Scp 935 R 2
Объект №: 935
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Special Containment Procedures: As of 17/06/2001, SCP-935 has been neutralized. The remaining containment procedures necessary are the monitoring of SCP-935 to confirm the incapacitation of its anomalous abilities and the neutralization of SCP-935-α.

Description: SCP-935 is a box of game cards that belonged to Don Vittorio Maria of Contarini, who is now classified as SCP-935-α. SCP-935 possessed an occult working binding related to the Bowe family, an important American military family that has historically worked with the anomalous affairs of the United States government throughout its lifetime.

SCP-935 has the capability of teleportation, invisibility, and the transaction of the soul's subjects it plays with to a demonic contract.1 Until its neutralization, SCP-935 had contained SCP-935-α for 208 years. During this time, SCP-935 cursed the Bowe family and its members, by disappearing a family member by the time they turned fourty-one years old, and turning them into an SCP-935-1 instance.

Prior to the neutralization of SCP-935 and SCP-935-α on 17/06/2001, the behavior of the anomaly and its functionality remained constant. For more information of the recent discoveries of SCP-935 and its neutralization, proceed to the following addendums.

Addendum 935.1: Profile of SCP-935-α

SCP-935-α was discovered to have been Don Vittorio Maria of Contarini after the suicide of General Stan Bowe. Before his capture by Site-19 security, Bowe informed his guards of the true name of SCP-935-α, afterwards killing himself. After the dissolution of the Bowe Commission, the SCP-935 Research Team focused on continuing the work it left behind.

The research team discovered that most of the information about SCP-935-α which belonged to the personal archives of the Contarini family was acquired by Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd. The historical documents were eventually acquisitioned by the research team, who discovered the past of SCP-935-α.

SCP-935-α belonged to one of the founding families of the Venetian Republic in 1758. While raised a Catholic, SCP-935-α belonged to outlawed freemason and occult societies that were formed by Venetian noblemen, and used these connections to climb the ranks of nobility. At the age of 25, he was appointed as the leader of the welcoming party to the new American ambassador to Venice: Major Bartholomew Bowe.

SCP-935-α and Major Bartholomew Bowe worked together in the diplomatic relations of both nations, but also in leisure because of their shared interest in the occult, secret societies and card games. The relationship between SCP-935-α and Bartholomew Bowe broke after a card game session, where SCP-935-α accused Bartholomew Bowe of cheating in the session while surrounded of his fellow noblemen. Eventually, SCP-935-α was kicked out from future sessions.

SCP-935-α's ostracization caused the resurface of rumors that he belonged to occult and secret societies unrelated to the Catholic Church, which was taken advantage by his political opponents, and a case was opened against him by the Inquisition, to which he was found guilty. Because of his nobility, he was only punished with house arrest and his ability to rise in Venetian political life was stifled.

SCP-935-α died in 12/06/1797. All of his personal belongings were acquired by the members of the Most Serene College of Anomalies and Oddities of the Municipality and later sold to MC&D Ltd, which included his journals written during his house arrest. His last journal entry was written in 11/06/1797 with the following:

Addendum 935.2: Decommission Proposal for SCP-935

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After the death of SCP-935-1-67, Frederick Bowe was identified as the next SCP-935-1 subject. Bowe was aware of the case because of a letter left by his father, Arthur George Bowe, alongside General Stan Bowe's letter to the former. Bowe informed that his father left him the responsibility to finish the work of Stan and Arthur in the case of the latter's death and so contacted the SCP-935 Reseach Team to discuss the decommissioning of the anomaly.

Before 06/17/2001, Bowe was assisted by the SCP-935 Research Team to study the anomaly and all its documentation at that moment. On a meeting between Site-19's Chief of Decommissioning Department, Dr. Daniel ███████, the SCP-935 Research Team and Frederick Bowe to discuss the decommission of SCP-935, Frederick Bowe shared his personal decommissioning proposal which is attached below:

Addendum 935.3: Neutralization of SCP-935

SCP-935 breached containment on 17/06/2001 and teleported away alongside Frederick Bowe. As ordered in the decommissioning proposal, the Bowe Protocol was inactive throughout the entirety of SCP-935-1's disappearance. For a period of three hours and thirty-four minutes, SCP-935-1's location was unknown. Afterwards, he was found exiting a warehouse under remodelation in Aboveground Area of Site-19 with SCP-935. The site's security reported him to the research team, and he was sent to quarantine. His captors found him in a state of emotional vulnerability, as he held the top card of the anomaly, which reads the following:

To Fred,

Thank you for freeing us, we hope our family learns from our mistakes.

Now we can all rest.

With love,

Your family

After this event, the anomaly is currently pending status change to Decommissioned and its containment procedures have been updated.

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