Scp 935 R



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— Maria Jones, RAISA Director


Объект №: 935
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The cards of SCP-935.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-935 is contained inside a standard containment locker at Site-19. When SCP-935 breaches containment, the recontainment of the object will begin under the Bowe Protocol. The recontainment of SCP-935 will only occur with the recovery of SCP-935-1. In the case that SCP-935-1 is found dead, the Bowe Commission SCP-935 Research Team will trace the subsequent SCP-935-1 subject.

The Bowe Protocol is the current method utilized by the Bowe Commission Research Team, with the assistance of SCP-935-1. The subjects of SCP-935 are assisted with the decommissioning of SCP-935 and, in the case of failure, the body of the subject will be returned to the family with a coverup story for their death.

Description: SCP-935 is a box of playing cards dating back to eighteenth-century Brandenburg, Germany. Physically, the cards are in a worn but playable condition. Inside the box, the top card reads: “Sins of the father, crimes of the son. For the cheating committed centuries ago, you and your descendants will suffer the consequences of your ancestors."

SCP-935 affects the Bowe family, and all members that are selected by the object are classified as SCP-935-1. When the subject reaches 41 years of age, 935 will teleport into the possession of the subject; before both the subject and 935 disappear. The time of disappearance is unknown, but it is estimated that it lasts to the corresponding card game. Recovery of the subject alive has failed thus far.

Once SCP-935-1 is in possession of SCP-935, the top card will show the instructions of the specific card game that will be played. Besides the instructions, SCP-935 will give two warnings to the subject: not to cheat during the game and not to lose against it. Failure to follow these rules will result in the death of SCP-935-1.1 When the game begins, SCP-935 will move on its own according to the development of the card game. When the game finishes, SCP-935 will return to its inactive state and wait for the next subject, repeating the process.

Addendum 935.1: Discovery


Colonel Adrian Bowe and Dr. Wernher von Braun discussing the test of the ballistic missile (1956).

SCP-935 was discovered after the death of Colonel Adrian Bowe while supervising a Foundation ballistic missile test on 03/02/1956.2 Officially, the test was a coordination between the Foundation and the Army Ballistic Missile Agency in Site-150.3 Alongside site security, the colonel's cousin, Lieutenant Stan Bowe, was brought to the scene to confirm the identification of the colonel's body.

Lieutenant Stan Bowe discovered the anomaly alongside the body and questioned the research staff in charge of the missile's test. His results were inconclusive and he decided to report the problem to the colonel's superior, J. Edgar Hoover.4 The Lieutenant informed him of the colonel's death and volunteered to study the anomaly in the unit. Director Hoover denied the request and informed him that the object would be transferred to the Foundation. Finally, he handed the will of the Colonel to the Lieutenant, which is attached below

Addendum 935.2: Relevant subjects of SCP-935

From the containment of SCP-935 on 03/02/1956 to the death of General Stan Bowe on 09/07/1970, the General was the Head Researcher of SCP-935 as well as the Director of the Bowe Commission. During these fourteen years, the General dedicated his life to the recovery of historical documents of the Bowe family in order to assist in the termination of SCP-935. Between 1956 and 1970, seventeen members of the family died because of the object.

However, little progress was achieved in the termination of the anomaly, the mitigation of its anomalous capabilities, or its origin. However, General Stan Bowe and the Bowe Commission compiled the most relevant subjects terminated by SCP-935. The most important writings left by the victims aware of SCP-935 are attached below:

Addendum 935.3: Incident 935-D


Photograph of a destroyed hallway in Sector-5 of Site-19 after Incident 935-D (1970).

Incident 935-D occurred on 09/07/1970 after the containment breach of SCP-935, which caused the disappearance of General Stan Bowe, from here on referred to as SCP-935-1. During his disappearance, a secret operation was carried out by Bowe Commission personnel closely related to SCP-935-1 to aid in the neutralization of the anomaly, by utilizing luck and probability-related SCP objects to increase the game in favor of SCP-935-1.

The breach of these objects suddenly shifted the localized probabilistic field, causing the operation to devolve into a containment breach. Despite the loss of control by the Bowe Commission personnel, the anomalies were delivered in time to the location of SCP-935-1 in Site-19. However, the anomalies did not aid in the neutralization of SCP-935 and after the recontainment of breached anomalies, the involved Bowe Commission personnel were captured with the exception of SCP-935-1.

SCP-935-1 was not neutralized by the anomaly, but shot himself when surrounded by site security. The senior guard in charge of apprehending SCP-935-1 stated that he yelled a name to the security team, before committing suicide. After the announcement of the death of the subject, the remaining loyalists surrendered. SCP-935-1's body was recovered and returned to the family under a cover story, as well as with official state honors. SCP-935 was found alongside the body of SCP-935-1, and the top card was rewritten with the following message:


After the recontainment of the anomaly, the Bowe Commission was disbanded, and its personnel were either reprimanded or returned to the Pentagram.6 The SCP-935 Research Team was given complete authority on the project. The Bowe Protocol was repurposed to active containment and suppression of the curse to the Bowe family, because of the difficulties in the method used by the Bowe Commission in its containment procedures against SCP-935. Ever since Incident 935-D, the attempts to decommission SCP-935 have ceased.


The current documentation has been updated, to view the new document, click here.

— Maria Jones, Director, RAISA

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