Форум — Безопасничаем
Создатель: system
Дата: 09:29 06.09.2014
Сообщений: 4
Это обсуждение страницы Безопасничаем
wd:DocFelix wd:DocFelix 09:30 06.09.2014

4. Оптимизировать: Ресурсы Фонда велики, но не безграничны. Всегда более предпочтительны Условия содержания, разумные в плане того, что может быть построено, куплено и сделано за разумную цену, и это ещё больше повышает имидж Фонда как эффективной и сильной организации.

Два чая этому Лису.

Кстати, Нуар, отличный перевод.

Kvonled Kvonled 09:33 06.09.2014

Перевод хороший, но вот руководство… Я не сторонник такой стандартизации.

wd:deleted-Petit-Noir wd:deleted-Petit-Noir 12:56 06.09.2014

Феликс, это VAE спасибо и, кстати, он Рысь, а не Лис.

Квон, да ну? Чего конкретно, позвольте поутрировать, вам не хватает —

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  • теперь доктор Х. отправляется расходником к кетеру в пасть, а вместо него доктором будет SCP-XXYZ?

Если что, я занимаюсь понемногу переводами с Классики, там всякого такого много.

wd:VAElynx wd:VAElynx 20:30 13.09.2014

I guess, I should come in with some comments. First of all, thank you for translating this - the work is indeed awesome, as are some alterations, like in the beginning, where "the user facepalms may merge into applause" - I like the expression a whole lot.

And yes, this guide is written in a hopefully amusing manner, since if the lectures of my engineering course taught me something, it's that a concept or lesson attached to some joke, interesting fact, amusing story or something similarly remarkable is far more likely to be remembered than one plainly stated, and that ridiculing the common mistakes and pitfalls is the best way to get people to avoid them.

In a small edit, I decided to change the joke in title of section 4.1 from the english original (where it was a string of malapropisms referring to an old slovak joke) to a reference to the character of Nikifor Ljapis from "Twelve Chairs" who was laughed at by colleagues for constantly committing exactly this sort of error - terminology revealing utter lack of knowledge about the subject. (I'm curious, did "стрелка осциллографа" actually appear in an article? I laughed for five minutes straight upon reading it.)

wd:deleted-Petit-Noir wd:deleted-Petit-Noir 21:49 13.09.2014

Ha, VAE, compare rating of your article with a rating of another one on the same subject. Here we have an example of preponderance of the humor over the preachment ;)

"Стрелка осциллографа" is the local Russian meme, funny error from writer Yulia Latynina's novel: "Она металась, как стрелка осциллографа". Great example of Ljapis-style :)

wd:VAElynx wd:VAElynx 23:10 13.09.2014

I know the other one - it's actually better rated on our wiki these days, was written during my absence, quite recently. I think it's a good one, and I hold the author to utmost respect, but what can I say, it's not the way I do things.

Also, wow, that thing came in a novel? Pfft.
See, the examples in my original article all came from the site. Actually, we had a good one recently also - the containment calling for D-class with "borderline sociological tendencies". I guess economists?

e:I also apologize for you having to fix my awful Russian.

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