them. Instructions are given to ensure constant communication and safety.
07:30 – Instructions are complete, primary check of equipment and systems to ensure they are working correctly.
07:31 – Secondary equipment check.
07:34 – Tertiary equipment check, preparation of █████████.
07:36 – All four members of Research Team Gamma begin to enter the field.
The document has been torn, burnt, and shredded in multiple places over several pages. Translated as best as possible.
08[DAMAGE] Dr. Lyon has reported that entry was successful. Dr. Sanders reports that all systems [DAMAGE]
09:42 - Experiment being terminated unforseen circumstances involving the death of [DAMAGE] without any current possible explanation. It is [DAMAGE]
burnt, mutilated corpse right before the radio was filled with screams. At this time we are currently unable to determine how exactly Research Team Gamma was able to contact us through the radio, considering their current state. O5-█ called to survey area and start official report. Recommended to be ready to call Jericho-25 in the event of a [DAMAGE]
Clearing out building while O5-█ arrives with Task Force Sigma-22-Del[DAMAGE] O5-█ reports that Task Force Sigma-22-Delta has discovered that the field has surged, causing a Level 2 Catastr[DAMAGE]
Observations must now be made from the outside of SCP-860 to prevent a Level 2 Catastrophic ████ Scenario from ever happening again. O5-█ warns that the potential for another incident has increased significantly due to today's events, and SCP-860 must be treated under Jericho-25 Class D-14 from now forward. All personnel at Area 61 are to immediately review their handbooks to adopt this new policy flawlessly, and several drills will take place to simulate the event of this scenario to further educate personnel on the policy. O5-█ has personally requested revision of all previous experiment logs and has permitted access of [DAMAGE]
The document is no longer legible, aborting translation.
End log.

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