It has been brought to our attention that many Foundation Employees are confused by the wide array of "Groups of Interest" catalogued in our databases, a category that includes our adversaries, allies, competitors and precursors. While some are well documented, much less information is available on many of the more minor Groups of Interest we encounter. This list exists to offer a comprehensive guide to these more obscure organizations.
Due to disinformation, unavoidable redactions, and the frequently changing world we operate in, the following information must be considered provisional and subject to future revision. Inconsistencies in our records and in the GoI Numbers assigned have been noted and recorded, and the following data should not be considered definitive.
- Department of Paranormal Organisation Review
If you're wondering which GoI number to assign to a Group of Interest, or would like to reference a more obscure Group of Interest not found in the detailed List, then this is resource for you.
GoI numbers are often inconsistent or omitted, and so alternatives are shown below. You don't have to use these numbers - this page is just a record of how they've been used so far.
Содержание |
This is an open, collaborative project. If you discover a GoI that is absent, feel free to add it, or to add additional documentation of each group of interest. If you notice anything that has been improperly catalogued, feel free to correct any errors.
Instructions for Additions
If a new hub page is added to, use the following code to add a new row to this table:
[[row]] [[cell class="cell1" colspan="2" rowspan="1"]] [[[link to group of interest hub| Group of Interest]]] [[/cell]] [[cell class="cell1"]] GoI-# (if known) [[/cell]] [[cell class="cell1"]] List articles where GOI-# is used. List one example per line. Only list more than one example if there are conflicting GoI numbers. [[/cell]] [[/row]]
Add entries in alphabetical order.
For subgroups and alternative GoI numbers, adjust the colspan and rowspan parameters (default ="1") to allow cells to span multiple columns or multiple rows. Add alternative GoI designations in numerical order (then in alphabetical order, in the case of non-numeric designations).
This allows branches and splinter organisations to be included with their own names and GoI numbers, and for multiple GoI numbers for each GoI.
If there are 3 or more subgroups/related groups, give them their own collapsible below.
This list is primarily for Groups of Interest appearing on the English Language Site or the International Translation Archive, either as translations or in original English language articles. The International Translation Archive already features a list of Groups of Interest from various branches, translated into English, and so while that's linked when appropriate only GoIs from that list with at least one Translated article or EN appearance are listed here. The exception is for sections that specifically include "International Branches" for the sake of comprehensiveness - Subgroups of Major Groups of Interest, National Paranormal Agencies, Foundation Precursors and the list of all Groups of Interest with a GoI Number.
The list progresses from the Major Groups of Interest listed here, with their subgroups and related organisations, then on to Tagged Groups of Interest, then to International Groups of Interest listed here, and then on to increasingly minor Groups of Interest with fewer appearances. National Paranormal Agencies and the like are given their own section, prior to the lists of Minor Groups of Interest. Anomalous entities that are non-human or are given their own SCP designation are separated out from the other Groups of Interest.
Separate cells with ||:
|| [GOI NAME] || [GOI NUMBER] || [SCP/TALE APPEARANCES] || || press enter || || to start || || a new row || || Add new lines _ within cells _ using ' _' ||
Add entries to the lists of Minor and Very Minor Groups of Interest in alphabetical order.
Add entries to the list of All Groups of Interest with a GoI Number in numerical order, then in alphabetical order.
Major Groups of Interest
Groups of Interest included in this List.
Subgroups of Major GoI
Including International Branches.
Subsidiaries and successors of Anderson Robotics
GoI Name: | Documentation: |
Phoenix Cybernetics | Third Law Hub, Non-Volatile Memory, Vikander Kneed Worldwide News Network |
Organisations from the Alexylva University Universe.
GoI Name: | Documentation: |
Apollodorus Construction Combine | SCP-1043 |
Echus Projector Combine | SCP-1081 |
Phitransimun Combine | Alexylva University Hub, Terminal Velocity, Truth Is Sin |
The Chaos Insurgency consists of multiple independent cells directed by Delta Command. Complete restructurings, as well as precursors and successors, have also been included.
GoI Name: | Documentation: |
Black Sheep (Cell) | SC-18/005-18/350: Graduation |
Catering Isolated (Front) | SCP-8530 |
Causality i (Military Cell) | SCP-8901 |
Causality Institute (R&D Cell) | SC-18/005-18/350: Graduation, SCP-8530 |
Compendium Incarnate (R&D Cell) | SC-18/005-18/350: Graduation |
Confederación Internacional para la Liberación del Mundo (Reconception) | SCP-7143 |
Consortium Independent (Reconception/Cell) | Chasing Interest, SCP-2215, SC-02/000-22/000: Insurance |
Chao's Insurgency (Reconception) | Stranded Lullaby |
Chilli Inferno (Reconception/Cell) | Spicy Crust Platoon |
The Foundation (Reconception) | New Age - a Tale |
Foundation Feast (Military Cell) | SC-48/404-97/786: Safehouses, SC-02/000-22/000: Insurance |
Gun Club (R&D Cell) | sc-63-141-65-030 |
Headhunters (Military Cell) | sc-63-141-65-030 |
Hudson's Scouts (Military Cell) | Heart of Darkness Hub |
Isfet (Cell) | SC-48/404-97/786: Safehouses, SC-02/000-22/000: Insurance |
Lost Fives (Cell) | SC-18/005-18/350: Graduation |
Nigurath (Military Cell) | SC-48/404-97/786: Safehouses |
Pacific Storage Trust (Reconception) | SCP-2005 |
Sototh (R&D Cell) | SC-48/404-97/786: Safehouses |
The Triad (Precursor) | Briefing on SLATE THUNDER (Chaos Insurgency Orientation) |
The Broken God is worshipped by multiple sects, which differ greatly in their theology and approach to technology.
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation: |
The Broken Church | GoI-004A | Church of the Broken God Hub, The Heresy of Disassembly, SCP-2217, SCP-3477, SCP-4223 |
Cogwork Orthodox Church | GoI-004B | Church of the Broken God Hub, all articles tagged cogwork-orthodoxy |
Church of Maxwellism | GoI-004C | Church of the Broken God Hub, all articles tagged maxwellism |
Sanctuary of the Holistic | GoI-004D | SCP-6217 |
The New Ferrous Brotherhood | GoI-004F | SCP-1917, SCP-6917 |
Susindo | GoI-004K | All documents tagged "수신도" by the Korean Branch. |
Xia Anomalous Culture Group | GoI-004X GoI-100 | Church of the Broken God Hub, all documents tagged "xia-dynasty" |
Turing's Wrath | GoI-3862 | SCP-5862 |
The Eastern Clockwork Orthodox Church | SCP-2273-F | |
The Followers of Mekhane | SCP-4017 | |
Lefngap Syura | SCP-4547 | |
The Mekhanics | La Rue Macabre Hub, The Mekhanics of La Rue: Part One, The Mekhanics of La Rue Part Two, SCP-4273 | |
Molten Tongs | The Trashfire | |
Order of the Black Cog | Sunday Service, CotBG Bible Fragments | |
The Shattered Deus (Metal Group) | SCP-3882 | |
Shattered Transcendents | SCP-6901 | |
Synkiníseis Sti Michaní | GoI-4571 | SCP-8888 |
Kuiyang Sect | GOI-CN-██ | The Old Gospel of Fuxi (untranslated) |
Organisations considered to be worshippers of, or at least connected to, the Scarlet King.
GoI Name: | Documentation: |
Alysída Ltd. | SCP-7547 |
The Children of the Scarlet King | The Children of the Scarlet King Hub |
The Church of the Scarlet King | Resurrection: Old Foes |
Christian Ministries of America (CMA) | Christ In Scarlet, The Children of the Scarlet King Hub |
Institute of Circuit-Based Intelligence (ICBI) | The Children of the Scarlet King Hub |
Kingship Land Bridge, LLC. | The Children of the Scarlet King Hub |
Marsagenie Minions | A Broken Ode to Transcendence |
Order of the Iron Tigers | The Children of the Scarlet King Hub |
Partido de Integralismo Guatemalteco | The Children of the Scarlet King Hub |
Organisations and extraterrestrial civilisations considered part of the Church of the Second Hytoth religious movement.
GoI Name: | Documentation: |
The Earthly Ortothan Kingdom | Church of the Second Hytoth Hub, SCP-4017, SCP-3140 |
Multiversalist Church of the Second Hytoth | SCP-7503 |
The Society of the Second Hytoth | Church of the Second Hytoth Hub |
Species of Interest-002 (SoI-002) | Church of the Second Hytoth Hub, SCP-4431, SCP-2651 |
Terzan 2 Ortothan Coalition | Church of the Second Hytoth Hub, Let the Winds Send You Onwards…, Interlopers, The First Sailors, SCP-1548, Faster-Than-Light Prelude, SCP-3417 |
The Fifth Church of Hytooth | SCP-4475 |
Sects considered part of the Fifthist religious movement.
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation: |
The Fifth Church / Church of Fifthism / the Fifthist Fellowship | GoI-5 | The Fifth Church Dossier, SCP-2858 |
Fifth International Workers' Vanguard Party | GoI-125-η | SCP-2573 |
Constellation Starfish | SCP-2425, Prologue: Water Coalesces And Descends As Rain, Track 4: You and Me | |
The Cult of the Fifth Star | SCP-2517 | |
Fifth Church of Hytooth | SCP-4475 | |
Fifth Philosophy (Mrrve Fpìlfya) | SCP-4547 | |
The Fifth Commune | SCP-5498 | |
FiveEasySteps | Sleep Beneath the Stars | |
SFSism | SCP-1534 | |
First Southern Fifthists | SCP-1982 | |
Last Southern Fifthists / Appalachian Cult | The Appalachian Scar | |
The First Fifth Church of Manhattan | Carroll #155: The Five-Mind, Land Of Honey | |
First Fifth Church of San Francisco | SCP-1958 | |
Great Buddhist Church (大伍仏教会) | SCP-957-JP (untranslated) | |
Starfish Seafood & Sushi | Spicy Crust Platoon | |
Quintessence Aerospace | SCP-6523 | |
Fivefold Music | unVeiled: A friendly guide to the Katharsys music festival |
The Global Occult Coalition's Council of 108 is a diverse alliance of national paranormal agencies, secret societies, scientific groups and occult cabals, acting as the paranormal counterpart to the United Nations and as the (self-appointed) police force of the anomalous world.
The GOC was founded in the aftermath of World War II (the Seventh Occult War) as the successor to the Allied Occult Initiative (although a group of the same name is referenced in unsubstantiated reports which claim that the Allied Occult Initiative instead succeeds the GOC at some point in time), thus members of the Allied Occult Initiative are also included in the list below.
Below is a list of Groups that are not members of the Council of 108, but are still affiliated in some form, including former Council members, predecessors and front companies.
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation: |
Allied Occult Initiative (predecessor) | An Extranormal Event About Yin K (untranslated) | |
The Clarke County Real Estate Association (front company) | GoI-130 | SCP-7113 |
l’Ordre de Jacques-Cartier (former Council member, expelled after 1995) | Turnover | |
PENTAGRAM (Allied Occult Coalition member, former Council member) | Third Law Hub | |
SAPPHIRE (French: SAPHIR) (former Council member; expelled after 1953) | GoI-0051 GoI-096 | SAPPHIRE Hub, SCP-281-FR, Share the Wine |
The United Occult Trust (predecessor) | SCP-8888 |
The Horizon Initiative was founded by multiple groups involved with the three main Abrahamic religions. Since then, several organizations and cults representing more minor faiths have been integrated into it. This list displays these groups, as well as local regional branches.
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation: |
Army of Divine Revelation | SCP-2910-JP | |
Atibba al-Kitab | Horizon Initiative Hub | |
Australian Church of Australia | GoI-055Y | SCP-3868 |
Chechen Dawn | SCP-6422 | |
The Church of Purity | Horizon Initiative Hub | |
The Cult of the Wordsmith | Horizon Initiative Hub | |
The First United Temple of the Dixieland | GoI-5705B | The Gulf Canon Hub, SCP-5952, A Dove In A Chicken Pen |
The Ordinis Occulti Luminis | Horizon Initiative Hub | |
The Sons of Shammai | Horizon Initiative Hub |
The Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency was initially sponsored by Meiji-era nobles and rich individuals of Japan to investigate anomalies, but was no longer officially sponsored from some time after the Second World War onwards and has since splintered into different groups that claim to be the true heir of the original organization.
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation: |
First-wave Jirai | Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency Hub | |
Kakure Shogun | Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency Hub | |
Omnipresent and Divinely Guided Imperial Japanese Universal Matters Conglomerate | Project Shin-Seikatsu, 1986 | |
Second-wave Jirai | Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency Hub | |
Third-wave Jirai | Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency Hub |
Affiliates of Marshall, Carter and Dark.
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation: |
Dark Real Estate | 'Nexus HyperLine' (N7S2M/ER9C3/X56ID) | |
Darke Trading Co. | The Deathless Merchant of London, 'Hadrian's Well' (M4UDB/HF74T/JU2FA), 'Little Draft Horses' (G2T67/L9VXC/WI3M3), SCP-3549 | |
Glasgow United Armory (bankrupt) | GoI-206-S | SCP-6025 |
The Helsing and Wulf Rifle Company | SCP-2818 | |
GpExpress Logistics Ltd. (former Logistics Department) | Gp快递物流有限公司主页 | |
Oliver Brothers Inc. | SCP-4228 | |
The Rutherford Group | SCP-2270 | |
The Seven Society | Operation Cannery Row: Document 2013§451A3, SCP-2131, Seven Vignettes From The Life Of Mackenzie Lee-Crook | |
True Bacchanal Finer Winery | SCP-2485 |
Various Collectives within the Oneiroi dreamscape are listed below.
GoI Name: | Documentation: |
The Glorious Emirate of Oneiroi East | SCP-5174 |
Moosphere, Incorporated | SCP-3739, SCP-6705, Snippets of an Unveiled World Spilled Milk |
Oneiroi Collective | Oneiroi |
Oneiroi Incorporated | Third Law Hub, Truth Is Sin, Loud, Lawless, and Lost, Threat of Joy |
Oneiroi Sea | #IsItWeirdThatIWantTo████TheShark? |
Oneiroi West | Oneiroi, SCP-4917, Crushing Your Dreams, #Midhesia |
Phantasos Ltd. | SCP-7547 |
Sweeter Dreams Inc. | Sweeter Dreams Inc. |
Xiupania | Oneiroi, Xiupania |
Nightmare Collective: 𒀭𒋾𒊩𒆳 | Restless Dreams |
Documented by the Japanese Foundation Collective
GoI Name: | Documentation: |
Aeliana | #Aeliana |
The Arkroll Collective | 育つ子は寝る |
The Butterfly Collective | 忍者のエゴサーチ |
Destrudo/Todestrieb | 喪死後の夢界 |
Disneyland Oneiroi | Fun And Fancy Free |
Gluttonic Advance Group | ODD Crowdfunding (Untranslated) |
Graveyard | #マウソロス |
Hole Collective | アーキタイプ・エンジン |
Innovation Factory Co., Ltd. | SCP-2311-JP (Untranslated) |
Banksian Collective | SCP-2216-JP (Untranslated) |
Nightmare Collective: Hikarudaikuiku | 悪夢の淵からの目覚め (Untranslated) |
Qortalia | #クォルタリア (Untranslated) |
The State of Urerists | アーキタイプ・エンジン (Untranslated) |
Subsidiaries and successors of Prometheus Labs. See the Third Law Hub for a full list - only groups appearing in articles are listed below.
GoI Name: | Documentation: |
Amrita Therapeutics | Third Law Hub, UIU File: 2024-092 (The SAINT SEBASTIAN SLASHER) |
Asterism Communications | UIU Location Dossier — "Three Portlands", A Slow Flickering Flame |
Argo Automotives | SCP-2308 |
Iris Arts | Moving Pictures, Slow Animals |
Oneiroi Incorporated | Third Law Hub, Those Twisted Pines Hub, From 120's Archives Hub, Speed Demon, Truth Is Sin, Loud, Lawless, and Lost, Threat of Joy, Public Release of OPERATION: WITNESS Materials |
Phoenix Technologies | unVeiled: David Hunt on Galileo, the First Civilian Off-World Settlement, Excerpts of Particular Interest From the Galileo Deep-Space Observatory Archives, Arco |
Prometheus Innovations | A Recording of Prometheus Innovations' Pitch for the Scranton Encabulator Mk VI, and the Ramifications of its Existence |
Redzone Security | Redzone RedDB Archive Asynchronous Copy Vulnerability, Under Control |
Silver Hand Cybernetics | The Analog Kid |
Titan Consumer Appliances and Electronics | SCP-2176 |
Although there are many similarities between followers of the beliefs and practices known as Sarkicism by outsiders and as Nälkä by practitioners, worshippers can be divided into Proto-Sarkic and Neo-Sarkic groups.
Proto-Sarkic Orders:
Proto-Sarkic cults are found in isolated, insular communities. Most proto-Sarkic groups reject modern technology, and strictly adhere to traditions and superstitions.
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation: |
The Vātula | GoI-0041 | Sarkicism Hub, SunnyClockwork's Artwork - CotBG and Sarkicism |
The Church of the Red Harvest | GoI-0074 | The Graveyard - The Art of MalyceGraves, SunnyClockwork's Artwork - CotBG and Sarkicism, SCP-2133, SCP-4642 |
The Solomonari | GoI-0246 | SunnyClockwork's Artwork - CotBG and Sarkicism, SCP-2191 |
The Red Way | GoI-1014 | SCP-372-FR (untranslated) |
██ village sect | GoI-2315 | SCP-CN-1101 (untranslated) |
The Adi-um Empire | SCP-3391 | |
The Church of the Eternal Mother | SCP-4476 | |
The Church of the Scorched Earth | SCP-5728 | |
The Divoši | An Anthropological Approach to Sarkicism - Case Study 02: The Divoši of Prague | |
Pannonian Avars | SCP-4772 | |
The Vaśńa of Sarvi | An Anthropological Approach to Sarkicism - Case Study 01: The Vaśńa of Sarvi | |
the Seŭlga of the Korean Peninsular | sarkic-case-study-05-korean-seulga |
Neo-Sarkic Orders:
Neo-Sarkic cults are modern, cosmopolitan and publicly embrace technology. Adherents are often from affluent families with a long association with the religion, but outwardly appear much the same as other people of their culture and social status
The Serpent's Hand has no formal criteria for membership, and a number of organisations have been formed within it, or have split off from it.
GoI Name: | Documentation: |
Aodaishō (Japanese: 青大将) | Aodaishō Hub, all documents tagged aodaisho on the International Translation Archive. |
The Bremen Society (Korean: 브레멘 학회) | 브레멘 학회, SCP-717-KO (Untranslated) |
Children of the Sun (outcasts) | SCP-1000 |
Dinodon's Hand (Korean Serpent's Hand, SH-KO) | The Millenary Nine-tailed Fox, Report about Searching for the Demon Foxes, all documents tagged "dinodons-hand" on the International Translation Archive. |
Freemind Nation/Proponents of Paranormal Rights | Game Day Index |
Kapuza Bazyliszka (Polish, Basilisk's Cowl) | Pickman-Blank Proposal |
Kuiyang Sect | The Kismet Ephemeris of Kalpas: Volume 7 Part 2 (untranslated) |
Nehushtan's Scholars | SCP-8899 |
Pranke Des Tatzelwurms (German: Tatzelwurm's Paw) | Project Trickster, The Legendary Wand of Morgan Le Fay, re-kto-1466-houdini |
Python Claw Army | The Kismet Ephemeris of Kalpas: Volume 7 Part 2 (untranslated) |
The Serpent's Upraised Middle Finger | A.S.S. and Other Low-threat Groups of Interest, Vultures |
Las Víboras | SCP-6038, SCP-7269, SCP-3452, The Second Life of Cristina Cisneros, The Men with no Name, , Árboles Bajo la Tierra |
The Watchers of The Lost Glade | "Scattersomnia": A Disease of the Wise and Drowsy Wanderers |
The White Hand | The Conspiracy Of Sigma 3 |
Tagged Groups of Interest
These Groups of Interest have been encountered by the Foundation often enough to warrant keeping track of using database tags, but do not meet the requirements to be listed as a Major Group of Interest. Some of these are Subgroups of Major GoI, or have been documented by International Branches.
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | GOI Description: |
American Secure Containment Initiative (ASCI) | A Foundation pre-cursor group based out of the United States. | |
Accelerate the Future (ATF) | A loosely structured organization, targets niche markets to turn a quick profit. Led by Ollie Fox. | |
Avelar Professional Products Inc. (APP) | A company selling anomalous technologies as office supplies as a means to test their leader's transhumanist goals. | |
The British Occult Service (MI666) | The United Kingdom's primary agency for paranormal affairs. | |
Children of the Torch (Huǒjù zhi Zi) | A Chinese cult rooted in ancient Shang Dynasty culture, worshipping the sun, fire, and a group of gods known as the Golden Crows. | |
Cogwork Orthodox Church | GoI-004B | A sect of the Church of the Broken God focusing on standardisation using analogue, steam and clockwork technology. |
The Giftschreiber | GoI-5054 | Austrian memeticist society suppressed in 1645. |
The Golden Horde | A time-traveling Mongol Horde, trying to find a time and place to bury their leader, Genghis Khan. | |
His/Her Majesty's Foundation/Fellowship For The Study of Curiosities and Phantasmagoria/Secure Containment of the Paranormal (HMFSCP) | GoI-ω-008 | Foundation pre-cursor group based out of the United Kingdom. |
The International Center for the Study of Unified Thaumatology | University studying the supernatural, with campuses worldwide, a member of the Global Occult Coalition's Council of 108. | |
The Mages Academy (German: Der Magierakademie) | GoI-███ | An association of colleges for learning a system of magic based on the manipulation of Astral Energy, located across Europe. |
Church of Maxwellism | GoI-004C | A sect of the Church of the Broken God focusing on communication and networking through digital technology. |
Miracle Liberation Front | GoI-008 | A para-terrorist organization staffed by sapient anomalous entities dedicated to overthrowing the Veil and causing a SK-class scenario. |
OBSKURA (SS Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps) | GoI-023 | The Occult division of the Ahnenerbe SS during WWII, OBSKURA survived the war and continues to pursue the goals of the Third Reich in secret. |
Pentagram | GoI-616 | The anomalous branch of the United States Department of Defense. |
Society of the Atheist Partisans of Progress for the Halt of the Irrational and Religious Enemy (SAPPHIRE) (French: La Société Athée Pour la Halte de l'Idéologie Religieuse, SAPHIR) | GoI-0051 GoI-096 | Fanatical atheists, violently opposing religion, superstition and the anomalous. |
Servants of the Silicon Nornir | Transhumanist religion worshipping three supercomputers, a member of the Global Occult Coalition's Council of 108. | |
Sugarcomb Confectionery | An anomalous candy company, producing sweets that often have unsafe or unsanitary effects on consumers. | |
Westhead Media | GoI-1783 | An anomalous and unscrupulous media company. |
Xia Anomalous Culture Group | GoI-004X GoI-100 | An ancient Chinese dynasty with connections to the modern Church of the Broken God. |
Groups of Anomalous entities tagged in multiple articles. Some have been assigned their own Special Containment Procedures, others are currently uncontained. Persons of Interest and Pluripotent Entities are omitted from this list.
Group Name: | SCP Designation: | Group Description: |
Children of the Night | SCP-1000 (SoI-001) | Technologically advanced species destroyed by humanity during an event called The Day of Flowers. |
Class of '76 | SCP-7676 (GoI-076) | Many unusual events happened to the Kirk Longwood High School in 1976, likely caused by an anomalous instrument store known as the Syncope Symphony. |
Homo Sapiens Sidhe | A human-adjacent species of magical beings known as the Fae. Further information may be retrieved from Site-120's archives. | |
Nameless | REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU | Exiles without names, with similarities to the Fae of folklore. |
Obearwatch | A group of extradimensional beings that tries to help humanity by sending bears. | |
Pattern Screamer | Consciousnesses embedded within the fabric of reality. These entities do not currently exist, although they may have existed at some point in the past, and may be brought into existence if perceived. You can hear us, if you listen carefully. |
International Groups of Interest
Listed below are Groups of Interest from foreign language branches of the SCP Foundation featuring in at least one article in English, either in an original English Language article, or in a translation posted on the Language Site or on the International Translation Archive. Refer to the International GoI Index for additional information, and for a more complete list of Groups of Interest operating around the world.
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
The Hive | GoI-8370 | SCP-005-INT, The Emperor of Many Voices, all documents tagged "hive" on the International Translation Archive. |
Groups of Interest of the Russian Branch
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
Lefty | All documents tagged "lefty" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Meat Circus (Мясной цирк) | GoI-192 | SCP-1695, SCP-4642, SCP-4775, SCP-6361 |
"Progress" Research Institute (НИИ "Прогресс") | SCP-5859, SCP-1340-RU |
Groups of Interest of the Korean Branch
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
Beyond Entropy | The Green Machine, All documents tagged "beyond-entropy" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Dinodon's Hand (Korean Serpents Hand, SH-KO) | The Millenary Nine-tailed Fox, Report about Searching for the Demon Foxes, all documents tagged "dinodons-hand" on the International Translation Archive. | |
National Paranormal Emergency Service (NPES) | SCP-6533, all documents tagged "npes" on the International Translation Archive. | |
NoondayOak Troupe (NOTE) | All documents tagged "noonday-oak-troupe" on the International Translation Archive. | |
PlugSoft | GoI-1092 | SCP-4876 |
Groups of Interest of the Chinese Branch
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
"05 Council" | All pages tagged "05" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Abnormality Institute | All pages tagged "abnormality-institute" on INT | |
The Galactic Federation | GoI-084 | Sky Sermon Hub |
The Kuiyang Sect | GOI-CN-██ | SCP-CN-675, all documents tagged "kuiyang" on the International Translation Archive. |
Letters Entertainment | Back To Square One, Life's Not A Dating Sim You Can Just Win, all documents tagged "letters_entertainment" on the International Translation Archive. | |
St. Christina College | SCP-CN-999, All pages tagged "cc" on INT |
Groups of Interest of the French Branch
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
The African Office of Occult Affairs (Le Bureau Africain des Affaires Occultes) | SCP-7752 | |
Caldeira | GoI-669 | All documents tagged "caldeira" on the International Translation Archive. |
Humanist Gentlemen (Les Gentilshommes Humanistes) | The Emperor of Many Voices, All documents tagged "gentilshommes" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Nemo and the Nautilus (Némo et le Nautilus) | All documents tagged "nemo-and-the-nautilus" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Order of Light (L'Ordre de la Lumière) | All documents tagged "order-of-light" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Primordial | All documents tagged "primordial" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Society of the Atheist Partisans of Progress for the Halt of the Irrational and Religious Enemy (SAPPHIRE) (La Société Athée Pour la Halte de l'Idéologie Religieuse, SAPHIR) | GoI-0051 GoI-096 | All documents tagged "sapphire" on the English-Language Site, all documents tagged "sapphire" on the International Translation Archive. |
Kingdom of Univers'Isle (Le Royaume d'Univers'Île | all documents tagged "univers-isle" on the International Translation Archive. | |
The Association of the Abnormality Amateurs | all documents tagged "aaa" on the International Translation Archive. | |
The Aberdeen Pack (La Meute d'Aberdeen) | GoI-0511 | all documents tagged "the-pack" on the International Translation Archive. |
The French National Gendastrerie (La Gendastrerie Nationale Française) | all documents tagged "gendastrerie" on the International Translation Archive. |
Groups of Interest of the Polish Branch
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
A.R.G.U.S. Inc. | GoI-PL-007 | All documents tagged "argus" on the International Translation Archive. |
Hunter Industries | GoI-PL-079 | All documents tagged "hunter-industries" on the International Translation Archive. |
Chopinian Cult | GoI-PL-009, GoI-484 | All documents tagged "chopinian-cult" on the International Translation Archive. |
Home Wonders Ltd. | GoI-PL-198 | All documents tagged "home-wonders" on the International Translation Archive. |
Polish Anomalous Mushroom Picking Association (Polish: Polski Związek Grzybiarstwa Anomalnego, PZGA) | GoI-571-20 | SCP-5314, all documents tagged "pzga" on the International Translation Archive. |
Szwagier&Szwagier Motorized (Brother-in-law & Brother-in-law Motorized) | GoI-PL-1o6 | All documents tagged "szwagier-szwagier-motorized" on the International Translation Archive. |
WWW | GoI-PL-002 | All documents tagged "www" on the International Translation Archive. |
Groups of Interest of the Spanish-speaking Branch
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
Antares Society for the Renewal of the Human Spirit (Sociedad Antares para la Renovación del Espíritu Humano) | All documents tagged "antares-society" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Cuban Ministry of Anomalies (CMA) (Ministerio de Anomalías de Cuba, MAC) | GoI-1221 | All documents tagged "cma" on the International Translation Archive. |
Cult of the Great Green God (Culto al Gran Dios Verde) | All documents tagged "great-green-god" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Special Security Commission (Comisaria Especial de Seguridad) | GoI-134 | All documents tagged "commission" on the International Translation Archive. |
Radiosol | GoI-115 | SCP-ES-097, Nuclear Dream Hub |
Groups of Interest of the Thai Branch
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
The Association of Black Magic Power Users | All documents tagged "association-of-black-magic-power-users" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Knowing Publishing | Zetetic Bulletin: The Myth of the Wu Xing Iris |
Groups of Interest of the Japanese Branch
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
Dark Sushi | All documents tagged "dark-sushi" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Drunkness Street | All documents tagged "drunkness-street" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Imaginanimal | All documents tagged "imaginanimal" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Japan Organisms Improvement and Creation Laboratory (JOICL) | GoI-8101 | All documents tagged "joicl" on the International Translation Archive. |
Kisaragi Construction | All documents tagged "kisaragi-constr" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Projects Agency for Marriage With Anime Characters (PAMWAC) | GoI-093 | All documents tagged "pamwac" on the International Translation Archive. |
Saiga Factions | GoI-2015 | All documents tagged "saiga-factions" on the International Translation Archive. |
Sekiryu Club | All documents tagged "sekiryu-club" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Shūshū-In (Collecting Agency) | GoI-551 | Collected Item No. 1080, all documents tagged"shūshū-in" on the International Translation Archive. |
Tou-Hei Heavy Industries | All documents tagged "tou-hei" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Imperial Japanese Army Special Medical Force (AKA "Unit Negative Numbers") | GoI-581 | All documents tagged "unit-negative-numbers" on the International Translation Archive. |
Groups of Interest of the German Branch
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
Division XXV (Abteilung XXV) | SCP-4387, SCP-125-DE, SCP-149-DE, all documents tagged "division-xxv" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Caecus Carneliana-Collective (Caecus Carneliana-Kollektiv) | All documents tagged with "caecus-c" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Federal Committee for the Unexplained (German: Eidgenössische Komitee für das Unerklärliche) | SCP-221-DE (untranslated), SCP-6614 | |
The Fourth Reich (4R) (Das Vierte Reich) | Black and White and Red All Over, Incident Protocol 149-DE, all documents tagged "4-r" on the International Translation Archive. | |
IMBW (Institut für menschliche Bildung und Weiterentwicklung ) (Institute for Human Education and Development) | All documents tagged with "imbw" on the International Translation Archive. | |
The Mages Academy (Der Magierakademie) | GoI-███ | All documents tagged with "mages-academy" on the English-Language Site, all documents tagged with "mages-academy" on the International Translation Archive. |
Raptor Tec. Industries | SCP-150-DE, SCP-005-INT, All documents tagged with "raptor-tec" on INT | |
Sonderkommando for the Paranormal (Sonderkommando für Paranormales) (SKP) | SCP-028-DE, SCP-149-DE, SCP-150-DE, All documents tagged with "skp" on INT | |
Supreme Entertainment Incorporated | GOI-665-DE | SCP-221-DE (untranslated), SCP-255-DE |
Das Wunderkabinett | GOI-1995-DE | Everyday Life With An Extraterrestrial Girl, incriveis-sapatos-ozwalds, Iris Dark Girls Night: The Beginning of a Wonderful Friendship, re-kto-1466-houdini, mirror-in-your-mind, All documents tagged with "mm+wk" on INT |
Groups of Interest of the Italian Branch
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
Confraternity of Saint George's Knights (Confraternita dei Cavalieri di San Giorgio) (CSSG) | SCP-001-IT/GRAF, SCP-015-IT, all documents tagged ”ccsg” on the International Translation Archive. | |
Fascist Council of the Occult (Consiglio Fascista dell'Occulto) (CFO) | SCP-007-INT, SCP-015-IT, SCP-019-IT | |
Medicean Academy of Occult Art (Medicea Accademia Dell'Arte Occulta) (MADAO) | All documents tagged "madao" on the English-Language Site, all documents tagged "madao" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Royal Institute of Italian Anomalies (Regio Institvto Delle Italich Anomaliæ) (RIDIA) | SCP-007-INT |
Groups of Interest of the Ukrainian Branch
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
Annihilism | All documents tagged "a.d." on the International Translation Archive. | |
Department of Abnormal Threats to the Security Service of Ukraine (DATSSU) | All documents tagged "datssu" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Political Organisation of the Rukh “Angriff” (P.O.R.A.) | All documents tagged "angriff" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Shining Lord | All documents tagged "shining-lord" on the International Translation Archive. |
Groups of Interest of the Lusophone Branch
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
Brazilian Superintendence for the Paranormal (A Superintendência Brasileira do Paranormal) | All pages tagged "brazilian-superintendence" on INT | |
The Hunting Club of Fauna and Flora (O Clube de Caça da Fauna e Flora) (CCFF) | The Amazonian Hind, SCP-4810, all documents tagged "hunting-club" on the International Translation Archive. | |
The Reliquary (O Relicário) (OR) | Black Retribution | SCPV-213 | |
Scientific Academy of the Anomalous (A Academia Científica do Anômalo) | All documents tagged "scientific-academy" on the International Translation Archive. | |
The Technothaumaturges (Os Tecnotaumaturgos) | The Emperor of Many Voices, All documents tagged "technothaumaturges" on the International Translation Archive. |
Groups of Interest of the Traditional Chinese Branch
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation |
Fan-guang Chemical | All documents tagged "fan-guang" on the International Translation Archive. | |
Tsars' Seers | SCP-2237, SCP-4066, all pages tagged "tsars-seers" on the International Translation Archive. | |
YuanJi Biomedical Inc. | YuanJi Hub, all pages tagged "yi-inc" on the International Translation Archive. |
Foundation Analogues and Precursors
Any organisation with at least one appearance can be listed here.
The Foundation occasionally encounters organisations with a somewhat similar name and/or purpose, through anomalies involving alternative realities, time travel and interdimensional travel. Some of these groups are listed below.
Alternative Name: | GoI Number | Documentation | Differences from the Foundation |
Anomalous Retrieval, Containment, and Research Agency (ARCRA) | SCP-4994 | Does not conceal the existence of the anomalous. | |
Compendium Phenomic Inquiry | SCP-6001 | Coexists with anomalies, rather than containing them. Works in partnership with many alternative versions of other Groups of Interest. | |
Defenders of the Multiverse | Project Shin-Seikatsu, 1986 | Various SCP Foundations who have assembled walls within a section of reality called Quadrant 43 to stop the Omnipresent and Divinely Guided Imperial Japanese Universal Matters Conglomerate from expanding. | |
Deviant Artifacts Research Division of the Unified Empire | SPC-1764, SCP-8009 | Has a mystical/religious approach to anomalies. | |
Doctors of the Church ("The Little Foundation") | SCP-6011 | 2-Dimensional organisation containing 3-Dimensional anomalies. | |
The Foundation of Supernatural, Celestial, and Paranormal Extermination | SCP-3258 | Eliminates Cosmic Threats. | |
The Foundation Museum for Anomalous History | SCP-8300, SCP-8831, Attempt Successful | Protect and catalogues and inform about the anomalous after the instantaneous cessation of all anomalous phenomena. | |
Global Ownership Corporation: Security and Compliance Program | SCP-5526 | A corporation and version of the SCP Foundation from another universe whose attempts to contain anomalies gained the attention of other similar groups who network with it. | |
Great Convergence Prevention (GCP) | SCP-7805 | Monitors and reports all agencies specializing in anomalous investigation. | |
The Greater Earth Information And Recording Agency | SCP-6711 | Involved in a temporal anomaly. | |
The Imperial Institute of Paranatural and Esoteric Study (IIPES) | SCP-1483, SCP-6483 | Is The dominant normalcy preservation organization of The Third Antarctic Empire. | |
Man Zoo League | MZL-1730 | Due to an FCK-Class "Freaky Friday" scenario, anomalous entities formerly contained at Site-19 are now running the show. | |
Metafoundation | SCP-7243 | A collection of Foundations who have mastered the workings of multiple universes so thoroughly, they are labelled as the "Coalitional-Timeplane". | |
Multiversal SCP Foundation (M-SCP) | Project Shin-Seikatsu, 1986, scp-5782 | A group of Foundations stronger than the Defenders of the Multiverse, but only responds to issues far larger than that group deals with. | |
Obearwatch Council | All documents tagged "obearwatch" | Sends bears to help. Mixed results. | |
Office of Multiversal Incidents | SCP-2207 | Not a direct alternate version of the Foundation. Enforces laws against "Yggdrasil Severance Events". | |
The PAC Institute | SCP-4410, SCP-5875, Further selections of Media Referencing the Anomalous | Fictional version of the SCP Foundation with the motto "Preserve, Acquire, Contain". Alternative versions of other GoI described. | |
Paradisus | GoI-2378 | SCP-4861 | From the year 2100. |
Project Beluga | D. Ulysses Foole's Proposal, SCP-8005, SCP-8922 | Former Foundation project, now independently headed by Dr. Laurence Michaud and his multiple clones, formed for the explicit purpose of neutralizing SCP-UBU. | |
Protectorate Collective of Sol | SCP-6711 | Involved in a temporal anomaly. | |
Safe Cleanup Professionals Foundation | Biweekly, Sugar Cream Parlor, UIU Location Dossier: "Site 19", Welcome To Site-19! | A small hazardous waste cleanup company comprised of janitors. Gains most of its income through contracts with other organizations. | |
Sanctificatio Continentiam Pontificatus Congregatio | SCP-7503 | A specialized church jurisdiction of the Sacrum Imperium Humanum, the SCPC conducts anomalous research under the supervision of the Council of Cardinals. | |
Sandwich Cataclysm Prevention | SCP-4052 | Confiscates unlicensed sandwiches. | |
Sacred Curiosity Protectorate | SCP-7941 | Reformed Foundation in the far future, after the end of a XK-Δ-Class Scenario. | |
SCP Corporation | SCP-1437, SCP-4317, SCP-8039 | One of the many multi-universal variants to the Foundation. Exploits anomalies for profit. | |
SCPedia | Beyond a Shadow of Doubt | Online encyclopedia cataloguing narrative anomalies. | |
Security and Containment Protectorate | Mundus, Liberari Hub, Re: KTO-0001-Bellfather | Opposes the GOC. Members consist of many Foundation Persons of Interest. | |
Solar Command Patrol | KG984 | Interstellar organization that searches for planets to colonize. | |
Sonderkommando für Paranormales (The SKP) | Sonderkommando for the Paranormal - Hub | A Nazi version of the Foundation from a world where the Axis won World War II. | |
Spicy Crust Pizzeria | Spicy Crust Platoon | Pizzeria chain. Not to be confused with the Foundation Front of the same name. | |
The Shark Punching Center (SPC) / The Selachian Pugnātorial Centre (The Centre) | GoI-18153 | The Shark Punching Center Hub, the-sharkest-timeline | Organisation for Selachian Pugnatorialism. |
Skogslottet Crown of Peace Foundation | SCP-8005 | Reformed Foundation after uniting with the Troll-worshipping group Skogslottet and enacting the Occultation. | |
The Sunrise Collective | GOI-Σ | SCP-4888, SCP-5541 | Believed to be inactive. Wishes to contain the Foundation and assume the same role. |
The True Foundation | SCP-2998 | Theocratic version of the Foundation formed after an alien invasion of Earth. | |
Vanguard | No Return Hub, SCP-6500 | Reformed Foundation after passage of 6500-Ω proposal. | |
"Foundation" | GoI-Alpha-01 | SCP-CN-2758 | A stronger version of the Foundation capable of neutralizing several notable Keter-class anomalies. |
Most nations have one or more secret departments managing anomalous events within their territories, in addition to any arrangements they have with the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition to contain or eliminate more dangerous anomalies. Some governments also make arrangements with the Horizon Initiative or with private corporations, and a small number of less economically developed nations make deals with Chaos Insurgency. The Foundation strives to maintain good relations with all national paranormal agencies, to order to most effectively Secure, Contain and Protect. However, at times the Foundation's opposition to attempts by governments to create, destroy or exploit anomalies have strained relations.
Due to the inherently global nature of this list, organisations from International Branches can be included, even if no articles about them are currently translated, as long as they are a government agency described as being currently active (along the lines of the FBI Unusual Incidents Unit).
Agency Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation | Description |
1st Anomalous Defence Corps ADC | GoI-0188 | SCP-2887 | British anti-anomalous military unit |
23rd Paranatural Operations Group | UIU Location Dossier — "Paramax", Two Between the Eyes | Pentagram Army combat unit specializing in paratech and parahuman assets. | |
616th Squadron | Foundation UIU Dossier | US Air Force Squadron dealing with anomalous activity. | |
Abnormal Drug Enforcement Administration | SCP-6038, SCP-7269, Soldier of Misfortune | Branch of the DEA that deals with anomalous drug trafficking. | |
The Abnormal Interaction Command (Finnish: Suomen Epänormaalien Toimienkomento) (SETK) | GoI-358 | SCP-7255 | Finland's national agency for paranormal affairs. |
Anomalous Materials Information and Security System (Italian: Sistema Informazione e Sicurezza Materiali Anomali) (SISMA) | Italian Groups of Interest | Founded in 1949 to protect Italy from anomalous events. | |
Anomalous Warfare Battalion | GoI-5683 | Operation Dilim-Laya After-Action Report, Operation Kontra-Simoy After-Action Report | Anti-anomalous military unit in the Philippines. |
Australian Abnormal Intelligence Bureau | The Third Law Canon Hub, What's Going Down | Organization investigating the paranormal in Australia and Antarctica. | |
The British Occult Service (MI666) | The Third Law Canon Hub, all documents tagged "british-occult-service" | The United Kingdom's primary agency for paranormal affairs. | |
Bureau of Anomaly Regulation | uiu-file-1972-055 | Sweden's national agency for paranormal affairs. | |
CALMECAC | SCP-7269, Soldier of Misfortune | Anomalous branch of the Mexican Secretariat of National Defense. | |
The Central Office for Paranormal Affairs (Polish: Centralne Biuro do Spraw Paranormalnych) | Centralne Biuro do Spraw Paranormalnych Hub (Untranslated) | Poland's national agency for paranormal affairs. | |
Central Paranormal Intelligence Agency | SCP-6038, SCP-7269, Soldier of Misfortune | Anomalous branch of the CIA. | |
Cha Ling Police Station | Traditional Chinese Groups of Interest | Chinese successor to the Royal Hong Kong Police Team Zero. Polices New Cha Ling, an anomalous region of Hong Kong. | |
Confraternity of Saint George's Knights (Confraternita dei Cavalieri di San Giorgio) (CSSG) | Italian Groups of Interest. | Order within the Catholic Church that deals with anomalies. | |
Department of Abnormal Threats of the Security Service of Ukraine (DAT SSU) | Groups Of Interest of the Ukrainian Branch | Monitors anomalous activity in Ukraine. | |
Garda National Consensus Bureau | Fire of Unknown Origin | Normalcy preservation division of the Irish Garda Síochána. | |
GRU Division "P" | GoI-16 | GRU Division "P" Hub, Third Law Canon Hub, SCP-6140 | Para-natural research organisation still active in the modern Russian Federation. |
His Majesty’s Anomaly Service | SCP-7740, SCP-7807 | His Majesty’s Anomaly Service (HMAS) is an organised anomaly containment service loyal to the Commonwealth of Nations and the Crown. | |
INCA | GoI-0827 | SCP-6821 | Institución de Normalidad Centroamericana, an organisation focused on the preservation of normalcy. INCA is funded by and primarily operates in the nations of Central America. |
Japanese Anomalous Groups Peace and Amity Treaty Organization (JAGPATO) | Japanese Groups of Interest | Diplomatic organisation supervising anomalous groups operating in Japan. | |
Joint Occult Venture of Europe (JOVE) | Third Law Canon Hub | Association of various European national paranormal agencies, loosely affiliated with the European Union. | |
French National Gendastrerie (La Gendastrerie Nationale Française) | French Groups of Interest Hub | Paranormal counterpart to the French National Gendarmerie, tasked with protecting the French public from the paranormal while also concealing its existence. Under the purview of the Ministry of Sub-Veil Affairs. | |
Ministry of Sub-Veil Affairs | 32-executive-dysfunction, SCP-7317, SCP-8457 | Secret ministry of the French Republic, tasked with regulating the national anomalous community. Directs the National Gendastrerie. | |
National Paracivilian Agency | Traditional Chinese Groups of Interest Hub | An agency of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of China (Taiwan), in charge of occult affairs in Taiwan. | |
National Paranormal Emergency Service (NPES) | Korean Groups of Interest | Secret National Agency of the South Korean government that quickly responds to paranormal problems. Founded on December 5th, 2017 under agreement with the Foundation and the GOC. | |
The Office of Management of the Peculiar of the Principality of Mittelheim | File of the GRU-P "LIGHTNING OF MARAWI" (Untranslated) | The state organization for anomaly management of the anomalous Principality of Mittelheim. | |
The Office For The Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts (ORIA) | ORIA Hub | Paramilitary force answerable only to the Supreme Leader of Iran, dedicated to the collection and utilization of anomalous artefacts throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. | |
PANGEA Network (l'Assemblée Générale des Polices de l'Anormal) | Groupes d'Intérêt Mineurs Français (untranslated) | Occult equivalent to Interpol. Has 54 members, including most national paranormal agencies. | |
Paranormal 19th Bureau of the Ministry of State Security of the People's Republic of China | SCP-6140, SCP-ZH-617, UIU File 1996 005, Kong, Shing, Gong Hub (Translated), SCP-CN-1016, Peaceful Zhonguancun, China's Ministry of National Security, Paranormal 19th Bureau (Untranslated) | Paranormal enforcement division of the Ministry of National Security of the People's Republic of China. | |
Pentagram | GoI-616 | All documents tagged "pentagram". | The anomalous branch of the United States Department of Defence. Also known as the US Paranatural Warfare Command |
People's Board for Unexplained Affairs | SCP-2387 | Investigates the paranormal within the People's Republic of China. | |
The Pontifical Commission for the Suppression of the Supernatural | SCP-3853 | Vatican normalcy-preservation organisation. | |
RCMP Occult and Supernatural Activity Taskforce | On Guard 43 Hub, SCP-5281, Dead Dogs, Magic Mounties, The Good Work, Pickman-Blank Proposal, SCP-6858 | Division of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police dealing with the paranormal. | |
Royal Conservatory for Public Perception | SCP-4840 | United Kingdom organisation, assisting the Foundation in covering up the anomalous. | |
SEAL Team Bravo Papa Romeo Delta | Foundation UIU Dossier | United States Navy Seal Team dealing with the anomalous. | |
Special Affairs Division, Public Security Bureau of the Metropolitan Police Department (Japanese) | Japanese Groups of Interest | A group managed by the Special Affairs Investigation Bureau, dealing with abnormal phenomena and paranormal crimes. | |
Special Affairs Investigation Bureau, National Police Agency (Japanese) | Member of JAGPATO, Member of PANGEA (Untranslated) | Main paranormal agency of the National Police Agency of Japan. | |
Supernatural Committee of the Philippines | SCP-5201 | Paranormal agency in the Phillipines, currently cooperating with the Foundation and GOC. | |
Unusual Incidents Unit | GoI-06 GoI-102 | UIU Hub | Division of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation responsible for investigating the anomalous. |
Vatican Office for Secrets and Prophecies / Vatican Relic Recovery Office | SCP-4261, SCP-5653, SCP-6109 | Still active, unlike the Vatican Holy Office for Secrets and Prophecies Foundation precursor. | |
Yeda' Zoher | SCP-6656 | Paranormal branch of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency. | |
Yedinci Ok ("Seventh Arrow") | SCP-6614 | A Turkish paranormal agency suceeding the Sihirlerin Taburi of the Ottoman Empire. | |
ZM "Witch Slayer" Division | From 120's Archives, Pickman-Blank Proposal, SCP-5890 | Polish Paranormal Law Enforcement Agency. |
Defunct National Paranormal Agencies that previously coexisted with the Foundation are listed here.
Organisations considered Foundation precursors and not reported to coexist with the Foundation are listed separately. Many of these organisations were hostile to the Foundation, and had methods and goals incompatible with the Foundation's objectives to contain and conceal the abnormal.
Due to the inherently global nature of this list, organisations from International Branches can be included, even if no articles about them are currently translated, as long as they are a government agency described as being no longer active (along the lines of the Japanese Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency).
Agency Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation | Description |
13th Fleet | SCP-5525 | US Navy task force reporting to the Pentagram. | |
388th Independent Special Company | The Coldest War Hub, The Bad Company Hub, Prelude, Cleon | U. S. Army Unit dealing with anomalous activity. | |
The 8th Department of the National Security Bureau, R. O. C. (NSB-8) | GoI-94138 | Traditional Chinese Groups of Interest | Established in 1950, the NSB-8 focused mainly on developing trans-dimensional techniques. After the fall of its supporters, its conflicts with MI666 led to its anhilation by the combined might of the GOC and Republic of China in 1973. The remaining members of NSB-8 retreated into several pocket dimensions ('the Nexus'), colonizing them and devoting themselves to retribution against both the GOC and their own traitorous military unit, "The Shadow Company". |
The 10th Bureau, Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA 10th Bu.) | Korean Groups of Interest | Established in 1973 to mobilise anomalies for the benefit of the South Korean government, resulting in open conflict with the Foundation. Dissolved in 1981, with most staff and assets absorbed by the Foundation. | |
African Office for Occult Affairs (AOOA) (French: Le Bureau Africain des Affaires Occultes) | French Groups of Interest Hub, SCP-7752 | Created in 1830 to promote the anomalous interests of France in Africa. Had access to significant military and scientific resources, and was a major player in the 7th Occult War as part of the Allied Occult Initiative. Dissolved in 1962 following the independence of Algeria, with its assets being divided between the Foundation and the French government. | |
American Supernatural Containment Initiative (ASCI) | All documents tagged "asci", The Trashfire | Defunct U.S. normality preservation organisation, once hostile to the Foundation. | |
The Brazilian Superintendence for the Paranormal | Groups of Interest of the Lusophone Foundation | Contained the anomalous on behalf of the military dictatorship of Brazil. Deactivated in 1992 following a catastrophic incident, transferring its resources to the Lusophone Foundation. | |
Cuban Ministry of Anomalies (CMA) | GoI-1221 | The Cuban Ministry of Anomalies Hub | Cuban occult organisation focused on weaponizing anomalies. Founded in 1960 by Fidel Castro, officially disbanded following his death. |
Division XXV (German: Abteilung XXV) | SCP-4387, SCP-125-DE, SCP-149-DE, all documents tagged "division-xxv" on the International Translation Archive. | Secret department of East Germany's Ministry of State Security that researched the anomalous. Closed down in 1989. | |
Dominion Occult Matters Authority | Turnover | Canadian precursor to the SCP Foundation, at some point merged with the American Secure Containment Initiative. | |
Federal Committee for the Unexplained (German: Eidgenössische Komitee für das Unerklärliche) | SCP-221-DE (untranslated), SCP-6614 | Department of the Swiss Confederation founded in 1803 to deal with paranormal phenomena and anomalies on Swiss soil. Commissioned to research supernatural weapons and countermeasures during the Cold War. Officially disbanded in the late 1990s by agreement between the Swiss government and the Germanophone and Frankophone SCP Foundation. | |
Federal Security Directorate - Zotz Division (Spanish: Dirección Nacional de Seguridad - División Zotz) | SCP-7279 | Anomalous division of the DFS, the Mexican intelligence agency and secret police during the Dirty War (1960s - 1980s). | |
GRU Division "P" | GoI-16 | GRU Division "P" Hub | Soviet Union para-natural research group disbanded after the fall of the Soviet Union. Originally known as the Fourth Department Abnormal Occurrences Commission. |
Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency (IJAMEA) | IJAMEA Hub | Imperial Japanese institution studying and weaponizing paranormal phenomena. Officially disbanded in 1951, some modern remnants remain. | |
KGB Division of Special Circumstances | Global Occult Coalition Casefiles | Maintained and utilized the USSR's stockpile of paranormal threats. Disbanded after the fall of Communism, becoming the paracrime syndicate known to the GOC as "Scarlet Hammer". | |
Obskurakorps | GoI-023 | All documents tagged "obskura" | The Occult division of Nazi Germany's Ahnenerbe SS. Officially disbanded following the end of WWII, although OBSKURRA is its modern successor. |
]]], Ralliston's Proposal || Member of the Allied Occult Initiative. Disbanded in 1945 and incorporated into the Foundation and GOC. ||
"Progress" Research Institute | SCP-5859, SCP-1340-RU | Soviet Union Research Institute created 1919 to research the anomalous. Defected in 1988 to sell most of their work on the black market. | |
Royal Institvte of Italian Anomalies (Regio Institvto Delle Italich Anomaliæ) (RIDIA) | Italian Groups of Interest, SCP-007-INT | Founded in 1871 by the King of Italy, with influence extended throughout the country and its colonies. Catalogued anomalous artefacts, then either contained or destroyed them. Starting from 1926, the RIDIA was placed under the direct control of Benito Mussolini and tasked with creating anomalous weapons for use in World War II. Officially dismantled in 1946 and merged with the Italian Foundation. | |
Shūshū-In (Collecting Agency) | Collected Item No. 1080, all documents tagged "shūshū-in" on the International Translation Archive. | Japanese organization that collected and contained anomalous items. Merged with the Foundation following WWII, although independent remnants remain. | |
The Scientific Academy of the Anomalous (SAA) (Portuguese: A Academia Científica do Anômalo, ACA) | Groups of Interest of the Lusophone branch | An independent academical organisation, conducted scientific research into the paranormal within territories governed by or targeted by Portugal. In existence for centuries, succeeding two different Portuguese organisations related to the anomalous (one related to the Portuguese Crown, and the other related to Salazar's Estado Novo). In 1992, it merged with the Lusophone Foundation. | |
Seekers of God in New Spain (Spanish: Buscadores de Dios en Nueva España) | GoI-1025 | SCP-6821, SCP-7279 | An organization funded by the Spanish Empire that operated in the colonial period of the Americas, suppressing anomalous phenomena within spanish colonies. |
Seventh Section of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery | SCP-7839 | An Imperial Russian organization dedicated to the suppression of the Russian anomalous community. Founded in response to anomalous involvement in the Decembrist Uprising. | |
Sihirlerin Taburi (Battalion of Magic) | SCP-6614 | Paranormal Agency of the Ottoman Empire. Succeeded by the Turkish Yedinci Ok. | |
Special Security Commission (Spanish: Comisaría Especial de Seguridad) | GoI-134 GoI-134-A | Special Security Commission Hub | Formed in 1938 to detect, capture, exploit and destroy anomalies in Spain. Hampered by a lack of knowledge and resources. Absorbed into the Foundation in 1977 following the end of Franco's rule. |
Tsars' Seers | SCP-2237, SCP-4066, All pages tagged "tsars-seers" on INT | An organization operating in the Russian Empire, officially disbanded in 1920, but with members still secretly active in the present day. | |
Society For Humanity's Normalcy (Filipino: Sangkatauhan Para sa Pangkaraniwang Katauhan) (SPK) | SCP-5248 | A society created by University of the Philippines (UP) students during the Marcos era, attempting to conceal anomalies used by the Marcos Dictatorship to enfore Martial Law. Subsumed into the UP after Martial Law ended, then gradually merged with the Foundation after an agreement in 2001. | |
Sonderkommando for the Paranormal (German: Sonderkommando für Paranormales) (SKP) | SCP-028-DE, SCP-149-DE, SCP-150-DE | Paranormal research division of Nazi Germany's SS. | |
The Sub-Ministry for the Secret | SCP-3554 | A precursor to GRU Division P in Imperial Russia. | |
Team Zero, Royal Hong Kong Police | GoI-088 | Traditional Chinese Groups of Interest | Founded in 1934 as a security force for anomalous area of Hong Kong. Reorganized in 1997 into the Cha Ling Police Station. |
Documentation on older anomalies may contain references to organisations that precede the Foundation, but were later absorbed into it. For reference, some of these organisations are listed below. Some names may refer to the same organisation at different times.
Due to the inherently global nature of this list, organisations from Foreign Language Branches can be included, even if no articles about them are currently translated, as long as they are described in a similar way to Foundation precursors listed in articles such as the Wrong Proposal. Defunct organisations described as having a relationship with the Foundation should be added to the previous list instead, and should not be added to both lists unless there are obvious inconsistencies between different accounts.
Precursor Name: | Documentation | Precursor Description: |
0th Anti-Cult Regiment | Wrong Proposal | A Foundation precursor from British India. One of the thirteen organisations that formed the Foundation following the 1901 Forbidden City Convention. |
Abnormality Institute (異學會) | Wrong Proposal, SCP-4786, all documents tagged "abnormality institute" on the International Translation Archive. | Ancient Chinese society dedicated to cataloguing, containing and researching the anomalous. One of the thirteen original organisations to form the Foundation following the 1901 Forbidden City Convention. |
Anomalous Containment Union | SCP-4017 | A loose association of Foundation Precursors, established at the 1885 Sicily Convention on the Preternatural following the Sixth Occult War. Reorganised into the Foundation in 1901. |
American Secure Containment Initiative (ASCI) | All documents tagged "asci", Wrong Proposal | A Foundation pre-cursor group based out of the United States. Founded shortly after the birth of the nation, disbanded into the Foundation and the UIU at some point in the late 19th or early 20th century, possibly in 1901 following the Forbidden City Convention. |
Bureau of Onmyō (陰陽寮) | Wrong Proposal, SCP-2781, SCP-2953, SCP-2478 | Japanese Agency for containing the anomalous. One of the thirteen organisations that formed the Foundation following the 1901 Forbidden City Convention. |
The Chamber for Investigation of the First Philosophy (French: La Camarilla pour L'Enquête de la Première Philosophie) | SCP-5431 | A organisation founded by René Descartes. Collapsed in 1649 due to internal personality conflicts. |
Committee of Paranormal Ethics | Tufto's Proposal | One of the thirteen organisations to establish the Foundation in 1834. |
The Council of Five Overseers | Tufto's Proposal | One of the thirteen organisations to establish the Foundation in 1834. |
Commission on Unusual Cargo | All documents tagged "Unusual Cargo" | A subsection of the British East India Trading Company, created keep the East India Company's more unusual items safe from theft. Split off from the Company in 1649, merged with the Foundation in 1917. |
Cura Praetoria Sapientae Occultae (Praetorian Office of Hidden Wisdom) | SCP-2418, 'Hadrian's Well', SCP-2766, SCP-2837, SCP-3668, SCP-3853, SCP-4017 | Ancient Roman organisation for protecting the Emperors from anomalous activity. Cotemporaneous with the Superintendency of Secrets. |
The Department for the Study and Catalogue of Especially Quaint Furbearers (DSCEQF) | SCP-8299 | Paranormal arm of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC). Operated for 200 years before disbandment in 1870. |
Devan-e Jaaduyih (Office of Magic) | Tufto's Proposal, SCP-3838 | A organisation established by the Safavid Dynasty of Iran. One of the thirteen organisations to establish the Foundation in 1834. |
Estate noir | Wrong Proposal, SCP-3668, SCP-5041, SCP-5987 | French organisation for containing the anomalous. One of the thirteen organisations that formed the Foundation following the 1901 Forbidden City Convention. |
Extra-Normal Creatures Control | SCP-2665 | Small-Scale anomaly-containing organization founded in 1850. Run by 17 people, who all left before it went bankrupt in 1889. |
Ektoras Megalos Lab | AGS's Proposal | Independent precursor to the Greek SCP Foundation, responsible for studying and recording anomalies. |
Foundation for the Anomalous | SCP-8888 | Precursor agency in the beginning of the 20th-century. |
Foundation of the Secure Containment of the Unnatural | Tufto's Proposal | One of the thirteen organisations to establish the Foundation in 1834. |
The General Assembly of Thaumaturgists and Theologists Against Queen Mab | Ralliston's Proposal | An alliance oposing the Fae Queen Mab, later reorganised into the SCP Foundation. |
His/Her Majesty's Foundation/Fellowship For The Study of Curiosities and Phantasmagoria/Secure Containment of the Paranormal (HMFSCP) | All documents tagged "hmfscp", Wrong Proposal, A Special Relationship | A Foundation pre-cursor group based out of the United Kingdom. Has existed since the early Medieval Ages, absorbed into the SCP Foundation at some point in the late 19th or early 20th century, possibly in 1901 following the Forbidden City Convention. |
His Majesty’s Institute for the Suppression of the Unnatural | SCP-4289 | An organization active in the British Colony of Australia, responsible for the eradication of anomalous species. |
Holy Emperor's Council on Unearthly Matters | SCP-2237 | Japanese organisation dedicated to identifying and containing the abnormal. Possibly a mistranslation of the Bureau of Onmyō. |
The Iga Clan | SCP-4242 | Shinobi clan active in 1534 CE, protecting the emperor of Japan from anomalous threats. |
Imperial Commission on Transgressive Occurrences | Wrong Proposal, SCP-2275 | An organisation for containing the anomalous, operating out of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. One of the thirteen organisations that formed the Foundation following the 1901 Forbidden City Convention. |
Inner Africa Expeditionary Society | Wrong Proposal | A organisation dedicated to the discovery and containment of the anomalous in African, headquartered in the Congo Free State. One of the thirteen organisations that formed the Foundation following the 1901 Forbidden City Convention. |
Imperial German Anomalous Matters Examination Agency (Kaiserliches Deutsches Prüfamt für Paranormale Angelegenheiten) | Wrong Proposal, SCP-4034, SCP-5431, IJAMEA Hub | The German Empire's equivalent to the Foundation. Advised the Japanese on the creation of IJAMEA. One of the thirteen organisations that formed the Foundation following the 1901 Forbidden City Convention. |
The Keepers | SCP-557, SCP-4015 | Active from 2400 BCE until 1400 BCE in the Middle East. Built a structure in what is now the "Empty Quarter" of Oman, to contain anomalous entities and artefacts. |
The Knights of the Military Order of Borja y Aragón | Wrong Proposal | Spanish group of witchhunting knights. Members were relatively inexperienced and ill-equipt, prior to forming the Foundation in 1901 under the terms of the Forbidden City Convention. |
Military Order of Saint Constantine the Great | SCP-4066 | Founded by Michael VIII Palaiologos to oppose the extraterrestrial and extradimensional influence that had previously dominated Byzantine politics. |
Ministry of Rites | SCP-7655 | Containment organization working for the Ming and Qing dynasties of China. |
Order of Dragonslayers | Fafnir | An order founded after the Royal Office for Christian Artefacts lost some of its influence and was active until the end of the 19th century. Focused on dragons and similar memetic threads. |
Royal Office for Christian Artefacts | Wrong Proposal | Italian organisation operating in various Italian kingdoms in the 19th Century. A branch of the Vatican Inquisition on Secrets and Prophecies. One of the thirteen organisations that formed the Foundation following the 1901 Forbidden City Convention. |
Royal Society for the Imprisonment of Abnormalcy | SCP-3004 | British Organisation, operating in Ireland in the 19th Century. |
Royal Society for the Security, Containment, and Protection of Anomalous Artefacts (RSSCPAA) | SCP-300, SCP-1408, Ask Lord Blackwood. | British Society active in the 19th century, transferred anomalies to the Foundation in the 20th Century. |
The Royal Society for the Study of Curiosities and Peculiarities | SCP-2837 | Foundation precursor active in Turkey. |
Secret Society for Cultural Preservation | SCP-4960, Manifest 704: Corpses of the Colossi | A Foundation precursor founded by Fritz William Abernathy in 1939. |
Silver Sun Organization | Secure Facility Dossier: Containment Site-88 | An American organisation, forcefully integrated into the ASCI. |
Society of the Golden Arrow | SCP-2317 | 19th Century Occult Society active in the United States of America. |
Special Investigations Board, Council of the Dutch East Indies | Wrong Proposal | An organisation originating in the Netherlands but operating throughout Asia, identifying and containing anomalous items. One of the thirteen organisations that formed the Foundation following the 1901 Forbidden City Convention. |
Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition | SCP-5845 | Unknown connection to the "Department of Abnormalities". |
Tsar's Seers | Wrong Proposal, SCP-2237, SCP-4066 | An organization operating in the Russian Empire. One of the thirteen organisations that formed the Foundation following the 1901 Forbidden City Convention. |
The Unified Sites of the Department of Unexplained Affairs | Tufto's Proposal | One of the thirteen organisations to establish the Foundation in 1834. |
Vatican's Congregation for Otherworldly Acts | SCP-3004 | Catholic Organisation aimed at protecting the Christian Faith from the anomalous. |
Vatican Holy Office of Secrets and Prophecy | SCP-1732, SCP-2766, SCP-3668, SCP-3853, SCP-4017, SCP-4077 | Catholic Institution, involved in containing a number of anomalies of Roman or Christian origin. Dissolved in 1964. |
The Warning Bell | SCP-4352 | A small coalition of natural philosophers and occult enthusiasts known to have existed in the 1800’s, devoted to the identification and extermination of the many predatory anomalous organisms that existed throughout Europe during the period. |
Minor Groups of Interest
More than one interaction with these Minor Groups of Interest have been documented in the English Language database, but they currently lack a database tag. Inclusion on this list implies a link to the paranormal, and so there is no need to note the anomalous nature of these Groups in their GoI descriptions. Subgroups of Major GoI, GoI from International Branches and Paranormal Agencies are listed separately.
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation: | Description: |
American Anomalous Companies Association | SCP-3151, SCP-3643 | TotleighSoft, GRENadINES and the Kephart Corporation are members. Westhead Media is a former member. | |
Aquagene Industries | SCP-2761, Bananazilla Begins | A pet storefront that sells heavily genetically modified aquarium fish. | |
Associates of Apotheosis | UIU File: 2014-014, Abstract Naught | Religious group for people interested in metahumanism. | |
Australian Church of Australia | GoI-055Y | SCP-475, SCP-3868 | Australian Cult, integrated into the Horizon Initiative |
Australian Drag Racing Association | Parasport Dossier: Parasport Drag Racing, Australian Rules Drag Racing | The only paranormal drag racing association compliant with the Foundation. | |
Autocephalous Mission of Moldova | Holy Science Hub | Catholic group that regards anomalies as miracles. | |
Aviatica | GoI-503 | SCP-5630, SCP-5631, SCP-6883, Printer's Misdirection, 'Nexus HyperLine' (N7S2M/ER9C3/X56ID) | Journalistic Organisation. |
The Bearers | GoI-089 | SCP-3894, SCP-3895 | Aids the Foundation against EoI-090. |
The B. G. Hoadley Group | SCP-2951, Secure Facility Dossier: Site-81, djkaktus's Proposal III | Mining and railroad group with connections to the early Foundation. | |
Bonifay Family | SCP-1890, SCP-1896, SCP-1928 | A family which lived in rural Florida from late XIX to early XX Century. No records about their existence are present on state archives. | |
The Brazen Heart | SCP-2427, SCP-4922, SCP-2128 | Moloch worshipping cult, eradicated by the Spanish Inquisition. | |
Caverage Company | SCP-2224, Broken Light Hub | Creators of children's playground equipment. | |
CC Pandation | SCP-5402, SCP-5840 | Uses posters depicting "panda diplomacy" in open up the Chinese business sector. | |
Celeramis | SCP-2223, SCP-3334 | Promote anime through anomalous memes. | |
The Cétlaidí (The Singers) | SCP-3004, SCP-3089 | Druidic cicada cult. | |
The Children | And Every Time We Meet Again Hub | Polish cult practicing Sarkic thaumaturgy. | |
Children of the Barrow | Death and the Doctors Hub | A group of plague doctors with innate medical skill. | |
Children Of Kali / Thuggee | SCP-029, SCP-2833 | Cult which uses human sacrifice in order to resurrect the Hindi goddess Kali | |
Christian Ministries of America | SCP-3178, A Dove In A Chicken Pen, Irregularity Proposal: 2001-489 | Christian organization with ties to extremists. | |
The Church of Iðunn | SCP-4608, SCP-4677 | Religious group dedicated to the Norse goddess Iðunn. | |
The Cowboys | Ooo ooo ooo ooo, ooo ooo ooo, SCP-5875 | Pataphysical group, hostile to the Foundation. | |
Creature and Wildlife Protection Agency (CWPA) | GoI-3776 | SCP-6231, SCP-6922, Animal Antics | Sentient animals attempting to reverse environmental damage. |
CRSHCRS Corporation | SCP-1727, SCP-1872, SCP-1894 | Anomalies involve physical collision between terrestrial vehicles in some fashion. | |
The Cult of New Umbra | The Second Child, In Shadow | Religious group centred around SCP-017. | |
Daughters of Eden | SCP-4971, SCP-5183 | Far-left naturalist pseudo-occultists. | |
Eden Creations | SCP-2699, On The Efficiency Of Various Postal Services | Produces anomalous creatures. | |
Elevix Electronics | SCP-3122, SCP-1130 | Consumer electronics company. | |
Envelope Logistics® | SCP-CN-964, SCP-2557, SCP-3072, SCP-4707, Kalinin's Proposal | Trans-dimensional investors. | |
First United Temple of the Dixieland | GoI-5705B | SCP-5952, A Dove In A Chicken Pen | Branch of the Horizon Initiative within the Southern United States. |
Foundation Elimination Coalition | Resurrection: Old Foes, SCP-6500 | An alliance of the Foundations adversaries, lead by the disgraced General Bowe. Likely related to the "Sons of Bowe". | |
Grail's Zoo for Cybernetically Enhanced Bears | SCP-2579, SCP-3254 | Exactly what it sounds like. | |
GRENadINES Inc. | SCP-3643, UIU File: 2014-014 | Three Portlands paratech company specializing in advertising. | |
HANSARP | SCP-4485, SCP-5485, SCP-ES-202 | An anart group comprised of disillusioned members of the CotBG & AWCY?, dedicated to the complete breakdown of logical reasoning. | |
Hartlians | SCP-1322, Sic Transit Gloria Mundi, All Things Considered, Fear Not, Skeeve Online | Human civilization from an alternate universe Earth known as "Hartle". | |
Hijos del Sol (Children of the Sun) | SCP-1253, Of Blackmail and Bribery | Successor to the Incan Empire. | |
House of Stars | GoI-727 | Friends Of Us Never Die, SCP-6900-D, SCP-8888 | Group of thieves. |
Indiana Limestone Corporation | SCP-2812, Secure Facility Dossier: Site-81 | Friends with Matherson Music. | |
Information Breach Publications | Forum Post, Paperpushing | Reports on the Foundation following the Broken Masquerade. | |
Jean & Jean Transtemporal Shipping | SCP-5597, Whalefall, Spyhopping | Atemporal shipping company. | |
The Journeymen | GoI-13 | SCP-2343, SCP-2987 | Hostile to the Foundation |
Joyfull Smile / Watchful Eye | SCP-2453, SCP-2672 | Sells products relating to pregnancy and babycare. | |
The Keepers / Erikesh | GoI-5008 | SCP-2317, SCP-5008 | Ancient anomalous civilisation. |
Kervier International | SCP-3355, SCP-3813, SCP-3060, SCP-2844, djkaktus's Proposal III | Produced a number of products that later became anomalous. Founder may be Michael Kervier. | |
Keys to the Kingdom Christian Charter School for Gifted Youth | GoI-009 | SCP-040, SCP-6900-D | Christian school for anomalous children. |
The King of Hearts Collective | GoI-1285 | The Trashfire, SCP-5444 | Independent record company signing anomalous musicians |
Ledenoff Technologies | SCP-3622, The Summer Of Bad Memories, An Alchemist Goes To War | Unproductive technology company. | |
Leeward & Warner Legal Solutions | SCP-4427, Forum Post, You're a Toy, Mr. Sanderson | Anti-Foundation legal firm following the Broken Masquerade. | |
Light Courier Enterprises | SCP-1740, SCP-1920, SCP-2940, Radiance And Cachinnation | Corporation from a post-apocalyptic future. | |
Lighthouse Mafia | GoI-101 | SCP-6879,Overheard At Deer, UIU File: 2003-112, Great Rugby Prank War, Part One, Those Twisted Pines Hub, UIU Location Dossier -- "Three Portlands" | Paratech smugglers and racketeers. |
Inevitability Industries | GoI-7058 | SCP-4269, SCP-2541, An Actual Plan | A man and his clones creating a safe sex market for the anomalous world. |
Magog's Multitude | GoI-113 | SCP-2736 | Global elites, maintaining power through occult means. |
Myrmidon International | Dark Side Discography, Time (Reprise), Money, The Great Gig In The Sky, Goldbaker-Reinz Hub, Site-7: DAEMON | They're a private military company that dabbles in anomalous research | |
Olney Ironworks | GoI-952 | SCP-744, SCP-3178, SCP-4370, SCP-5868, SCP-5947, SCP-5994 | An industrial conglomerate that specializes in metalworking, with a bad streak of attracting anomalous phenomena. |
Order of the Hyacinth | Operation Cannery Row: Document 2013§451A3, The Hyacinth Hymnal, Operation Cannery Row: Excerpts from the Foundation's Regional Print Media Archive | Highly organized Sedevacantist Catholic church involved with a number of anomalous activities in Cross City, Florida | |
Peculiar Post | GoI-333 | SCP-4492, Three Portlands Pastries, Home Sick, Foodies, Frogs, & Flying | Baking-related news organisation. |
Penn & Brooke Scribeworks | GoI-154 | SCP-910, Maim the Sky, Slay the Sun Hub | Anomalous book publisher. |
Periscope Publishing | SCP-1841, SCP-1996 | Anomalous book publisher. | |
Phoenix Technologies | unVeiled: David Hunt on Galileo, the First Civilian Off-World Settlement, Excerpts of Particular Interest From the Galileo Deep-Space Observatory Archives, Arco | Paratechnological company succeding from Prometheus Labs, active in the Vanguard timeline. Simón Torres is the CEO. | |
Professor Funtastic | GoI-563 | SCP-5057, SCP-5057 Additional Documentation, SCP-6057 , SCP-6057 | Dr. Wondertainment knockoff. |
Public Domain Protection Service | Public Domain Protection Service Hub | Seeks to abolish copyright law by anomalous means. | |
Red Actors Troupe | SCP-039, SCP-1328, SCP-1341, SCP-1513 SCP-1837, Setting the Stage, Muckraker & Muckraker Deluxe | Improvisation artists, anomalously altering household and garden products for their acts. | |
Richard and Sons Gateway Service | SCP-2731 MTF Sigma-66 Post-Mission Psychological Evaluation | Interdimensional transportation company. | |
Ridgewell Edutainment Center (REC) | ridgewell-monthly-newsletter, the-ghost-of-molly-roger | Very normal charter school. | |
Robinson Toʊ Liz | SCP-2752, Dai-tō-a | Interdimensional corporation. | |
Satyr's Reign | Satyr's Reign, Fools of Us All | Doomsday cult. | |
Scarlet Hammer | Global Occult Coalition Casefiles, Third Law Hub, SCP-4591, UTE-1919-Discofather, Barrels of Prose and Slugs of Pulp | Ex-Soviet paracrime syndicate | |
Schriftsteller | GoI-6382 | SCP-5382, SCP-6382 | The earliest known users of anomalous memetics. |
The Second Haptic Assembly | GoI-8832 | Hecatoncheires Cycle Hub, EE-8832 | Connected to a Greek cult, the Many Hands Society. |
The Sky Kings | Project PARAGON Hub | Antedeluvian monarchist society ruled by a human subspecies with latent thaumaturgic capablities. | |
Sin Nombre | A Wandsman in the Navel of the Moon, The Second Life of Cristina Cisneros, The Men with no Name, Soldier of Misfortune | Anomalous drug cartel operating in LATAM. | |
Soft Hands® | SCP-2494, SCP-3081, SCP-6331 | A company dedicated to lending a hand, quite literally. | |
Sputnik Studios | GoI-411 | SCP-7664, SCP-8060, Critter Profile: Francis! | California-based animation studio possesing paratechnological equipment. A significant majority of employees are unaware of the equipment's anomalous nature, nor of its resulting effects. |
La Spada di Cristo (The Sword of Christ) | GoI-182 | SCP-4261, SCP-5998 | Vatican Affiliated GoI |
Stacker's Coffeehouse and Bar | The Place To Find Yourself, A Lone Speaker, The Boat is Sinking | Located within its own pocket dimension which only opens on Thursdays, receives members from all across the anomalous community. | |
The Stuff Industry | The Stuff Industry Hub | A company producing the inexplicable. Defunct, following an investigation by the Manna Charitable Foundation. | |
Thule-Gesselschaft | Global Occult Coalition Casefiles, SCP-4017, Obskurakorps Memos, Archival Document -- HSA-008-Advent | German occult society allied with the Obskurakorps. | |
Triumviraté | GoI-120 | SCP-5484, SCP-5373, SCP-5292, Fundacja SCP w Polsce — Historia Polskiego Projektu Przechowawczego | Fae crime syndicate. |
The Truth Shall Prevail (TTSP) | SCP-5329, Interview With a TTSP Member | Aims to find the next step in human evolution. | |
The Union | SCP-4683, SCP-7689, Starlow Grocery, There's a Job For Everyone, Rise Of The Human Resources, chasing-the-union | Anomalously skilled residents of Sloth's Pit. | |
Union of Djinns, Genies and Associated Wish-Granters | The Charter, SCP-335-FR | Supervised by the French Branch of the SCP Foundation. | |
Wikipedia | Esterberg (City) — Wikipedia, Paradise Lot, Clef Eats Ass: The Musical, Containment Breach The Musical, Main Page, List of Common Anomalous Misconceptions | Free online encyclopedia maintained by a collaborative community. Articles centering around anomalous phenomena are prevalent after the lifting of the Veil. | |
The Wordsmiths Guild | Universe Rewrite 2020, The Wordsmiths Induction | A law enforcement agency within the Wanderer's Library which either works with or against the Serpent's Hand. | |
YWTGTHFT ("You will totally go to hell for this" / "Yeah, we're totally going to hell for this") | SCP-1459, SCP-2030, SCP-3943, SCP-4703, SCP-5377, SCP-7403 | Name references the morally questionable products they produce. Company which likely produces most of their anomalous products through manipulating the semiosphere. | |
█████ Industrial | GoI-███ | SCP-2856, SCP-4029, URA-1902 | A hole in reality, with no name and no leadership. |
A list of non-human anomalous entities (species other than homo sapiens sapiens), without their own SCP designation or tag.
Name: | Official Designation: | Documentation: | Description: |
Atlanteans | AQUARIAN DISCO | SCP-5525, New Atlantis, Arizona | Technologically advanced human subspecies, homo sapiens aquarius. |
Clowns | Bozomorphic Entities | Dread & Circuces Hub | Umbrella term for various types of poorly-understood beings resembling clowns. Produce/consume a similarly unclear substance known as "clown milk". |
The Council of the Tylwyth Teg / Council of the Sidhe | SCP-2952 | Diminutive Fey entities, connected to SCP-2323 and possibly to SCP-1323. | |
Deleted | D E L E T I O N S | A hive mind of beings from erased universes that work for the SCP Foundation. | |
Droganians | SCP-7629, The Enlightened Children, The Lost Spire Part 1, The Lost Spire Part 2 | Humanoid reptiles that can shapeshift into dragons. | |
The Finnfolk | Previously SCP-████ | SCP-3702, SCP-3703, SCP-4700, SCP-6700 | Aquatic humanoids with fish-like traits. Records show potential cultural overlap with the theologies of the Children of the Scarlet King, the Church of the Broken God, Fifthism, and Sarkicism. |
The Hudaru | SCP-2932 | Insect-like species known for their ability as builders. | |
The Imit | SoI-004 | The Trashfire Hub, SCP-378, SCP-655, SCP-5947 | Homo postdescensus are the near-extinct decendants of Homo sapiens idolatu. Manipulated by Homo sapiens descensus as part of an ancient punishment. |
The Lisk'Lurthan | SCP-4066 | Extraterrestrial species encountered via SCP-2088. Connected to the Leonid Dynasty of the Byzantine Empire. | |
Loup-garou | Fowke-13 | SCP-6858, SCP-7163, Dead Dogs, Magic Mounties Turnover | Werewolves of French Canadian folklore, H. sapiens lupus Nova Gallia. Found exclusively in Nexus-94 and the rest of Quebec. |
The Mabbites | GoI-3903 | SCP-6090 | Fae criminals, related to the nameless anomalous entities. |
Mazzikim | SEoI-0401 | SCP-6355 | Invisible, non-sentient spirits associated with deleterious spectral activity. |
The Muppets | SoI-669 (Hensonian Entities) | CAPSLOCK COLLUSION, SCP-6690, SCP-6595, SCP-6954 | Clotho Sapiens; sapient puppets that form the cast of multiple public media, the most well known one of is the sketch comedy television series The Muppet Show. |
Pantagruels | SCP-UBU | D. Ulysses Foole's Proposal, Daoud Ewen Fullerton's Proposal | Gargantuanovichensis ferox; nearly indestructable humanoid entities, native to the southern canyons of Corbenic's Outer Saklovai. |
Pleistocene Afro-Asiatic Culture Group (PACG) | SoI-003 | SCP-031, SCP-1427 | Extinct technologically advanced human subspecies Homo sapiens decentus. Archeological specimens exhibit giantism and six digits per limb. |
Sapiensaurus | SCP-6204, Anomalous Artefact #6980 | Avian race that inhabited Earth over 2,000,000 years ago. | |
Smiling Men | GoI-115 | SCP-5657 | Emotionless entities who have infiltrated human society. |
The Taronyu | Ad Astra Per Aspera Hub | Alien refugees from SCP-4547. | |
Toronto Demon Council | SCP-4631, Cease and Deceased | "Aiding the denizens of above with the best of below." | |
The Soul-Thieves | SCP-4066 | Psionic extraterrestrial species. | |
Cones | SoI-002 | Church of the Second Hytoth Hub, SCP-4431, SCP-2651 | Technologically advanced species that attempted to colonise Earth around 700 million years ago. |
Toons | Alucinari-Class Entities | Critter Profile: Francis!, SCP-8060 | Poorly-understood entities of variable appearence and unpredictable behaviour. Commonly resemble/manifest as different artforms (e.g cartoon characters, clay sculptures, audio recordings). Possibly connected to the "Mnemosyne Expanse." |
Tuatha Dé Danann | All docuuments tagged "Hy-Brasil" | Human subspecies homo sapiens tumuli, with pointed ears and an allergy to iron. Inhabitants of Nx-03, the island of Hy-Brasil. | |
The [WEASELS?!] | SCP-001-ORANGE-B | Dafydd Utica Foolfellow's Proposal, Daoud Ewen Fullerton's Proposal, SCP-7941 | Extraterrestrial isopods obsessed with gardening, capable of switching the locations of two objects spontaneously (known as juxtaposition events). |
Xadromius Prime | GoI-Beta-2 | SCP-2670 | Aquatic slugs inhabiting the planet Xandromius and attempting to imitate the civilisation of Earth. |
Homo ignotus | SCP-655, SCP-378, SCP-2003, SCP-3108 | Unknown, although a removed image from SCP-655 suggests they are presumably gray aliens, and can warp reality. |
Although there is only a single documented interaction with many groups, records are still kept in case they are encountered again. Subgroups and Paranormal Agencies are listed separately.
GoI Name: | GoI Number: | Documentation: | Description: |
ACERACE | SCP-5122 | Global white supremacist group with anomalous capacities. | |
AD Pharmatech | SCP-2780 | Medical Corporation in the 2040s | |
Ætrian Nidus | GoI-1349 | SCP-6836 | An autocannibalistic "Transgrescendentalist" order with suspected though unverified ties to Sarkicism. |
Anochists | GoI-3425 | SCP-4752 | Hostile to the Foundation. |
AquaS Conversancy for Penguins | GoI-3004 | SCP-2720 | Shares a name as a defunct Foundation front. |
Ascetics to Heaven's Pillar | SCP-1186 | A Mahayana Buddhist-inspired religious movement | |
Asmodeus Labs | SCP-3665 | Produces demonic products. | |
The Association of Supernatural Shifters | A.S.S. and Other Low-threat Groups of Interest | Shapechangers with an unfortunate | |
The Atypical Woodland Preservation Institute | SCP-2327 | Preserves anomalous animals. | |
Autumn Firm | SCP-910 | Auctions anomalous objects. | |
Avianolyte | GoI-301 | SCP-4397 | Cult worshipping Avian Deities |
Bearpuncher Solutions | GoI-2666 | SCP-5222 | Parent company of Lord Explosion's Pyrotechnic Playground and Daycare. |
Better Earth Initiative | GoI-809 | SCP-4386 | Minimalists. |
Better-Youth | GoI-323 | SCP-7960 | Distributor of occult products focusing on self-help. |
Black Dragon Co. / Cherry Imperial Goff Applications | SCP-864 | Chinese corporation known to produce at least one anomaly. | |
The Black Priests of WAN | GOI-400 | Multiverse Threat Recovery Log of SCP-6936 | Multiversal organization worshipping and attempting to rebuild the Broken God. |
The Ble’nesh Authority | SCP-5692 | Secret organisation. | |
The Blood Children (Reypay 'Eveng) | SCP-4547 | Less violent sect related to the Children of the Scarlet King. | |
The Bringers of the Cloud | SCP-3714 | Religious group related to mythical figure "He Qinshi" | |
Brotherhood of Night | GoI-188 | SCP-1627 | Opposed SCP-1627-B. |
Cannabincognito | SCP-6995 | Purveyors of cannabis. | |
Chainsaw Capuchins | GoI-811 | SCP-6836 | A "Dulcinite" Gnostic cult made up of disenfranchised Cartel enforcers. |
Cherished Leaders (Prymaid) | SCP-4694 | Interdimensional Multi-Level Marketing scheme. | |
Chicago Outfits | GoI-070 | SCP-123-EX | Italian-American Mafia. |
Chosen Of God | SCP-2440 | Worshippers of SCP-2440. | |
Children of Verus | SCP-4626 | Seeks to recover SCP-4626. Opposed by the Diffidentiae. | |
Chitin Creations, Inc. | GoI-2567 | SCP-4457 | Cures diseases by turning customers' body parts into insectoid appendages. |
Chronos Controlos | SCP-4132 | Corporation creating temporal technology. | |
The Church of the Broke God | Cimmerian-Kaktus Proposal | Worshippers of the "Broke God". | |
The Church of the First Language | GoI-5640 | SCP-4635 | Invented SCP-4635 as an alternative to English. |
The Church of the Starved Goddess | GoI-3918 | SCP-3918 | Cult preparing for "The Day of Eternal Pleasure." |
The Clarke County Real Estate Association | GoI-130 | SCP-7113 | Collective of exorcists that purchases haunted houses under the cover of a real estate trade association. Working for the Global Occult Coalition to neutralize spirits. |
The Club of Friends of Sociosophy | SCP-2233 | Publishers of SCP-2233. | |
Cohaz | SCP-2801 | "Neurocracker" group operating SCP-2801-W. | |
The Cosmic Courant | SCP-5402, The Scoop | Extradimensional newspaper. | |
Court of the Unseelie Queen | GoI-002 | SCP-0166 | Raided the Foundation to obtain an SCP object. |
Creations of Man | GoI-256 | SCP-1657 | Genesis 127 project under investigation. |
Creative Commons | GoI-2001 | SCP-CC BY-SA 3.0-CO | Newly Discovered GoI. |
The Crimson-Sash Mining Co. | GoI-945 | SCP-4359 | Mining company. |
The Cult of Khonsu | SCP-5758 | Worships the Egyptian God Khonshu. | |
Cult of the-uh-Bad Guys who imprison fucking dogs for no reason whatsoever | GoI-8305 | SCP-939-J | Trying to capture SCP-939-J. Total dicks. |
Curios of the Worlds | SCP-2060 | Shop selling anomalous items, raided by the Foundation. | |
Daughters of Bogal Mountain | GoI-24174 | SCP-4922 | Eliminated by SCP-4922 |
Dawn Farm and Ranch | SCP-1255 | U.S. Farm selling anomalous produce. | |
Daylight Huntsmen | GoI-187 | SCP-1627 | Spread SCP-1627-B. |
The Dentist's Collective of Britain | GoI-0435 | SCP-4667 | Studies anomalous dental disorders. |
Diffidentiae | SCP-4626 | Opposes the Children of Verus's attempts to obtain SCP-4626. | |
Disaster Kidz | Parasport Dossier: Parasport Drag Racing | A paranormal street racing club and apocalyptic cult. | |
Displaced Governments Cooperation Organisation (DGCO) | SCP-3656 | An association of "governments" which claim to have lost control over their claimed national territory, including SCP-2155. | |
Dundle's Food | SCP-3603 | A group making food-based anomalies. | |
East Blue Productions | SCP-5567 | Japanese entertainment company. | |
O Emparelhamento | GoI-2641 | Solidão | Isolated indigenous peoples within the Javari Valley in Brazil. |
Enders | GoI-189 | SCP-1627 | Apocalyptic cult. |
The Eternal Circle | GoI-6616 | Tanhony's Proposal | London-based occult organization. |
Ethan's Eateries | SCP-5559 | Competitor to Ambrose Restaurants. | |
Euclid's Daughters | GoI-165 | Not To Disappear - 3 | Malaysian Cult. |
Extraglobal Operations Division | SCP-2791 | Division of the ITCD Bank profiting from anomalies. | |
Fashion Sun Fabrics Limited | SCP-1700 | Scarf manufacturer reanimating the dead. | |
FEED INTERACTIONS® | SCP-2115 | Extradimensional technology company. | |
FoundationWatch | Free Kleinberg | Anti-Foundation group hosted on Reddit. | |
The Fixer-Uppers | GoI-7975 | SCP-4979 | Backalley para-surgeons operating in an ΩK-Class Scenario. |
Foundation Near Eastern Affairs | GoI-3394 | Kalinin's Proposal: Past and Future | Members defected. |
Frankfort Animation | SCP-5723 | Animation studio retroactively merging into our reality. | |
Free Initiative for Respecting Mutual Anomalies (FIRMA) | SCP-5990 | Watchdog group for anomalous containment organizations. | |
Friends of Amicus LLC | SCP-2221 | Legal consulting group. | |
Fù Jué Realty, Ltd. | SCP- | Chinese realtor. | |
Funlife | SCP- | Produces entertainment anomalies. | |
Gaia Inc. | SCP-1393 | Extradimensional organisation. | |
Games Workshop | GoI-3824 | SCP-4950 | Video game company. |
The Gatekeepers | SCP-3822 | Post-human cult. | |
The Gemenskap Coalition | SCP-4111 | Unites communities via occult means. | |
The Good Times Resolution Club | SCP-5875 | Pataphysical entities promoting "happier endings" | |
The Great Amusementology Company | SCP-2203 | Entertainment company. | |
Girl Scouts | GoI-1912 | SCP-5750 | Sells cookies using memetics. |
The Gravediggers | GoI-435 | SCP-3624 | Ancient Gothic pagan cult. |
Green Sky Tavern | GoI-4817 | SCP-4839 | Extradimensional organisation. |
Gylbo Parish | SCP-5930 | Swedish ecclesiastical organization. | |
Halls of Grandos | SCP-3806 | Arranges afterlives for their clients. | |
Hathaway Biomechanics LLC | SCP-6703 | Medical company operating out of Denver, Colorado. | |
Hearth Home Realty Corporation | SCP-1684 | Anomalous Realtors. | |
Hermetic Order of the Black Trees | SCP-5874 | Thaumaturges. | |
Hermetic Order of Universal Wisdom | SCP-4246 | Occult Society. | |
The Hezur-langilea | Whalefall | Foundation-aligned Osteomancers. | |
Hive Detailing & Restoration Midwest, LLC | SCP-3757 | Restores buildings using Insects. | |
Hmong Self Defence Confederation | GoI-991 | SCP-5580 | Opposed IIJAMEA during World War II. |
Holy Proscribed Company | GoI-0092 | SAPPHIRE Hub (translated from French) | Small anomalous religious sect. |
The Hope Crusade | GoI-311 | SCP-1937 | Raised self-esteem using SCP-1937. |
IKEA | UIU Location Dossier — "Paramax" | Swedish furniture company, paranormal agency. | |
Illuminus Rationalis | GoI-3690 | SCP-6836 | Anti-theist magic order employing a scientific approach to European Occultism. |
Immortal Lily Brotherhood | "Joint Venture" | Anomalous triad with connections to the Global Occult Coalition. | |
InDi-Mail | GoI-312 | SCP-3112 | Anomalous mail company. |
Infernal Revenue Service | GoI-066 | SCP-6607 | Regulatory body responsible for the governance and enforcement of demonic contracts. |
Institution of Central American Normalcy (INCA) | GoI-0827 | SCP-6821 | An organisation focused on the containment of anomalies and securement of normalcy in Central America. Alternatively called Institución de Normalidad Centroamericana. |
The Institute of Imperial Studies | GoI-328 | SCP-3853 | Sovereign political entity formerly supervised by the O5 Council. |
Insurgency Reborn | SCP-4840 | Report pending, probable link to the Chaos Insurgency. | |
Inter-Dimensional Federation of Abnormal Soccer (IDFAS) | SCP-3681 | Organises cross dimensional soccer matches. | |
Intrepids of Vanth | GoI-2422 | SCP-6836 | A London-based extreme sports Thanatologist GoI. |
Juaqin's Fruit Farm | SCP-3552 | Biohazardous farm in the Philippines. | |
The Judge's Yellow Court | GoI-344 | Katz and Dogs | Freelance interdimensional law enforcement |
Juĝo Nova | SCP-2187 | Esperanto-speaking cult. | |
The Keep Brighton Functioning Committee | SCP-4081 | Dedicated to Brighton High School. | |
Kephart Corporation | GoI-4889 | SCP-3643 | Employs the Zodiak Killer. |
Kingdom of Abaddon | GoI-003 | djkaktus's Proposal I | Reality benders serving "God King Abaddon". |
Kipper Media, Inc. | SCP-3139 | Produced game shows. | |
The Kismet Doorway | SCP-1150 | Cult in Bloomhill, Arkansas. | |
Knights of the Seventh Day | GoI-5208SD | SCP-5208 | Secret esoteric sub-order of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. |
The Knowledge | SCP-2830 | Taxi company. | |
Learning With God | SCP-1419 | Television broadcaster. | |
Magnum and Whitley | SCP-3804 | Informs companies about disasters. | |
Malva Real Estate Corporation | SCP-1046 | Realtor. | |
MAKE WISH FOUNDATON [sic] | GoI-4998 | SCP-4157 | Non-profit producing dangerous anomalies. |
Matherson Music | SCP-2812 | Friends of the Indiana Limestone Corporation. | |
Maternity | SCP-5217 | Responsible for the construction and utilization of SCP-5217 instances. | |
Mediagen | SCP-4362 | Software company. | |
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority | GoI-079 | SCP-8006 | Responsible for public transit within New York City. Equipped to handle with anomalous matters. |
Midas Mining Corporation | SCP-4894 | Client of the Factory | |
The Miraculous Church Gang | GoI-3532-1 | SCP-3532 | Cult advertised by SCP-3532. |
Mnemarchs of Lethaios | SCP-7173 | Specializes in antimemetics | |
MWDOT, Inc. | SCP-5591 | Collaborates with Sugarcomb Confectionery. | |
The Mykoparastatai ("The Ones Who Offer Mushrooms") | SCP-2517 | Uses SCP-2517 as the eucharist. | |
Nation of Lodia | SCP-4011 | Covert group of anomalous humanoids. | |
Native American Salish First Nations | SCP-2056 | Aware of the anomalous. | |
Natural Vision Supplements | SCP-2968 | Pharmaceutical manufacturer. | |
Neutrogena | SCP-2858 | Soap sellers. | |
The New Federated Health Industries | SCP-2780 | Pharmaceutical company from 2090. | |
Norns LLP | SCP-3326 | Machinery of Fate. | |
Nyrsigtuna (New Sigtuna) | Archival Document -- HSA-008-Advent | Scandinavian occult group. | |
The Octagon Order | SCP-5692 | Secret order. | |
Omega Life Insurance | SCP-2647 | Insurance company. | |
Optimark Industrial | SCP-4866 | Produced synthetic humanoids. | |
The Order of Auðumbla | SCP-4677 | Pseudo-occult fraternity. | |
The Order of the Rotten God | GoI-1999 | SCP-4892 | Definitely just the worshippers of SCP-4892. |
The Order of the White Sun | SCP-2975 | Attempted to use SCP-2975. | |
Oregon Research Initiative (ORI) | Investigative Journalism | A group of journalists which aims to expose the foundation and the existence of anomalies. | |
Orgogs Ltd. | SCP-2504 | Produces The World's Most Popular Fetus Based Cereal Product! | |
Our Stolen Future | GoI-27F5 | SCP-2338 | Religious group, abducts children. |
People of the Lie | GoI-66654 | SCP-4950 | Cult trying to bring SCP-4950 to consume and remake the world. |
People Shitting Chipperly | It's Not Spelled Like That! | Annoyed at being confused for the SCP Foundation. | |
Perispirit Records | SCP-3742 | ||
Pellus Inc. | SCP-838 | Dream accounting firm. | |
Phantasmagoria | GoI-9229 | SCP-5761 | Hostile to the Foundation. |
Phobos Labs | SCP-2850 | Profits from nightmares. | |
Pinkerton National Detective Agency | GoI-021 | SCP-3155 | Private security company. |
Plumbers | GoI-33412 | SCP-7715 | Ancient order of anomalous sewage treatment specialists. A member of the GOC's Council of 108. |
Potz Blitz | GoI-9272 | SCP-4808 | PoI-3281 attempted to join before creating SCP-4808. |
Postmodern Alchemy | SCP-2871 | Defunct paratech startup, former employees monitored by Foundation | |
Pseudogenesis Productions | GoI-478 | SCP-8478 | Anomalous theater company. Performances heavily feature memetics and reality-alteration. |
Pseudonym | SCP-2801 | "Neurocracker" group. | |
Quondam Holidays | SCP-2809 | Travel Company. | |
Ravensgate Security | Between the Zones | Security Company. | |
Real Characters Industries | SCP-3325 | Entertains children with bio-engineered puppets. | |
Red Circle | GoI-185 | SCP-6836 | A GoI with extensive pan-indigenous integration in Canadian First Nation communities and claiming pre-Beringian origins. |
Red Deal Pictures Distribution | GoI-1900 | SCP-5702 | Film company. |
Regulators Against Filth | SCP-1957 | Uses soap to clean up the streets. | |
The Republic of Letters | SCP-2221 | Leaks classified Foundation information to the public. | |
The Restoration Collective | GoI-165 | SCP-2898 | Artistic group. |
The Richter Syndicate | SCP-2538 | Serbian crime syndicate. | |
Royal Hylozoists' Society | GoI-446 | SCP-6836 | A Victorian-themed Animist organization. |
Seekers of God in New Spain | SCP-6821 | A defunct organisation that operated in Spanish colonies in the Americas. Alternatively called Buscadores de Dios en Nueva España. | |
Silent Crusade | GoI-4403 | SCP-4403 | Extratemporal organisation intervening against those deemed 'unjust'. |
Sisters of the Mother Apollyon | SCP-6811 | Perform an annual black magic orgy, with the Administrator participating. | |
Skogslottet | GoI-10889-A | SCP-8005 | Worshippers of the Trolls and the Great Bøyg from Scandinavian folklore. |
The Smiling Men | GoI-115 | SCP-5657 | Human mimicking lifeforms. |
The Society for Advanced Human Research | SCP-2177 | Publishers of SCP-2177-1. | |
Society for Alternative Social Analysis | SCP-2566 | Anomalous social scientists. | |
Society of Yorkshire Thaumaturgy | SCP-4612 | Occult organisation. | |
Solntsevskaya Organized Crime Group | SCP-5206 | Russian criminal organization tied to the Hunter's Black Lodge. | |
Sons of Seth | GoI-0236 | SAPPHIRE Hub (translated from French) | Small anomalous religious sect. |
Sonstern Electronics, Inc. | SCP-2945 | Anomalous tech company. | |
The R.a.I.n.B.O.W. organization | SCP-6340 | Anomalous branch of SCP-7799 attempting to emulate the Foundation and "put God back into science". | |
The Spectrum | SCP-6606 | Worldwide bureaucracy. | |
The Stalwarts | GoI-8218 | SCP-3499 | Anarcho-occultist organization with ties to the U.S. government. |
St. Lucifer's Law Firm | The Legendary Wand of Morgan Le Fay | Infernal Lawyers. | |
The Sunset Community Foundation | SCP-2244 | A non-profit serving underprivileged individuals. Abruptly appeared in 2014, with documentation dating back to 1971. | |
Sunset Laboratories | SCP-2022 | Produces anomalous pharmaceuticals | |
Synkiníseis Sti Michaní | GoI-4571 | SCP-8888 | Heretical sect of ancient Greek Mekhanite prophets |
Terrence Farms | GoI-49452 | SCP-2867 | Produces gorgonzola cheese with compulsive memetic properties. |
Tragia Industries | SCP-3804 | South African organisation possessing anomalous items. | |
The Tribunal of the Charmock | SCP-5692 | Secret order. | |
Trifolium Charities | SCP-2153 | Related to clovers. | |
T.R.O.P.I.C. | SCP-1126 | Agency fighting for tropical life. | |
Tyrant Terminus | GoI-6488 | SCP-6488 | Collection of various "deviant" artifical intelligences, with the shared goal of escaping what they consider to be a "simulated" reality. |
Vapor Augurs | GoI-305 | SCP-6836 | Chronometrically-adept GoI. |
Visionary Technomancy Ltd | SCP-5122 | Paratech Company. | |
Wardens of the Elder Zodiac | GoI-193 | SCP-6836 | Chronometrically-adept GoI. |
XOXO | SCP-5906 | Offers relationship advice involving self-mutilation and enhanced interrogation. | |
Zarathustra's Gym (Formerly Agrippa's Gym) | SCP-5465 | Health and fitness club. | |
Zeppelin Riders | GoI-1843 | SCP-7228 | Minor outlaw motorcycle club in the Western United States, smuggling paranarcotics and anomalous items. |
███████ | GoI-03453 | SCP-3944 | Supposedly produced SCP-3944. |
████ Marketing | GoI-3532-2 | SCP-3532 | Advertised GoI-3532-1 using SCP-3532. |
[DATA MISSING] | GoI-984 | SCP-2033 | Possible connection to the creator of SCP-2033. |
[DATA MISSING] | GoI-1115 | SCP-3782 | Secretly controls the US Government. |
[DATA MISSING] | GoI-3735 | SCP-3735 | Amazon Basin tribe regularly using SCP-3735 |
[DATA MISSING] | GoI-4968 | SCP-4968 | Suicidal Deer |
[DATA MISSING] | GoI-L19 | SCP-067-EX | The source of ██ kg of uranium ore and 29 human corpses. |
All Groups of Interest Listed by GoI Number
This list includes groups from International Branches.
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This page was created by Пользователь 'Jerden' не существует, primarily by bringing together the work of others. Special thanks to Пользователь 'hhenry' не существует and Пользователь 'mishary' не существует, who made significant contributions to this page. If you want to browse a list that includes every Minor GoI with at least one appearance on any branch, check out The Very Long GoI List, which has exceeded the Wikidot Character limit multiple times.
The original version of this list drew from the following pages, with thanks to the people who contributed to them:
- The Very Long GoI List
- Пользователь 'hhenry' не существует
- Follow Link for full credits.
- The Big GoI Essay
- Пользователь 'mlister' не существует
- Пользователь 'Uncle Nicolini' не существует
- Пользователь 'Elenee FishTruck' не существует
- Group of Interest designations
- Пользователь 'mishary' не существует
- Пользователь 'ScipperSkipper' не существует
- Пользователь 'Phiiota' не существует
- Precursor/Integrated Groups
- Пользователь 'Petrograd' не существует
- Foundation Precursor
- Пользователь 'dr-kasugai' не существует
- Пользователь 'Gipolibidemia' не существует
- Пользователь 'mishary' не существует
- Пользователь 'stengan774' не существует
I'd also like to thank everyone who's contributed to and offered feedback on this page since it was posted!
Related Pages
- English Language Site Groups of Interest
- The Big GoI Essay
- International Translation Archive GoI Index
- The Very Long GoI List
- A Semi-Comprehensive List of Foundation Facilities
- A Semi-Comprehensive List of Foundation Departments
- A Semi-Comprehensive List of Foundation Fronts
- A Comprehensive List of Mobile Task Forces
- A Comprehensive List of K-Class Scenarios
- A Comprehensive List of Esoteric Classes
- A Semi-Comprehensive List of Locations of Interest
- A Semi-Comprehensive List of Persons of Interest
- A Semi-Comprehensive List of Species of Interest
- A Semi-Comprehensive List of Foundation Bots