Scp 2577

Объект №: SCP-2577

Класс объекта: Евклид

Особые Условия Содержания: Поисковые роботы Фонда и внедрённый в индустрию развлечений персонал должен отслеживать и предотвращать любое распространение SCP-2577. Для этой цели авторские права были зарегистрированы в Фонде подставными корпорациями.

Мобильная Оперативная Группа Альфа-4 (“Пони-Экспресс”) обязана перехватывать все международные поставки частным лицам, зачисленных в SCP-2577 (Смотреть Документ SCP-2577-Ро для полного списка) и конфисковывать любые посылки, предположительно исходящие от SCP-2577-A. Все конфискованные предметы должны быть рассмотрены как аномальные до подтверждения противоположного.

В соответствии с действующей политикой, все расследования в отношении бывшего Отдела "П", ГРУ revenue practices are consolidated under Foundation Intelligence Agency operation GOLD RUSH. Reconnaissance efforts to locate SCP-2577-A have been discontinued, pending IA approval.

Описание: SCP-2577 is a 2005 documentary series titled “Frozen Steel” occasionally appearing on streaming video services or small-scale physical media releases. SCP-2577 purportedly documents the operation and daily lives of the staff of SCP-2577-A, a decommissioning yard ostensibly located in ███████, Siberian Federal District, Russia, used for the disposal of military ships ranging in age from the early to mid-twentieth century. SCP-2577-A consists of a single central command tower and barracks surrounded by a ██ square km runway constructed from level, packed tundra. Ships are delivered to this runway through means never expressed in the documentary, arriving ballistically at speeds exceeding 900 km/h before violently embedding themselves in the runway.

SCP-2577 goes to great lengths to describe the extreme danger faced by the individuals conducting recovery operations, who are responsible for stripping ships of valuable material, breaking down and scrapping their hulls, and, if possible, repairing the runway, under the constant threat of being in the path of one of over ███ new ships entering SCP-2577-A on a daily basis. The few ship names or designations displayed in SCP-2577 do not match any known vessels, and the rate of ships entering SCP-2577-A far outstrips both the documented decommissioning and construction of Russian military vessels.

The following episode transcript, typical of SCP-2577, was retrieved from the █████ streaming video service.


Anton and Team Odin race against time to remove the flight deck from the perilously listing Admiral Nikolai Yezhov. Demolition charges may allow them to shed the dead weight and stabilize the hull, but failure could collapse the ship into unrecoverable slag.

Meanwhile, Misha and Team Dva continue to lose men and equipment to the labyrinthine wreck of the hospital-ship Sankt-Iakov. All of their work comes to naught as the incoming submarine TK-455 collides with the converted freighter, reducing her to a shattered heap.

SCP-2577 appears to have been funded, directed, and narrated by American actor Ron Perlman. Perlman is revealed in director’s commentary in a home blu-ray release to have a deep admiration and personal connection to SCP-2577-A, stating that he corresponds regularly with the operators, identifying rare items salvaged from the hulks and returning them free of charge.

Perlman and other individuals credited in SCP-2577 have failed to provide any further information on the documentary, and have been amnesticized and released following interviews. In spite of Perlman’s stated ignorance of the project and lack of qualifications as an antiquarian, MTF Alpha-4 annually intercepts approximately ██ tons of assorted naval equipment addressed to him for appraisal. Notable confiscated objects are listed in Document SCP-2577-1.

Aerial and satellite surveillance of the area believed to contain SCP-2577-A has proven inconclusive, and overland approaches have failed to locate the facility. Investigation into West Siberian steel production and former GRU-P revenue stream D-584 (Codename: Садко) is ongoing.

Документ SCP-2577-1: Items purportedly originating from SCP-2577-A

Document SCP-2577-2: Select portions of the 19██ IA Report on Anomalous Revenue Practices in the GRU-P

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