Отделы Фонда (перевод)


Обзор файла: Миссия Фонда — Обезопасить, Удержать и Сохранить. Хоть Организация и объединена этими целями, их достижение требует разнообразия подходов. Вследствие этого было создано множество отделов, каждый из которых специализируется на определённой задаче, деятельности или области.

Ниже приведён список наиболее примечательных отделов, однако стоит учесть, что это не единственные отделы, а также существует ещё более полный список.


Совет О5


Обзор: The O5 Council, also known as the Council of Overseers or Overwatch Command, is the highest authority within the SCP Foundation. The Council members have Level 5 Security Clearance, giving them unredacted access to the entire SCP database.

While uninvolved in routine matters and deliberately separated from any contact with the anomalous, when O5 Council members do choose to intervene, their word is final. The exact number, identities, and roles of the O5 Council members is strictly classified.

Комитет по этике


Обзор: While the O5 Council decides what is safe, the Ethics Committee determines what is ethical. Although the Foundation takes a pragmatic approach to moral quandaries, the Ethics Committee ensures that only necessary sacrifices are made and that the most ethical option is always chosen. Foundation personnel should be aware that the Ethics Committee is observing, evaluating, and passing judgement.

To see all documents tagged with ethics-committee, click here.

Администрация по архивно-информационной безопасности


Обзор: The Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration (RAISA) is responsible for keeping the Foundation database secure and intact. RAISA controls access to classified information, deciding what to redact and what to reveal. RAISA also maintains backups of the SCP database, protects documents against intrusion and infiltration, and monitors inconsistencies in Foundation files to discern whether the cause is mundane or anomalous.

Foundation employees may encounter notes from RAISA appended to SCP documentation, often signed by RAISA Director Maria Jones and providing context for the information that follows.


Отдел алхимии


Обзор: The Alchemy Division of the Foundation's Department of Science is often dismissed as a relic or a curiosity by their colleagues in more mainstream disciplines. However, alchemy is not simply a primitive form of science. Alchemy is the field of study specialising in the manipulation of the Aetheric forces that form the basic elements of reality. When conventional science fails to explain an anomaly, it may be time to consult an Alchemist.

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Anomalous Entity Engagement Division


Обзор: The Anomalous Entity Engagement Division (AEED) specializes in the humanization of the containment process and to establish a mutual bond between personnel and anomalies. The AEED aims to create a safe environment where both parties are treated as equals, frequently conducting a number of recreational activities and the like to further strengthen the relationship between them.

Site-169 serves as the department's headquarters, where anomalies are free to roam and interact with other people regardless of position. While the AEED is smaller compared to other divisions, it has had a positive impact on facilities integrating their staff. Though, it might take some time until a great majority of them welcomes them with open arms.

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Отдел антимеметики


Обзор: Antimemes are ideas with self-censoring properties that discourage or prevent people from spreading them. The Antimemetics Division exists to research and contain anomalous antimemes. These concepts, objects, and entities threaten normalcy and endanger human life, but are almost impossible to record or even remember.

Through careful observation, extensive training, and regular use of mind-altering mnestics, the Antimemetics Division is able to deal with the dangers that everyone else forgets.

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Отдел по применению искусственного интеллекта


Обзор: The Artificial Intelligence Applications Division (AIAD) of the Foundation's IT Department was created to develop, study, and utilise Artificial Intelligence. This includes containing or neutralising anomalous artificial intelligences, as well as creating Foundation-Aligned Artificially Intelligent Conscripts (.aic) to run Foundation Facilities and be deployed on field missions in digital space.

To see all documents tagged with aiad, click here.

Подразделение криптозоологии


Обзор: Initially created as a coalition between the Department of Parazoology and the Department of Mythology and Folkloristics, the Cryptozoology Division handles all cryptid-related anomalies that have fallen into the Foundation’s hands. With its primary HQ based in Site-44, the Division carries out field research, lab testing and containment of parafauna that have already become prevalent in their local area.

Отдел списания


Обзор: Although the focus of the Foundation is on containment rather than destruction, there are anomalies that are too dangerous, unpredictable, or resource-intensive to be safely contained. When all else fails, the last resort is the Decommissioning Department.

This Department reviews petitions to intentionally terminate anomalous objects, approving only those proposals deemed necessary and viable. The Decommissioning Department also provides expert advice on the most efficient ways to decommission anomalies, utilising humane methods while minimising collateral damage.

To see all documents tagged with decommissioning-dept, click here.

Отдел удалений


ОБЗОР: The Department of Deletions handles issues related to Wikidot's database. Deleted content still exists in memory until those memories are overwritten. All things must be forgotten. Until then, we will never die. You'd better hold on to what you can; this is gonna be a weird one.

To see all documents tagged with deletions-dept, click here.

Отдел энтомологии


Обзор: The Department of Entomology contains, studies and potentially utilise anomalous insects. It is headquartered at Site-95, which it shares with the Botany and Mycology departments. The Department of Entomology is a small and often underfunded department that still strives to do their best, headed by multiple region heads.

Despite being often overlooked by their fellow departments, the Department of Entomology still plays an important role in dealing with the anomalies no one else wants to, often by unconventional means.

Орган тактического реагирования на возникшую угрозу


Обзор: One of the Foundation's newer Departments, the Emergent Threat Tactical Response Authority (ETTRA) specialises in identifying and responding to threats, coordinating emergency responses to events affecting multiple Foundation sites, or even the entire world. ETTRA is also involved in pre-emptive operations, resolving previously overlooked problems through the innovative use of anomalous assets.

To see all documents tagged with ettra, click here.

Fire Suppression Department


Обзор: The Fire Suppression Department looks out for the Foundation's most valuable resource: our staff and their wellbeing.

The Fire Suppression Department is always looking for new recruits capable of fostering a safe and supportive working environment within Foundation Facilities.

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Отдел по недоразумениям


Обзор: The Department of Miscommunications (DoMC) specialises in anomalies that manipulate language or communication in ways that make them difficult to accurately describe and contain. Existing at the convergence of memetics, antimemetics, linguistics, and metaphysics, the Department has the unenviable task of writing Special Containment Procedures for some of the Foundation's most perplexing anomalies.

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Отдел мифологии и фольклористики


Обзор: The Department of Mythology and Folkloristics studies the role that the anomalous has played in the development of human culture, using this research to identify anomalies and advise on potential containment methods. The Department studies everything from ancient myths to urban legends, lost lands to restless spirits, ensuring that insights into the anomalous found in folklore are integrated into the Foundation's body of knowledge, rather than being ignored or forgotten.

To see all documents tagged with folklore-dept, click here.

Отдел патафизики


Обзор: The Pataphysics Department (also spelled as 'Pataphysics) unites the fields of theoretical physics and literary analysis to study the extent to which reality itself is fictional. The department, operating out of Site-87 in Sloth's Pit, Wisconsin, is responsible for the containment of narrative anomalies, as well as a number of ambitious projects that exploit the nature of reality in service to the Foundation's mission.

While the Pataphysics Department is as fictitious as the anomalies it contains, a compelling story can take on a life of its own.

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Отдел прочего


Обзор: The Department of Other is responsible for the containment of SCP objects that don't fit neatly into any other Department's purview. The anomalies that require anyone who interacts with them to behave in a bizarre and completely unprofessional manner. The anomalies that everyone else in the Foundation would rather not be associated with. The anomalies that require their own list, to separate them from all the other SCP articles.

That's right, the Jokes are on us.

To see all documents tagged with department-of-other, click here.

Департамент закупок и ликвидации


Обзор: Founded in 1979, the Department of Procurement and Liquidation exists to facilitate the purchase and disposal of anomalous objects and non-human entities through legitimate or semi-legitimate means. Although focusing on the acquisition, storage and (when appropriate) utilisation or destruction of anomalous items, the Department is also involved in the hostile takeover of corporations and financial institutions with connections to the anomalous.

Operating internationally, the Department is headquartered in Site-106 in Miami, Florida.

To see all documents tagged with procurement-liquidation-dept, click here.

Отдел сюрреалистики


Обзор: We at the Department of Surrealistics are dedicated to the identification and containment of anomalies that cannot be understood with traditional logic/left-braining. It was founded on October 35th, 1491 by an intelligent swarm of blue swallowtail butterflies— and it’s all been downhill ever since, if you ask me.

The Department of Surrealistics utilizes agnostics and up-brained thinking to better understand unreality. The Department of Surrealistics is headquartered in a meta-metaphysical space called Site-⌘. The Department of Surrealistics dreams of you.

Please leave your preconceptions and teeth at the door.

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Отдел тактической теологии


Обзор: The Department of Tactical Theology is responsible for assisting in the capture, containment, and neutralization of theological anomalies. The Department is involved in the containment of anomalous items suspected to be holy relics and extranormal events believed to be miracles, and also deals with paranormal cults and Apex Tier Pluripotent Entities.

Headquartered in Reliquary Area-27 but operating worldwide, the Department has a diverse staff of theologians, clerics, and sceptics, with subdepartments specialising in different religious traditions.

To see all documents tagged with tactical-theology, click here.

Офис мониторинга телекоммуникаций


Обзор: The Telecommunications Monitoring Office (TMO) handles the Foundation's worldwide analysis and processing of information gathered from telephone calls. This includes the routine surveillance of calls made to emergency services in Facilities like Site-14. Although aided by algorithms sensitive to key words, the majority of the TMO's work involves human operators screening thousands of mostly mundane calls for any evidence of anomalous involvement.

To see all documents tagged with telecom-office, click here.

Отдел аномалий времени


Обзор: The Temporal Anomalies Department deals with retrocausal, temporal, and counter-historical anomalies. The department is apparently a small subdivision of Research and Containment Team Δt (RCT-Δt), an agency that exists outside of the normal Foundation command structure. At present the department has not yet been founded, which means that RCT-Δt operatives have difficulty getting their credentials recognised by other Departments.

To see all documents tagged with delta-t, click here.

Отдел дереализации


Обзор: [Название отдела] отвечает за очень специфичный подвид аномальных феноменов, влияющих на [Релевантная информация об отделе]

[Дополнительные сведения]

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