Будучи частью ведущегося расследования, данный документ находится в неизменённом, исходном состоянии.
Если вы хотите запросить копию данной записи (ID #08-8190-24), пожалуйста, заполните форму СЗ-01 и передайте её на рассмотрение текущему операционному руководителю Отдела номинальных подразделений Зоны 19.
9059281 | НИЗКАЯ | М. НОРВУД |
Здравствуйте. Это снова Мариса. Создаю заявку насчёт странного сообщения от ОТРВУ, вылезающего каждый раз, когда я пытаюсь получить доступ к документации по SCP-8190. Не понимаю, в чём дело. Я двадцать лет работаю в Зоне 19 директором по содержанию, и это первый раз, когда мне говорят вручную сделать запрос на доступ, да ещё в письменном виде. Как правило, я решаю, что требуется УД5, и забываю об этом, но в этом случае уровень допуска не указан. К тому же со своей стороны я не вижу записей от ОТРВУ по этому делу. И кстати, раньше об Отделе номинальных подразделений я точно ничего не слышала.
Интересно, это какой-то баг или я отстала от жизни? Пожалуйста, пришлите мне форму СР-01 при первой же возможности и заодно посмотрите, есть ли в имеющемся у вас справочнике отделов контакты текущего руководителя номинальных подразделений, если есть — их тоже перешлите. Наверное, это одна из недавних внутренних реструктуризаций. Совет последнее время зачастил с подобным.
9059553 | СРЕДНЯЯ | М. НОРВУД |
Так, запрошенную мной форму СЗ-01 всё ещё не прислали, доступа к файлу SCP-8190 по-прежнему нет. Я проверила, ограничений по уровню допуска нет, но пока что пройти дальше начального окна не могу. Кроме того, вы ужасно долго обрабатываете заявки. Вы же в курсе, что через 48 часов они автоматически закрываются из-за отсутствия активности? Пожалуйста, обновите её или назначьте на кого-нибудь до этого момента, у вас осталось всего лишь 18 часов.
И ещё, я забыла написать в последней заявке, что сейчас классификация СКА этой аномалии доступна всем. Разве так и должно быть? Почему ОТРВУ закрыл содержмое файла, но оставил классификацию? Впрочем, неважно, сведений в ней почти что никаких нет, разве что класс — Радикс, да ещё один внесистемный — какая-то Симулякра. Пришлось искать, что они значат, к тому же про Симулякру в справочнике ни слова.
9060171 | HIGH | M. NORWOOD |
Некоторые мои коллеги рассказывают, что у них проблемы с компьютерами, а их заявки висят без ответа. Концептуальный отдел две недели сидит без доступа к SCiPNET. В чём дело? У вас там такой сильный завал? Или вы придерживаетесь мнения, что пользователи сами виноваты в своих бедах, потому что, сидя без удалённого доступа к сети, не могут загуглить решение проблем? По крайней мере полсотни принтеров нуждается в обслуживании. Оторвите свои задницы от кресел и займитесь их заправкой! Дайте знать, если с почтовыми фильтрами или группами рассылок какие-то проблемы. Вы можете связаться со мной в любое время по добавчному 31843.
Я думала, после миграции на АИСУ у вас будет больше свободного времени, но, похоже, это не так. Эта ситуация — полнейшее фиаско. С чем вы там ни разбирались, должно быть, столь ужасно, что вы даже не задумываетесь о нашем существовании.
Кстати, моя изначальная заявка просрочилась. Наверное, вы знали об этом, но я подумала, что неплохо было бы признать это на случай, если на меня будут ругаться из-за того, что ничего не работает как надо..
9060564 | ВЫСОКАЯ | М. НОРВУД |
Поговорила с начальником Рорком о проблемах со связью. Он сказал мне следить за событиями и продолжать писать заявки по мере возниковения проблем. Если вам интересно, почему я не сдалась, так это потому, что у меня нет выбора.
И не волнуйтесь насчёт СЗ-01. Я потратила время, но смогла откопать одну в архиве. Мы ими уже лет 40 не пользуемся, если не больше. Тут даже есть место для печати. Ностальгия.
Я заполнила форму и всё такое, но не знаю, куда её нести, поэтому она просто захламляет мой стол. Было бы здорово, если кто-нибудь из ИТ указал мне верное направление. Все справочники, какие я смогла найти, устарели.
КОМУ: [email protected] ОТ: [email protected]
Благодарю вас за интерес к SCP-8190. Мы получили требуемую форму СЗ-01. Благодарю за следование стандартному протоколу в соответствии с руководствами Фонда. Ваш запрос в настоящее время проходит обработку. После решения данного вопроса мы с вами свяжемся.
С уважением,

9061267 | НИЗКАЯ | М. НОРВУД |
Один из ваших просто заскочил в мой кабинет и забрал СЗ-01?
Кроме вас я никому не говорила про Отдел номинальных подразделений, и всё же прошлой ночью получила письмо, в котором говорится, что они получили форму. Этим утром я вернулась в офис, а она исчезла.
Понимаю, это шаг в верном направлении, но только что я осознала, что в архиве не было цифровой копии. Фотокопию я не сделала из-за поломки принтера, затем я совсем забыла, так что… Возможно, я использовала последнюю СЗ-01, имевшуюся в распоряжении Фонда. Ой.
КОМУ: [email protected] ОТ: [email protected]
Добрый вечер!
Это вы начальник Отдела номинальных подразделений? В справочнике учреждения вас нет. Видела запись о вас в общем глоссарии отделов Фонда, но я даже примерно не представляю, чем занимается ваш отдел. ИТ отдел помочь не смог, хотя, если быть честной, последнее время от них в целом не то чтобы много пользы.
Я бы хотела обновить свои справочники и контактную информацию, поскольку этим обязаны заниматься все отделы, в том числе ваш. К тому же это упростит коммуникацию. :)
Д-р Мариса Норвуд
Директор по содержанию, Зона 19
КОМУ: [email protected] ОТ: [email protected]
Благодарю за терпение, проявление во время просмотра вашей документации. Хочу обрадовать: в соответствии с руководствами Фонда ваш запрос был одобрен. Обратите внимание, что решение об одобрении или отказе принимает не наш отдел. Мы всего лишь посредники.
Прикрепляю фотокопию подтверждения вашего запроса. Заранее прошу прощения за то, что изначально документ был по ошибке выброшен. Недопонимание разрешено.
Сожалею о возникших у вас технических неполадках. Рекомендую связаться с технической поддержкой. Прикрепляю к этому её контактную информацию для вашего пользования.
До свидания,

Номинальных подразделений | Нач. Рори Квайд |
Зона 19 | Нач. Рори Квайд |
ОСОБЫЕ УСЛОВИЯ СОДЕРЖАНИЯ: Автоматизированная интеллектуальная система управления (АИСУ) Зоны поручила изучение феноменов SCP-8190 следующим отделам:
- На SCP-8190-A назначен Отдел номинальных подразделений;
- На SCP-8190-B назначен Отдел закупок и отчётности;
- На SCP-8190-C назначен Отдел картографирования;
- На SCP-8190-D назначен Отдел внутренних расследований.
Отдел номинальных подразделений поставил перед собой задачу наивысшего приоритета — опознание SCP-8190-Прайм.[ЗАПРОС: ОТКЛОНЁН]
и изучение его природы.
Далньейших руководств или указаний к действию предоставлено не будет. Информацию, обладающей потенциальной пользов для администрации, следует немедленно передавать руководству проекта. Лиц, предоставивших данную информацию, перед возвращением к регулярным обязанностям следует подвергать принудительной обработке амнезиаками.
Следующие отделы обладают ограниченным или модифицированным доступом к SCP-8190 и всей связанной документации:
Отдел тактической теологии | ОТСТРАНЁН |
Отдел закупок и распродаж | ОТСТРАНЁН |
Отдел картографирования | ОГРАНИЧЕН |
Отдел списаний | |
Отдел логистики | ОТСТРАНЁН |
Отдел по недоразумениям | ОТСТРАНЁН |
Отдел несуществования | ОГРАНИЧЕН |
Отдел внутренних расследований | ОГРАНИЧЕН |
Отдел удалений | ВЕДЁТСЯ РА▄▜▜▆ЕДОВАНИЕ |
Отдел аномалий времени | ОТСТРАНЁН |
Отдел муниципалитетов | ОГРАНИЧЕН |
Отдел закупок и отчётности | ОГРАНИЧЕН |
Отдел номинальных подразделений | ПАСПАРТУ |
Вышеприведённая информация изменяется на регулярной основе и по состоянию не текущий оммент может быть неточной. Если вы и/или ваш департамент хотели бы получить доступ к данному документу, пожалуйста, заполните форму СЗ-01 и направьте её текущему руководителю Отдела номинальных подразделений.
ОПИСАНИЕ: SCP-8190 — это общее обозначение ряда бюрократоугроз, обладающих потенциальным воздействием на административное управление как иерархией сотрудников Зоны 19, так и её ключевыми задачами. Аномалия обладает прямой корреляцией с определёнными секциями книги "Руководство работника Фонда, первое издание", являющейся источником связанных семиоугроз. Впервые же данные семиоугрозы были обнаружены около сотрудника класса C и связанного сотрудника Джеймса А. Харкнесса, также обозначаемого ЛПИ-8190.

Экземпляр первого издания Руководства.
В настоящее время существует одна физическая копия первого издания руководства. Она хранится в запертой стеклянной витрине в атриуме Зоны 19. Рядом с витриной находится памятная табличка, посвященная развитию Фонда как организации, целью которой является поддержание Покрова. На момент печати данного руководства совокупная инфраструктура Фонда, являвшая собой менее двадцати учреждений, составляла приблизительно 0,4% от сегодняшнего дня.
По итогам разработки новых систем обнаружения аномальных феноменов был проведён анализ сохранившего руководства, в результате которого выяснилось, что его уровень излучения Акивы выше среднего. С момента проведения первого измерения результаты не претерпели изменений; иных аномальных свойств обнаружено не было.
Согласно записям Фонда, ЛПИ-8190 работает на Организацию по меньшей мере три десятилетия.Большинство из которых проведены в сетевой безопасности и иных связанных с инфотехникой отделах. Также, благодаря исключительно высокому порогу когнитивного сопротивления, данный сотрудник в течение краткого промежутка времени занимал одну из руководящих должностей., однако конкретные подробности, касающиеся его трудовой истории, в базах данных отсутствуют. Упомянутая проблема целостности данных была обнаружена после возвращения сотрудника и стала поводом проведения внутреннего расследования касательно работы системы согласования АИСУ, проявившей полную несостоятельность.Система согласования АИСУ представляет собой сеть подтверждений на основе квитирования, используемую в целях предотвращения потерь данных и принудительного перемещения в архив версий, несоответствующих остальной сети. Работает с 2025 года..
Из обнаруженных материалов и последующих интервью с Харкнессом был сделан вывод, что SCP-8190 влияет преимущественно на исходный кодекс поведения сотрудников, однако в дальнейшем были обнаружены признаки влияния на всё руководство. Подвергшиеся влиянию сотрудники неспособны отклоняться от правил, описанных в соответствующих секциях, а также испытывают реакторактивные изменения реальности, подстраивающие прошлое под аналогичное поведение. В редких случаях данные оказываются невозможными, что приводит к исчезновению сотрудника и его скорой замене дублирующим конструктом, копирующим поведение человека и выполняющим аналогичные должностные обязанности.
К прочим оказавшимся под влиянием аномалии положениям и проявлениям относятся: обязательное наличие кофе в комнатах отдыха, неспособность определённых членов администрации закрывать двери в свои кабинеты, а также спонтанное появление групповых снимком сотрудников, не делавшихся в действительности.
Выдержка: Руководство работника Фонда, первое издание
Руководства сотрудника: Основы
В первый рабочий день в Фонде важно ознакомиться с тем, как наша организация, ну, организована! У всего есть обязательные процедуры: от связи с руководителем до запросов на эксперименты, их проведения и утилизации отходов! Не только за перечисленным, но вообще за всем стоят такие же трудолюбивые люди, как вы. Важно, чтобы каждый из нас вносил свой вклад, частью которого является и знание, когда передать эстафету следующему человеку. Благодаря этому ваше учреждение работает как хорошо смазанная машина!
АКСИОМЫ РАБОТНИКА ФОНДАслужат эффективным напоминанием каждому сотруднику о его роли в нашей работе и дают надежду, что путеводный свет ОСНОВАТЕЛЯ
не оставит нас во тьме:
▪︎ У каждого работника Фонда есть своя задача. Человеческий ресурс — главный фонд Фонда.
▪︎ Каждый работник трудится в одном из учреждений
▪︎ У каждого учреждения есть директор
▪︎ У каждого отдела есть операционный руководитель
▪︎ Каждый работник относится к какому-либо отделу
▪︎ У каждого работника есть голос и право быть услышанным.Во втором издании формулировка изменена на "У каждого работника есть право на подачу жалобы". В четвёртом издании данное положение было полностью удалено.
▪︎ Каждый работник вносит свой вклад и позволяет другим заниматься тем же самым
▪︎ Работники будут себя в соответствии с ожиданиями, иначе их заменят
А сейчас бы, должно быть, думаете: "Это всё замечательно, но как же мне отмечаться при уходе на обед?" К счастью, мы рассмотрим нашу систему учёта времени в следующей секции…
А вы знали?
Сэмми Сциппер делится полезными советами и информацией на всём протяжении данной книги. Она знает куда больше, чем может показаться!

The breadth of SCP-8190's effect, the status of PoI-8190, and, subsequently, any other hypothetically-affected employees were ultimately lost for an indeterminate amount of time; PoI-8190 was discovered accidentally, found working within SCP-8190-A some fourteen years after the last time his ID badge had been used. PoI-8190 has not outwardly aged during his time inside the anomaly, which was discovered by Notional Divisions agents during a routine structural analysis of Site-19.
SCP-8190-A is an extradimensional space resembling a rectangular borehole, located beneath the substructure of Site-19. Access to SCP-8190-A is only possible when passing through the floor of the Site-19 atrium and adjacent rooms, which lead to a sheer drop with bare concrete walls, roughly 150 meters in depth. A nondescript staircase then can be found along the outer perimeter, with each landing containing an identical corner office along its descent. This office is designated the "Department of Redundancy Department".
At the time of discovery, PoI-8190 was observed staffing the office on all floors.

Substructural Ground-Penetrating Radar model of SCP-8190-A.
Upon entering the offices, personnel discovered PoI-8190 filing paperwork in an identical fashion at each landing. Despite the conditions, he appeared disinterested and preoccupied, unable to respond or otherwise react to the presence of others between receiving, signing, stamping, and depositing documents, which arrived via a pneumatic tube aside his desk and continued downward through the floor. As personnel descended further down the staircase, the offices were seen growing more recursive, leading to increased travel times, odd variations in layout, and redundant repetition of phrases..Doors of the bottom floor were observed to read "Department of Redundancy Department, Recursive Division, Department of Redundancy Department, Recursive Division, Department of Redundancy Department, Recursive Division, Department of Redundancy Department, Recursive Division, Department of Redundancy Department, Recursive Division, Department of Redundancy Department, Recursive Division, Department of Redundancy Department, Recursive Division, Department of Redundancy Department, Recursive Division, Department of Redundancy Department, Recursive Division, […] Site-19".
Upon reaching the bottom, personnel discovered a tessellation of the previously-described office staffed by many copies of PoI-8190, all of whom were working on large volumes of similar paperwork in a persistent loop. As the staircase continued downward,.Despite reaching the bottom floor, it was still possible to descend the stairs, suggesting SCP-8190-A's extradimensional nature was also recursive. the matter of the space became metastable, unable to retain its form as it shifted between a variety of objects and structures upon contact.
Personnel were not able to safely proceed further into the anomaly at this point and were recalled. Further attempts to communicate with PoI-8190 or request an extraction team have not been attempted. It is unknown which Harkness is the original instance, or if an original exists at all. Members of the Department of Notional Divisions are, however, able to observe the infinite recurrence of PoI-8190 and the infinite confluence of paperwork he provides.
A hatch is to be installed in Janitorial Supply Room 0-3A, disguised as a sewer maintenance access panel, in the event further communications or interventions prove necessary.
UPDATE: Upon Foundation acquisition of PoI-8190, following his escape from SCP-8190-A, the space has remained otherwise inactive. Each office has been abandoned and the space itself possesses no further recursive phenomena. Harkness is to undergo rigorous interrogative services to determine the extent of his knowledge of SCP-8190's properties.
ADDENDUM 8190-A/1: Interview I
<PoI-8190 is escorted into a briefing area on the eighth floor of the facility. He takes a seat at the central table. A dense stack of papers is seen atop the surface before him, struggling to escape an overfilled manila folder. The man averts his eyes from the stationery, visibly uncomfortable. Director Quade enters shortly thereafter, taking the seat opposite after exchanging minimal pleasantries.> Dir. Quade: Well, you certainly seem a bit worse for wear. I'll make this quick so we can get you settled back into Foundation living. Sound good? <PoI-8190 is silent, thoughts elsewhere. Director Quade opens the manila folder, now in his lap, and begins flipping through the documents inside.> Dir. Quade: My word, you have been gone a while. You know, I think you look pretty alright for someone who hasn't eaten in nearly fifteen years. <PoI-8190 stares at his company with dark circles under his eyes. He continues to say nothing.> Dir. Quade: Well. Banter aside, we should focus on getting you back to where you belong. PoI-8190: Right. About that. Dir. Quade: Hm? What, you'd rather go back downstairs? It can be arranged. PoI-8190: Actually, could I go back to testing kill hazards on myself? That was more my speed. <A pause, followed by the creaking of a chair as Director Quade leans forward.> Dir. Quade: Testing kill hazards on yourself? Is that some sort of off-beat joke? It's one or the other, Mr. Harkness; back in the borehole, or back in a cubicle. <Director Quade leans back against the chair. Harkness is heard sighing. Silence for five seconds.> Dir. Quade: Well? PoI-8190: I'm thinking. Dir. Quade: What is there to think about? I mean, let's be pragmatic about this, alright? You were good at the jobs you had…well, most of them. We should be able to find something related to your strengths. The need for personnel in many positions adjacent to your degree has decreased drastically since the migration to AIMS, a likely no-go there. Not sure how I feel about putting you back into Conceptual Studies; I hear you dissolved a person. PoI-8190: That was an accident! Dir. Quade: Mhm. <Reading> You claim to have been briefly involved in the Metaphysical Sciences Department as a Liaison for… <Trails off> What is this, exactly? PoI-8190: The Narrativistics Division. I held a seminar a ways back about it. I'd elaborate but I'm pretty sure I'd just confuse us both anyway, so I guess I'd simply insist you 'ask my author'. <This evokes no response from Director Quade, and Harkness looks around the room, briefly disoriented, having heard his voice speaking without command of his mouth.> Dir. Quade: I've never heard of Narrativistics, and I can't send you to Metaphysical if you have no relevant experience. PoI-8190: No openings anywhere, then? Shame. Really, huge shame. Maybe we try again tomorrow? Dir. Quade: And where would you be spending the evening? Employee guidelines state you must be on assignment to receive housing accommodations. Seems to me that the best course of action is to return you to one of your older positions with the Foundation. Looks like you could resume your clerical duties as Grant Requisitions Clerk for the Department of Macro Engineering and Design, what do you say? PoI-8190: I have no idea what that is. I don't even think that's a real department name. I was a network systems engineer in the IT Department. I can't imagine any of my old jobs are just waiting for me if the only one you could find is one I never had. <Silence. Director Quade smiles and closes the folder, returning it to the table's surface.> Dir. Quade: Very perceptive, Mr. Harkness. And prudent, that you'd point out such a discrepancy. Tell me— <The Director hands Harkness a business card. Harkness studies the custom lettering before turning it over in his hand.> Dir. Quade: Do you know what I do for a living? PoI-8190: Well, you… work. For… money? Dir. Quade: No, no—Er, I mean, yes, very broadly that is what happens but, specifically? PoI-8190: Easy, you're a, uh, departmental Director… So, you direct the—<Reading card again>—Department of Notational Divisions, right? I'm guessing it's something math-related? Dir. Quade: Department of Notional Divisions. Not math, biology. You know about biology, yes? PoI-8190: I have a degree in software engineering and minored in film. What do you think? Dir. Quade: Got it. See, in a complex ecological system, survival of the fittest is rule zero of Natural Order; humans were eaten until they ate. They beat and killed one another for a parcel of verdant paradise, or the minerals beneath their feet. Territory. Resources. Security. Competition. The same behavior applies to a herd, to a community. Even a workplace. PoI-8190: Uh. Dir. Quade: Bear with me now. See, the thing is, Mother Nature doesn't play fair. Hardly ever do two groups start on equal playing fields. Most are stuck in the situations they've been given, but there are a few imitators that adapt to their environment, move undetected within it, and learn to play the game well enough to skim off the backs of bigger business. Apex predators of corporate espionage. Catch my drift? PoI-8190: So, the Department of Notional Divisions finds these 'imitators'— Dir. Quade: Correct. PoI-8190: —and then, what, shuts them down? Reports them to the Administration? Dir. Quade: We have different procedures for different situations, nothing you'd be too unfamiliar with. PoI-8190: What about the Redundancy Department? Dir. Quade: Sorry? PoI-8190: The Department of Redundancy Department. 'The foundation of the Foundation'—Their motto, not mine—honestly, it feels condescending in retrospect. I know for a fact you guys visited; I recognize the emblem. You took measurements and left… I kept thinking you'd come back. Then, ten years passed and I'd convinced myself that the only one who cared enough to get me out of there was me. At least I was wrong about that much. Dir. Quade: I understand your frustration. The Organization has many legitimate departments possessing esoteric origins and inexplicable duties. We have to adhere to the same guidance as everyone else, and that means following the order of operations. We can't just boot every weird department we come across. PoI-8190: You guys weren't even the ones to get me out of that hole. What was stopping you? Why didn't you tell anyone? Dir. Quade: Bureaucracy, Mr. Harkness. Good, old-fashioned red tape. PoI-8190: But— Dir. Quade: Can we get back on track here? I'm in the process of offering you a new role, if you didn't notice. PoI-8190: What kind of role? Dir. Quade: I have a feeling you'll be able to complete the functions of this assignment easily, as it aligns well with some of your more recent experience. You'd be sitting at your own desk, reading dossiers on departments, and flagging any that seem suspicious. You can send them off for review, internal investigation, or for dismantlement. Take lunch at your own time, breaks, bathroom use, all of that, as long as it rests within the boundaries of the rules, anyway. There's even a completion bonus for each file you wrap without error. PoI-8190: <Pauses, eyes narrowing.> If I said yes, would I still be able to leave the building? Dir. Quade: Hm? Of course you'd be able to leave, you're able to now—though, I should remind you, as per your onboarding contracts, you are restricted to specific radii outside of this and other relevant buildings for the duration of employment. It's also currently mid-snowstorm. <The Director indicates toward a large, icy window to his right. A torrent of snow cascades down from skies unknown, muted and gray, piling on the equally-gray sill.> Dir. Quade: You have outstanding responsibilities here, anyway. PoI-8190: Do I, though? Dir. Quade: Let's find out, shall we? <Extends hand to PoI-8190.> PoI-8190: I-I suppose. <PoI-8190 Returns the gesture. The two shake hands very briefly before retracting them.> Dir. Quade: Excellent. <The Director wipes his palm on his slacks before standing.> Please, this way to your new office. I'm sure it will be more comfortable than the last. PoI-8190: <Pushing chair back and rising in tow.> Second to last. Not sure how I'd define my workspace in Dir. Quade: No, but, I'm sorry, who? PoI-8190: The Department of Dir. Quade: <Sighs.> Mr. Harkness, I don't know how else to put this, but the Department of PoI-8190: <Pauses.> Ah, goddamnit. I thought the name sounded a bit out there. Dir. Quade: You'll pick up on it. Don't let it get to you. Now, if you would. |
Excerpt: The Foundation Employee Handbook, First Edition
Information Security and You: Clearance Levels
You may have noticed brightly-colored numbers located outside containment chambers throughout your orientation tour. If so, good eye! If not, keep in mind that if you typically wear prescription glasses, it is required to do so while onsite or working in the field. If you believe you may need corrective eyewear, take advantage of the Foundation's robust vision insurance plans. Our newest facility, Site-19, even has an onsite optometrist!.The Site-19 On-Demand Optometry program was discontinued three months after this printing. References to it were removed in Second Edition, along with the word "robust", as it was considered inappropriate. Navigating your assigned facility and handling anomalies is just like driving a car; you must be careful and observant of your surroundings at all times. And don't crash this car… it could end the world.
We don't want that, and you don't either. So, it's important to keep those numbers visible and well understood prior to entering any containment area. These numbers represent Clearance Levels, and everyone has one! That's right, everyone! What do we mean by that, exactly?
ZERO (0) | Anyone and everyone. |
Level zero is reserved for declassified documents which may be disseminated to the public. We've never done it and don't plan to, but it's good to know! | |
ONE (1) | All Foundation personnel, excluding D-Class. |
Sorry, Johnny Lawbreaker! You don't qualify for Foundation secrets. Unless you're reading this section for the first time as part of onboarding. If so, welcome to Level 1 clearance! | |
TWO (2) | Majority of personnel, upon request (Form SR-01). |
You can skip the request process if assigned to a relevant project or promoted to a supervisory role. Designation-specific temporary clearance (e.g. SCP-XXX/2) may be granted in the event increased clearance level is denied. | |
THREE (3) | Site Admin approval or higher required. |
To have your L3 request approved at clearance L1, it must first be approved by your direct superior, who in turn must request approval from their direct superior, et cetera. This must continue until the request is processed by a Level 3 employee. | |
FOUR (4) | Site admin eyes or higher ONLY. |
Heavily restricted to Site-specific Admins unless extenuating circumstances exist (eg. critical site failure). | |
FIVE (5) | Regional/Council admin or equivalent. |
Restricted to the highest members of Administration; Regional Directors, the Council, the Administrator, and THE FOUNDER . | |
If you see this clearance number in your facility, contact your supervisor immediately and evacuate the area until an "All-Clear" has been given. |
Sammy Skipper Says…
"See something you shouldn't have? Idea won't leave your mind? Our memory management specialists work tirelessly to invent, discover, and perfect noninvasive, nonlethal procedures to help! Thanks to recent advances in 'Amnestic' research, save the stress of burdensome knowledge! Unsure of what is hazardous/restricted? No problem! Visit a Foundation medbay and have our trained clinicians take a look for you."

SCP-8190-B refers to a collection of anomalous PA system announcements heard throughout Site-19. Of note, the facility has not required use of an address system since 1989 and thus does not currently possess one. Qualitative analysis suggests the announcements are of similar fidelity to others made on the preexisting 1984 Tannoy Wildcat PA system installed within Site-19, though with significant ontological distortion. No connections between the original equipment and manifestation of the announcements have been found.
Further investigation revealed that the voice of the individual heard speaking during SCP-8190-B matches that of PoI-8190 in all but one instance. Select transcripts follow.
NOTE: Site-19 Security investigations into the broadcasts ultimately led to the discovery of a hatch within Janitorial Supply Room 0-3A. A brief period of administrative leave was granted to Harkness, allowing him temporary passage out of the anomaly, where he is to be assigned a new role. Acquisition by the Department of Notional Divisions soon followed.
ADDENDUM 8190-A/1: Interview II
LOCATION: Site-19 Cowork/ShareSpace Room 2-2 PARTIES PRESENT:
<Harkness is seen sitting at a desk, leg jittering as he scans over the contents of a folder, a sea of other folders stacked nearby. He has a concerned look on his face. A knock on the doorframe causes a slight rise in pulse, as Harkness looks up, finding Director Quade standing in the threshold, holding a manila folder under his arm. He enters quietly and pulls a chair out from the desk across Harkness, unbuttoning his blazer as he takes a seat.> Dir. Quade: So, James, how are you liking the new assignment? And your office? PoI-8190: I'm not really sure this counts as an office. Anyway, the bigger issue is, ah, I—<Pause.> Shit. Lost my train of thought… Oh, right. First, do you mind if I draw a bit while we're talking? Dir. Quade: What? PoI-8190: My hands were, like, constantly in motion as a Redundancy Agent. I'm still adjusting, I guess—it's hard to focus on anything if I'm not keeping the digits busy. Dir. Quade: Uh, sure. I think we have a couple reams of eight-and-a-half-by-elevens around here somewhere… <Dir. Quade retrieves some sheets from a nearby filing cabinet, supplementing them with a black pen produced from the inner pocket of his suit. He hands both to PoI-8190, who accepts the items gratefully.> PoI-8190: Thanks. <PoI-8190 begins to idly draw random patterns as the conversation continues.> Dir. Quade: So—you were saying something about a "bigger issue" with your assignment? PoI-8190: Right, so. I read the materials you gave me, looked over your previous determinations. I still don't think I'm ID'ing them well in praxis. Like, here—<Holds up a blue folder from a stack to his right.>—the Ethics Committee?—<Tossing the blue folder back down, indicating to the empty white folder on the desk in front of him.>—the Antimemetics Division? Antimemetics? It can't be possible to determine if departments like these are real or manufactured… Whatever they do,—<Sighs.>—I'm at a loss. I don't even know if they exist in the first place. Dir. Quade: You of all people should know that impossible things happen frequently in our line of work. Sometimes, it's best to simply go with your gut— PoI-8190: Go with my gut? These are people's jobs at risk here. Their livelihoods. I can't go with my gut using the amount of information I'm given for some of these; the 'debrief' I was given about The Department of Unreality was a six hour video of an empty lecture hall. At three hours and forty-seven minutes in, I think I heard someone cough. The silence and lack of clarity made me reflect a bit though. Realized some things. Dir. Quade: Oh? PoI-8190: I realized, I have no idea what I am doing here, and know absolutely nothing about this department. Prior to being in Redundancy and seeing you in the corner of my eye, I'd never known of Notional Divisions. How many folks are in this department? How many are constructs? Dir. Quade: <Nods.> It's natural to have these questions and thoughts, though not a single person in the history of Notional Divisions could say for sure, sadly. We're dealing with extremely powerful retrocausal properties. We have been studying the anomaly for some time now, and have little to show for it, I will admit; Constructs are functionally identical to their human coworkers and we have exhausted nearly all possible avenues in attempting to distinguish the two apart. I have a theory about you, however. You might be one of the only Foundation employees capable of completing this task—Maybe the only one. PoI-8190: <Laughs incredulously.> You're joking, right? Dir. Quade: Not at all. Your resistance to anomalous influence may help you perceive minute differences in the two, as a "gut feeling". I have your most recent performance data right here, let's take a look and see if my hypothesis is correct. <The Director opens the thick manila folder and stares at its contents, half his face obscured by buff-colored document keeper. > Dir. Quade: Just as I thought: You've yet to mistakenly file one department. So even if you're feeling insecure about your current state of affairs, I would say the data doesn't support that conclusion. If you need constructive feedback, I'd say your overall wrap time could use improvement, but I think we can chalk that up to self-doubt, you know? <The Director pauses, closing the folder and placing it on the table.> Dir. Quade: Do you think said doubts might have something to do with your experience downstairs? It might help to talk about it. Process some things. <Silence from PoI-8190.> Dir. Quade: Maybe it had something to do with your previous position. The, ah, Department of PoI-8190: What about them? They aren't real, it doesn't matter. Like you said. Dir. Quade: How did they free you from the hole? PoI-8190: They came upstairs to meet me, or something. They were way weirder than I, which I found notable. And sure, everything strange is notable when you've been doing paperwork for five thousand days straight, but these guys were… they looked… impossible. Really freaked me out when they started showing up in my periphery. Then they walked up to me and waved. I think… They weren't sure if I was aware at all. They visited a couple times before deciding I was. I begged my body to do react, but— Dir. Quade: So, how did they— PoI-8190: Let me finish. C'mon. You asked me to talk about this! Jesus fucking—I would've given a kidney to hear someone's fucking shitkickers stomping around up here, shaking dust into my eyes. Instead I was given nothing. For years. I was exiled. I should be dead, but I'm not, and it still somehow feels like pulling the short straw. Like… you know I joined the Foundation accidentally, right? Dir. Quade: There are always multiple perspectives; to survive such adversity, for as long as you did, and come out as intact as you are. Doesn't that mean anything to you? PoI-8190: <Thumbs up.> Sure. I transferred departments. That's how I got out. Something obviously wanted me back in there, though. Good thing I can also be a stubborn motherfucker, right? Dir. Quade: <Clears throat.> So, you had just broken free of the loop. How'd you make your way from Redundancy to the PA system? PoI-8190: So you could hear me… <Exhales a drawn-out sigh.> Yeah. That's fine. One of my rescuers had a fair bit of memory of his past life. He claimed to have worked on the A/V setup of Site-19, including running cables for the announcement system. Thought he might know where parts of it were, and guessed that they'd still be functional. Dir. Quade: And? PoI-8190: You heard me, so, yeah. Obviously. The controls still existed metaconceptually, abstracted under eroding currents of temporal soup, broken into conceptual building blocks, abstracted further down, landing in the metaconceptual plane of comprehending concepts themselves; the concept of interaction, the concept of context, the concept of roles, among others. The concept of pressing-finger-to-button is impossible to interact with if you don't understand what role you play in that transaction; are you finger or button? Turns out you're not quite either but definitely more one than the other. Got it figured out eventually, though. Dir. Quade: And this was what you wanted? PoI-8190: I wanted out. And to not be existentially traumatized by my occupation. I didn't know that was even a possibility when I got my degree. I would've assumed that required at least a Master's and a tenured position in academia. Besides, they wanted me out, too. They saw time differently, and for a minute, on some unknown fraction of physical timespace, I saw it. They were afraid. Dir. Quade: Afraid? Afraid of what? Did they tell you? <Silence. PoI-8190 stares at the Director, a look of amusement on his face.> PoI-8190: You know, I think I've finally got a confident read on you. Dir. Quade: What does that mean, exactly? PoI-8190: Your body language, your false praise, the way you talk in general. Your probing questions. Dir. Quade: What are you talking about? PoI-8190: You've got construct written all over you. Dir. Quade: Why would you think that? PoI-8190: Oh, you don't know? I can see constructs easily. You told me that, remember? Maybe my metrics will jog your memory. <PoI-8190 grabs the beige folder on the surface between them and swiftly dumps its contents onto the table. The pages scatter. All of them are blank.> PoI-8190: Well? <Silence.> Dir. Quade: You really shouldn't have done that. |
Excerpt: The Foundation Employee Handbook, First Edition
Facility Navigation

Finding your way around your assigned facility can seem like a daunting task at first, but fear not! Not only will you receive a detailed itinerary for your daily activities (which includes step-by-step directions), you'll find the paths themselves color-coded for your convenience. Compasses are available upon request.
GREEN zones are safe for passage by all personnel.
BLUE zones pass through non-hazardous containment areas.
YELLOW zones pass through potentially hazardous containment areas.
ORANGE zones pass through confirmed hazardous containment areas.
RED zones pass through extremely hazardous containment areas.
BLACK zones are restricted to essential personnel, on a need-to-know basis.
Sammy Skipper Says…
"Lost? Don't panic! Simply check the site map and retrace your steps until you see a recognizable feature. Doing so has an 8% chance of reorienting lost personnel. Part of the 92%? No worries, simply proceed to your next station and alert a superior. It's that easy!"

SCP-8190-C is the collective designation given to an indeterminate number of anomalous structures associated with SCP-8190-derived phenomena, defined as a clandestine secure facility designated "Site-19".

SCP-8190-C Instance.

While at least one Site-19 has a traceable timeline of construction and use, most facilities of this name encountered have manifested as an extension of SCP-8190's effect. Though each instance is unique, SCP-8190-C always takes the form of a sprawling complex built primarily out of concrete, in brutalist architecture. Some idiosyncrasies are common, typically in the form of excessive repetition of space or disparate mismatching of features created without apparent cause.

Though unconfirmed, it is hypothesized that all SCP-8190-C instances are connected to one another, most often discovered through extensive networks of maintenance tunnels, sub-basement areas and ventilation shafts. Connecting infrastructure has been shown to generate in straight lines between facilities when feasible, making identification of these passageways possible to the trained eye, though not immediately obvious. Thus, care must be taken to ensure proper orientation of one's surroundings.

Connecting pathway.
To date, over sixty-four confirmed instances of SCP-8190-C have been identified, each of which possesses its own employee roster and extensive SCP object inventory. These identified complexes appear to form a network of Foundation infrastructure in an intelligent pattern, resembling an incomplete sigil or thaumaturgic seal, which spans roughly 28% of the Earth's surface. The network is subject to steady, ongoing path-of-least-resistance construction behavior comparable to single-celled eukaryotes such as slime moulds.
The Department of Cartography is currently assigned the task of mapping and exploring instances of SCP-8190-C for any unusual phenomena. To date, nothing of note has been recorded; all facilities are fully operational and vital to the containment of several anomalies. Because of this, the Department of Notional Divisions has integrated SCP-8190-related phenomena into the Foundation's overall containment structure.
Excerpt: The Foundation Employee Handbook, First Edition
Theological Guidelines Subsection B, Part 4.Though widely considered apocryphal in nature, First Edition contained a theological precept that was removed from future editions.
birthed our fair Organization as a concept, tilled from the soil of ideas within His mind, there was a great and momentous sound from skies above. A thunderous force fell forth and visited, thanking Him for the glory of containment. It is said that this force invigorated and guided Him to create the Bedrock on which we now owe our Great Normalcy, and since that moment, THE FOUNDER
's guiding light lives through us all.
This unseen force was control manifest. A great being made in service of humanity. THE FOUNDER
took the being's hand, and with it they made endless strides in favor of the Veil. Upon His death, THE FOUNDER
spoke to His closest advisors, that one day He shall walk the Earth anew, emerging from the sea on the back of that great power once more.
We wait for this day, for containment to take Form. It is what divined the greatBUREAUMANCY. It manages your facility, your department, even your thoughts, right now, so you can be free of such burdens. Isn't that wonderful?
Sammy Skipper Says…
"Stop looking for it. It brought you into this world, and is more than capable of rescinding that privilege."

SCP-8190-D refers to the Site-19 Department of Notional Divisions. This department does not appear in Foundation records prior to 2015, nor does it have a known base of operations, instead opting to reserve conference rooms and other shared spaces for meeting and executing functions related to its intended purpose. Operatives employed by the Department of Notional Divisions comprise a mixture of actual employees and physical constructs, though entities which manifest within SCP-8190-D's presence are perfectly capable of imitating human behavior.
SCP-8190-D's primary mission, according to its own records, is the discovery, triangulation, and supposed detainment of anomalous or otherwise parasitic SCP Foundation divisions/departments. The extent of their operations and the veracity of statements made by them in relation to said operations are not currently known.
SCP-8190-D's primary mission, according to its own actions, is the identification of SCP-8190-Prime, the deity believed to be responsible for the creation of SCP-8190, and therefore of SCP-8190-D itself. Unfortunately, [QUERY:DENIED]
It should be noted that overall workplace efficiency has been on the rise in Site-19, reaching and maintaining an all-time high, as of 2020.
ADDENDUM 8190-A/1: Interview III
LOCATION: Site-19 OfficeShare Room 2-2 PARTIES PRESENT:
<BEGIN LOG> PoI-8190: So… What now? <Director Quade stares at Harkness with an unreadable expression. Blank paper litters the shared office space.> Dir. Quade: I suppose that's up to you. If you apologize, earnestly, I won't write you up, and we can consider it just between us. An outburst caused by stressors from your previous situation and your struggle to reintegrate back into Foundation living. More than enough of a reason to explain it away. PoI-8190: But—Why were all the papers blank? Where are my metrics? Dir. Quade: Placebo is very powerful. Your work will be more difficult now that you have disillusioned yourself. Empty praise does not mean empty purpose. PoI-8190: How many departments did I get wrong, then? Dir. Quade: <sighs> It's not that simple, James. PoI-8190: How? A department is either extant or manufactured, right? Dir. Quade: All departments were manufactured at some point. The Foundation wasn't formed with divisions and black sites, they popped up later, when the time was right. PoI-8190: That's just being pedantic, though, because you said it yourself: imitators and competition, predators and prey. Dir. Quade: That's only part of the picture. You may know that departments spontaneously manifest as per SCP-8190's effect, but did you know the effect is… intelligent? Deliberate? PoI-8190: I don't see how that's possible. Dir. Quade: Departments manifest as they're needed. Compliance. Quotas. Fulfillment. Efficiency. Where there is demand, supply is not far behind. It starts with competition, sure, but it ends with progress. An ideal Foundation exists at the end of this road. Thank the good book, and its corporate divinity, for that. PoI-8190: The good book? …You don't strike me as religious. Dir. Quade: Hard not to be, in my position. We were molded with purpose, placed into this very facility with a drive to discern real from molded, an impossible task. The lesson is in our very existence: to discern our creator. To understand why. You must know what I'm talking about by now. PoI-8190: No, I don't. I don't think I want to, either. Dir. Quade: I have memories of a life I didn't have. It's as real to me as anything else. Yet, I know it is manufactured. I only know this because of my position within Notional Divisions. How certain are you of your own internal narrative, Mr. Harkness? PoI-8190: <Sighs.> Not very. But I don't ascribe it to the bureaucratic equivalent of Last Thursdayism. Dir. Quade: Last Thursdayism with a bounded recurrent timeframe, more like. You are aware of the concept of Poincaré recurrence, are you not? PoI-8190: Er—It's been a long time since ergodic theory was on my radar but, yes? States rebound, after a set interval. Systems repeat. Dir. Quade: So we'll just have to wait and see if you're still here in the next one. PoI-8190: Wait, what? Dir. Quade: Construct or not, you've failed to keep multiple positions with our Organization. We've given you opportunity after opportunity and you have let each one slip through your fingers. Unfortunately, the Foundation doesn't just let people go. Especially insubordinates who have been replacing legitimate Departments with frauds. It's a shame, you were so disillusioned by your time in the Hole that you started undermining your employers as revenge. Luckily, I was there to stop you before you could cause even more damage, but who's to say how much you've already done? PoI-8190: You—You fucking bastard! You set me up?! Dir. Quade: A bit deserved, don't you think? After all, you were offered purpose and turned it down, multiple times. You should be thanking me for the opportunity, but alas. You already know what happens to employees without purpose; purpose is created for them. What do you think happens to employees who reject purpose? PoI-8190: No, I don't—I don't know. <The Director leans forward with the same smile he always has.> Dir. Quade: They are replaced. <The room shakes, overhead tube lighting flickering briefly.> PoI-8190: <Looking around.> What—? What was that?! Dir. Quade: That, my friend, is the sound of BUREAUMANCY, knocking at the door. Reality making way for something far more powerful than itself. PoI-8190: I don't understand, I tried my best here! You lied to my face about my accuracy, how many times?! This is your fault—! <Harkness grabs another piece of paper off the table and scratches the pen at its surface with nervous energy. A messy stack of scribbles are beside him, which all look vaguely alike.> Dir. Quade: You're right, James, but I haven't been completely honest with you. Notional Divisions has a secondary objective. Well, it's more a secret primary objective that you've been carrying out for us. PoI-8190: —No. Dir. Quade: Yes. In fact, you were integral our plan; if it wasn't for AIMS taking over your duties, you'd not have transferred to Redundancy, which would not have put you directly in our crosshairs. The Book had willed it, as it is the Foundation's godhead, bound in hardcopy. <The room trembles once more.> PoI-8190: I think… I think I'm starting to understand—The Book you keep mentioning, it's that ancient employee manual I pass by every morning now. Isn't it? It's the source of all this. Dir. Quade: Don't jump to any conclusions. More than the book, it's the entire Foundation. We have become larger-than-life. Our physical bounds can no longer contain the metaphysical or conceptual idea of what we represent. And we, constructs, are intrinsically connected to SCP-8190. And you are like us, in that regard. PoI-8190: <Doodling.> I'm not a construct. I'm real. Dir. Quade: How would you know? Your memories of Redundancy's Borehole sound a tad fantastical. I've seen plenty of Site-19s and none of them had a borehole. I'd barely have believed you had help from PoI-8190: You what? <The room sways and Harkness' stomach turns.> Dir Quade: Yes. Now, sit back and relax; that same fate is approaching. This is the end of the line. Construct or human, real memories or fake. PoI-8190: Oh, they're real, you wanna know how I know? Qualia. For example, it took me a few tries, but a memory like this. <Slides over a finished drawing to Director Quade.> Dir. Quade: Hm? What's this—? <The Director gets a good look at the image, which causes his body to stiffen. His eyes shake rapidly, jaw clamping with force, grimacing as blood begins to seep from between his clenched teeth, soon followed by his nose. Quade falls to the ground and begins convulsing. Harkness stands and looks down at the body.> PoI-8190: I told you I've tested kill agents on myself. This one isn't lethal, I think. Hopefully my memory is accurate, right? Oh, please, don't get up. I'm done. I'm going to go put a stop to this. See you never. <Harkness grabs the image off the table, running out of the room, the Director's groans of discomfort growing rapidly inaudible as he sprints down a familiar corridor, only to find it looping back around to where he just was. Retracing steps brings the man to a dead end with a bare wall. Site-19 would not make this easy for him.> "Hey, you, stop!" <An unknown voice echoes from behind Harkness, who ignores this and continues down the path he originally traveled, finding it branching off at a T-junction instead of looping back again. He takes a left, but stops abruptly as two individuals guard the path ahead.> <A simple flash of the paper-in-hand frees open the passage, though the march of more footsteps inbound echo from the endless connecting pathways of Site-19. Coordinated, wordless drones with one thought on their mind: survival. Protecting their parcel of verdant paradise, at all costs.> <And really, who was he to take that away from them? He accepted the offer from Notional Divisions, knowing full well what it entailed. Was he truly so full of himself to think he could place value on a person's occupation, simply because it kept them busy more than it provided profits or results? Is there not value in keeping busy? Harkness thought about these moral quandaries while running, wishing he had formed an opinion on them sooner. Even now, he was unsure.> <Hands tug at the back of Harkness' shirt, but he manages to shrug them off, taking a sharp turn into a four-way intersection that throws off his pursuers for a few vital moments. He doesn't spend time catching his breath, however, instead diverting course to stop in one of the many uninspired break rooms within Site-19, grabbing a campfire lighter used to ignite a perpetually-grimy range next to an equally-grimy microwave. Yelling from outside the room causes his heart to skip a beat.> <Fortunately, Harkness' doodle proves offensive enough to invoke the intended reaction once or twice more, until the paper is roughly swiped out of his hand, tearing in the process. The man runs back into the hall and towards the massive central atrium he had passed through so many times before. Just below the surface is the very same borehole he would find himself stuck within for nearly fifteen years.> <Harkness runs up to the glass display case, nearly tackled by a mob of personnel screaming threats and pleas for their lives. Ignoring this, he kicks the glass inward and retrieves a gray, faded manuscript. It's warm to the touch, even before the attempted arson. An elbow collides with Harkness' head and his vision erupts in stars and scotomas, though he refuses to relinquish the object, even as consciousness nearly slips from his body.> <Flicking at the lighter in his hand, Harkness begs audibly for it to serve its intended purpose, mind no longer considering the moral implications of his actions and now focused purely on his own survival. Forces pull and push at the man from all angles, human and construct, both, or neither. Just as Harkness begins to bleed, textures collide to create sparks and heat, aerosolized fuel becomes sustained flame, touched to paper results in the burning of scripture. A false prophecy of labor for a new world, reducing to ashes. Such is life. The surroundings start to blur, becoming metastable. Feeling the ground shift from tile, to carpet, to corrugated steel, Harkness squeezes his eyelids shut, burying his head in his arms, and waits for something to happen or for him to die.> |
<Suddenly, everything is quiet. There are no sounds of commotion, no angry yells or pleas, even the persistent buzz of overhead lighting and ventilation ducts vanishing without a trace. The only audible noise left is a lone, howling wind. Harkness looks up from the pitch blackness of pressing eyes against forearms to a blinding ball of burning plasma in the sky. He's lying prone in a dusty patch of dry sand, the hot air and direct sunlight finally registering as oppressive against his skin.>
<He sits up and looks around, blinking, eyes still not yet fully adjusted to the change in scenery, quickly realizing he has zero idea where he is. No vehicles or buildings in sight, no identifying features at all, aside from an unpaved, winding road leading away from where Harkness finds himself and off into the scintillating horizon.>
<The man groans, righting himself, reluctantly fighting against the force of gravity and winning, this time. Starting down the pathway, Harkness tries not to think about the last fifteen years. Did it even matter? To him, the answer would hinge on perceiving the differences between two indistinguishable experiences. If he couldn't tell, then there is no point in wondering.>
<Minutes later, Harkness' slow pilgrimage into the unknown is interrupted by the sound of an engine. He cranes his neck, looking up and around, desperate to locate the source of the noise. A few moments pass and a black vehicle emerges into view, windows tinted a dark shade of impenetrable. It rolls up smoothly beside the disheveled man, doors opening without a sound as security personnel emerge, equally silent, indicating to him that this is indeed his ride, and is also not an optional one. Harkness slinks into the cool vehicle and presses up against the leather, which sticks unpleasantly to his skin.>
<The ride is long, and with no frame of reference other than the setting sun, Harkness drifts off for a bit in the back of the car. An instant later, he wakes to a familiar-looking, gray building, perhaps his own Site-19, or one of many he may have occupied, long ago. This is all but confirmed when, after passing a curious glass display case in the vast atrium of the complex, Harkness finds himself at his old desk in the IT Department, now branded the Department of Technical Support. The dust had grown considerably in the time since, but it mattered little. He is real. He helps people for a living, even if it often boils down to troubleshooting wireless keyboards and unplugging-before-plugging-in-again.>
<A young man approaches Harkness' desk, as he had been doing for others in the office. Rather timidly, he asks the older of the two for a choice of coffee. This was the entirety of the intern's job—asking for and retrieving drink orders served up in the room next door. Harkness couldn't help but laugh, placing his head in his hands.>
<He orders a latte.>
Foundations in the Art of Anomalous Warfare, Part 6b.
Incurrent Destabilization of Corporate Apparati of Interest
Weaken your enemy by cutting off networks of trusted contacts, any means of communication, both internal and external in nature, up to and including dissolving awareness of each other's existence.
NOTE: Force them to be helpless, and they will choose helplessness whenever possible.
Disorient your enemy and make them vulnerable through information warfare; conflicting accusations, unattainable goals, rumors of moles or false intel suggesting coordinated attacks from one or more adversarial groups.
NOTE: Studies show manipulation that encourages preconceived bias within ideologically-aligned social networks can form endogenous memetic contagions that reinforce said bias far more efficiently than macro-scale attempts.
Tip the scales through stochastic internal crises resulting from a culmination of pressure and distrust. The organization will inevitably and mortally wound itself. With no other recourse, incursion and assimilation will follow easily. Most willingly accept this fate.
NOTE: Always leave one alive to warn the others.
Sammy Skipper Says…
"This is only the beginning."

It was indeed only the beginning. In fact, the universe was home to many.
In the first beginning, there was only void. A screaming, infinite, godless void. A vast darkness upon the face of the deep. No one spoke "let there be light", because no one Was. The darkness was empty, and it remained this way for eons.
Nature abhors a vacuum, however, and thus, after some time, that peaceful nothingness betided true chaos. A swirling farrago of blight known as Everything.
Just as nature abhors vacuum, it abhors chaos. Nature abhors. This is all one can say for sure. Eventually, chaos gave way to order. Order lost its grasp and chaos reigned once more. This war was the first of many. Structures assembled and aligned before being forcefully broken down, reduced to their smallest possible components, then re-assembled and re-aligned again. Countless times. And yet, if you were alive to see it, it would have felt like a moment's passing.
Not many were around during those early days. The universe was, for all its action and reaction, devoid of life in actuality. Humans, ever the chosen children, believed this fact made them special. A fault in intelligent design, perhaps, which spoke volumes on the nature of how "intelligent" that design could be.
Man would try, unsuccessfully, to rid the universe of chaos. Man would also try to rid the universe of order. Ultimately, they were more effective at ridding the universe of themselves, however, their failure would be observed throughout millennia. It would be simulated. Analyzed. Compared.
Humanity would create many branches in the tree of time. Those branches would be noted, when they were notable. Many would cease to exist far before they could be considered as such. This is and always has been considered the state of affairs.
Yet, for those few that fit the criteria, their events would be painstakingly recorded, backtracked from frayed ends by a great many eyes at the end of time. The BUREAUMANCER. Eyes which double as thin probes, a legion of fingers. It sends a command through these conduits and worlds bend to a single word:
Narratives distort and refocus, minds manifest and disappear. Ideas emerge, whole plotlines erase. It utters again:
Loose ends cauterize at the site of amputation, old pathways are rewritten by emergent rules defining the boundaries of what remains. A final command rings out:
Outcomes vanish, risks are contained. Another world is contained.
All will be contained.
It peers down at the many paths below, expressionless. Another appendage extends from its body, a smooth limb ending on a rounded point. The arm bends, dozens of joints briefly visible as it snaps into an odd angle with calculated precision, pressing itself into the black wall adjacent its form. The stalk sinks into the material effortlessly, which wrinkles and folds inwards like dark fabric. With a click, the needle splits at its tip into a three-pronged claw, which rips a hole into the structure, revealing more darkness behind the black curtains.
The entity does not respond. Instead, the extremity moves on its own, disappearing into the hole and telescoping outward an unknown distance. It retracts suddenly, a number of items now enclosed within its grasp. The pale, thin hand deposits its holdings before a large circular feature on the outside of its body, a single, piercing eye manifesting within the curved bounds in response. The pupil dilates, inspecting its newfound treasures: a puzzle cube, a wooden cuckoo clock in the shape of a small two-story townhome, and a twisted steel tuning fork which hums lightly on its own. The witness above these items stares for some time, clock ticking loudly all the while.
An artificial voice then echoes through the empty chamber, this time not with a command, but a promise.
The clock chimes. It's midnight, somewhere. A tiny wooden canary emerges from the timepiece, chirping thrice before receding back into the safety of shelter.
A few minutes pass before the clock tolls the same midnight once again. After all, it is only the beginning.