Scp 6113 2

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Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6113-3 is kept in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-17. The Senior Researcher for SCP-61131 is to act as SCP-6113-3's "social worker," responsible for SCP-6113-3's wellbeing as well as their normal duties. SCP-6113-3 is to receive a standard education by Foundation educators up until the twelfth grade. While SCP-6113-3 is non-anomalous, standard humanoid containment protocol is in effect. She is only to be referred to as "SCP-6113-3."

In exchange for continued cooperation and good behavior, SCP-6113-3 is allowed limited socialization privileges with approved site personnel of Level 3 or higher as well as access to approved on-site entertainment activities and weekly visits to the Site-17 courtyard, supervised by one project member of Level 3/6113 or higher. Requests for personal items and containment modifications within reason may also be granted upon approval by the SCP-6113 Senior Researcher. To date, SCP-6113-3 has requested:

  • A personal laptop [DENIED]
  • A personal smartphone [DENIED]
  • A Nintendo Switch console with various games [GRANTED]
  • Personalized meals from the Site-17 Cafeteria [DENIED]
  • Various snacks and beverages on request [DENIED] [GRANTED] [OVERRULED BY SITE DIRECTOR, DENIED]
  • Release from containment [DENIED]
  • A pad of paper and various writing utensils [DENIED] [GRANTED]

Once SCP-6113-3 reaches the age of 18 in 2025, preparations are to be made for her amnesticization and release in accordance with the Reintegration Committee.

By order of the Ethics Subcommittee for Humanoid Entities2, Dr. James Park's contract with the Foundation is terminated and, upon his return3, prohibited from any and all contact with SCP-6113-3 and the SCP-6113 project. He is to be screened for any memetic- and cognitohazards before his amnesticization and release into civilian life.

Description: [No changes. Data collapsed.]

Addendum 6113-3.1—16: [No changes. Data collapsed.]

Addendum 6113-3.17: Ethics Committee Injunction

On 06/11/2019, the following was sent to Dr. James Park in response to the events of Interview 24.

Official Ethics Committee Injunction

Date: 06/11/2019
To: Dr. James Park
From: Ethics Committee Liaison Jeremiah Cimmerian
Cc: Dr. Brandon Fisher
Subject: SCP-6113-3

Dr. Park,

The development of the SCP-6113 project has piqued the interest of this committee as of late. With SCP-6113-3's unique containment situation, one should take care when acquiring information from her as to not cross the boundary between object and researcher. While your methods have no doubt proved effective in the containment of SCP-6113, it is of this committee's opinion that you have acted unethically in growing too comfortable with SCP-6113-3. Your continued disregard for the ethical integrity of your position has forced us to take disciplinary action out of an abundance of caution.

Effective immediately, you are removed from the SCP-6113 project and demoted to Level 2 Assistant Researcher. You are to be transferred to Site-06-3 immediately. You are also barred from any and all contact with SCP-6113-3. If found in violation of this injunction, your contract with the Foundation is to be terminated and you will be amnesticized. SCP-6113 Assistant Researcher Dr. Brandon Fisher is promoted to the position of SCP-6113 Senior Researcher.

- Ethics Committee Liaison Jeremiah Cimmerian

Addendum 6113-3.18: Incident 6113-3 06/11/2019

On 06/11/2019, at 11:42 AM, two guards arrived at Dr. James Park's office to escort him off the premises. Dr. Park had, presumably, already read the injunction at this point. The office door, however, was locked and the blinds closed.

As they attempted to negotiate with Dr. Park, they reportedly heard crying and sounds of emotional distress inside his office. Additional security personnel were summoned, and preparations were made in the event Dr. Park turned violent. Dr. Park was non-cooperative with orders to open the door. Threats of termination were met with silence. Security personnel were ordered to forcibly enter his office. Upon entrance, Dr. Park was not found inside his office. Notably, the only exit from his office is through the door that was breached. Dr. Park's personal effects were left intact, and his computer terminal was left logged in. There was no sign of a struggle. Seen below is the email his terminal was open to.

Site-17 was not put on lockdown, however, all security personnel were ordered to search for and detain Dr. Park immediately. After approximately four hours, at 4:45 PM, the order was lifted. Search efforts for Dr. Park was initiated for all Foundation agents and applicable Mobile Task Forces within a 100 km radius. As of writing, Dr. Park has not been found.

Addendum 6113-3.19: Interview Log 25

Interviewed: SCP-6113-3

Interviewer: Dr. Brandon Fisher

Foreword: Earliest interview after Incident 6113-3 06/11/2019.

<Begin Log, 08/11/2019>

<Dr. Fisher enters the interview room.>

Dr. Fisher: Hello, SCP-6113-3, my name is Dr. Brandon Fisher.

SCP-6113-3: Uh, hi? What are you here for?

Dr. Fisher: <sitting down> I'm the Senior Researcher for the SCP-6113 project. I'll be taking care of you from now on.

SCP-6113-3: What happened to James?

Dr. Fisher: I'm afraid I cannot—

SCP-6113-3: What happened to James?

Dr. Fisher: <pauses> He's been relieved of his duties due to a few… errors on his part.

SCP-6113-3: So, you fired him.

Dr. Fisher: Yes, if that's how you would like to put it, SC—

SCP-6113-3: Don't call me that.

Dr. Fisher: What?

SCP-6113-3: I said, "Don't call me that."

Dr. Fisher: I'm afraid I will have to refer to you how I am told to refer to you.

SCP-6113-3: You motherfuckers. It's because of that, isn't it?

Dr. Fisher: SCP-6113-3, please calm down.

SCP-6113-3: Ya'll couldn't accept that he treated me like a person. He called me "█████" instead of a bunch of fucking numbers.

Dr. Fisher: Listen—

SCP-6113-3: If you want me to cooperate, bring James back.

Dr. Fisher: I'm afraid I cannot do that.

SCP-6113-3: Then, you won't get anything from me.

Dr. Fisher: SCP-6113-3.

<SCP-6113-3 does not respond.>

Dr. Fisher: SCP-6113-3.

SCP-6113-3: Fuck. You.

Dr. Fisher: This interview is over.

<End Log>

Closing Statement: Dr. Fisher has requested psychotherapy for SCP-6113-3.

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